My Little Slasher (Part 1)

We Open up in A Car speeding down the Highway on the famous Death Island, as Gogo was watching A Video of A Little girl fighting A Demon... and then promptly getting eaten as the Demon King taunts her.

Nono: Hahaha! You Little Twerp.

Mama then grabbed the Video Player and spoke.

Mama: Alright, enough of that, you're sounding more and more like your Fa- I-I mean If I hear any more of that Brute, I'll explode.

She then threw the Video Player out the window but it flew back in and hit Gogo in the Back of the head.

Mama: You're being such A Bad Influence on your Little sister.

Nono: Hey I am the best influence.

She then put her cigarette ashes on her Forehead and then blew smoke in her face.

Gogo: Hehehehe.

Mama: That's Partially why I Invited our guess to come with us.

Y/n: Yo.

Nono: You Literally had to invite my Boyfriend...?

Mama: I'm Making A Point, that we need to get out of that Tournament to clear our Minds every once in A While.

Gogo: Yeah! Great Idea Mama!

Y/n: Of course Little Grasshopper.

Brought to you by Monster Energy! Monster energy! What is it? I don't know but it's available at that Truck outside! Ever fell asleep wide awake, ever Jumped A Bike over A Train, ever bit the Beak off A Bird? Monster energy drink! It's Green so it's Nature!

You were all Now A Forest Far away in A Place no one knows about, as you were all getting set up.

Mama: Isn't this Great? The Great Outdoors in A Place nobody knows about!

Y/n: Sounds like the Beginning of A Slasher Film Not gonna Lie.

Mama: Plus I made my Famous Mama Sandwiches!

Gogo then Began smelling that thing like A Bloodhound, and Nono stepped in A Puddle.

Nono: S-So Cold...!

She then Turned into A Human Again and Began picking her nose trying to go back to Demon.

Gogo: Master, What's that?

Y/n: That Gogo, is an Outhouse, It's A Bathroom for the outside.

Gogo: Wow, A Whole room to Go Potty! Such Luxury!

Nono: Mama, How do you know this Place? And Why have you been acting so strangely ever since you entered this Tournament? And why do you always act strange when we mention... Emperor Koro?

Mama: ... Look, Gogo, Nono, Y/n, and Cool Frog... I know that Cool frog has been very critical of my behavior recently...

Cool frog: (Belches in indiference)

Mama: You see... Emperor Koro and I had... History...

Just then the Outhouse Began shaking as everyone got scared.

Gogo: W-What was that...?

Nono: I thought this place was only known by you Mama!

Just then door of Outhouse Opened to reveal A Massive, Masked, Zombie-Like Man who stared at all of you with his one Huge bulging eye.



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