35- Explanation
Antonio got out of bed early, he couldn't stop thinking about Sadie's mother, and wondering if she had been telling the truth. He walked down into his office, shut the door and walked over to his desk turning his laptop on. He sat down and logged into his work site. Once logged in, he began doing a nationwide search on Grace. After searching for a while, he leaned back in his chair, staring at his laptop. He couldn't find anything on her, not even a traffic ticket.
He picked up his phone and called one of his investigators, asking to investigate Grace and to see where her whereabouts have been the last twelve years. He then began searching into Las Vegas police reports within the last couple of years, looking for any complaints on any hostage situations.
He came across a couple, there were reports filed a year ago, but the names didn't match. He leaned back in his chair again, and rested his hands behind his head thinking. He remembered hearing Grace mentioning to Sadie that she put out information about her, that she was looking for her and that a friend of hers posted it online.
He also remembered Grace telling Sadie that someone called her to let her know where she could find Sadie, and wondered who that would have been. The only one that came to mind, was his own mother.
Upon waking up, Sadie reached her arm out, and realized Antonio was not in bed. She got out of bed, put on her robe, and walked through the house looking for Antonio. She saw that his office door was closed and knocked. "Come in." Antonio called out.
Sadie walked in smiling "What are you doing up so early?" she asked, walking around the desk and sitting on his lap.
He wrapped his arm around her, and looked back towards his laptop "I'm working."
She rested her head on his shoulder, and began caressing his chest. "Working on what?"
He pointed over to the screen, showing her that he's been trying to find information on her mother. "Antonio, you don't have to do that. She abandoned me in a town, and in a state where we didn't even live." she said hurt.
"What if she was telling the truth?"
"Why would she have gone out so late to look for a birthday gift for me? She could have done that earlier in the day or the next day."
"True, but maybe she was trying to find something special."
"I doubt it. She never really bought me much growing up. All she did was provide a roof over my head. I was surprised that she even brought me to Vegas, I wasn't even of legal age to gamble."
"How long were you there before she disappeared?"
"We had just got there that day, we ate dinner at one of the hotels, I watched her play the slots for a bit, and then we went up to our room. Then she asked me what I would like to do for my birthday, asking if I would like to go see one of the shows, and telling me that I would enjoy seeing some of them."
"Hmm. Seems weird don't you think?" he asked, thinking there has to be more to her mom's story.
"I don't know." she sighed.
"I did call my investigator to have him look into her claims. Hopefully he finds something today, I asked him to get on it, and that I would pay him triple the amount if he got it to me around noon."
Antonio took her hand, and looked at the ring on her finger, sliding the ring back and forth. "On another note, that ring looks good on you." he smiled. Sadie extended her arm out, looking at the ring on her finger, smiling. She turned and faced Antonio, cupped his face and gave him a kiss. "I love it."
"If I were to call her, and ask for her to meet me somewhere, would you come with me?" she asked quietly. She couldn't believe she was willing to meet her, but was more than curious to see what she has to say.
"Of course I would go with you, I wouldn't let you do this alone. I do think you should hear her out, in case she is telling you the truth."
Sadie gave him a hug "Fine... I'll go call her." she said nervously, as she stood up.
Antonio heard the girls run into the house and his mother calling out for them to be quiet, thinking that he and Sadie were still in bed. He walked out of the office, and asked his mother if he could have a word with her.
She followed him into his office, and clapped her hands, excited to hear if Sadie said yes. "So how did it go?" she asked, grinning while sitting down in the chair. Antonio sat on his desk in front of her, and looked down at her with an unhappy look to his face. Her look went from a smile into a frown, when she saw his expression. "It didn't go the way you wanted it?" she asked worried.
"Put it this way, it could have been better."
"Oh Antonio, I'm sorry. I really thought that she would say yes." she said sadly.
"That's not what I'm getting at, everything was going great and to plan, until we had a very unexpected visitor, causing Sadie to get upset and to faint. "He says pinching the bridge of his nose "You wouldn't happen to know who that person was, do you?"
She lookup up at him and slowly shook her head no, she changed her expression when she saw the look on his face, and his one eyebrow raised. She knew he thought it was her, and figured she better fess up.
"OK, she stopped here looking for Sadie, wanting to wish her a Happy Birthday, I told her where she could find her. She seemed nice, and was desperate to see her." Giorgia says to him.
"Is that the only contact that you had with her?" Antonio questioned, having a feeling that it was her that let her know how to find Sadie in the first place.
Giorgia's head lowered, and sighed. "No."
"Explain." he demanded, not sounding happy.
"It started out when I was on one of the social media networks one day, and noticed some friends sharing a picture of a woman who was looking for her long-lost daughter. In the past, I had always shared those posts, and after I shared it, I noticed something familiar with the girl on the picture and stretched the picture out to look closer. The girl I saw in the picture was very young, with very long dark hair, blue eyes and resembled Sadie. When I looked at the sign the woman was holding, the name she was looking for said Sadie Marie Hart, and my heart instantly dropped. I called the number that was on the post and said that I think I may know the person who she was looking for. We talked a couple times on the phone, and then I gave her Sadie's phone number."
"You didn't stop to think that there maybe was a reason why Sadie never brought her mom's name up, ever?" Antonio asked quietly, and looked away from her, breathing in deep through his nose.
"No, I guess I never thought about it, I thought I was doing a good thing for her. I see those posts all the time, people looking for their birth mothers, fathers, siblings, etcetera, and thought that maybe she was a runaway, or that she had given her up for adaption."
Antonio looked back over at her, crossing his arms. "Sadie claims she thought that she was dead, that Grace abandoned her in Las Vegas when she was fifteen years old." Antonio sighed.
"Her story seemed so real. I'm sorry." Giorgia said, feeling bad.
"Well I hired my private investigator to investigate her claims as to why she disappeared out of Sadie's life. I don't need her prowling around here if there is something else going on, I have kids to look out for and I don't need Sadie upset and stressed out, hurting our unborn children."
Giorgia sat quietly listening to Antonio, feeling guilty. "I honestly thought that I was doing a good thing, especially after our other mishap." she said quietly.
"Sadie is pretty upset, however, she did decide to call her. If Grace agrees to it, our plan is to meet her somewhere. It would be nice if you could watch the girls for us again, and please do not do anything like this ever again, without consulting us first."
"That's no problem, we can watch them." she says standing up. She touched his hand, and gave him a sad look. "I want you to know, that I truly am sorry. I honestly thought that I was helping. Please forgive me."
"I forgive you, I'm not so sure about Sadie. That you'll have to talk to her about, with what you did. I just wish you would have told me, and talked with me about it, before getting a surprise like that myself."
It was noon, and Antonio still hadn't heard from his investigator. They were sitting at the restaurant where Sadie used to work, waiting for her mother to show up. They were about to order their food when Grace finally sat down. "Sorry I'm late, I had a little trouble finding the place." she said nervously, pulling her hair back into a ponytail.
She looked at Sadie, and nervously smiled at her. "Gosh, you haven't changed and still look so beautiful, you also look absolutely beautiful pregnant." she said in awe, while looking at Sadie's stomach.
After ordering their food, their table was suddenly quiet. Antonio sat there waiting for either Sadie or Grace to start a conversation, and looked back and forth from Grace then to Sadie. Sadie was watching a family where their kids were laughing, and smiling at their parents. He looked back over to Grace, and figured he better be the one to start talking.
"So, I guess you need to explain yourself to Sadie, she deserves to know the honest truth. All I ask, is that you do tell her the truth."
Grace sat up straight, and looked at Sadie. Hoping she will believe what she has to say to her. She closed her eyes, and breathed in deep, thinking back to that very night. "The night I disappeared, Sadie fell asleep, and figured since her birthday was the next day, I would go out and look for something nice for her. I wanted to surprise her with a nice gift, since I hadn't gotten anything for her yet. Earlier that day, I noticed a store nearby that was open twenty-four hours that sold gifts. Since Sadie was asleep, I went down to the casino and played some slots, trying to see if I could win some extra money to buy her something even more special. I won a thousand dollars, and was ecstatic about it knowing I could buy her something special with that money. I quickly left the casino and started walking over to the store. I had no idea that I was being followed, until I was grabbed from behind, and thrown into a van. I was then blindfolded, gagged and tied up. We drove for what I felt was for hours, but was only driven to the edge of town. I was beaten, raped, and drugged by a bunch of men. They turned me into doing prostitution, and forced drugs on me. They also kept a close eye on me the entire time they had me making money for them. I was never out of their sight with them for all those years. They made a huge mistake the night I escaped, they had to leave after receiving a phone call about another one of their prostitutes taking off with the money, she had made for them that night. After they left, I jumped out of the window, and broke my leg and arm. A passerby saw me fall, and brought me over to the hospital. The staff at the hospital began asking me questions, and then called the police. I was then placed in a witness protection home, and that's where I had help trying to locate you. I tried calling my mother to see if she had known where your whereabouts would be, and found out that she had passed away. Everyone that we called, nobody had seen or heard from you in ages."
Antonio's phone rang and stood up when he saw that it was the investigator calling. "Excuse me for a second while I go take this." he says, leaning down to Sadie's ear.
Sadie sat still with tears in her eyes, staring at her cup of soup. She didn't know what to say, and was shocked to hear what happened to her. She took her spoon, and stirred the soup, thinking of what to say.
"Sorry about that." Antonio says, sitting back down.
"I'm telling you both the truth. I can show you all the scars on my back, my legs, and here... look at my arms." she says, sliding up her sleeves, showing the scars on her arms.
Sadie gasped loudly when she saw the scars, and tears started rolling down her cheeks. She grabbed a napkin to wipe the tears away, and pushed the soup away from her, unable to eat as she felt sick to her stomach after seeing the scars. Antonio started rubbing her back, letting her know that he was there for her, she lowered her head onto his shoulder, trying to hold back the tears, unsure if she wanted to hear anymore.
"I thought maybe your father found you, and took you in." she said quietly.
"I still have no idea who he is." Sadie whispered.
"The last time I saw, or heard from him was the day I told him that I was pregnant with you."
Antonio kissed the top of Sadie's head, and spoke quietly to her. "I know this is a lot to take in, but you should really try and eat something. Those babies need to eat too."
Sadie sat up and pulled her soup closer to her. "Grandma passed away three years ago." Sadie said quietly, taking a sip of her soup. "When she was sick, she kept saying that she hoped to see you again before she passed away."
Grace reached her hand across the table, and placed her hand on top of Sadie's "I never asked for this, please find it in your heart to forgive me. Every day I thought about you, and hoped that you were alright. I cried every night, begging for them to let me go so I could be with you."
A gentleman in a nice suit walked up to the table, and stood next to Antonio holding paperwork in his hand. Antonio looked up at him and grinned.
"Nadia Barker?" the man asked. Grace's eyes suddenly widened, and quickly looked over at the man standing next to Antonio.
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