The Rescue Mission!
Soon As you were dispatched to Save Edinburgh, Sheffield, and Akashi, Javelin and Laffey were sent out as Back up to keep your Escape Route Safe, but soon they ran into Ayanami again!
Laffey: Ayanami.
Ayanami: ...
Ayanami then Pulled out her Sword as Javelin and Ayanami pulled out their weapons as well!
Javelin: Ayanami Please! You don't have to do this!
Ayanami: I'm Sorry.
She then charged at Laffey and Javelin as they ended up fighting against her but not willingly.
Meanwhile, with you were you flying over the area trying to find their Energy Signature to pinpoint their exact Location!
Y/n: I think I got I- SHAVE!!
You then dodged an energy attack as of course, the Germans appeared!
Prinz Eugen: Oh Look at Zat it's the Hero.
Z23: Be Careful there are Legends about how strong he is.
Z1: Yep.
Y/n: All of you stand Back! I am not here to fight you! This is merely A Rescue Mission!
Prinz Eugen: Oh? But We want to hurt you. Unless...
Y/n: Unless?
Prinz Eugen: You Join our Side.
Y/n: Never. I know that Shit Happened during WW2 But at least New Tokyo learned and even Germany learned to admit their mistakes and Improve. Iron Blood and The Sakura Empire never had. That's what Makes Our countries different.
Prinz Eugen: Ah, You come from A Land of Samurai and we come from A Land of Futuristic Weapons. A Samurai can never beat that.
Y/n: At least they have Honor.
Z23: Just Shoot Him Now!!
Y/n: Iron Body: Hollow Tree!!
You then Tanked all of the Attacks!
Z1: he's going on the defensive!
Z23: He Knows CP9 Techniques. He's steps above us.
Prinz Eugen: Then we make him Lose focus. Hey Boy Are you A Man Or A Schnitzel?
Y/n: The What?
Prinz Eugen: Let me rephrase that in American! Are you a Man or A Chicken?
Y/n: Nobody calls Me A Chicken.
You then Threw your shoes to the side as you then Coated your arm in Haki!
Y/n: Prepare for your own undoing.
Prinz Eugen: Finally A Challenge.
You then Began to Inflate your own Body as your Body got coated in armament Haki and then A Giant Cloud of steam surrounded you as you then came out, Bouncing!
Y/n: Fourth Gear!!
Prinz Eugen: This is it? You are anything but Hot Air! You are A Zepplin!
Y/n: I warned you I was going to use gear 4. That was your Mistake. Now You're going to die.
Meanwhile, the Prince of Wales saw what was happening and called in A Backup Plan.
Prince of Wales: Sound in reinforcements to save the survivors, we have everything covered over here! Enterprise Handle those Sakura Empire Ships!
Enterprise: Will do.
Back with you were standing in front of the Germans as you were cocking your fist back and you flew at them!
Y/n: Gum Gum Kong Gun!!
You then Punched Prinz Eugen in the Face as she went flying through several Buildings and you flew after her!
Z23: We Must help her!
Z1: Actually, Must we or should we?
Prinz Eugen: ACK! That Hurt!!
She then began firing even more weapons at you, which you quickly dodged!
Y/n: Gum Gum...
Prinz Eugen: (Thoughts) WAIT! How did he get so Fast right next to me!? He must have teleportation!!
You then slammed both feet into her head!
She then flew into an entire Building which got knocked down on top of her and she climbed out!
Prinz Eugen: Damnit! He is so strong! How can I beat him at this rate!? I Can't Land A Single blow on him!
Y/n: Gum Gum Culivern!!
She then Got Punched in the face as your Radio Turned on!
Prince of Wales: (On Radio) Y/n! We got The Survivors out of there! Retreat Now!
Y/n: Tch, But we can win this fight! We have the upper hand!
Prince of Wales: This Isn't A Battle this is A Rescue Mission. Leave now.
Y/n: Hmph Fine! You're Lucky you survived Prinz Eugen. I didn't want to Kill you but this is War.
You then flew off back to the Azur Lane fleet as the German Ship girl fell to the ground unable to stand from that ass whooping.
Meanwhile, with Laffey, Javelin, and Ayanami, Javelin tried to offer her A Hand, But Ayanami slapped it away and flew off back to her fleet.
Javelin: Ayanami...
The fleets then separated both sides taking damage as it ended up becoming A Mutual Draw.
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