Chapter 13 Who... is she?
Months went by. I got close to everyone in my class. I visited Broly quite a few times. He loved it when I came. I even brought him some food one time that I cooked. He complemented my excellent cooking skills. He seemed happier and was always wanting to listen to my stories. He loved hearing about my classmates. On another note Kirishima greatly improved with his fighting. He actually used kicks now and could almost read an opponents moves. He's come a long way. His stamina also greatly improved. Along with his quirk durability time. And with that he'd be more prepared for finals. Which were coming up soon. My finals of course would be different than everyone else's. So I didn't have a place in the Midterms but everyone knew I was the smartest person in the class. A little before midterms a new student came. She was... strong willed. Let's go with that.
I had been drawing in my notebook when Aizawa walked in. It was a cold day. Snow slowly fell outside. The clouds were a dark grey. I loved the snow. As much as I loved the sun. I loved up from my notebook to watch the snow flakes fall. I find it interesting that every snowflake has a different design. Nature is amazing like that.
"Listen up everyone. We have a new student. She just came from America. Come on in." He said sadly. The door slid open. I kept staring out the window. A girl walked in.
How beautiful. Snow. I can't wait to go outside.
A break in the clouds casted a warm glow of sunshine onto my face. The corners of my mouth tugged up into a smile. I watched as the sun slowly disappeared.
Turning my attention to the front I finally saw the new student.
Who... is she?
Her pink and brown hair was pulled back into a messy bun at the base of her skull. Her dark onyx eyes assessed the room quickly and silently. She was at least 5'8. She wasn't wearing a blazer or a tie. She seemed uncomfortable in her skirt. Her shoes made a silent tapping sound as she walked to the front. Her presence was dominating. It filled the whole room.
Who is this person?
She smiled sweetly at us. But to me it almost seemed fake.
"Can she speak Japanese?"
"I guess we'll find out."
"She's so pretty!"
"I know. I love her hair."
"I wonder what her quirk is."
"Hello everyone! My name's Ryoko Dragneel. I just moved back from America. I hope I can get along with all of you." She smiled and waved a bit at us. I noticed she had scales. Something to do with her quirk perhaps. They were on her forearms, cheeks, and shins. Bakugo snorted.
"America? Yeah fucking right." He seemed to mistake her facade she was putting on as a weakness. She put a smile on. And when her eyebrow twitched I knew Bakugo was done for.
Oh no.
"What you don't believe me?" She asked. Her smile falling a bit.
"Not at all. Why the hell would you come from America?" He snapped.
"Alright listen here you delinquent!" She strode forward and grabbed his shirt. He seemed surprised. Her face was hard and threatening. Her black eyes cold at ice as she stared Bakugo down.
She... has eyes like mine.
"I don't know what your deal is or why you don't believe I came from America but I'll tell you this, I'm originally from Japan and always wanted to go to UA so just shut your trap. Or can you even do that seeing as your the type of person who needs constant attention. Or have I assessed you wrong." She dropped Bakugo. He didn't say anything.
Who the hell is this?! I've never seen Bakugo so speechless before!
My class seemed to think the same as they stared open mouthed. Midoriya was quaking in his seat.
"K. You'll sit next to Gogeta. He'll show you the ropes and show you around the school. He'll also make sure you find your classes. Raise you hand so she knows where you are Gogeta." Aizawa said as he stared out at the class. I raised my hand from the back. Spotting me she started walking over. I smiled at her. She took the seat on my right.
"Hi. I'm Son Gogeta, but you can call me Gogeta. Sorry about him. He really is a good guy you just need to get to know him." I said as I offered her my hand.
She smiled and took it. Her facade was back up.
"You can call me Ryoko. I know what he's like I just wanted to bring him down a notch."
"That's a pretty name. And he needs that." I said as I turned back to the front. I slouched in my seat. I turned my head a bit so I could stare out the window again that lined the whole left wall.
"Thanks. My mother picked it out." She smiled at me.
"So why'd you come back from America?" I asked as I started on my work.
"We had lived here before and my dad wanted to come back and so I could get better schooling." She answered as she took out her own. I noticed some advanced trigonometry.
"Are you in advanced classes?" I asked and pointed using my pencil. She nodded.
"Are you?" I nodded my head. "What are you taking for math?"
"AP Calculus." I answered as I continued.
"Same." She said smiling.
"So what's your quirk?" I asked as I looked at her. The sun lit up her face. Her brow was furrowed slightly as she thought. She looked at me.
She's actually really pretty.
"Fire Dragon slayer. I can use fire anywhere on my body. I can't be hurt by fire. I have hightened abilities and slight motion sickness. I can also eat fire. I can survive in extreme climates. And I have no known drawbacks other than needing to eat fire once in awhile." She answered me.
"Wait are you... Natsu Dragneel's daughter? Like the number two hero." I asked connecting the dots. "Also your quirk is amazing." She chuckled.
"Yes as in Natsu Dragneel."
"That's so cool! Man I wonder what that's like." I said as I leaned back in my seat.
"It makes life interesting I'll tell you that. So what's your quirk?"
"Super hightened abilities and energy manipulation." I said.
"Cool cool. How come we haven't gotten in trouble for talking yet?" She asked me as she looked at Aizawa.
"Since we're both in advanced classes we get a bit more leniency than others." I said as I Aizawa scolded Mina for talking.
"Oh I see."
I lead her around for the rest of the day. She sat next to me in all of our classes.
"Man why is this place so big? If I didn't have you leading me around I would definitely be lost." She said as we went down a hallway.
Why don't the hallways feel more lonely?
"I know all the shortcuts." I said as I turned down a deserted hallway.
"And why's that?" She asked as she followed me.
"I live in the dorms and I go adventuring when I'm bored." I answered as we arrived at our next class before anyone else.
"Oh really! I wish I lived here." She sighed. I snickered and opened the door.
"It's not to bad. I have access to all the training rooms I want so."
"Lucky!! Ugh! My dad is a horrible person to live with. He gets home late we both eat all the food in the fridge then we argue over hockey. But otherwise he's a sweet guy." She said as we sat down in our seats.
"He sounds great." I smiled at her. As our class filled in she turned to me.
"What's your dad like?" She asked as she leaned her head onto her hand. I smiled fondly.
"He's naive, ignorant, and a bit slow. But he's a kind soul, pure of heart, and a great man. He knows how to fight like no body's business but he isn't a pro hero. He's a great battle strategist. He can be a bit to trusting and tends to see the best in the worst people imaginable." I said thinking of all the people he's turned good.
"Ha. He sounds great. Kinda sounds like my father. Except for the trusting part." She said as Mineta sat down in front of her.
"Oh yeah!... watch out for him. He's a bit of a perv." I whispered to her.
"Thanks for the heads up." She whispered back.
At lunch time she sat down at my table. She didn't even seem surprised at my amount of food. She had 17 plates actually.
"Geez and I thought I ate a lot." She snorted as she sat down.
"I'm offended by that." I said after I swallowed.
"How many courses does he have here?" She asked Kirishima. He looked to her surprised.
"Your the new girl right? Thought so. Yeah he's got 50 or more right there." He said.
"Oh my bad. I guess I should ask you all your names." She said as she started eating.
"Wait before that what's your quirk?" Mina asked.
"Fire dragon slayer. I can use fire, eat fire, fire doesn't affect me, and I hightened abilities." Ryoko answered.
"Eijiro Kirishima."
"Mina Ashido. Call me Mina!"
"Denki Kaminari. You can call me whatever you want." He got a smack to the head. Well more like a punch.
"Ignore him. He's a bit of a flirt." Kirishima said as he removed his fist. Kaminari rubbed the top of his head.
"What was that for?" He said with tears in his eyes.
"Don't scare our new classmates with your weird flirting." Kirishima said as he continued eating.
"Hanta Sero."
"Fuck off." Bakugo said. She smiled sweetly at him.
"Ahh So your that type as well." She said as she continued eating.
"What type?" He snapped.
"The type that pretends they're all tough and edgy. The bad kid who has a big ego, only for underneath to be an emotional wreck of a person who doesn't know what to do with his feelings or himself. Who doesn't know why things happen the way they do, a person who's lost in life. That type." Her voice turned cold, as cold as her eyes, sending chills down our spines. Bakugo froze and looked at her. Her eyes were dark and her smile was crazed.
"S-Shut it." Bakugo said. She laughed.
"Make me you angry hedgehog."
"THE FUCK DID YOU CALL ME!!!!!" He stood up. His chair clattering to the floor.
"OLD HAG!!!! OR DO YOU PREFER DUMB BAFOON!!!" She also stood up.
"WHY YOU LITTLE-!!!!" They we're both standing on their chairs and on the table. They had grips on the others shirt and were glaring at each other. I stood up and grabbed Ryoko and Kirishima grabbed Bakugo.
"Ok ok. Break it up you two. We don't need a fight happening during lunch and on your first day no less." I said as I wrapped my arms around Ryoko's waist and pulled her down into her seat. She grumbled and crossed her arms but didn't argue or retaliate.
"Just calm down Bakugo. It's fine." Kirishima said as he struggled to hold an angry Bakugo from attacking Ryoko.
"Ha! His name is Bakugo." Ryoko said. I sighed.
"I could've told you that much." I said as I sat down and continued eating.
"Whatever. Next time idiot." She said as she punched my shoulder. "Geez! What are you made of? Bricks?!" She said as she looked at my arm. She then seemed to notice how muscular I was. She prodded and inspected my arms.
"Curious." She said as she squeezed my bicep.
"Gogeta! You never let me do that!" Mina cried from the other side of the table.
"That's because you'd go over board." I said as she pouted.
"Your unnaturally muscular for our age. Even with your quirk this is amazing." She said as she looked at my forearm. "It's like you had stimulated muscle growth. To a very big extent. It's lean muscle too that's even more impressive. I've never seen anyone in this good of shape before in my life." She said. She lifted up my pant leg to look at my calves.
"You should see him shirtless." Kirishima said smirking at me. I sent him a bone chilling glare. Oh if looks could kill.
"Ha! If you say so." She said as she sat up straight again.
"Oooo. She could see some if we have hero class today!" Mina said as she stood up.
"True!" Kirishima said as he also stood up.
"Wait how would I see him shirtless?" Ryoko asked, wondering why they were so excited.
"Because of his hero costume. For the top he only wears a black vest." Kirishima answered as he made motions indicating the vest with his hands.
"Why are you guys so keen on her seeing me shirtless?" I asked as I finished off the last of my food.
"Because who wouldn't want to see you shirtless with those abs!" Mina cheered as she put her plates away. I sighed. I gathered up my plates and put them away. I led Ryoko to our next class. Mina followed us and talked to her the whole way there.
The hallways don't sound as empty now.
At our hero class we changed into our costumes. We were inside and would be heading outside so we could get used to the cold. Mina was dragging Ryoko over to Kirishima and I. I had my arms crossed in front of my chest. Her costume was like her father's.
"Here!" Mina said. She pushed Ryoko forward. She tore my arms away from my chest to my sides. She then tore my obi away.
"Hey I need that!" I protested. Trying to snatch it away from her.
"You can have it back in a second." She said as she held it in her hands. "It so soft! Now look at his abs and tell me you aren't impressed!" She pointed at me.
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't." Ryoko said as she put her hands on her hips. She smiled at me, and winked at me.
"Can I have my obi back now?" I asked as I held out my hand.
"Fine!" Mina said as she handed it back. I retied it.
"Ok! Today we'll be doing one vs one battles!" All Might announced as everyone was chattering outside. Everyone but me was wearing their winter version. I had said that I didn't need one.
"Gogeta how the hell aren't you cold man?" Kirishima asked as he rubbed his hands up and down his arms.
"I don't get cold." I replied with my arms crossed in front of my body.
"You won't be saying that when you get hypothermia." He retorted. I smiled
"I lived in the mountains for a reason." He rolled his eyes and smiled at me.
There's no sun now! Ha take that author!
He's his own sun!❤️
Ugh. I can't deal with you anymore.
But you have to!~
Shut up. *pouty face.*
Blah blah blah fights later.
It was Ryoko's turn. She was fighting Bakugo.
"Man. If he's my opponent then this will be easy." She said as she stretched her arms.
"Shut it! You wish you could win!" Bakugo yelled. We were fighting on a city block. Once All Might said go Ryoko smiled and took off into a building on her left.
"LANGUAGE YOUNG BAKUGO!!!" All Might yelled into the microphone.
"SHUT IT ALL MIGHT!!!" He shouted back. Concentrating on finding Ryoko who disappeared. Suddenly the ceiling above Bakugo caved in. Ryoko was above him. She stood up straight. She punched the floor and used her flames to cause it to crack and fall. She smiled before running and jumping out a window. She landed and rolled to cushion her fall. She stood up straight and ran a bit further. Bakugo came out of the building completely pissed. A beam of concentrated fire was launched at him. He barely dodged. His costume was burned. Luckily it was snowing.
"Why you little!" He blasted off after her. Swinging his right arm. She redirected his attack. An explosion went off behind her. Her hair moved with the motion before she punched him in the gut and sent him flying.
"She's so cool!"
"She's besting Bakugo?"
"Her quirk is amazing!"
She launched after Bakugo. Keeping low to the ground. Her arms lit with fire. Fire propelled her forward. She punched the ground just before she reached him causing dust and smoke to go up. In the smoke screen she launched herself over him. He coughed trying to locate her. She appeared out of the smoke to his left. Her arm was cocked back using her fire she punched him in the face. Sending him flying. He crashed into the street. His face was burned. She landed on one foot. She stared him down completely serious. He raised his hand and directed it at her.
"Not this again." I said sighing and smacked myself in the forehead. I was crouching on a nearby building. On the ledge. I felt at peace with the snow falling next to me. I looked up at the sky.
"He'll do anything to win." I heard Kirishima say over the intercoms. "I'm worried about her."
"Don't. Explosions don't affect her. And she's fast enough to dodge." I said as I leaned forward. Precariously close to the edge. My toes right in the edge of the building.
"SHELL BE FINE AS LONG AS SHE DODGES!!!" Bakugo shouted from below. They had no idea I was up here.
"DEJA VU!!!!!" Kirishima cried. I bursted out laughing. Trying not to fall over as I did.
Bakugo pulled the pin in his gauntlet. An explosion of massive scale barreled towards Ryoko. Her eyes widened. She brought up her arms. And dodged to the right. It skimmed her left side. She was unaffected by it.
"That was a bit to close." She said as she landed. The explosion hit the building behind her. "My turn." She smiled widely. She took off again. She launched herself high into the air. Lighting up her fists. She did flips towards the ground. A massive boom and a huge amount of light bombarded our senses.
I stared unaffected by the blinding light. Since I knew a similar attack but one that wasn't deadly.
Once it cleared, a radius of 30 meters around them was black. Bakugo was knocked out and slightly burned. Ryoko was standing there smiling. She grabbed Bakugo and dragged him over to recovery girl.
"She's... so strong."
"Her and Gogeta should face off!!"
"Not now! We don't need even more damage done to the street!!" All Might cried. My fight didn't take long. I went against Kirishima.
"Ah man. Why do I have to fight him?!" Kirishima cried as he stared at me. I was standing a ways away smiling like a crazy person.
"Because we had no one else for him to fight!" All Might yelled into the coms.
I cracked my knuckles.
"Come now Kirishima. Your the one who's fought me the most." I said as I crossed my arms.
"That's during training! Your going easy on me then and I still lose!" He yelled as his eyes darted around. I smiled smugly.
"You wouldn't want to see me serious." I said as my smile dropped away. Everyone froze dead from the look in my eye.
Ryoko's POV
This his true personality?! What a scary aura! He could make a villain give up by just looking at them! What is this feeling?!
Is this what fear feels like?
But back when I first saw him he seemed so harmless. Almost like he was in the wrong place.
I thought back to when I first walked into the classroom. He caught my attention immediately. He was in the very back. He was staring out the window. His black hair sticking straight up. His charcoal colored eyes gazed at the snow falling. A small smile on his face. Then the sun came through the clouds. It lit up his face. He alone was glowing in that room. A source of warmth for all that was there. His tan skin reflecting the sunlight. Then he turned towards the front and looked at me. And I felt my heart skip a beat. I could've sworn he was in the wrong place. That a person like him could never harm another. He was different. Very different.
But now I can see that I was wrong... while he is warm he is far from an empath. He was born to fight. I can see by the way he holds himself. He lives to fight and fights to live.
That kind of person is dangerous... one who doesn't hesitate to finish off an opponent as quickly as possible.
He's dangerous. His classmates don't realize it.
As I stared into his eyes on the screen I noticed something.
He could kill any of us any time he wants to.
I froze. Terrified. How could a person like him exist. One who doesn't follow the laws of physics.
He's... a monster.
I looked at his eyes again and smiled.
But a gentle one.
Gogeta's POV
"Come now Kirishima. Let's get this started." I said as I got into my fighting stance. He sighed.
"GO!!!!" All Might yelled. Kirishima dashed into a nearby building. I smiled.
Its a chase then.
I tore after him. He was already far far ahead. He was a few floors above me. Suddenly a loud crash was heard above me.
He took Ryoko's tactic but added a few more floors.
I smiled. I raised one hand up. Blue energy forming. As soon as the ceiling above me collapsed I sent the beam upwards. Destroying all of it that was above me. I looked up the now gaping holes above me and saw Kirishima peek over horrified to see I was fine. I jumped up to his floor. He turned and ran when he saw me coming. By the time I was up there he had broken through a window. He crashed into the street below him. I jumped out the window gracefully headfirst. I allowed myself to stall my fall once I jumped. Loving the sensation of being able to defy gravity. And the sensation of falling. I fell headfirst towards the ground. Kirishima seeing me coming tried to run out of the way as quickly as possible. I punched the ground. Causing an earthquake and the street to break. Cracks tore through the street and even broke some of the buildings. I looked up. Kirishima had managed to keep his balance.
"I guess I should stop messing around now shouldn't I?" I said as I stood up straight. He got into a fighting stance. I put a hand to my neck and cracked it.
"Let's get started shall we." I said as I glared at him. I was gone. Then in front of him. I punched him in the stomach. He fell forward from the force. He was knocked out. I grabbed him and threw him over my shoulder. I walked over to Recovery girl.
"He should be fine." I said as I dropped him next to her. She nodded her head.
I was sitting on a bench on campus watching the snow fall.
I'll have to tell Broly about it.
A.N. 3982 words! I hope you guys like Ryoko. Her personality will be expanded later. I just really wanted her to be introduced! Hope you guys liked the chapter!
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