[I know y'all might be getting sick of Hemlinson and I'm sorry but honestly this book is really Hemlinson so oops]
[i also will write a fûcking smut scene soon okay]
I'm sorry...
We can go back to being friends if you don't want to be together anymore..
I love you
Louis lets out a long, drawn out sigh, locking his phone and stuffing it under his pillow in defeat. He has managed to curl and tangle himself up in his soft bed covers, a pillow under his head and swimming in one of Lukes hoodies with the hood flipped up and the draw strings pulled to hide away his face. It smelt just like him, that faint scent of aftershave that he always seemed to wear or the hair product that he put on most mornings before going out anywhere.
If Louis spoke the truth, he preferred it when Luke didn't try and clean himself up. He sometimes loved to run his nimble fingers through Lukes air soft chestnut blonde hair, or to rub his hand against the scruff of the Aussies unshaven beard, It didn't mean that Louis didn't like it when Luke dressed all smart and nice, Luke always looked so handsome and beautiful smartly dressed in a suit and tie, or when he was cleanly shave and smelling fresh of new bottle of aftershave.
He fucked up, the best thing that ever happened to him and he messed it all up
Curling into the warm covers, Louis buries his nose into the material of the jumper be wears, closing his eyes as he inhales the musky scent and let's out a broken sigh. Luke was Louis' first friend, he was the first person to actually accepted Louis for who he was and even helped him as far as telling him mum that he was gay which was a massive step that only Luke could help him through.
Luke had helped Louis through all of bad times, the times that he just wanted to escape from the world, or when everyone was on his back and life was getting a little too stressful, Louis always had Luke to crawl to and cuddle up to his Side for a little while. Luke was there to cheer him up when he was down.
Louis was okay with it if Luke no longer wanted to date, but he would never be okay if he didn't want to be friends anymore.
"Happy Birthday to Lou..."The singing as already started, and Louis just hopes that his mum thinks that he's still sleeping and will leave him alone and not bother him with the singing on Happy Birthday and Happiness of birthday wishes and presents. Louis doesn't deserve them.
His bedroom door opens, with his mum already creeping into the not so big but not so little bedroom of her teenage son. She has a genuine smile on her face, carrying what Louis can guess is a red velvet cake that would be demolished by his siblings by lunch time. If Louis knew his mum, and he would like to think that he did very much so, she would have another one baked by this evening.
"C'mon Louis, Wakey wakey."Louis groans in protest whenever he feels his mum rub a hand over his cheek in a method for him to wake up. Her hands are soft and Louis hated the fact that he actually feels himself waken up a little more from his sleep."It's not every day that you turn 18, you can't spend it all in bed."
"I can, and I will."Louis grumbles."I'm sleepy, leave me be."
"Louis, you're 18. Think of all of the things you can now do, not like I'm going to let you do it, you may be 18 but you still live under my roof and you will not be doing anything I don't approve of-"
"Mummy,"Whining, Louis tries to hide away from under his covers."Just leave me alone. I just want to stay in bed and be sad,"He hasn't exactly told his mum he and Luke have been dating, for a start she'd probably, and most likely freak out and cause a big fuss about it like every type of parent, and then she'd probably scare him off with her over protective side. Jay does, however, know that the two have been arguing.
"You're still arguing?"Louis nods pathetically."He'll come around, baby. You two have been best friends for a very long time, you won't just stop just because of some petty little argument."
"It seems like it will, he hasn't messaged me and every time that I do he just ignores my message or if I go across the road he just avoids me and sends Ben or Jack to answer the door."Louis was in an especially sour mood now that he was talking about it out in then open."I'll do anything for our friendship back, I can't lose him, Mummy."
"You won't,"Jay sighs, hating to see her son so upset on his birthday."Why don't you get up and take a nice, long hot shower to waken yourself up, hmm? Then you can come downstairs, I'll make you some birthday pancakes and you can see what you got for your birthday."Louis just nods meekly, humming whenever his mum presses a soft kiss to his cheek and leaves the room, leaving the cake on the beside table.
Louis lays in bed for a little while longer, forcing himself to have a quick peek at his phone, just in case Luke has messaged him, maybe a little Happy Birthday or something. He hasn't. The only messages he has received were all from Zayn or Niall, and the missed phone calls from Michael all Wishing him a Happy Birthday or just trying to get him to replay back to them.
Louis takes the longest shower that he can, until he can't stand the heat any longer and until his skin is red raw from the boiling water. He has scrubbed himself clean from head to toe, his skin washed with that strawberry body wash that everyone seems to rave about and his sweet scented shampoo. He dries off, throwing on a pair of leggings and Lukes hoodie once again, kinda loving the fact that it's way too big on him and creates these sweater paws.
"For god sake! Watch where you're all going, won't ya'?"Louis shouts whenever he's nearly pushed onto his ass by two of his sisters who where running their way up the stairs for a race to the bathroom since Louis was now out. Louis manages not to drop the cake in his hands, luckily, or he would've started a bloody riot.
"Happy Birthday, Lou!"Lottie shouts just as the bathroom door shuts close. Louis rolls his eyes, continuing to make his way down the stairs and towards the kitchen, sliding a little in the fuzzy socks that he wears on his feet against the wooden floorboards.
"Mum, you left this cake in my room, and Lottie might've broken the bathroom door..."Louis speaks, looking down at the icing on his little birthday cake, Two candles stuck in it to make the number 18. He doesn't get a reply, and with that he looks up just in time for Luke to turn around from the stove. Louis just stares at him, he has a god damn little smile on his face.
"Hi,"Luke speaks up, watching as Louis hesitantly puts the cake down onto the table before he either drops it to the ground or throws it at the man Aussie that is just standing in front of him as if the pair hasn't been arguing nonstop for the past 2 weeks.
"Hi? We've been arguing for 2 weeks, we haven't even spoken, and all you say to me is Hi?"Louis is trying his best to make his voice come out as angry as it can, but he can't mange it because this is the first time he's seen Luke and he just wants to hug him."You could at least tell me a Happy Birthday or ask how I am or fucking know if I want you in my house or no-"
"Of course you want me here,"Luke smirks just a little.
"Yes, maybe, no, look yes I want you here but that isn't the damn point!"Luke was making him flustered, and he was hating how easily Luke was able to do that to him."You can't just walk into my house and- and make pancakes!"
"Your mum actually let me in,"
"Oh,"Louis stops and tries to think of something good to say,"You can't even cook, what are you doing trying to make pancakes?"
"They're your favourite, white chocolate chip, and I just wanted to make them for your birthday..."Lukes voice trails off into a murmur, cheeks pink at the confession as he looks back at the pan and goes to turn to take it off of the hob."I know that I've been a shitty and paranoid boyfriend, I-I'm just sorry for all of the shit that I said, I know that you're just a touchy feely type of person and you have no boundaries, it's just it's hard as the boyfriend to watch you play with Harry's hair or cuddle up with Michael."
"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't be like that with my friends when I have a boyfriend who I can do the same type of stuff with."Louis fiddles with the end of the hoodie he's wearing."And for accusing you of cheating on me, and for being a pain in the ass. I'm just scared, you're my best friend and my boyfriend and it's scary Y'know?"
"I know, baby cakes."Luke takes a step forward, gathering the smaller boy into his chest for a well needed hug. Louis doesn't hesitate burring his nose into Lukes sweater, allowing the taller boy to wrap his arms around him and rest his chin on his head."And you may be a pain in the ass but you're my pain in the ass, and I love you for that."
"I love you too, asshole."
"Are you wearing my hoodie?"Luke asks.
"Yeah,"Louis doesn't bother lying."It's a bit too big though, kinda annoying."
"Yes, because it was bought for me, not for you."Luke deadpans, pulling away from the embrace with a large smile on his lips and a twinkle in his blue eyes.
"I'm you're boyfriend, you Gotta know that your clothing is gonna go missing once in awhile."Luke chuckles, dipping his head to plant a well needed and waited out for kiss upon Louis' pretty pink ones, whispering sweetly;
"Happy Birthday, Buttercup."
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