Okay, so this isn't a FULL texting chapter and is a lot longer than the usual 250 words I normally write for this, but I wanted to write this Hemlinson moment/Argument so badly so here it is
Guys this is also really shit. Like so shit that I want to cry xD
CasparIsMineee and Hockey_lashton here's you're fucking Hemlinson fluff
Btw I recommend listening to 'I've got this friend' by 5 seconds of Summer when reading this
Bottomlinson: why are you avoiding me?
Bottomlinson: ignoring me everytime I try to talk to you and moving across the room whenever I sit beside you like I do in most of my classes?
Bottomlinson: Lukey please answer me
Bottomlinson: I know that you're on ur phone
Bottomlinson: I can bloody well see u on ur phone atm
Bottomlinson: don't u dare close those blinds
Louis is nibbling his bottom lip in both worry and sadness, wanting nothing more to just cuddle up to someone and act sad for the next 24 hours. Unfortunately, that person he normally cuddles up to and rants their ear off is now across the street and ignoring his pretty little bum for reasons that absolutely no one knows why.
It was nothing Louis, bothering the small lad for all sorts of reasons that Louis still didn't understand himself. Maybe it was because Louis relied on Luke most of the time, he lived off the tall Aussie like some type of leach, always in his shadow and ready to bark a remark to anyone that bumped into his best friend. Maybe it was because they have been best friends for what has to be years, telling one another everything to the very little detail.
Or maybe it was because Louis really liked his idiot of his best friend more than his heart can take
Louis rests his forehead onto the cold glass of his bedroom window, letting out a loud sigh that steams up the already clouded window. Louis' glasses are pressed up close on his face, nose now also in the glass as he stares hopelessly across the road at Lukes house. It was times like these that he wished he had telepathic powers and could contact Luke with only his mind, to tell him to get is ass over to his house now because Louis set fire to it.
"What did I do?"He frowns, feeling sorry for himself."Did I do something wrong?"Louis would be the first to admit to himself if he did something or said something wrong. He can't recall doing or saying anything wrong, quiet honestly, Louis hasn't said a lot all week, he's been rather quiet from what he can tell.
Louis just wants to fix whatever happened between them, he can't bare the mer thought of Luke not wanting to be his friend anymore. Maybe that's the problem, Louis was just being too clingy and that Luke just needed a break away from him, to stop talking to him for awhile and yeah, that was understandable because Louis was always a strong personality person, but at least tell a guy first!
In a fit of his own annoyance, Louis is deciding to just march himself across the street to the taller boys house, stand up on his tippy toes and demand what the fuck is going on. It's only when Louis is half way across the street does he realise that he's dressed in his lazy day clothes but whatever, he continues his angry stomping until he ends up at Lukes front door.
"Hey, Louis."Liz is answering the door, a warm smile on her face and her body language welcoming. The short boy ends up smiling back at her, not helping it.
"Is Luke home? He won't answer my text messages."Louis is asking sweetly, although a frown graces his pretty pink lips just a Little. Liz frowns at the mention of her youngest not replying to his messages, every time that she saw her son he was always texting on his phone and normally it was too Louis, or to this group chat he complains about.
"He's upstairs, honey."She opens the door wider and gestures for Louis to come in."Do you want anything to drink, or to eat?"She asks just as Louis starts to jog up the stairs.
"No thank you,"He politely refuses, already half way up the steps.
Louis can hear the strum of Lukes acoustic guitar and he smiles softly at the sound. They're just simple little notes but each is played beautifully and makes Louis' heart flutter. He has always loved the sound of the guitar, whether it be from an acoustic, bass or electric, Louis loved all types of guitars.
He doesn't waste a lot of time, opening the bedroom door.
"Mom I thought I said to stop barging in here without knock-"Luke starts his shouting, looking up from where he sits on a stool in the corner of his room. He stops when he realises it's not his mum and in fact Louis, who stands in the doorway awkwardly with his hands wringing together in front of his stomach and dressed in clothing that hugs his figure perfectly.""
"You should know by now, Lukey. I'm not one for knocking."Louis enters the room, closing the bedroom door behind him.
"What are you doing here?"Luke shoots, tightening his grip around the neck of the guitar a little. He doesn't mean for it to come out as snappy as it does, but it seems all that he's capable of doing nowadays.
"Well since you were ignoring me for no reason, I thought to bring my beautiful ass over your direction and sniff around."Luke watches Louis' every moves, how the smaller lad saunters into the room and plops himself down onto the bottom of Lukes bed, his hands folded onto his lap. Louis has been here plenty of times, knowing the Hemmings House back to front with his eyes closed.
"I have a reason,"Luke replies rather bluntly. Louis notes how tired he looks, how his bottom lip was bitten raw and his hair a mess.
"Then what is it? Because I've been wracking my brain around for a reason and I can't find one."
"I'm...Stressed."Luke lies.
"You can't bullshit my reason."Luke fumes.
"Well your reason is a pretty shitty excuse."Louis huffs."If you're going to fucking plan on ignoring me then bloody well make up a valid excuse."Louis argues with everyone, but when he argues with Luke it's so much different. It comes from deep down inside of him, that little door where all of his raw emotions are kept and all of his feelings.
The pair glare at each other from across the room, Luke unable to continue the deathly stare down as he casts his attention back onto the strings of his guitar. Louis sighs, breaking contact as well.
"I'm not Leaving until you explain to me why you're ignoring me."
"I told you,"
"No, you lied to me."Louis snaps, crossing his arms across his chest in anger. Luke wants to smile at the action, the shorter lad looks like some pissed off kitten and it was beyond adorable."If the reason being that you don't want to be my friend anymore, fine. Just tell me and I'll leave right now, leave you alone forever."Louis prays it's not that.
Luke stays silent, letting his fingers drum against the fine wood of his guitar. He can't bare looking Louis in the eye and telling him, telling him everything.
"You know what, fuck you Luke Hemmings."Louis fumes, getting up sharply from the edge of the bed."I come here to try and fix whatever the fuck happened between us and you sit there like some kicked puppy. Just say something! Don't lie to me, don't bullshit, just tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it."Louis is angry with himself for letting himself get angry, to feel sad with the tests that prick his blue eyes."I can change."
"I don't want you to change."Luke finally looks up, frowning."That's the last thing I want you to do."Luke is setting his guitar down onto its stand. He doesn't want Louis to change, the way that he is is perfect to Lukes eyes, from his spiking personality to his soft hazel hair, the way he bites his lip when he's nervous or how he could wear anything and still look beautiful.
"Then what's wrong? Tell me."Louis pleads.
"It's just-Ugh!"Luke is groaning, gripping his hair."I can't concentrate whenever I'm around you, I could be heavily focused on something and then you appear and everything is thrown out of the window and then all I think about is you! Every hour of every day I'm think about you! From the smallest of freckles that brush against the bridge of your nose to the way your clothing always seems to hug your curves. You're fucking intoxicatin-"
Louis grabs Luke by his collar, pulling the much taller Aussie down so that their lips crash together in a meaningful kiss. Luke is quickly resting his hands on Louis' waist, letting his lips mesh with Louis' sweet tasting ones in a kiss that means so much, as if all of their emotions were being said between the kiss that they share.
"You're such an idiot."Louis breathes out heavily, lips coated in spit."But that's why I love you."
(; (; (; (;
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