Chapter 3: To Risk it or To Not.

Ryu: That is such bullshit!!

Akira had just finished telling Ryu and Ryuji about his backstory. Ryuji was crying his eyes out eating to try and cope while Ryu was obviously pissed.

Ryuji: You can't just walk away from that. You did what you were supposed to! How could it be wrong to help someone out?!

Ryu: You were just helping some lady not get violated!! And on top of that she even agreed that YOU assaulted him!! If I were was there Akira I'd REALLY attack for the shit he pulled!!

Akira was slightly surprised seeing their reactions.

Ryuji: It's the system that's wrong right?!

Ryu: Exactly!

Ryuji: Alright, enough of that, hurry up and eat this goodness!

He placed a bit of ginger on Akira's plate.

Ryu: Anyway the Volleyball Rally's tomorrow. If I'm picked to play then I swear I'll give Kamoshida the defeat he needs to knock him all the way down to earth and the some!!

Ryu started eating more grabbing some ginger. He was about to say more but stopped when he saw two familiar faces enter the shop.

???: Sigh, the rally's tomorrow.

???2: I know, first order of business would be getting out of Kamoshida's line of sight.

Akira: Wait a sec, aren't they-

Ryuji: Karma and Azure?

They both looked to their direction.

Karma: Ryuji?

Ryuji: Guys the three of us were just-

Azure: Time out, three? I only see the new kid and you. Where exactly is the third person?

Ryuji: What are you-

He looked to the side seeing Ryu was gone.

Ryuji: HUH?!!

Azure: Again I ask, where's the third person.

Ryuji: That's weird, Ryu- ARGH!!

He felt a sting on his leg seeing Ryu was under the table pinching him. Karma rose an eyebrow hearing his name.

Karma: Hold on, did you say Ryu?

Ryuji: Yeah he- AH!!!

This time it was a punch to Ryuji's bad leg as Azure deadpanned. He bent down a little before punching Ryu who was hiding. That made him jump and hit his head hurting him more.

Azure: I knew it, get out from under there idiot.

Ryu came out with a bump on his head.

Ryu: Not to self, don't hide under somewhere I can easily hit my head.

Karma: Uh, hey Ryu...

Ryu: Eh heh, long time no talk Karma.

Azure noticed the slight awkwardness in the room.

Azure: Uhhh, we'll be right back.

He pulled the two aside as they all went outside.

Azure: Ryu, we haven't talked with each other since the fight between you and Kamoshida, what going on?

Ryu: *Sigh* You really wouldn't understand if I explained it.

Karma: Come on, we're not angry with you. None of the team is.

He looked at them with slight surprise before going back to normal.

Ryu: I appreciate you telling me that, but it's not about you guys being angry.

Karma: *Sigh* It's cause we lost right?

Ryu nodded.

Ryu: We were going strong during the reason but that's when I fought Kamoshida. And cause of it I got kicked from the team.

Azure: Dude, you've never attacked without being given a reason. What the hell did he even say?

Ryu: He threatened to get Kira fired from the police force.

Karma: WHAT?!!

Azure: Are you fucking serious?!

Ryu: That made me snap. I knew he may not have been able to do it, but on the slight chance he was able to frame her, I just couldn't. I feel like if I was there, I would've been able to make enough of a difference. We lost by 1 on a game winner that day. You guys probably took it even worse than me for loosing. I just can't touch a basketball without feeling that guilt. How the hell could I face you both?

Right then and there Karma hugged him.

Karma: Please don't feel guilty Ryu.

Azure: I would've done the exact same thing if I was in your shoes man. If he threatened Aurora I wouldn't have been suspended, I would've been expelled for sure. Either of us would've. The fact that you stopped when I held you back makes you, well it... You've definitely got more self control at least.

He hugged her back smiling.

Ryu: Thanks guys. I'm sorry for being such an idiot.

Karma: Apology accepted.

Ryuji and Akira looked at them smiling.


Ryu Akira and Ryuji had explained nearly the whole situation to Azure and Karma. Needless to say they didn't mention anything about the Metaverse, but they were both up to stop Kamoshida's rein once and for all. Problem is-

Ryu: Why the hell is everyone too much of a bitch to actually talk?!!

Karma: Not everyone can punch a hole in the wall babe.

Akira: You can do what?

Azure: That's a story for another time.

Ryuji: But he's right! They're too afraid of Kamoshida!! They just won't report it to a teacher!!

Karma: But I feel like there's something more...

Ryu: THAT'S IT!! My sister's a cop! All we have to do is gather evidence and a witness!

Akira: Hold on your right!

Ryu was a bit surprised as well as Ryuji. They looked at Akira who slightly blushed.

Ryuji: Akira-

Ryu: Did you just get excited?

Akira: I- Uh-

Azure: So the transfer finally shows a little spike in emotion. Not a bad thing though.

Akira: R-Right. Anyway yeah. We just need to find someone who might actually talk for confirmation.

At the second Akira heard what he said and facepalmed.

Akira: But we still don't know anyone who will trust us.

Ryuji: It couldn't be that hard right?!

Azure: Ryuji, your talking about a transfer student with a criminal record, undeserved or not, a 6'5 guys with black and white hair that screams edge, a girl who's red hair makes her stand out like a sore thumb along with being 5'11, a giant who's fought Kamoshida, and you who people mistake as a thug.

Ryuji went in the corner with his head down.

Ryuji: When you put it like that...


A day had passed as Ryu Ryuji and Akira were outside.

Ryu: *Sigh* This much time and we STILL haven't found anyone with any balls.

Akira: And worse of all everyone actually knows it's going on and hasn't been doing anything.

Hearing that made Ryu punch the metal table putting a dent into it.

Ryu: Damn!

Ryuji: Hearing that makes me feel like we're back at square one!

Ryu: At this point I wanna dash into the Metaverse and blast Kings castle into smithereens just to spite him.

Ryuji: Wait, would that even have a point?

???: I finally found you three!

They all heard a familiar voice before looking around only finding a cat.

Ryu: No... No no no no~...

Ryuji: What's up Ryu?

The cat walked onto the table confusing Ryuji and Akira.

Cat: Don't think you can get away with not paying me back for helping you.

The voice clearly came from the cat as this time they were all confused.

Akira: ... What?

Ryuji: That voice, is that you Morgana?!

Morgana: How dare you up and leaving me the other day!



Morgana: I am NOT A CAT!! This is what happened when I came to this world. It was a lot of trouble finding you guys.

Akira: Hold up, you came to our world?

Ryuji: *GASP* Does that mean you've got a phone?!!

Morgana: You don't need one when you're at my level. Though tracking you three down was another story.

Ryu: YOUR A DAMN CAT!! How the hell can you talk?!!

Morgana: How should I know?!!

Ryuji: Seriously, please tell me you both here this!

Akira: Meow?

Ryu hearing that slightly panicked before grabbing him by the collar shaking him.


Akira was a bit dizzy before shaking his head a bit.

Akira: My bad...

Ryu: Anyway if you are Morgana, then you know something. Tell us after we move.

He grabbed him by the collar.

Morgana: HEY PUT ME DOWN!!

Ryuji: Akira, stuff him in your bag. It should be small enough.

He did so until they were up at the roof.

Morgana: Don't be so rough with me!

Now again multiple choices came in front of Ryu.

How do you respond?
A: Pet Morgana behind the ears.
B: Just be a jackass and roll your eyes
C: Intimidate him.
D: At first play nice but then threaten him in meme fashion like a REAL jackass.

Ryu smiled as he chose D petting Morgana behind the ears.

Ryu: Sorry about that buddy.

Morgana: Hey, not- Ahhhh... That's the spot.

He stopped before his eyes glowed red.

Ryu: But you better start talking or I'll slice off that tail and choke you with it.

Morgana jumped away from Ryu and into Akira's arms.


Shojo: Ok those multiple choice questions are pretty funny.

Morgana dropped down.

Morgana: Anyway you were sorta on the right track before.

Ryu: Wait you mean blowing the castle sky high? I was just screwing around but know I'm all for it.

Morgana: No not exactly blowing it up. The castle is how Kamoshida views this school. He doesn't realize what happens in there, but it's drably connected to the depths of his heart. Thus if the castle disappears, it would naturally impact the real Kamoshida. The castle symbolizes the distorted desires he has.

Ryu: Wait, does that mean?

Akira: All the desires will be gone too?

Morgana: Exactly, you two catch on real quick.

Ryuji: Wait, you mean he'll turn good?! It's not actually a bad thing but, is that really getting back at him?

Ryu: I can see it has he'll have so much guilt from the crimes he committed that he'll turn himself in.

Morgana: Precisely Ryu. He won't even remember we did it. There won't be a trace that it was us.

Ryuji: SWEET! How do we do it?!

Morgana: If you all promise to help me, THEN I'll tell you.

Ryu: Ok, but what exactly is the catch? I don't believe there's a snowballs chance in hell that it's be as easy as that.

Morgana: Right. If all of those yearnings were to vanish, they'd be no different than someone who's shut down entirely.

Ry: W-Wait, like the cases of mental shutdowns?

Morgana: Yeah, they may even die if they're not given proper care. So-

Ryuji: They might die?!!

Morgana: Will you listen to everything I have to say?

As soon as the mention of death came by Ryu shuddered.

Ryu: That is 10 pounds of Nope in a 5 pound bag!

Morgana: You've come this far, aren't you determined to face those kinds of risk?

Akira: Not a chance!

Ryu: I hate that bastard, trust me on that, but killing him?!! What'd make me any different from him?! We'll have to find another way!

Morgana: *Sigh* I'll come back another time. Make sure you've made your decision by then.

He ran off leaving them.

Ryu: Is that cat mental?!

Ryuji: We're getting all worked up for nothing... Damnit!!

Akira: We've gotta try and figure out another way.

Ryu: Not shit! Let's go.

They went away from the roof thinking about Morgana's words.


Ryu and Akira were walking back from school before hearing something.

???: Would you please give it a rest?! I told you I'm not feeling up to it..... Wait WHAT?!! That's not what you promised!! And you call yourself a teacher?!! This has nothing to do with Shiho!

They saw it was Ann yelling at someone over the phone.

Ryu: 'Ann?'

It sounded like the person hung up as she crouched down hanging up.

Ann: Shiho's... Starting position?

Ryu's anger immediately flared up realizing exactly who was talking. She looked up seeing the two.

Akira: Takamaki...

Ann: Wait, where you both listening?

She looked to Ryu seeing the angry look he had. That's a look she hadn't seen for a while. He grabbed her by the hand and started walking.

Ann: Wait, what are you-

Ryu: We're sitting down and having a talk. Let's go Akira.

He nodded and followed. Soon the were at Galaxy Burger sitting down.

Ryu: Order something if it helps you, but you're explaining exactly what's going on, got it?

She looked as him seeing the serious just concerned look he had.

Ryu: Please Ann...

Ann: ... I'm sure you've both heard the rumors about Mr Kamoshida.

Ryu: Yes the ones about that ugly bastard dating you. Which I still don't buy for a damn second.

She smiled hearing that before some drinks came along.

Ann: I avoided giving him my number for the longest time... But that was him on the phone.

Ryu was getting angrier and angrier hearing that. Even the usually level headed Akira was getting a bit frustrated.

Ann: Earlier today, he said to come to his apartment alone. I can't keep doing this! I'm tired of feeling trapped!

Ryu clenched his fist and brought out a stress ball squeezing it rapidlyz

Ann: What do I do? Shiho's my best friend... And I'm her only friend. *Sob* I'm so lost! I just need someone to help...

Ryu squeezed the ball even as he started to cool off before it popped. Both of them looked at his hand as he did as well.

Ryu: Shit that's the second one this week.

He looked at Ann with a sincere look.

Ryu: I promise, I'm gonna take him down one way or another.

She shed tears before hugging him arm.

Ann: *Sniff* Thank you...

Ryu: Come on, I'm have a girlfriend y'know.


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