Chapter 19 Mall Incident

At school they reminded us the training camp was next week and that everyone could go. Even the ones who failed. The whole class lit up and everyone decided to go to the mall this weekend to get supplies. I had my eyes closed and was listening silently when Kirishima asked me a question.
"You coming this weekend bro?" He asked me as he sat down on my desk. I opened my eyes.
"Hmm? Oh yes. I need some stuff anyways."
"Alright guys! Gogeta's coming!" He yelled as he jumped off of my desk.

Back at my dorm on my desk the bands were in progress. I had finished the blueprints and had started making them myself. I had a secret closet in my closet full of parts and gadgets. I still needed some though. I went over to my desk at sat down. I pulled a magnifying glass up under my face. I grabbed the mother board I was working on with a tweezers. I made some adjustments and added smaller crucial pieces to it before turning in for the night.

I woke up at 9. I was gonna meet my class at 10 at the mall. Having a big breakfast and putting on normal clothes, which consisted of black basketball shorts with white strips running down the sides, a white and blue T-shirt, my wristbands, and a pair of black and blue tennis shoes. I arrived 5 minutes early and was there before most of my classmates. Ryoko was there already. She was texting someone on her phone. I came up behind her and put my hands over her eyes.

"Guess who?!" I exclaimed loudly.
"An idiot who wants to be flipped over my shoulder." She answered. I removed my hands.
What a party pooper.
She turned around and smiled at me.
"Aww your no fun." I said smiling. She had on white jean shorts and a blue T-shirt with a pocket on the left. And black converse shoes.
"I'm fun and you know it. Remember when I stole some of Bakugo's food and blamed it on Kirishima." She pointed at me. I started laughing.
"That was so funny. He chased him for hours!"

While Bakugo got up to go to the bathroom, Ryoko reached over to his tray and snatched his egg rolls and some of his eyes. I stared wide eyed at her and she smirked and brought a finger to her lips. She dropped one of the egg rolls on Kirishima's tray without anyone noticing.

As soon as Bakugo sat down he noticed. He stared silently at his plate not saying anything.
"Alright... who stole my food?" He finally asked looking up. Everyone froze.
"Maybe it was Gogeta?" Sero suggested my eyes widened and I made a slashing movement near my neck to tell him to stop talking.
"I know for a fact it wasn't mountain boy over here. As much as he loves food he wouldn't steal food from me. He's had to many chances." Bakugo snapped. Then he seemed to notice the egg roll on Kirishima's tray. Kirishima didn't have egg rolls for lunch.

"Kirishima... did you steal my food." Bakugo loomed dangerously.
His quiet anger is angrier than his loud one.
"W-What? No man I didn't steal your food." Kirishima said seeming to notice how pissed Bakugo was.
"Then why do you have an egg roll on your plate. I know you didn't have any for lunch." Kirishima looked down horrified to see an egg roll. His face paled.
"I-I don't know how that got there." He said his voice shaking as he looked up at Bakugo.
"YOU FUCKER!!!! YOU STOLE MY FOOD!!!! YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THAT SHITTY-HAIR!!!!!" Bakugo yelled as he tore after a bow running Kirishima. I bursted out laughing as I watched them run out of the cafeteria. Ryoko was weezing next to me.

After 20 minutes Kirishima came tearing in again and out a different door. Bakugo right on his heels. Needless to say they were late for class. Bakugo slammed open the door sweating and puffing. With a Kirishima collapsed on the ground behind him with a few burns.
"Sorry we're late." Was all Bakugo said as he strode in and to his seat. Kirishima dragged himself to his seat where he didn't stir for the rest of class.

While we talked people started showing up. Soon everyone was there. We all agreed to split up to get what we needed and would meet back here in 3 hours.
"What do you need man?" Kirishima asked as we started walking. Ryoko was on my right and Kirishima was on my left.
"Parts." Was all I said. He sweat dropped.
"What do you mean by parts?"
"Parts obviously." Ryoko said smirking.
"That doesn't help me!" Kirishima protested.
"Parts for a gadget I'm making." Ryoko looked at me quizzically.
'Tell you later.' I mouthed. She nodded her head.

"I didn't know you were an inventor." He smirked at me.
"There's a lot of things you don't know about me." I smirked back.
"Don't remind me." He said laughing. We were back at the technology part of the store and I kept walking.
"What do you need?" I asked him. "I highly doubt it's technology parts." I said as I looked at him. We were now at the part of the store where you could get parts. There was a secured part up ahead and you could only get in with a license.

"Well yeah... I don't think we can go in there guys." He said to us as we approached. I smiled at him.
"Don't worry." I walked up to the guard. With a retina scan. A palm scan. A show of my ID. My hero license and assuring the guard Kirishima was with me we were allowed to walk through the metal detectors and scanners. Kirishima the whole time looked around himself and acting like he was a little kid going where he shouldn't. Ryoko did the same. I forgot to mention that she has her provisional hero license and works at her dads agency so she gets to go places most wouldn't.

"This is the heroes only and inventor only part of the mall." I told Kirishima as he kept close to my side. When he heard that he lit up. He wanted to look at each store. I sighed.
"He's like a little kid." Ryoko said next to me as Kirishima walked ahead of us. Looking around like a little kid at a candy store.
"So what did you need from here?" I asked her.
"I need some new weapons and weighted clothing." She said. We stopped. "Speaking of which here's my store. Let's meet up out here when your done."

"Alright sounds good. Don't spend to much." I smiled. She snorted.
"The same goes for you. I know how much you spend on your little parts. Now get going. You have a high schooler with the attention span of a 2 year old to watch after all." I sighed and looked at Kirishima who was still looking around him. I sweat dropped.

"Don't remind me. Are you sure you don't want to take him?"
"Im sure." She wrinkled her nose. She waved goodbye. I walked over to Kirishima.
"Where's Dragneel?" He asked.
"Getting her stuff now let's go." I said as I continued walking. After awhile we finally made it to where I wanted to go. I walked in.
"Hello Chiba!" I said to the man behind the counter. He smiled at me. His warm yellow eyes lighting up. They were the color of honey.

"Hello Gogeta! How have you been man. I haven't seen you for ages!" He came out from behind the counter and gave me a brief hug. He put his arm around my shoulders. "Your so tall! Quit growing! Or I won't be taller than you anymore!" He said smiling. Chiba was 5'11. He was lean and muscular. With fairly broad shoulders. He had grey spiky hair that slowly faded to black that looked like Bakugo's and yellow eyes. He was 18. He made good money. He had been a close friend of mine. I had met him one day when I came into town with my father to get supplies and I met him here at the mall. After insisting my father finally agreed to help him. He was lost and couldn't find his parents. I had been 3.

"And who's this?" He asked as he pointed at Kirishima who was exploring the store. I sighed.
I forgot he was here.
How can you forget a man who is literally a living sun!!!
Shut up author. *face palm* your gonna give me a stroke one day.
Maybe then you'd finally see the truth.
"A classmate of mine." I said sweat dropping. He chuckled.
"Alright then what it is you need?" He asked me as he removed his arm from my shoulders.

"I need some... and 2 pounds of pure carbon steel." I listed off all the stuff I needed.
"Geez! What the hell are you making now?!" He asked as he went around the store collecting my requested items. I smiled.
"You'll find out soon enough." He looked at me.

"Fine." He sighed walking back over to the counter he punched the stuff in and set it down on the counter.
"So how's your girlfriend?" He asked as he did calculations. I rolled my eyes.
"Chiba I don't have one!" I said as I tried not to get exasperated with him. He gave me a coy smile.

"If you say so... but what about that girl that was in here with you before?" He asked as he gave me a side eye smirking. I felt my face heat up.
"Aww! So you do have a girlfriend! I'm proud of you man. I never thought you'd get one." He said as he smiled brightly at me. I facepalmed myself.

"One I don't have a girlfriend. Two I'm offended you think I couldn't get one." I said as I crossed my arms. He bursted out laughing.
"I know dude I just like teasing you." He said as he finished.

"That's 89,770,400($850,000)yen."
"Geez!" Kirishima exclaimed as he walked over. "Where do you get that kind of money?" He asked as I put the money on the table. Chiba looked from him to me to him back to me.
"He doesn't know?" He asked. Surprise written across his face. I shook my head. He ohhed.

"What don't I know?" He asked as I picked up the case Chiba set the stuff in for security.
"That your nosy." I said as I picked up the case and walked out.
"Uh thank you!" Kirishima called to Chiba. Chiba waved.
"Come again!" He called. We walked back to where Ryoko had been shopping. She was holding a case and a bag and was waiting for us. She waved when she saw us approach.

I walked around with Kirishima and Ryoko. Kirishima got the stuff he needed. Only an hour had passed when a sudden commotion started up. Apparently Tomura Shigaraki was spotted and even threatened Midoriya. No one could find him though and by the time I found out he was already out of the mall and unable for me to find. They shut down the mall in order to find him with no luck.

The outing to the mall reminded me of when I accidentally ran into Ryoko one time. Minus the part of the mall getting closed...

I went to the mall to get more notebooks. I used all the space in my other ones. I also needed some parts for my bands as they were breaking.

I walked in. I went to the private section. I passed a red and black store for pyro users. I saw a girl with pink and brown hair come out.
"Ryoko?" I said as I stopped. She looked up. Surprise written all over her face.
"Gogeta? What are you doing here. This is for inventors and pro heroes only." She said as she walked closer. I turned to face her.

"Same goes to you. I have my license and I'm an inventor. What about you?" I asked.
"I have my provisional license and since I work at my dads agency I pick things up for him here so I have a special pass." She said. Her hands in her pockets. Her hair was in a braid going down her back. She was wearing blue shorts and a white T-shirt.
"What brings you here?" She asked me.
"I need some things for my weights. Something broke and I need to get it fixed." I said as I started walking. She followed me. This was like a week after she transferred.

"Do you wear weights?" She asked. Noticing my word choices.
"Yeah to slow me down and to inhibit my strength." I said as I walked. She followed me.
"Are you really strong or something?" She asked as she walked next to me.
"Kinda yeah." I said not wanting to tell the truth.
"Don't lie." She snapped.
"Can you tell if I'm lying?" I asked surprised.
"Why wouldn't I be able to?" She asked me. I remained speechless.

"No reason." I said.
"So how strong are you? Stronger than All Might." She asked me again.
"No. I'm not that strong." I lied.
"You lied again! So you are. Interesting. I never thought I'd meet someone stronger than him." She said. Completely oblivious to my surprise and horror that she could tell when I'm lying.

"So how can you tell when I lie?" I asked.
"Easy. Your eyes give it away. Your heart rate increases ever so slightly. Not strong enough for a lie detector but I can tell. You also tend to stand up just the tiniest bit straighter. No one else but me would notice that stuff." She said as she looked me in the eyes. Her onyx eyes staring into my soul. Trapping me in her piercing, calculating glare.

"Are you a detective?" I asked.
"I do special cases once in awhile." She answered as she turned away.
"Do you like detective work?" I asked her.
"Kinda I guess. I didn't start doing it for fun." She said.
"Then What was the reason?" I asked. I immediately could tell I crossed a line. Her eye twitched but her reaction didn't change.
"To find a murderer." She said. I said nothing after that. I walked in a comfortable silence with her walking beside me.

"Sorry." I said finally. She seemed surprised.
"Sorry for what?" She asked.
"Sorry for asking. It seems like a touchy subject for you. I won't ask again." I said looking at her and smiling before looking back forwards. She seemed surprised. She smiled softly.
"It's fine. I'll have to open up eventually." She said. I turned towards the store I wanted to go to. I held the door open for her.
"Well aren't you a gentleman." She said sarcastically.

"But of course madam." I said following behind her into the store.
"Welcome! Hey man it's been a while." Chiba said from behind the counter. His honey eyes lighting up. I was his favorite and best customer. Ryoko wandered looking at all the choices.
I loved Chiba. He was like the brother I never had. He always gave me advice and I'd hang out with him in the store when there was no one around.

"So who's the girl?" He asked me. Leaning over the counter.
"A transfer student from my class." I answered.
"Transfer? From where? Also how did she get in here?" He asked me.
"From America. She has a special pass and her provisional license."

"Oooo. She's special then. Did you meet up with her here or?" He inquired.
"No. I just ran into her by chance." I said as I looked at her. She was holding a chip. Inspecting it closely.
"She sure has an eye for electronics. She just grabbed our newest chip." Chiba said admiring her prowess. She held it up to the light.

"Alright well what do you need?" He asked me.
"I need a new chip reader. The one in my weights broke." I said. He nodded his head before disappearing to the back room. Ryoko came up next to me. Still holding the chip.
"Like it here?" I asked her. I was leaning on the counter. She nodded her head.
"They have the best technology parts here. Even the old models are top notch." She said. Chiba came back out.

"Well hello there." He said smiling. I sighed.
"Ryoko this is Chiba. Chiba this is Ryoko Dragneel." I said.
"Dragneel huh? I've met your father before. His presence is dominating." Chiba said as he gave me what I wanted. She snorted.
"Yeah I know. I hear that a lot." She said. He smiled.

"Your presence is just as intimidating." He said. She blushed a bit.
"Yeah thanks." She set the chip down.
"Getting this? Alright that's 7,000 yen." He said. She sighed and went to pull out her wallet. I set money down for my stuff and hers.
"I got it." I said.
"What no! I can pay for my own crap." She protested.
"Nope! Bye Chiba!" I grabbed her shoulders and the chip and dragged her out of the store waving goodbye to Chiba.
He waved back and sighed once the door closed.
"I ship it."


2940 words!!! Let's go guys!! You'll find out what happened with THAT person later on!! It's gonna be a surprise and a cliffhanger because who doesn't like those!

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