Chapter 14 Getting to know her

For the next few months until finals I grew close with Ryoko. She was very strong willed and was like a female Bakugo except she could be kind and polite. She became on of my closest friends. We hung out a lot. We studied and I even trained with her more than once. Ahahahahaha!!! Oh yeah! Monoma, the guy from class 1-b with the copy quirk is TERRIFIED of Ryoko. It went down like this.

Ryoko was eating next to me like always. Then someone hit her in the head with their elbow. As fast as lightning she grabbed the arm, flipped them over her shoulder onto the ground. Everyone at our table was amazed at the speed she displayed. Ryoko proceeded to hold Monoma to the ground. His face was smashed into the ground.
"WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR YOU FUCKER!!!!" She yelled as she twisted his arm behind his back.
"Ouch ouch. My my are you strong. It was simply an accident. After all you class 1-a people are just impossible to look at so how would I know your head is there." She smiled in a, whats the word, sadistic way.
"You'll regret the day you ever met me. DO THAT AGAIN AND ILL BURN YOU INTO A CRISP!!! BUT FIRST ILL CARVE OUT YOUR ENTRAILS AND HANG THEM ON THE FLAG POLE!!!!" She yelled as she twisted his arm more. She hauled him off of the ground. Burned his shoulder and his arm. Then proceeded to kick him across the cafeteria. He avoided her like the plague after that. It was the funniest thing I witnessed all year.

She was also a bit of a sadist. Not to mention a psychopath. But in a good way. She could be terrifying. One time when we had to solve a crime case and capture a villain and how he got in she had an interesting way of getting answers.
While everyone was arguing. Mostly Bakugo shouting at Todoroki and Midoriya, Ryoko walked over to the fake villain. Who happened to be All Might. He was playing dead. She pulled two tubes out of her belt.
"Uh. Ryoko what are those?" I asked as she uncapped them. I walked over to see what she was doing. Everyone else turned to pay attention.
"Wasabi and mustard. You never know when you need them to shove up a nose." She said smiling sadistically. Everyone started freaking out. Midoriya looked like he was gonna faint. Our teachers looked horrified but like they expected this. Th villain was freaking out the most.
"Is She a bit of a sadist." I asked Midnight as I walked over to her, she was playing a captive. She sighed.
"A bit yes. But that's what makes her such a great detective. She knows the ways of torture and I'm afraid it's affected her sanity a bit. You see they had her come in for torture since she was so good at it but it looks like it's affected her. Of course Natsu had no idea this was happening and put a stop to it immediately but she takes joy in torture now. But she still wants to be a hero which is good." I nodded and looked back over as she squatted in front of the villain. Who was freaking out, and who happened to be tied up. He was desperately trying to scoot away.
"Now give me answers or the Wasabi goes up first." She said. "Which I find happens to be the one that hurts the most." She reached for his mask.
"Ok! Ok! I'll talk..." He then explained everything. She seemed a bit disappointed but happy none the less. From that day forward we knew she was a bit sadistic. But it created many interesting situations.

One time Mineta tried to spy on the girls and something unexpected happened.

Everyone was changing. I was a ways away from the group because of my self conscious nature and Mineta took advantage of that. He was pointing and talking about a hole in the wall that he could peek through. As soon as he put his eye up to the hole something squirted into his eye. He then proceeded to run around screaming in pain. I saw a green substance. Then I heard laughing from the girls locker room. Trying not to laugh I knew exactly who did that.

"... you have one week until finals so I suggest you study." I had been blanking out during class. I was staring out the window. It was no longer winter and the sun was in full blast. So when I heard that I started paying attention.
1 week! Geez!

Aizawa left the room. As soon as he did Mina and Kaminari started freaking out. They did the worst during the Midterms.
"Calm down you guys. I don't get what's such a big deal." I said leaning back in my seat with my hands in my pockets.
"Easy for you to say! Your the smartest person probably in the whole school besides Nezu!" Kaminari whined.
"Hey! Hey! Gogeta! Can you help me please! I don't want to fail!" Mina said as she ran over and clung to my left arm.
"Why do you want my help?" I asked her blankly. She shook my arm violently.
"Because you and Ryoko the smartest people here obviously!"
"Okay okay. Geez calm down." I said. She lit up and released my arm.
"Gogeta can you help me to."
"And me."
"Me to. I have a hard time with traditional Japanese."
"I need help with math. I don't get the equations."
"Should we just hold a study group then. And anyone who wants to join can come." I asked the class.
"That's a great idea! A great way to learn and to get to know each other!" Ilda exclaimed as he stood up.
"We can have it at my house!" Momo said as stars formed in her eyes. "What kind of tea is everyone partial to! We can have it in the great hall! Oh I must tell my mother! This will be so fun you guys!"
"Sounds great Momo! So study group at Momo's house! Everyone ok with that! Also I like Jasmine tea if you guys have it."
"Oh! Excellent choice! Any other suggestions! Alright! I'll send out my address to everyone who wishes to come!" While everyone was clammering around Momo I walked away smiling to where Bakugo and Kirishima were.
"Are you guys gonna come?" I asked them.
"Like hell I will!" Bakugo shouted from his seat.
"But it'll be so fun Bakugo. You could boss around a bunch of our classmates! I know how smart you are. It'll be the perfect way to beat some knowledge into their heads." I smirked at him. He smirked back.
"You know me to well. As long as I can actually beat them I'll come." Kirishima looked back and forth between us. Becoming more and more panicked as the conversation continued.
"Sounds good! See you guys there!" I smiled at them. I walked back to my own desk and Kirishima followed.
"I can't believe you convinced him to come." He said. I snickered.
"He's easy to understand once you get to know him." I said as I sat down. Kirishima smiled at me.
"That's for sure." Ryoko said next to me. "All people are open books regardless of who they are."
"And you say you can't read people." He smirked. I smiled and closed my eyes.
"I never said that. I said I don't understand while all the girls are obsessed with me." I opened my eyes to look at his smiling face.
"I'm not." Ryoko said smiling.
"I didn't mean you." I said laughing.
"I don't get how you aren't Ryoko. All the girls go crazy when he so much as smiles at them." Kirishima said looking at her.
"Maybe I'm just immune to his charm." She said as she continued working on her tablet. I got up to look.
"What are you working on?" I asked as I looked over her shoulder and leaned against her desk. She held up her tablet for me to see.
"Ahh. I see. You need a resistor here and a computer chip there if you want it to work. Why are you making this anyway?" I asked.
"I need something that can cut through things while still burning it. What better way than this. Then I'd add storage compartments on my belt here and here. What do you think." She pulled up a diagram.
"I think you should move them forward a bit more so they're easier to grab. But are you sure they aren't for extra compartments of mustard and wasabi." I said smiling. I said as I adjusted the diagram. She sweat dropped and looked away smiling a bit.
"And what if it is?"
"Then I wouldn't really be surprised." I said laughing.
"How long do you think it'll take to make?" She asked me. I turned the 3D blueprints.
"Once you've worked out all the kinks I'd say... mmm 3-4 weeks for you. I can always help if you want."
"That would be nice thanks."
"Alright. You finish the blueprints and I'll help you after finals."

Pretty much the whole class met up at Momo's house. Minus Midoriya, Todoroki, Uraraka, Koda, Shoji, and Tokoyami. I was wearing grey basketball shorts and a white T-shirt. I had gotten there early to help Momo out with setting things up. Ryoko arrived early as well. She was wearing skinny jeans and a maroon sweater. Her hair was in a ponytail. We still had 30 minutes before people would arrive. We agreed to split everyone up into groups and we would tackle different subjects. We had Bakugo, and Ilda there to help as well. We would then rotate groups. We were hoping to cover all the material over the next few days.
"Thanks for coming early Gogeta and Ryoko. I really appreciate the help." Momo said as she set out tea cups.
"No problem!" I gave her a cheeky smile from across the table and she blushed.
"Anytime!" Ryoko yelled from across the hall.
"Even though you guys did all the work." We had set everything up in minutes but she insisted on doing the tea.
"It's fine." I waved her off. I sat down at the long table set up in the room. Momo had well, a mansion. We were in the great hall. I was sitting towards the end of the table. I pulled out some of my notebooks, textbooks, and tablet. Turning on the tablet I grabbed the pen that came with it and began to adjust the design on the screen. The truth was I was also an inventor and helped create much modern technology for heroes. I was currently working on new inhibitors/weights to decrease the bulk, make it softer, able to change the weight/inhibition remotely from the bands, and create it out of a different material. There were many complex equations to make it less bulky while still being able to retain the weight you want. I had almost all the kinks worked out. I was the one to create quirk restricting handcuffs as well using the same method for a different reason. Authorities were beyond happy with the reveal of this technology. Ryoko was looking over my shoulder at the weights.
"Are these your new models?" She asked me pointing. I nodded my head. She knew more about me than anyone else did.
"Let me see." She held out her hands. I placed the tablet and the pen in her hands. She stood up straight. She tapped a few things with the pen and made some lines and some circles before giving it back to me.
"You forgot to add a stabilizer to your models for when they start to go haywire preventing them from hurting you and you know accidentally crushing you." She said as she pointed. I face palmed.
"How could I forget that? Ugh. I'm losing my touch. Thanks." I said. She smiled at me. She started walking towards the door. I heard people arrive and I stowed my tablet in my bag. I walked out of the hall and over to the main doors. Ryoko was waiting for me. Looking at the security system next to the door I could see several of my classmates waiting in front of the gates. I pressed a button on the control panel and the gates swung open. My classmates were wide eyed as they approached the mansion. I swung open the huge doors and waved at them. Ryoko waved also. Momo came up next to me.
"Woah! Look Gogeta and Ryoko are already here."
"Why do you think they were here so early?"
"They were probably helping Momo set up."
"Hey guys!" I called out.
"Took you long enough." Some people waved to us. Oh by the way I'm now 5'10 and a half. Everyone's jaws dropped once they walked inside. I smiled at them.
"Welcome to my home!" Momo called from the front. "Now if you'll all follow me we can get started! Gogeta, Ryoko, and I came up with a plan! We're going to split everyone up into groups and we'll do different subjects we'll then rotate groups. Bakugo and Ilda will be doing groups as well. So we'll split everyone up into four groups and we'll get started!" She lead everyone into the great hall. She then split everyone up into groups. The table separated into five smaller tables. Each of us took a table. And a group was given to us. It was groups 2-3 at each table counting the person who was teaching.

I had Mina and Kaminari. So being as patient as possible I taught them. Laughing at them. Laughing at Bakugo. Laughing at Bakugo hitting Kirishima. Laughing at Ryoko lose her patience constantly and resort to yelling the whole time. At one point she brought out the wasabi. Her whole table started screaming and ran around mostly away from her. She grabbed more. It turned into a game that we played for awhile. Except she actually wanted to put it up people's noses. At one point she caught someone. Kaminari was pinned brow her and brandishing the Wasabi like a knife tried to shove it into his nose. I tackled her just in time and put her in a headlock. She resorted to anything to try to free herself but she eventually gave up. We then went back to work after everyone had settled down. Then I was laughing at dumb questions. A few hours passed and it was time for everyone to head home. Mina stayed and helped Momo, Ryoko, and I clean up, which was really just me and Ryoko.

"Wow! You really are fast Gogeta! Same goes to you Ryoko!" Mina called. I smiled at her.
"I couldn't imagine being slow to be honest." I said as walked out with her and Ryoko towards the front door.
"Bye Momo! See you tomorrow!" Mina called. I turned around and gave her a closed eye smile and waved goodbye. Momo blushed. Once we were outside Mina nudged me. Ryoko was ahead of us a bit. She was muttering to herself.
"She likes you." Mina said purposely invading my personal space.
"Don't most of the girls." I deadpanned.
"Ehh?! Your no fun to tease!" She pouted and backed away. She crossed her arms. I smiled at her. I put my hands in my pockets.
"You'll have to try harder to get me embarrassed." I said as I looked at Ryoko. She passed under a street light. Illuminating her. A single light in a sea of darkness.
"Do you even get embarrassed?" Mina asked
"No." I sighed. I couldn't remember a time I was. I looked up at the sky. It was dark out but you could barely see the stars. I thought back to my home where you could see every star in the sky. You didn't need street light out there to light your way. The stars did that for you.

"Do you miss home?" Mina asked me. I turned to look at her. She smiled at me and had her hands behind her back. She turned towards the sky. "I bet you can see all the stars in the sky." I smiled at her.
"Yeah. It's one of the most beautiful sites you could ever see. Billions of stars light up the night sky. They're never ending. You can see galaxies light years away. It was one of my favorite things about the mountains." I looked back up at the sky. The faint light barely illuminating the sky.
"Sounds amazing." Mina said.

So I walked Mina home with Ryoko. She insisted we didn't have to. But I told her no gentleman would leave a woman to walk home alone when it's dark out. Ryoko said she was glad to help a friend. She smiled at us.
"You guys really are polite aren't you." She said as we reached her neighborhood.
"Naturally." I smiled at her.
"Have you met me?" Ryoko was walking backwards ahead of us before turning around again back to her own thoughts.
"I'm gonna be jealous of whatever person gets you guys." She said. For once I started blushing. It was light. A very light pink came across my cheeks. Noticing my silence Mina looked at me.
"Oh my God!" She lit up. She started jumping up and down. "Your blushing!"
"No way!" Ryoko called as she turned around to look for herself.

"S-Shut it." I said as I turned away. "Anyone would after that comment." She smiled the rest of the way back to her house. Ryoko couldn't stop snickering. Once we arrived at the front gate I waved goodbye. She also waved goodbye. Ryoko said goodbye. I then walked Ryoko home.
"Man. I'm so ready for this training camp!" She said as she stretched her arms.
"Training camp?" I said.
Did I miss that?

She chuckled.
"Figures you wouldn't be paying attention. We have a training camp after the finals. And anyone who fails doesn't get to go." She said as we walked under a street light.
"Ohh. Yeah I completely missed that." I said and rubbed the back of my head sheepishly. She laughed and punched me.
"How's your dad?" She asked.
"Oh you know. Same old same old."
"Did you see him this past weekend?" She asked. She knew that Goku wasn't a businessman, and rather he was a pro that completely stayed out of the light and fighted only when he was needed.
"Yeah. He's still an idiot." I said smiling. She laughed.

"Same here." She said. We walked in comfortable silence for awhile. I stared at out of the corner of my eye. It was moments like these that I really appreciated her beauty. When she's happy is the best time. She gives such a warm natural smile that I have to blink twice to make sure it's really her. She does have a beautiful smile after all.

"Do you like UA?" I asked as we turned onto her street.
"Yeah it's great. All the people here are so nice. And I never would've guessed what characters the teachers are!" She said as we got closer to her home. I had stopped by one time to drop off her homework when she was sick but I've never met Natsu.
"Do you miss America?" I asked as we reached her house.
"Kinda. I like being back in Japan though. I haven't been here in so long so it feels nice." She said. She pulled her keys out of her backpack. She unlocked the front door.
"Dad I'm home!" She called. She took her shoes off. I saw Natsu come out of the kitchen.
"ABOUT TI- Hey hun. Who's this?" He asked pointing at me.
"He's Gogeta." She said as she walked in further. Natsu approached me.
"Ahh. So your the boy she's always talking about. You know mfph mmmmffgh." Ryoko clasped her hands over her father's mouth.
"Don't you dare repeat that!!" She yelled. Getting angry.
God she's so much like Bakugo.

"But why not? I thought it was cute." He smiled at her as he removed her hands. "Oh you can't go back home now. It's to late and dangerous. Stay here for the night. You've got your uniform with you right? You can stay in the guest room." Natsu said I walked in and took my shoes off.
"Ahh thank you Mr. Dragneel."
"That sounds so weird. Just call me Natsu Son." He smiled at me. Ryoko grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs.
"Your room is right here. The bathroom is on the right. See you in the morning." She smiled at me waved goodnight then went to her own room. I set my bag down and looked around. It was sparsely furnished. The walls were white. The bed had black covers, there was a bedside table with a lamp and some book shelves. There was a small closet and a desk and a chair. Nothing to fancy. I took my shirt off and brushed my teeth in the bathroom. I fopped into bed.
What a day.

A.N. 3562 words! Getting longer you guys! If you have any suggestions please tell me! Hope you guys are liking the story so far!

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