Dartmouth High

"NOOO, try the other black"

"Alice, you have been saying that for the sixth time"

"Eighth" Jacob peeks in with pancakes in his hands with a smirk

"Thanks for that, now I can definitely break into Pentagon with that valued information" I state with a sarcastic smile placing my hands on my hips.

"Don't worry me and Jasper will totally cover you" Emmett adds with a wink which makes Rosalie growl at him. This girl has more possessive issues than Barbie and Edward combined.

"I will do the filming" Edward pipes in with a high five to my evil son.

Okay I know it sounds really cruel but the guy has got a mind of Satan. If there is anything I could change in him it would definitely be his name. It is already having a bad effect, not that I object. Some of his pranks are as cool as hell and have taken Adrian to the verge of crying. I am damn sure if he was a girl he would be much harder to control than I ever was. I would love it. Not that it wasn't an issue right now. 2 years and he had all the girls in his grade swooning over him and of course, all of them had their thumbs up, especially Alice. She had improvised his and Nessie's closet even more than she did mine or hers.

Renesmee was obviously a sight to see. What with those big chocolate brown eyes and her ways, I sometimes felt sad for all the boys who would be thinking about being with her. They just couldn't replace Jacob mostly because he was everything she could think about if he wasn't accompanying us.

Back to the situation. It was the first day of college and I had been playing model for Alice for half an hour. I was strictly told to wear black and of course that's one thing I will never argue over, I love black. So every time I walked out with one of her purchases for me, she was giving the same answers. I really had no idea what other black was supposed to be there APART from the black which I had, which, of course was bought by HER and was also getting DISAPPROVED by HER!! And all members of my really wonderful family were pretending to do some other work and preparing for school even though they were ALREADY dressed and ready. Adrian and Sage were still in their room and I had no bloody idea WHY THE HELL WASN'T SYDNEY BEING TORTURED ALONGWITH ME. Now that was plain unjustice.

"I don't need a cover and why the hell isn't Sage being tortured with me?"

"Torture?" Rosalie and Alice spoke at the same time.

"Adrian picked out her outfit and that was approved by everyone so they are already free, which is a miracle for us and bad luck for you." Edward ignored their questions and leaned against the door with a grin, which I was really tempted to wipe off his face. I gave a tight smile and stomped in my room slamming the door behind me. There is a pile of all that I have tried. I groan and sit down on the bed with my head in hands. I usually didn't get irritated with this, I liked it sometimes. But, today I wasn't really willing to look good. It made no sense to me, it really wasn't necessary. There wasn't anyone with eyes specially for me....not anymore. There would still be stares no matter what I wear, it was inevitable. But I was always used to dress up just to see HIM smile at me, hug me, KISS me. Now I didn't really care.

"Are you thinking about Daddy?"

I turn my face at my 2-year-old son. He comes and sits beside me with curious eyes. I nod ruffling his hair with a smile to lighten myself and keep Dimitri the way I had painted in his mind. I had told him every good thing about his father....I had told him he would come back to us after the war he was fighting would be over. There were fake calls constantly by Emmett and Jacob so that he believed in whatever story I told him. I wanted him to believe he loved him. I wanted him to feel bad when I would tell him that his father died at one of those wars. I still didn't know why I was doing this, painting a perfect father when he cheated me. I just had no idea why.

"Why don't you tell me what to wear?" I try to make the sadness in his eyes go away. He nods eagerly at that.

"Okay" I change into my black skinny jeans, a light colored top and complete it with my leather jacket and casual heels. Mason handed me earrings and his favorite heart shaped locket. He had a great choice in everything.

"Let it be down" I looked at him questioningly and let go of my hair from the band. He had never asked me to do that before.

"Daddy likes it open"

"How?" I gasped kneeling before him. I never shared those things with him. It was really painful sometimes.

"Emmett" we jumped as Edward answered from the door. I nodded at him and covered up the confusion on Mason's face by telling him Emmett was treating him with ice cream after school.

We dropped Renesmee and Mason at school and drove to the shittiest place ever invented by humans. College. I didn't care what its population was or what people were like over here, we were gonna be popular anyway. I just hoped that the frightening looks from Emmett and Rosalie would keep the love struck stalkers away.

'Dartmouth High' was a set of maroon colored bricks placed in order. Boring, as expected. I could see girls gaping at us and boys.....well....were being boys. Apart from the overly excited high pitched slutty volunteers and the overly obnoxious and over confident boys, which covers the whole college, everything else, more specifically, the schedule I had in my hand and the under equipped gym was alright. For once in my life I was grateful for staying at VA.

"Now you only have to join any two clubs, which is mandatory." The girl whose name was something I didn't care explained as we walked in the lawn where stalls regarding different clubs were set up.

"Which is the club having the hottest girls in them?" Adrian voiced. That of course had a very intimidating effect on the slut. She gave what was supposed to be a seductive smile and practically threw herself at him.

"That would be my room in the hostel."

"So, lame comments, no good looks and studies which I have always hated. Did I miss anything guys?" the bimbo scowled at me and did the patent walk which was supposed to tell me she was threatening towards me. Huh. Why was I still not surprised or amused?

"Look...bitch, you might think you are some kind of..."

"Hey hey hey." I cut in closing the distance so that our bodies almost touched. "I don't want that pathetic lecture sweetheart. I don't think..I know I am ten times the bitch you can ever think me to be and I am a heck lot hotter and sexier than YOU, my dear, can ever be. So just stop slutting around with my family and stay away from all these boys because you don't want to know the consequences of meddling in our relationships."

Her makeup couldn't cover the red on her face as she gritted her teeth and looked at us fuming with anger.

"Stop gritting so hard chic, there aint enough calcium in you to do that." I fist bumped with Emmett. We had successfully made our first enemy.

"This suddenly makes this place better for you somehow right?" Sage looked at us incredulously.

"You have a spirit stalker as a husband Sage" I reminded her.

"How were you even able to think of such a question?" Adrian looked at her as if it was a crime. Well even I have to admit it was nearly a crime.

"Women minds are hard Ivashkov. Take it from me" Bella looked up at Edward with a cold expression as we laughed.

"NOW. Edward I am thinking of finding someone else." He wrinkled his forehead with a confused expression. Bella rolled her eyes at her husband and went forward with Alice leaving him behind with me.

"She's talking about breaking up Edward" I laughed pulling him with me.

Maybe school wasn't going to be as bad as I thought.


"Hey buddy. You ready for today?" Christian sat beside me putting an arm around my shoulders. Today was our first day at the college in Dartmouth. We were obliged to keep moving after my Roza left us. It was starting to get harder protecting the Queen without her and I couldn't take a chance with Rosemarie turning 2 tomorrow.So we were starting midterm here.

"Yes, definitely. There will be no shift changing today and our schedules are also adjusted. You don't have to worry Christian. I have got all of you covered." I turned away so that he couldn't see my face. We had grown really close in past years and after she was gone....after I lost her Christian was the only person who was really able to read me. Only he could see how much effort it took me to get up and act like everything was okay every morning when it really wasn't. for any of us. And the worst part was not knowing what caused her to go away like that, to hurt us the way she did. It was just not what she could do to Lissa, Christian....to me. It had been two years and there was no sign of her....not even a single fragment which could just tell me she was there somewhere.

"You know what I am talking about Dimitri. You have to let it go. Move on."

"Have you?" I turned around "Can you forget her Christian? Can you Move on? Can YOU let go?"

"She hurt us all....that was enough of a punishment don't you think?"

"She didn't do it on purpose." We turned to Lissa who stood at the door. "We know her Chris...you know something led her to do that. And I suggest you stop comforting yourself with false words. It will only make it worse for all of us." I could see her control in her eyes. She was trying harder to control these emotions along Rose. She didn't want her to see anyone break out, it really upset her.

"Mommy, Angel is being a bad girl. She won't let me turn her neck." Rose walked in with her pet snake in her hand. In this case a snake with a twisted neck. A badly twisted neck. Surely names affect personalities. I smiled at her utterly confused expression as both her parents stared in shock.

"Rosie, what did you do??!!" Lissa gasped sitting down. Rose pouted at her.

"She had to move around completely each time I took a round. So I just twisted her neck like you twist the telescope to show me stars. But she stopped moving completely and wouldn't let me turn her neck now."

"That, sweety" Christian began "is because you aren't supposed to twist someone's neck like that. It kills them you know." He tried explaining as her forehead wrinkled at that and she narrowed her eyes at him.

"So, if you kill someone you get a punishment right?"


"Then why didn't daddy get punished when he told me to twist Uncle Dim's neck?"


"I didn't"

"You did?"

We all said at the same time.

"Why did you want her to twist MY neck?"

"Because you have a good sense of clothes" she stated casually and Lissa sighed in exasperation.

"Let's just go okay?" I pulled on my duster and got out with Christian.

"So will Daddy hang now?" Rose's eyes lit with excitement.

"I am your father Rose!!"

"You wouldn't want ME to die right Daddy." And she hit him with her irresistible eyes. I chuckled at her and started driving with thoughts of my Rose in mind.

Dartmouth High was the perfect place for Lissa and Christian to learn and also an easier place to guard. It was much better as the superiors were well aware of the situation and also happened to have control over the best institution in Dartmouth.

It was like most of the places I had seen earlier. Same wealthy kids, same kinds of cars, it wouldn't be much of a surprise. But something here was disturbing, it was like some sort of energy which made me want to stay here. We had already met the principal so that wasn't an issue anymore.

We had all the reasons to start midterm. I almost hit a person who was passing on pamphlets to some kind of a fresher's orientation to those like us.

"I am NOT going to an orientation again" Christian declared shredding the paper in pieces.

"You ARE."Lissa raised her voice a bit.

"I can't let your life at risk and if Queen goes you also have to for the same reason" I stated before he could argue anymore.


"And according to all the evidence Lord Ozera is sentenced to be hanged for suing the Queen"

"And teaching the princess to twist a royal guardians neck" I added with a smirk.

Even though we kept moving after that it didn't help with the feeling. And nor did it help in suppressing Roza's memories. This was getting exceptionally strong today. It was distracting me. I excused myself and went to the washroom making sure Lissa and Chris were safe with guardian Saunders .

"Focus Dimitri. Focus." I splashed some cold water on my face and tried calming my nerves.

"SON OF A BITCH!! I AM GOING TO FREAKING KILL THAT WHORE!!" the door burst open and two boys came in carrying a beaten up boy, the one who was cursing. It reminded me of Rose again. I smiled unconsciously on how many times I had seen her beat up guys double her strength. She had me on my knees.

"That is a big rose with thorns dude. We warned you"

"And look at the coincidence...her name is Rose too" I stopped in my tracks. The door suddenly felt like a wrong choice now.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY??" I turned willing him to answer what I thought I heard. If her name was Rose then I was sure that it was her. There was no other person who could beat up like her.

"Woah!! Pal chill"

"JUST TELL ME HER FULL NAME" I picked one of them pressing them against the bathroom wall.

"Rose" he coughed.

"ROSE WHAT??" I thumped him.

"Rose Hathway"

And suddenly the bell rang covering up whatever he said. I ran out hearing a scream. Lissa was my first priority. They come first.



I know i am a bitch at her best.  I HAD to make a grand reunioun and in the bathroom was kinda lame sooooooo........yeah.



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