Chapter 11 An Incounter

The next day one the news it was revealed a high school student beat Stain.
"This unknown new superhero goes by the name of Super Saiyan. Reports say he singlehandedly took down the Hero Killer. He appears to be young. Many think right out of high school. He was tall in stature and had black spiky hair. The pro hero Native was Stains original target. Additionally some high school students were also reported to be at the scene. The chief of police will be releasing more info soon."
At school I wasn't left alone. I was questioned everywhere I went.
"Did you really beat Stain?!"
"How'd you do it?!"
"Was he strong?!"
"Was he experienced?!"
"Why were you in Hosu anyway?!"
"Why did you fight Stain?!"
"How did you find him?!"
I sweatdropped and laughed nervously trying to calm my classmates.
"Sit down everyone! Class is about to begin. You can question Gogeta later." Aizawa said as he walked in. Grumbling everyone went from my desk to their seats. The day was pretty uneventful. I swear Aizawa was trying to kill me, and only me, in homework. I had a mountain of the stuff. It was never ending. As soon as I got done with one assignment he gave me another.
Wtf man. What are you trying to do. Drown me in homework?

That weekend when I got home my dad gave me some news.
"Hey son, remember how you asked to talk to Broly... after school on Monday come home. I'll then take you to the secure unit where he's being held. I trust you ok." With this information in mind I thought about it all weekend. Nothing else was on my mind but that.

So that Monday I couldn't focus on anything but after school. I stared out the window. My head resting on one of my hands. The sunlight bright in my face. I stared as the sun slowly began to rise above the skyscrapers that decorated the sky. I guess I became used to the city. I closed my eyes and sighed. Feeling the warmth of the sun sink into my very bones. Warming me up. Lighting a fire. My eyes flickered red for an instant but was gone as soon as it came as I realized where I was.

I wonder how he is. I haven't seen him since he was taken by the authorities.

I wonder when was the last time he saw the sun?

Who did it?
"You ok man?" Kirishima asked me. I looked at him. My eyes far away.
"Yeah you've been distracted all day. You even missed the perfect opportunity to tease Bakugo." Mina chimed in. Bounding over to my desk.
"SHUT IT!" Bakugo yelled. I blinked at them.
"I have a lot on my mind I guess." I looked back down to my homework. It was half finished. I sighed. They left me alone after that. Knowing I'd tell them eventually. Someday.

So as soon as school was over. I grabbed my bag and teleported to my house. Not caring if my classmates saw me. Which they did.
"Where'd he go?"
"He just vanished out of thin air."
"Can he disappear?"
"Let's ask him tomorrow."
As soon as my dad heard me he looked up from the computer he was on. He smiled at me.
"Ready as I'll ever be." He walked over to me. I placed my hand on his shoulder. He then teleported us to the outside of the unit. It was in the middle of the ocean. A storm raged on around us. I felt the sting of the rain as it hit my face. I was soaked in seconds. A flash of lightning lit up the compound. Huge booms rang out as monstrous waves hit the sides. One catapulted up and washed over us. I felt the taste of salt on my lips. It was bitterly cold. The wind whipped across. Making it almost feel like tiny knives pierced my skin. We approached the guard that was working security to get into the compound. He saw us approach. He looked at my father, then to me, back to my father.
"Hault. State your name and your purpose." He ordered. My dad stopped in front of the box.
"Son Goku and Son Gogeta here to see Broly." The guards eyes widened.
"Of course!" He saluted. The gates opened up to a courtyard where airplanes and vehicles could be parked. In front of us was massive doors for planes and a smaller entrance for men. We walked up to the door and opened it. Inside was a massive military base. They kept the most dangerous criminals here. A troop ran past us. My dad seemed to know exactly where he was going. We were stopped by a passing soldier. My dad explained why we were there and if he could find his commanding officer. He did as he was told and ran off.
"Were you in the military at some point dad?" I asked him as we waited. He chuckled.
"No but as you know I fought an entire army." I rolled my eyes.
"How could I forget." A couple minutes later the soldier returned with the general. He saluted and we saluted back.
"I understand your here to see Broly?" He said to us. My dad nodded his head.
"Follow me then. We keep the prisoners below sea level as a precaution." He lead us to an elevator that had no walls. We went down and down and down.
"Say do you go to UA?" He asked me. I nodded my head.
"Ahh I know who you are, you won the festival, beat Stain, and beat Broly. Quite some impressive feats young man. Those last two are classified of course." He talked with my father while I grew increasingly more nervous. After about 20 floors we came to a stop.
"Broly is a high security prisoner as I'm sure your aware, it amazes me how you even got permission to see him. I haven't seen him myself to be honest." My dad put a hand on my shoulder. I looked at him. He smiled at me giving me reassurance. As soon as I stepped into the hallway lights turned on. It was short and at the end there was a massive iron door. I walked forward. The sounds of my footsteps bouncing off the cold concrete walls.
I've noticed that depending on what I'm walking on the sound of my footsteps change. Concrete makes them short and brief, almost making them seem like they had a place to be. I opened the door. It swung silently. In the room was a chair facing a thick pane of glass. I walked in and closed the door. There were speakers in the corner and a few microphones not to mention security cameras. I sat down. The room behind the glass was padded and had a chair set up as well. Part of the back wall opened up. Out walked a tall muscular man. Broly. He was wearing a standard prisoner uniform. His black spiky hair much the same way I remember. He lifted his head up. His eyes met with mine. Recognition crossed his face. He sat down in the chair.
"To what do I owe this visit?" He asked me.
"I wanted to talk to you." I told him. He nodded his head. I leaned forward onto my knees.
"What did you want to talk to me about?" He asked. For being imprisoned he seemed to be in good spirits. I had so many questions for him, but now sitting here staring at the man I imprisoned my mind was blank. I could think of nothing.
"Are you going to school?" He asked me, waking me from my daze. He gestured at my uniform. I nodded.
"Ahh yes. High school." He smiled at me.
"I would've loved to go to school. The guards are fair teachers though."
"The guards are teaching you?" I asked interested. He nodded his head. His cool black eyes regarding me.
"Yes. I've learned English and Japanese. Not to mention some math and history." I smiled at him.
"That's great. I'm sorry you couldn't return to your world." He waved me off.
"It's fine. In a way this is better. I'm learning. I have food and water and people to talk to. Not to mention a bed and some clothes." I blinked at him.
"So the guards treat you ok?"
"Yes. They are very nice to me. They seem to think I'm a good person."
"You are." He looked up at me. I smiled. "If you weren't affected by my Soul Punisher than your pure of heart." He gave a small smile.
"I'm sorry for what happened."
"It's not your fault. If it was anyone's it was your father and Freiza's fault. They're the ones that caused you to go berserk."
"I have been getting better about controlling myself." He piped up.
"How So?" I asked leaning forward. He then explained that he would create scenarios in his head that would cause him to lose control. He would work on staying calm and in that way his focus and self control increased.
"Smart. I've been having trouble controlling myself as well." I said to him. He smiled.
"It is natural for a Saiyan your age. Your at the age where your itching for a fight at all times as your instincts take over. I'm amazed you've kept yourself together for so long." I smiled at him.
"My dad helps with that. He keeps me in check and let's me blow off steam on him which I'm thankful for."
"Your father is a good man. He visited me once. He brought me food." I perked up.
"He didn't tell me about that. Hmm."
For about another hour we made small talk. I told him about my school and friends. He seemed interested in this Bakugo character.
"It seems people come in all different sizes." He said. He had become considerably happy throughout our talk. He liked my stories. And he loved hearing about how beautiful the earth was. He especially liked my descriptions of the mountains I've seen.
"Yes well I suppose I should get going. I have some homework to do after all. Thanks for the talk Broly. I'll visit again soon." I stood up and smiled at him. He smiled back and stood up. He put his huge hand to the glass. I matched mine up with his.
"Goodbye Gogeta. I also enjoyed this talk. It's nice to hear of the outside world. Have fun at school. See you soon my friend."
"Wait. I have a question." He stopped and looked back at me. Telling me he was listening. "When was the last time you've seen the sun?" I asked. He blinked.
"Before they brought me into the compound." He said with a sad smile. "But I can still picture it's warmth."
"Well maybe one day they'll let you go up to see it." I said with a smile. And with a wave I left the bewildered man. I took the elevator to the sea level floor. When I got up there I saw my dad training a troop of soldiers to the ground. I sighed. They were all on the ground. Puffing and sweating. Some even threw up. I walked up to him.
"Ready?" I asked him as I regarded the soldiers. He turned to smile at me.
"Sure! How'd your talk go?" I put my hand on his shoulder.
"It was nice. You'll have to take me here again soon."
"Will do kiddo!" With that we teleported back to the house where I did my homework and stayed the night. The next day I arrived like I did on Monday's.

The sun


I really take things for granted don't I?

The sun... what a warm thing...

I sat in the grass. Staring up at the sky. My hands behind my head as I listened to the whisper of the trees as the wind blew threw them. Caring the news of the forest. Clouds lazily passed by. The sun was setting. Casting its warm glow into the valley. The gurgle of a stream broke the occasional silence. A cool breeze swept through. It felt nice. It was a nice day. I turned my head to the west and closed my eyes. I felt the warmth of the sun sink into my bones. Lighting a fire. My eyes opened to reveal a brilliant red.

A.N 2105 words! Let's go! Tell me if you want Broly to come back later. He's almost gonna be like a guide to Gogeta. And a friend because everyone needs those.

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