Chapter 6: REPENT!

Ryu Akira Azure Karma Ryuji Ann and Morgana were at the train station. They were at a vending machine as Ryu was paying.

Ryu: I which ones do you guys want?

Ann: Whatever's not carbonated I guess.

Azure: I'll take whatever it doesn't matter.

Akira: Same here.

He passed drinks out before getting out a purple drink for Karma.

Karma: Thanks Ryu.

Ryu: No problem.

He grabbed a Mountain Dew for himself.

Ryu: Anyway, you guys are pretty much on board with everything right?

Ann: Of course we are. I'm gonna make that bastard pay for what he did to Shiho.

Azure: Yeah he cost the team the God Damn championships, he's gonna pay with interest.

Karma: I had to work harder than anyone else to prove I could compete with every other guy on the team, and he threw that all away cause he just didn't want us to be bigger than him. I'm gonna hurt him in ways he never expects.

Karma seemed to have a devious smile with a bushy tail appearing from behind her.

Morgana: Well, we'll have to find ways to prepare before going in again.

Ryu: I've got a few ideas. I got plenty of weapons at home.


Karma: Uhhh, Morgana, people can all hear a cat screeching.

Azure: Anyway the guy has a whole armory. And I mean ACTUAL crazy shit like the BFG9000.

Ann: Wait, that was real?!!

Ryu: Ok come on Ann, I'm pretty sure you've been to my place a few times.


Akira: No wonder it was so affective.

Ryu: Anyway, I gotta get going now. I'm too impatient to wait for Kira to call.

Akira: Wait, you told me that you'd tell me after school.

Ann: What?

Ryuji: You and Karma weren't around for this. After he handed Kamoshida his ass we gave Kira the recording of Kamoshida. What were you gonna tell him?

Ryu: Well, you said you're dad's name is Reji Kurusu right?

Akira: Yeah.

Ryu: Well, that happens to have been my mothers brother.

Akira seemed to be shocked hearing that. Though he didn't have as big of a reaction as the others.


Ryu: Yeah I was pretty surprised when I figured it out.

Akira: Wait, you're mom's name was Kasumi Kaizen, isn't it?

Ryu: Yup.

Azure and Karma looked at each other before grabbing the two and putting them side by side.

Shojo: Now look at these differences. Notice Akira is only 5'9, while Ryu is 6'4. Akira had black frizzy hair, and Ryu has spiky black and red hair. The former has normal black eyes, the latter's are red and go slitted.


Akira: Well actually...

Azure: What is it?

Akira: I wear black contacts.

He took off his glasses and held open his right eye taking out the contact revealing his eyes where actually red.

Ryuji: Woah!

Azure: Gotta admit, suits you better than brown.

Akira: Well, that wasn't the opinion of nearly everyone else in my old schools.

Ryu: Fuck em. Red eyes for the win. Plus everyone knows good and damn well not to mess with anyone who's ever been seen talking to me. Mostly cause they're scared of getting their asses kicked.

Akira: Well, I think I'm just gonna keep them on around school.

Azure: Alright, you do you dude.

Akira: *Sigh* Might as well take the other one out for now.

He took the other contact out putting his glasses back on.

Akira: That feels better.

Ryu: Yeah I get how contacts could do that to you. Anyway Imma dip. Later guys.

He strayed off from the others heading to the train.

Shojo: So Ryu, what did you do in your spare time before this Kamoshida business. I've only been in your head for just a few days at this point.

Ryu: Well, I just basically stayed home and gamed.


The Phantom Thieves were in Kamoshida's castle sneaking and killing shadows.

Morgana: We'll be needing code names.

Ryu: The fuck? That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

Karma: I don't know, it could help out.

Ryuji: Yeah and it sounds totally badass too!

Ann: I mean if we're putting it to a vote you've got mine!

Ryu: -_- Ya'll are bitches.

Akira placed his hand on Ryu's shoulder.

Azure: Screw it, let's just king of them and be done with it.

Morgana: Alright, since I'm the-

As Morgana tried to talk multiple options appeared in front of him yet again.

What's the right action?
A: Just go along with it
B: Encourage the thought
C: Be a jackass but ultimately agree

Knowing it would have been useless to argue he had chosen option A.

Ryu: Fine, but you sure as hell aren't deciding the names ya furry feline.

Morgana: I'm not a cat!!

Karma: Hmm, alright, how about for me I choose the code name Kurama?

Ryu: The mountain or the fox?

Karma: Yes.

Akira: I guess for Ryuji, we could chose something like, Skull.

Ryuji: Ah yeah that's sick!!

Ann: Isn't that just after your mask?

Ryu: And there's no problem with that Sexy Cat.


Morgana: How about Panther?

Ann: Yeah, that's definitely better!

Azure: Ok Morgana, I guess you'll be Mona for the sake of simplicity.

Morgana: Perfect.

Karma: Akira, you can be Joker.

Akira: Joker?

Karma: Yeah, you're able to use multiple Persona's so you'll be like one of our Power Houses.

Ryu: Ok now just us.

Azure: Well, if it's all the same with you guys, I'll go with Yin.

Ann: Yin? Why'd you choose...

They all looked at his black and white hair.

Ann: Never mind.

Morgana: We'll that just leaves you.

Ryu seemed to think to himself before finding something.

Ryu: Kaiser.

Ryuji: Hey that has a nice ring to it!

Karma: I like it!

Azure: Fits you pretty well actually.

Ryu: Alright, let's move in.

They all sneaked into the castle as they made their ways past Shadows quietly. After a few minutes they came to a hall with a left and right path.

Mona: Well?

Ryu: Right.

Azure: Right.

Akira: Right.

Ryuji: Left.

Karma: Left.

Ann: Left.

Morgana: Left.

Ryu: ...

Akira: Looks like we've been outvoted.

Ryu: I've got a REAL bad feeling on this. You never wanna go left.

Karma: Oh come on Kaiser, what's the worse that can happen?

Ryu: -_- My girlfriend, the only one to not know when to never say those words.

They all went that direction as after a few steps the path behind them was blocked.

Azure: You called it Kaiser.

Ryuji: ...That doesn't mean anything...

Right then and there dozens of Shadows appeared all around them.

Akira: From now on, WE decide directions.

Ryu: Mona, you stay back for healing with Zoro, -Not the Pirate you maniacs- everyone else, get ready to fight.

They all summoned their Persona's and started fighting.


Ryu: ARGH!!!!

They 7 were fighting as no one strayed too far from the monster cat to keep healing.


Karma: Okay, that was on us!!!

Akira side flipped over her pushing her head down to help her avoid fire blast. He and Ryu slashed apart a Shadow that was coming after them with the latter very annoyed before Shojo and Arsene threw fireballs and curses at them. Azure and Ryuji used Shisa and Captain Kidd sending thunderbolts at a few more while dodging some attacks. Karma had Kitsune keep some at bay for her and Ann to shoot down.

Ryuji: *Pant* Ok! *Pant* I think, that's all of them... AHHHHHH!!!!

Azure: I'll say it, I think we should've gone right.

Morgana was laying flat on his stomach.

Morgana: Why do I feel so tired even though I mostly just healed?

Akira: You're the white mage of the group.

Ryuji: Yeah and we kinda need you cause no one fucks with the white mage.

Morgana: Shut up Skull! I'm more than just a healer!

Ryuji: That was a compliment Mona!

Ryu hit both of them over the head hard.

Ryu: Both of you shut it.

Ryuji/Morgana: Yes sir...

Ann: Can we just go before more come?

They started walking forward as soon they saw a glow behind a door.

Ryuji: Now that's one sturdy looking door! There has to be something behind it!

He ran forward lifting off the ground.

Ryuji: AHHHHH!!!

His kick landed on the door doing nothing.


Ryu came running from behind gaining speed before lifting himself off the ground end the thief's ENTIRE Career.

Ryu: THAT is how it's done Skull.

Akira: That definitely wasn't your first time doing this.

Ryu: What you've never kicked a door down?

They all saw a glowing light the rippled.

Ryu: So, this it?

Mona: Yup.

Karma: But it's so cloudy.

Morgana: Yes, but simply finding the treasure isn't enough. We'll need to make it materialize if before we can steal it.

Ryu: Ok then just tell us straight up what we've gotta do.

Morgana: Simply put, we have to make the target conscious that their desires will be stolen, and then they materialize into the treasure.

Ryu: ... I think I have a way.


The 6 teenagers were in school as each of them looked at Ryu with Morgana in Akira's bag.

Ann: Ok the school I get but-

Ryuji: The stores too?

Ryu: Hey, this way Kamoshida's bound to see em of he's not in today.

Azure: But he is. You just dislocated a few of his bones and bruised him a bunch.

Karma: You just wanted to mess with him didn't you?

Ryu: Right you are my redheaded girlfriend.

Akira: Really?

Ryu: Yes.

Ann read one of the cards out loud.

Ann: "Suguru Kamoshida, the demon of lust. We know all you've done in your time as a teacher of Shujin Academy. Physically abusing you're Volleyball team through harsh and inhuman training, hitting other students whenever you find yourself in a foul mood, and oppressing other teams when you simply just don't approve of them getting results greater than your own. You force your twisted desires onto helpless students, and so they will be lost. You'll confess your own sins tomorrow. The Phantom Thieves of Hearts."

They all looked at him surprised.

Ann: You made these?

Ryu: Yeah.

Azure: This is nothing like your writing.

Ryu: I can change it up when I want.

They heard a commotion as students were talking about it everywhere.

Ryu: And I think I got the message across.

Kamoshida: Who's responsible for this?!

Ryu: Anyway let's go.

Ryuji: What?!

Akira: Shh.

They all started walking to their classes as Kamoshida saw them about to after the students before realizing Ryu was there as well stopping in fear.

Shojo: Well, you definitely scarred him for life.

Ryu: 'Good.'


The Phantom Thieves had arrived in Kamoshida's castle running into the treasure room seeing there was a crown.

Ryu: Bingo mother fuckers.

Karma: Funny that it's a crown.

Morgana: Ahh, the shine brings joy to my eyes!

Azure: Doesn't matter, let's steal the thing and bring down Kamoshida.

Morgana: T-Treasure!!

Ryuji: Uh, the cat's acting awfully excited.

Ann: What's wrong? Is something-


The jumped onto the crown as both Akira and Ryu deadpanned.

Akira: -_- That's not catnip.

Morgana kept meowing much to the annoyance of Ryu.

Ryu: -_- I'm gonna punt this cat to the moon.

Morgana snapped back to his senses looking at Ryu.

Morgana: Oh yeah- *Ahem* Forgive me for displaying such an insolent sight in front of two ladies.

Ann Ryuji and Akira lifted it with it being clear the latter was doing the most work.

Ann: It so heavy...

Akira: N-Not as bad as I thought.

Karma: So the freak strength runs in the family to some degree.

Ryu: Ok let me get it. Yin, gonna need your help.

The two took the sides of the crown themselves doing much better than the others.

Ryuji: That works, let's go!


Right then Shadow Kamoshida appeared in the air spiking a volleyball knocking the crown away from Ryu and Azure. He jumped over them as the crown shrunk and floated into his hand with his cognition of Ann and Karma running beside him.

Shadow Kamoshida: I won't let anyone take this!

Ryu: Great, see the time you waisted Mona?

Mona: Sh-Shut up!

Shadow Kamoshida: This proves that I am the king of this castle, it is the core of this world!

Ann: That rat bastard, that's how he sees me and Kurama isn't it?!

Ryu: Well in any case, thanks for bringing yourself to us. That means I can pound you to paste on last time you sexually harassing bitch ass mother fucker.

Shadow Kamoshida: What a selfish misunderstanding.

Azure: Excuse you? You were hitting on Ann AND Karma while actually hitting other students keeping it secret from others. Doesn't seem like there's anything to misunderstand.

Shadow Kamoshida: The people around me were the ones that kept it secret. Adults who want to share in my accomplishments, students who have the drive to become winners: They all protect me so that we all may profit from it.

Ryu: Welp that settles it, Imma crucify him.

Shadow Kamoshida: There are too many imbeciles who don't-

Before he could finish his sentence Ryu shot a bullet at his head nearly making a connection.

Ryu: You aren't a king. You're a demon who's drowned himself in his own praise. Scum.

He began to evilly cackle glowing in a dark red aura.

Shadow Kamoshida: That's right, I'm not like you... I AM A DEMON WHO RULES THIS WORLD!!

The aura enveloped him as he began to transform into a giant pink monster with four arms an oversized head.

Ryuji: WHAT THE?!!


Akira: Let's finish this!

Ryu took out two small ball orbs throwing them at Kamoshida with a bright flash blinding him.

Shadow Kamoshida: AHHH MY EYES!!!

Ryu: NOW!!!

They all summoned their Persona's throwing attacks at the Demon. When the smoke cleared it was revealed that Kamoshida had gotten beat up.

Ryuji: Can't take a lot more of that!

Shadow Kamoshida: OH YEAH? WELL I CAN GO ALL DAY!!

He snapped his giant fork into what looked to be a trophy of... Women's legs before eating them healing himself.

Ryu: The fuck?!!

Akira: Looks like we'll have to destroy that thing before anything else.

Karma: On it!

From her cloak she had taken out an assault rifle.


Karma ignored the warning shoot at the cup until it broke blowing the barrel.

Karma: That takes care of that.


Ryu: Consider that payback for costing US the fucking Nationals!!!


Ryu sharply inhaled hearing that.

Ryu: You just angered Fang there pal. Hope you're ready to deal with an angry author.

Akira: Who?

Ryu: Don't worry about it.

They continued fighting until Ryu had noticed something from the corner of his eyes a Shadow was about to try to attack Akira from behind.


He looked behind seeing that the Shadow was running at him nearly hitting the thief. That was however until Shojo grabbed it by the neck crushing the Shadow. However instead of fully disappearing a light entered Shojo confusing she and Ryu.

Ryu: Ok, that was new.

At that moment a small rush of power hit Ryu as his eyes widened.

Morgana: What did you just do?

Ryu: I don't know but I'm about to test it out!

He brought his hand back along with Shojo as lightning formed around it.

Ryu: Eat this!!

The thunder shot towards Kamoshida electrocuting him.

Morgana: I don't believe it! You absorbed the power of that Shadow and fused it with your Persona!

Ryuji: That's awesome!!

Ryu: But it's not enough.

Ryu looked at the crown on Shadow Kamoshida's head before grinning having an idea.

Ryu: Mona!!

He grabbed the monster cat much to it's confusion.

Morgana: Hey!! What do you think your-

Ryu: HYAAA!!!

He threw him hard as he rocketed towards the crown on Kamoshida's head.

Morgana: NYAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

He managed to knock it off as Kamoshida seemed to weaken.

Shadow Kamoshida: N-NO!! My... My Precious!!

Ryu: This ain't Lord of the Rings. Alright, let's finish him off!!

They all ran in attacking the monster all at once.

Ryu: That's all she wrote.

Kamoshida shrunk as the crown rolled off his head shrinking as well. Ryuji were about to grab it but Kamoshida had dived in to get it and ran. Though the only place he could was at the entrance of a balcony.

Ann: What's wrong? Not running away? Why don't you run? Aren't you a great athlete.

Shadow Kamoshida: It's always been like this... All those goddamn hyenas forcing their expectations on me...!! I'm doing this all for them!! What's wrong about demanding a reward for that?!!

Ryuji: Now you're makin' excuses? We'll do something about that distorted heart of yours.

Ryu gritted his teeth hearing those words from Kamoshida.

Ryu: Forcing their expectations on me? Doing this all for them?!

He walked forward before grabbing him by the cape angrily.

Ryu: We were all fine until you came along!! Everyone on the basketball team had a bright future in some way!!

The Shadow seemed to be afraid as he looked at the giant.

Ryu: Everyone there could have been a divisional college player! We all put in the work nonstop and would've made it somewhere!! And the track team too!! Every one of us put our hearts and soul into what we did and you came along a stepped all over!!!

He punched the tyrant across the face furious.

Ryu: You've ruined lives and worse!

Shojo appeared behind Ryu with a fireball in hand.

Shadow: I-I accept defeat! This is what you want right? Take it!!

He threw the crown over to Akira who caught it.

Shadow Kamoshida: Go ahead and finish me off. You do that, and my real self will go down too.

Ryu gritted his teeth and pulled out a knife ready to stab Kamoshida. But before he could he felt a hand grab his wrist stopping him. Without even looking he could already tell that it wasn't one of the others.

Ryu: 'Huh?'

A moment later, Karma hugged Ryu from behind surprising him.

Karma: Please... It's over...

He lowered his arm before looking at Karma with an almost thankful look. He turned hugging her back with the knife disappearing.

Ryu: That, was too close for comfort.

Shadow Kamoshida: I'm threw... Once you've lost-

Ryu: We've all lost at some point.

Walked away with his mask appearing back on his face.

Ryu: Go back to your real self, and deal with it.

Akira: Atone for your sins.

Shadow Kamoshida: Alright. I'll-

Azure: Don't say it, just do it and fuck off.

He disappeared as the castle began to crumble.

Ryu: RUN!!

They all started running as fast as they could. Ryuji was about to fall but Azure caught him right in the nick of time.



They reached a light at the end of the halls before appearing back in the real world.

Ann: *Pant* *Pant* That sucked...

Ryu: I haven't been this worn out *Pant* Since that bastard made us run full speed suicides for 10 minutes straight.

Akira took out his phone seeing that seeing that location on the Meta Nav was gone.

Akira: It's not there anymore.

Ryu: You got the treasure?

He pulled a gold medal out of his pocket.

Karma: That's what that thing really was?

Ryuji: I don't get it.

Morgana: Basically this was the source his distorted desires. That medal was worth just as much as that crown to him.

Azure: Well even if it's not the original, wouldn't this sell for a fair price?

Immediately Ryuji's eyes changed to yen signs.


Akira: What's important is Kamoshida's heart is changed.

Morgana: Probably.


Ryuji: We might've just risked our lives for nothing?!

Morgana: This is the first successful example for me too!

Ryu: -_- Great, an example.

Shojo: What's done is done.

Ryu remembered back in the castle when he was about to stab Kamoshida. The one to stop him wasn't any of the thieves, but Shojo herself.

Ryu: '...Thanks for stopping me Shojo.'

Shojo: Anytime Ryu. Anytime.


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