Chapter 10 Internships and The Hero Killer
The next Monday I was waiting at the train station with three bags. My duffle bag. My weights/inhibitor case. And my hero costume case. I was sitting down on a bench waiting for my train. Some of my classmates were here. Everyone was in uniform. A little ways away Midoriya, Uraraka, and Ilda were talking. Ilda has been off ever since the sports festival. And I knew why. He was going to Hosu. Where the hero Killer Stain was rumored to appear next. He had killed many pro heroes. At least two in every city he visited. He was hunting the so called fake heroes. He left no witnesses. Except for Ilda's older brother. He had been paralyzed by the villain from the waist down and would not be able to continue hero work. Ilda was gonna get revenge. I knew I wasn't the only one who noticed. While Midoriya and Uraraka were clueless. Todoroki was watching from a ways away. We made eye contact. We both nodded to each other. My train arrived. I said goodbye to Kirishima and Kaminari who had been talking next to me. I got on the train and found an open seat. I put some headphones in to pass the time. I stared out the window and watched as the land moved by swiftly. I hummed along to the music. And for awhile I forgot everything. Incased in my own world where I didn't have to worry or fear anything. I like that world. But I don't get it often enough for my liking, but then again would I really be living?
In no time I arrived where I was going. Minato, Tokyo. I exited the train station and started walking down the streets. The buildings towered above me. People miled about going to work or leaving work as it was lunch time. I got several looks from my height at my age and my uniform. I arrived at the agency I was interning at. It was huge. One of the biggest skyscrapers around. It's almost completely glass frontside reflected the noon sunlight. I opened the door into the lobby. The receptionist gave me a look but said nothing. There was the receptionist desk. Furniture and a tv. Windows on three walls. Behind the desk and to the right of it was a hallway and some elevators and stairs. Not to mention some offices. I walked up to the desk.
"May I help you?" The receptionist asked looking up from her computer. She looked at me doubtingly. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. She seemed young. 20s. Technology quirk. Can manipulate electricity in technology.
Woah what the heck. I come I know her quirk?
"Um yes. I'm here from U.A. for my internship with All Might." She looked shocked. She looked at my uniform. Then at my face. Then my hair. Back to my face. She typed something on her computer. A few seconds she looked even more shocked.
"Ah yes! Gogeta! I thought you looked familiar. You won the U.A. sports festival. Yes ok thought so. Now here's your ID badge. Don't lose it. It will allow you to get places within the building. Now take the elevator to the top floor. All Might will be in his office. It's the one with the double doors. Ok have fun dear." She waved me off and I walked towards the elevator. The marble flooring echoed my footsteps. It seemed to quiet. There was a card reader thing next to the elevator. I swiped my ID badge. The elevator opened. I pressed the top button. A card reader came out of the wall. I swiped my ID badge. A light turned green and it began going up. 55 floors later I came to the top. The hallway was rather short. At the other end of the hallway was two big double doors. I approached a bit warily. I knocked. The doors swung inward. Opened by a very skinny blonde man. I smiled at him. He smiled back.
"Come on in young Gogeta. We've got work to do."
It was then one of the hardest weeks of my life began. I was to wear my weights and hero costume all week.
Towards one of the last days All Might and I had been looking at the maps of the city and discussing where the worst crime activity would be when I got a message. I pulled it out when All Might continued to ramble on about the outskirts of the city. It was from Midoriya. With nothing but a location. He was in Hosu. In an ally. Hosu was where Ilda and Stain were.
Damn it guys.
I quickly told All Might the situation. He looked rather alarmed but said he couldn't leave and that I should go instead since I was faster. I nodded my head once.
"Alright I'll be back soon."
"Keep those boys safe young Gogeta. Hurry! We don't know how things are." So with a wave, I raised two fingers to my forehead and locked onto Midoriya's ki.
I teleported to the top of a building over looking the alleyway. I put a foot to the ledge and leaned over to get a take on the situation. A cool breeze blew my hair as I looked down. My night vision allowing me to see clearly. Midoriya was paralyzed, Ilda was paralyzed, and a pro hero was paralyzed. Midoriya was almost right below me, and the closest to Stain but he simply walked by him. Ilda was in the middle the furthest away from Stain. The pro hero was up against the opposite building. Stain walked by him too. He was going for Ilda. My guess is the pro was Stain's target. Then Ilda showed up. Then Midoriya figured out why Ilda was off, and searched the statistical places where Stain has shown and found them just in time. I was gonna go down just as Stain was gonna stab Ilda when fire shot towards Stain. He jumped backwards. It was Todoroki.
"Great another bug to get in my way." Stain said as he landed.
"Midoriya. Next time send more than your location. I almost didn't arrive in time to stop this guy." Todoroki held up his phone. His left side was on fire.
Nice Todoroki.
I decided I would join the fray. So I jumped off of the building. With a loud thud I landed next to Todoroki. A created a crater when I landed.
"Gogeta." Todoroki, Midoriya, and Ilda said.
"Another friend Ingenium. You seem to have lots. Tell me, are you worthy?!"
"What do you mean worthy". I said as I crouched down.
"Are you worthy to kill me! Only All Might and Son Goku are worthy!" He slashed his swords to the side.
This guy is insane!
Does he have a nose? Oh my god it's Krillen all over again.
"Son Goku? How do you know he's real." I asked as I crept forward a bit.
"I saw him in action. Over 6 ft tall. Black spiky hair in all directions. Pitch black eyes. A smirk on his face. An orange gi and a blue undershirt. He took down an entire underground network of villains in under an hour. I saw it all." He narrowed his eyes at me from under his mask. "You look like him. You have his eyes, the color of charcoal. His smile. His face... Your his son aren't you?" All my classmates eyes whipped towards me. Disbelief filled their eyes at this new revelation about their classmate they knew nothing about.
"So what if I am?" I questioned. My eyes flickered between Native and Midoriya. If I was gonna fight the guy I'd need to be careful.
"Then let's see if your worthy!" He took off towards me. I took off towards him. He made to slash me with his sword. I dodged under it. I was looking up. With the palm of my hand I thrusted upwards and hit the sword at the hilt. Shattering the whole thing. He made to hit me with his other sword while grabbing another blade with the other. I dodged the sword. I did a backflip over him. As soon as I landed I took off in the direction of the wall. With a spin and a flip. I hit the wall with my feet facing Todoroki. I was above Stain. I pushed off from the wall as soon as I landed. I hit him into the ground while he was still reacting to my backflip over him. With a fist to the face and a fist to the gut.
"Your fast." He said through gritted teeth. "But not fast enough." He made to hit me with a knife. I rolled off of him and to the side. I skidded to a halt a few feet away in a three point stance. Just as Stain was getting up I went after him. I punched him in the gut then kicked his right side. Sending him flying into the wall. I looked back over to see Todoroki had gotten Ilda, Midoriya, and the pro hero behind him.
"Your rather experienced for your age. How old are you? You can't be more than 16. Yet your more skilled than anyone I've met. And your not even using your quirk." He removed himself from the wall. Clutching his blades as he stared me down.
"Me? Why does it matter how old I am. I'm skilled and that's all that should matter. I've been through my far share of fights to be this experienced." I said as I got into my fighting stance.
"Oh have you now. And how come I never hear of these fights."
"Because I'm not looking for fame. I'm not doing it for publicity."
"Then you too are worthy!" He once again took off towards me. But he was faster than before. His fighting style completely changed. He came at me with his right sword. I dodged to right and punched him in the stomach. He was pushed away several feet before he came to a stop. By that time I had ki blasts charged in my hands. I launched them towards him. His eyes widened. I launched several. One after another. When the dust cleared he was gone. I closed my eyes searching for his ki. Found it. I ducked down as he made a swipe at me from behind. I spun around. Put my hands to the ground and kicked him sky high. I flipped myself up. I kicked off from the ground. Creating a crater where I stood. I flew above him. With a few flips I came almost down to his level. With both of my hands I smashed the top of his head. With great speed he went flying to the ground. Creating an all mighty crash and crater. I landed next to the crater. I looked down at him. He was knocked out. I approached him and in less than a second destroyed all of his blades. He had none. I found some rope and tied him up. I walked back over to my classmates dragging the villain behind me. A pissed off look written on my face.
"What the hell were you guys thinking? Do you really think you could just take on Stain by yourself? Ilda! I'm the most disappointed in you! Tell me what made you think it would be a good idea to go after Stain?" I paused waiting for an answer.
"He needed to be killed. He's mine to kill for what he did to my brother." Ilda's eyes were cold. My face grew dark. My eyes hardened with a look none of them have seen.
"Is that the best you've got." I raised my head to look at him. He froze in fear. This time not from Stain's quirk. They all got chills. The pro hero included. "So what? You thought an inexperienced, high school, wanna be hero, would beat him?! Are you fucking serious! Were you even worried about that pro hero that was seriously injured?! Or was your mind only on revenge?! Trust me when I tell you revenge does nothing! It gives you no satisfaction! All it does, is stoop you down to the villains level! And even if you did kill him, you know what would happen. You'd be arrested! Your chance of becoming a hero forever taken away! All for what! Some petty reason! You acted like a villain tonight Ilda, and as a hero, I'm majorly disappointed." Ilda froze up. His eyes watering. But he kept his mouth shut. I then continued my walk. Out of the alleyway and down the street. Todoroki and Midoriya helped Ilda and Native, the pro hero. No one said anything. Then I saw pro heroes up ahead running towards us. One was a very short old man. One was young with a fish like costume. And a few others.
"You kids alright! What happened!" I stopped and dragged Stain up next to me. The pros gasped.
"Did you guys take down Stain?"
"No. Only he did." Todoroki said as he walked up next to me. We were then questioned by the pros. Midoriya and Ilda were lectured. I stood there waiting quietly. Keeping an eye on Stain who was now conscious but was pretending otherwise. Endeavor showed up. I tried to keep my cool.
What a nuisance this has been.
We got more questioning. Suddenly a Nomu with wings appeared out of no where and grabbed Midoriya. With a gun ki blast, I put holes in its wings. It fell towards the ground. I caught Midoriya as the Nomu dropped him. I put his arm around my shoulder. And with a one handed Kamehameha blasted it into the sky. Once we landed I turned around to discover Stain had escaped. And his blood lust was overwhelming everyone. But as soon as he took a step forward he froze. A broken rib that I had given him punctured his lung. The hero killer was no more. We were all taken to the hospital to be checked for injuries and to be questioned. I updated All Might as soon as I got to the hospital. We were in Ilda's room as he was the only one who was injured, when the chief of police for Hosu came in. He talked about how dangerous that was and we could've been arrested since we don't have our license, blah blah blah. Then he turned to me.
"Now you are a different case than them. Come talk to me outside." So I followed the giant dog man out of the room.
"As I understand it. You already have your hero license. Or more so you have permission to fight villains. So the choice is yours. Either receive credit for taking Stain down, or we'll give the credit to Endeavor. I'll give you some time to think. I'll be back in about 2 hours." He then left me in the hallway. I walked back in. Completely distracted.
"Gogeta?" Midoriya called. They were looking at me worriedly.
"Sorry. I've just been given a hard choice."
"Well what is it?" Todoroki asked. I looked around at them all. Wondering if I could tell them. I could. They were all trustworthy people. I sighed.
"I can either take credit for beating Stain, or let Endeavor take the credit." I told them. Without missing a beat Todoroki said. "Take the credit. Don't give my bastard of a father more credit than he deserves." I laughed. He didn't blink. Completely serious. He was leaning next to the window opposite of the door.
"It's not that simple. I've always stayed out of the spotlight. And let other heroes take the credit of my battles." I said as I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms.
"Well what about USJ? Everyone knows that you were the one to fight off the villains." Midoriya spoke up. He was sitting in a chair by Ilda's bed. I looked at him.
"I was given credit for that?" I never watched the news. Midoriya looked at me dumbfounded.
"Y-Yes. It was all over the news." I scratched my cheek.
"I don't watch the news." I said laughing nervously.
"Oh. Well you were given credit for it. So many people know about you. Also you won the festival. Your already pretty popular." I thought about it for several more minutes.
"Gogeta." Ilda spoke up from his bed. I looked at him. "Your a hero. So I don't see why you shouldn't get credit for beating a villain most pros can't beat. Tensei would be happy knowing it was you rather than some other pro." I smiled at him.
"Alright then. I'll take credit." Todoroki gave a small smile while Ilda and Midoriya lit up with joy.
Awhile later the chief came back.
"Have you made your decision?" I turned to look at him.
"Yes. I'll take credit." He nodded his head and left again. I said goodbye to my classmates and teleported back to All Might.
"Jesus kid you scared me!" He said as I appeared next to him. "Did you take credit?" He asked me. I could see his piercing blue eyes peering out at me.
"Yep." I said with a smile. He smiled back at me.
"Good! Now let's get in some last minute hero work!" He marched off from his office. I rolled my eyes still smiling and followed him.
A.N. 2930 words! Hope you guys like it! Bit boring I know but there's more to come. Oooooooo.
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