Nano, The Overly Efficient Girl!

The newest Scores the Latest Test had come out as You were there with Hakari, Karane, and Shizuka.

Hakari: Oh I Got A Good Score!

Karane: Heh, I got One Point higher than you!

Shizuka: "My Training had made this A Very fruitful endeavor."

Y/n: Yeah, but I got a Perfect Score! Boom Baby!

Hakai/Karane/Shizuka: Wow!!/ C-Congrats but I'm not Celebrating your Good Job or anything.../ "You are A Knight of the Highest Degree."

Y/n: Oh Crap! I Left My Phone Behind! Excuse me!

You then ran Back to Nanako's Class where A Woman with Snow white Hair was continuing to Study.

Y/n: Hey Nano, Aren't you going to check the Test Results?

Nano: No that would be Inefficent. I know I had already gotten A Perfect Score.

Nano Eiai (She is A Girl who is Obsessed with Efficentcy to the Highest Degree/ Everyone in School believes she must be A Robot because of how she is so efficiently Driven/ She is also considered the most beautiful by so Many People/Doesn't see what is even Fun or Great)

Y/n: You Know it May help to Look. You Might be surprised.

Nano: No, That would be Inefficient. It serves no Purpose.

Y/n: (Sigh) Oh Boy... Okay Nano, Have fun in your Crazy Little World. Do You Want A Soda?

Nano: Having Soda is Inefficient. It has too Much Sugar and Calories. It is just too Fatty.

Y/n: Fine what about Bottled Water?

Nano: Hydration is very Important. Alright then. Get me some but make it quick.

Y/n: Right, See you in 30 Seconds!

You then teleported out of there, as Nano Blushed.

Nano: (Thoughts) Why do I feel these feelings for him? It is so Eniffiecent. I Must get it out of my head.

You then came back.

Y/n: Hey Nano, I got you Dasani.

Nano: Thank you. 

That Night...

Nano was trying to do her homework but she kept getting distracted with thoughts of you, and she got up and began writing on the White Board next to her.

Nano: 3.14...

She then went on for 15 More Digits before sitting back down.

Nano: I must not think about Y/n. His Life is So Innificient. He eats Far too much, and his Training takes up far too much time, and even he's so... Kind... and Great... And... Cute...

She then got back up and began to write Pi Again.

Nano: 3.14...

She then went on for another 300 or so digits until she had to go to Bed.

The Next Day...

It was After Class as you were sitting there Just reading A Book when Nano approached you.

Nano: Y/n.

Y/n: Yes?

Nano: I wish to Join your Harem.

Y/n: Great! Welcome!

Nano: Now Break up with me.

Y/n: You What?

Nano: I need you to break up with me right now.

Y/n: What!? Why!?

Nano: Love is so Incredibly Efficient. It serves no Practical Value and Is Utterly Useless.

Y/n: Not True! Nano give me one Date and I can prove to you why Love is the Greatest Thing in the Universe! Just Let me Prove it to you!

Nano: Fine, but that would be Wholly Efficient.

Y/n: Let me Prove to you why Love is so amazing! As long as I am Y/n! And I am A Human God! I WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!

Nano: Y/n? Would you mind letting me down?

You were Carrying her in the Air above your head.

Y/n: Oh Sorry.

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