Chapter 28: SCP-582 "A Bundle of Stories"

Here we see you and Shiera heading to New Salem for a case that might involve a narrative SCP.

Shiera: "So what SCP we're dealing with?"

(Y/N): "582, it's a narrative entity. When you make a story about it, it becomes real. There are several manifestations you should worry about. Alpha manifestation is the most common manifestations and they die 23% of the time, Beta manifestations can disguise themselves as Alpha manifestations or grow them out of them, Gamma manifestations are plant-like creatures that emit radiation and can grow or feed off of the betas, Manifestation Delta is a shadow that can't interact with people or get out of it's box, Epsilon Manifestation is no longer canon, Zeta manifestations exist within more than 3 dimensions and humans can't perceive it, Zeta Prime manifestation is a post-metamorphosis form of Zeta and it has the power to bring an XK Class End of the World Scenario."

Shiera: "Yikes, how is it in containment?"

(Y/N): "Well 582 does not think like us, it's a reaction and just following a story that it was made to do. I dealt with all manifestations of 582 and stopped the Zeta Prime midway on it's narrative."

Shiera: "How do we stop it?"

(Y/N): "Just play our parts."

Later, you and Shiera are in New Salem and you are both in FBI outfits and you found Castiel, Gabriel, and Raphael as well.

(Y/N): "Hey guys."

Gabriel: "Hey man, how have you been?"

Shiera: "Um (Y/N), who are they?"

(Y/N): "2 archangels and one angel: Raphael, Gabriel, and Castiel."

Castiel: "Hey."

(Y/N): "So, where's the 582 manifestations gonna strike?"

Raphael: "A high school but it's not the one you're familiar with."

Shiera: "What school is it?"

Later, you and the others are at the entrance of a school called Monster High, it's a school filled with monsters.

Shiera: " school."

(Y/N): "This is a nice school."

Gabriel: "So, we got 2 archangels, an angel, an alpha hunter, and a human girl who was reincarnated a bunch of times."

(Y/N): "Let's figure something out on our disguises."

Castiel: "I say we go in and explain everything to the principal about the 582 manifestations."

Gabriel: "Yeah he's right, who knows they might welcome us with open arms."

Later, you and the others are in the school halls and all the students are booing at you and the others as well as throwing paper balls at you and the others.

Gabriel: "I was wrong."

Shiera: "Ya think?"

Castiel: "Lets not worry about them, lets just head to the principal's office."

(Y/N): "Before a cousin of the Kraken shows up and smacks us with their tentacles."*to the Archangels and Castiel*"Do any of you know where the principal's office is?"

Gabriel: "Uh funny story....Archangels are banned in the monster world or any place involving monsters."

Raphael: "Like Scaris or Monster Pichu."

Castiel: "I remember now, Lucifer did a lot of damage in their world."

(Y/N): "I see why they're throwing paper at you 3-*gets hit in the face by a paper ball*"but why me?"

Raphael: "You only hunt monsters from Purgatory and creations of Eve the Mother of all Monsters and Eve herself."

Gabriel: "So we don't know."

(Y/N): "I'll ask around."

You then spot a mummy and you walk up to her and she turns to you, her name was Cleo De Nile.

(Y/N): "Hello ma'am, I'm (Y/N) Huntsmen, what's your name?"

Cleo: "Cleo De Nile, and you're the hunter who killed Osiris, hmm?"

(Y/N): "Yes I did, and I also killed Anubis before getting to Osiris. Sorry, these gods of yours take advantage of humanity sometimes and abuse people in their inner circle. Like Zeus was with Prometheus."

Cleo: "Oh please like I'll believe that."

Shiera: "No he's telling the truth, Osiris put a curse on me and Cater and he kept killing us over and over again no matter what lifetime we were in."

(Y/N): "Over a crime that they didn't commit. When we told him who the real culprit was, he didn't do squat about lifting the cure, so I shot him."*pulls out The Colt*"With this gun."

Cleo: "And who was the culprit?"

(Y/N): "Hath-Set, he killed Shiera's father."

Cleo: "Hath-Set? Why does that name sound so fami-"*gasps and realizes*"That's where I remember you, your the girl that was killed by the executioner who was-

Shiera: "-Hath-Set."

(Y/N): "Anyways, enough about that guy, we're about to have a crysis on our hands and we need to speak with the principal of this school, can you show us where he or she is?"

Cleo: "Follow me."

You and the others then follow Cleo to the principal's office and you and the others see a woman's head on the table.

(Y/N): "The Headless Horseman is your principal Cleo?"

Cleo: "She's a girl."

(Y/N): "I know, that's the kind of monster I'm referring to. Where's her body?"

Then the principal came into the room and then picked up the head and placed it on her body. She then opens her eyes and sees you and the others.

Gabriel: "Hey Nora."

Nora: "Gabriel, Raphael, didn't we make it clear that no Archangels are allowed here."

Raphael: "It's an emergency, someone is using a narrative based monster. The Alpha Hunter will explain."

You then hand the file about SCP-582 to Nora as she places her head on the table and then reads the file.

Nora: "I see and what makes you think that this narrative is here?"

Gabriel: "Well we archangels can sense things and it just so happens that 582 is somewhere here."

Raphael: "Us Archangels are powerful, but the Alpha Hunter has a special talent to handle things that threaten Earth, Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and even your world as well."

Nora: "I don't want the students to panic, but what can you do to escort them to safety?"

(Y/N): "Let some angels and Archangels in to help, after all I heard this school welcomes anything freaky flaws in all. I think this school might cover angels too."

Castiel: "40 and 50 angels and 3 archangels is not gonna be enough, we need Lucifer for this one."

(Y/N): "I knew you were gonna say that Cass."

Later, we see you and the others at the trunk of the Supernatural Tank and you open up the trunk to reveal Lucifer himself in cuffs designed to restrict an Archangel's power.

Lucifer: "I've been in this trunk for 10 days and 10 hours, and you all want my help, well forget it and there's nothing you can say to get me to join your troupe."

(Y/N): "SCP-582 might manifest here. Think of Slenderman the video game but there are hundreds of him surrounding a school."

Lucifer: "You are so persuasive (Y/N). I'm not mad that you put me in the cage in the first place, I was actually impressed, just throwing that out there. Count me in."

You then pull Lucifer out of the trunk and pull the cuffs off of him.

(Y/N): "So help me if you turn on us I will imprison you again."

Lucifer: "Right, not tricks, no nasties got it."

(Y/N): "Seriously, you are on thin ice Luce."

Lucifer: "Right I get it, no funny business."

Later, the whole school evacuated and the angels and Archangels surrounded the school looking for 582 manifestations.

Shiera: "So what do these manifestations look like?"

(Y/N): "You read the file didn't you?"

Shiera: "Right."

Then Castiel appeared right beside you and you turned to him.

Castiel: "What is the narrative of Slenderman and the 8 pages? We sensed an average of 100."

(Y/N): "Collect all 800 pages. Once we beat the game it will become day."

Shiera: "Wait a minute, the game says we only collect 8 pages not 800."

(Y/N): "Well SCP-582 can do anything that the writer's imagination has for them. Slenderman times 100 is the case."

Castiel: "We sensed 100 Alpha manifestations, 100 slendermen means 800 pages."

(Y/N): "Yep."

Shiera: "And we have to get all of them?"

(Y/N): "Yep and there's a lot of ground to cover."

Later, we see you and the others are looking for the 800 pages and you hear someone stepping on a stick. You then leap forward and tackle something and pull out a knife and you see a werewolf girl that is not like the werewolves you hunt normally, her name was Clawdeen Wolf.

Clawdeen: "Hey watch the merchandise buddy!"

(Y/N): "I thought we evacuated all the students."

Clawdeen: "Hey wait a sec I know you, you're that hunter guy."

(Y/N): *gets up*"Yes, yes I am, what are you doing here?"

Clawdeen: *gets up*"Me and my friends are here to help you out."

(Y/N): "Your friends?"

You then see her friends walk up to Clawdeen and they see you.

Draculaura: "Hey Clawdeen did you find-"*sees you*"Oh hello."

(Y/N): "A werewolf, a vamp, a zombie, a salt water fish, and a mummy came to help me? Just when I thought this day couldn't get any weirder.

Frankie: "Hey guys did you"*sees you*"Oh hey you found him."

(Y/N): "A girl version of Frankenstein's monster? Well I met some frankensteins and they go down like normal humans, despite new or added organs, especially around the area between the legs."

Frankie: "Woah personal info buddy."

(Y/N): "Hey I'm just stating the facts here and who are all of you?"

Frankie: "Oh right, I'm Frankie this is Draculaura, Lagoona Blue, Ghoulia and you already know Clawdeen and Cleo."

Ghoulia: *groans unknown language*

(Y/N): "Nice to meet you too."

Draculaura: "You can understand her?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, so what are you girls doing here? Didn't you hear that all students are evacuated i.e means you girls too."

You then see an Alpha behind them and you pull out a gun and shoot the Alpha in the head killing it.

Cleo: "Well we could help too."

(Y/N): *sees the Alpha getting back up*"Wanna help, play your roles and find the pages. Come on!"

You and the others then set out to find the pages while avoiding the Alphas, so far you and the others collected 278 pages and day on certain parts of the campus.

(Y/N): "Okay 278 pages down, 522 to go."

Cleo: "What did Anubis do before you got him killed?"

(Y/N): "Well he misjudged some souls from people who were following orders from the Whore of Babylon and he sent them all to Hell, so I trapped him in Palm Oil and killed him with The Colt."

Cleo: "Hm that seems believable."

Frankie: "Wait you believe him just like that?"

Cleo: "Of course, he doesn't look like a guy who could lie to girls."

Ghoulia: *groans and Zombie noises*

Cleo: "See even Ghoulia agrees."

(Y/N): "I killed off the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the 3 Sisters of Fate cause they were causing trouble and making their own apocalypse without Lucifer."

???(Lucifer): "Thank you for taking care of them."

You and the others then see Lucifer appear right behind you and the others.

Lucifer: "I mean seriously, causing an apocalypse without me. Not cool man, not cool! They can't do what the Bible does for at least ten seconds."

(Y/N): "Wait you wanted me to stop them?"

Lucifer: "Well yes and no, well mostly yes cause they started the apocalypse without me, you can't have an apocalypse without the devil aka me. I hope the next guys will be better than the last set."*sees the ghouls*"And why are they here?"

(Y/N): "They're helping us."

Lucifer: "Oh welp, anyways the angels on our end collected 400 pages on our end. So good work guys."

(Y/N): "Thanks Lucifer, wow never thought I'd actually say that."

Lucifer: "Yeah it feels weird weird when I hear it, getting praise makes my stomach churn like a day old burrito that you think was bad but actually still good."

Cleo: "Oh I know that feeling all too well."

Lucifer: "Welp anyways, back to looking for pages. Try not to die."

(Y/N): "You too, gah man that feels weird saying that."

Lucifer then flies off as you and others find more pages.

Cleo: "So what do we do?"

(Y/N): "Well find more pages and survive."

Draculaura: "Okay so (Y/N) do you hunt vampires?"

(Y/N): "I only hunt monsters if that's what you're asking for, not you guys."

Then an Alpha appeared and got frozen in ice as a woman that you recognize her species very well as SCP-1000, was Abby Bominable.

Abby: "Hello girls."

(Y/N): "I am sorry about your people."

Abby: "It's okay, hey you're the hunter right?"

(Y/N): "Yes and another of your people is my friend Biggie."

Abby: "You see, if he forgives you then I forgive you, end of story."

Clawdeen: "What do you mean you forgive him?"

Abby: "Around 34 thousand years ago during my people's reign on Earth, humans took us down during day and took weapons and set up big boom to civilization and wipe away the survivors minds away and then we act like mindless monkeys cause humans were led by a trickster forest goddess and made (Y/N) thinks he's  a monster for doing so."

(Y/N): "It's true."

Abby: " And if Biggie forgives you then I forgive you."

(Y/N): "I'm (Y/N) by the way."

Abby: "I'm Abby but you already knew that."

(Y/N): "Well not really, but I don't get to meet other Children of the Night these days either because they're afraid of me or they hate me or just finding a way to kill me for good."

Abby: "We're okay, they need to know that you were played."

(Y/N): "Thanks Abby."

Later, you and the others collected all the 800 pages and you, Shiera, the angels, archangels, the ghouls, and Nora saw all the 100 Alpha manifestations standing in one group as they disappeared.

(Y/N): "That's the end of that story."

Then a basketball size sphere rolled towards the angels and it launched angel blades at all of them and they were all killed all at once excep while the Archangels and you survived and you managed to save Castiel, Shiera, the ghouls and Nora from the attack. You see a man with yellow hair and green clothing that is made for hunting and you recognize him as Van Hellscream.

(Y/N): "Van Hellscream?"

Castiel: "You slaughtered those angels!"

Lucifer: *pulls an angel blade out of his chest*"Not cool man."

Van: "Archangels and The Devil working together, not very angelic of any of you."

Raphael: "Lucifer is an Archangel not a demon you moron!"

Van: *to you*"The Alpha Hunter, I have a little something for you."

Van then tosses you a spear and you recognize it belongs to Michael.

Van: "That can turn a demon to dust, for angels they rot from the inside out."

(Y/N): "Why did you give this to me?"

Van: "You know to kill the devil and the other Archangels once and for all for their treachery against humanity."

Lucifer: "You're not gonna kill us right?"

You then break the spear in half and then throw it to the ground.

(Y/N): "I don't kill for the sake of killing, I only do it when it's necessary and now it's not necessary."

Raphael: "The Alpha Hunter has one thing that you don't, honor."

Van: "But my family has idolized him for generations, he's the reason why all the hunters in the world exist in the first place!"

(Y/N): "Well guess your family thought of me as a man who kills without remorse."

Van: "But-but you killed all those demons why won't you kill this one?!"

(Y/N): "Uh news flash, he's helping us and once again he's an archangel. And besides, one of my girlfriends is a demon too and her name is Rias."

Van: "You are no better than those demons."

Van then pulls out Excalibur and then stabs you through the chest and you then punch Van as you then die the same way last time as the Archangels and Cass use all of their might to contain the explosion. Meanwhile in the Empty, we see you awake in the black void.

(Y/N): "Gosh darn it again."

Then The Shadow appears and it turns to you.

The Shadow: "You again!?"

(Y/N): "Yeah me, and before you ask I got stabbed by Excalibur again."

The Shadow: "How much does it take to get some sleep around here!?"

(Y/N): " Hey it's not my fault I get killed on a daily basis."

The Shadow: *sighs*"Whatever, I'll bring you back to life for free cause at this point I don't care how you die, I'll just send you back to Earth again."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

The Shadow: "Yeah yeah anytime. But is there anyone else you want to bring along cause I don't care anymore."

(Y/N): "Well, how about all of those people who were killed off during the extermination cause I know a demon princess who's making a hotel for redeeming demons of the Underworld and it would be great for her business."

The Shadow: "If you say so, don't you ever get yourself killed again."

Meanwhile at the Monster High, we see a meteor flying down and crashing into the gym. The others head to the gym and they see you on the crash site.

(Y/N): "I'm back from The Empty again."

Van: "How is that possible, I stabbed you in the heart with the sword!?"

(Y/N): "I'm a night owl dude, I stayed awake in The Empty and The Shadow gave me the boot again, along with a lot of demons from years worth of exterminations."

Van: "What?!"

(Y/N): "Yeah a demon princess named Charlie has a hotel that is built for redeeming demons, so I thought it would be good for business for her."

Lucifer: "Huh, guess you are that generous."

(Y/N): "Sure am."

Lucifer: "I'll tell her myself, cause I'm heading back to Hell baby!"

Lucifer then flies off and you see him leave the room.

Castiel: "That was something."

(Y/N): "Yeah I think it's time to head home."

Nora: "Thank you for saving the school, I'm sure we can lift the ban for people of Heaven."

Gabriel: "Thanks Nora."

Later, on the way back to the Beach House, Shiera got newspapers on certain a guy winning the lottery, an unidentified creature, and some other events.

Shiera: "Um is this right? These papers are happening in the same town."

(Y/N): "Don't worry, your friends from Metropolis are there right now."

Later, we see you parking at a restaurant and you and Shiera see Diana, Karen, Kara, Jessica, Zee, and Babs at their booth and you both head to them.

(Y/N): "Hey there everyone."

Girls: "(Y/N)!"

They then hug you tightly as Shiera was surprised by this.

Shiera: "Wow, they like you."

(Y/N): "Girls please, I came back from the dead okay. We have a case to work on."

Diana: "Indeed."

Kara: "So what's the plan?"

(Y/N): "I have a theory, Kara, wish for something from-"*points to a wishing fountain*"-that fountain."

Diana: "No Kara, allow me."

Diana pulls out a penny and then flips it into the fountain as a delivery guy comes into the room with a delivery.

Delivery guy: "I have a gyro with blue cheese on a peta from fresh wheat for Diana Prince."

(Y/N): "That was specific."

Later, we see Diana finish eating the gyro as the other girls made their wishes. Babs got a Batman action figure prototype, Kara wished to be more appreciated, Jessica wished for people to appreciate endangered animals, Karen wished to be slightly taller, and Zee wished to be in a movie.

Shiera: "So what kind of theory are you testing out (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "You'll see, for now let's head to the store."

Later we see you and the others at the store and you all see wreckage from a bear attack.

(Y/N): "Well this place is trashed."

Kara: *sees a patch of fur*"A bear came in here?"

Zee: *sees a lot of food and drinks taken*"And has a hunger for human food."

Diana: *sees the porn rack empty*"What was here?"

Zee: "Oh uh okay Diana you probably don't know about this but uh some stores sell...."*sees Diana looking into a porn mag*"Ah Diana no!"

Diana: "I do not understand, why do these women are wearing undergarments and such manner?"

Zee: "Uh um, uh well you see.... Kara you wanna tell her."

Kara: "Uh... um oh wow okay uh.... Karen, you tell her."

Karen: "What?! Why me?!"

(Y/N): "Allow me to explain."*whispers in Diana's ear*

Diana: "So these women are flaunting their bodies to get others attention?"

Kara: "Uh yeah that pretty sums it up, there uh for older people though and for creeps."

Babs: "Yeah, what kind of bear would want these?"

(Y/N): "Apparently a guy in a bear costume."

When you walk out the door you see a wagon that has a note that says I'm sorry for taking this stuff.

(Y/N): "And he returned the stuff apparently."

Diana: "Most peculiar, why would a man steal goods and then return them."

Babs: "Maybe he felt bad?"

(Y/N): "Let's follow the bear tracks that way."

Later, we see you and the girls at a house and you knock on the door as a little girl answers the door.

(Y/N): "Um hi Ms, do you know where your parents are?"

Ms: "They're mostly gone all day cause they always work, but I understand why they're working so hard. But my friend isn't feeling well, he's always watching TV and saying weird words that I don't understand."

Kara: "Can you take us to him?"

Ms: "I don't know he's not good with people."

(Y/N): "Does he do anything else?"

Then you and the others hear a gunshot and you and the others then head to the source and see a giant stuffed teddy bear the size of a man and had a hole in the back of the head from the gunshot and it realized it didn't kill him.

(Y/N): "You okay Teddy?"

Teddy: "This whole world is falling apart! The ice caps are melting, there are forest fires, and worst of all I'm outta snacks!"

Jessica: "Is- is that bear talking?"

Babs: "Zee is thing magic?"

Zee: *scans Teddy*"Hmm, well this is like ancient magic we're dealing with."

You then turn to the little girl.

(Y/N): "How did Teddy become like this?"

Ms: "Oh I toss a coin into the fountain and make a wish to make Teddy come to life so we can have tea parties."


Ms: *whispers to you*"He's been very cranky."

Kara: "Wait wait, you made a fountain wish and your bear came to life? But that Impossible fountain wishes aren't real."

(Y/N): "But the Tiamat coin is."

Kara: "What coin?"

(Y/N): "Well if you toss a tiamat coin in a fountain your 'wish' becomes real but....the wish goes bad."

Zee: "So if this coin the girl tossed and wished her bear could come to life that means her bear is acting all cranky and depressed?"

(Y/N): "You mean a Bipolar nutjob?"*to Ms*"Ms can you show us where you found that Tiamat coin?"

Ms: "I don't know what it looks like"

(Y/N): "Dang, well let's get to a hotel and think it over."

Diana: *stomach growls and feels about to puke*"What is this feeling?"

Kara: "You're about to throw up."

Diana then heads to the restroom and vomits into the toilet.

(Y/N): "Looks like Diana ate a bad gyro."

Zee: "Wait, if her wish has gone bad, then that means our wishes will go bad."

Later, at a hotel, we see Karen enter the room and bump her head in the door frame.

Karen: "Ow."

You see Jessica in shock when she was reading a news article about panda meat in the butcher shop.

Jessica: "What have I done!?"

You see Babs opening up a box and she sees the batman action figure prototype broken.

Babs: "Ah! Why?!"

(Y/N): "And this is why I don't use Tiamat coins."

You then see Kara coming into the door with an army of fans and she quickly closes the door behind her.

Random guy: "Aw come on Kara, I just want all of your locks of hair!"

Kara: "These people are obsessed with me!"

(Y/N): "Oh boy, Zee, Karen what did you two wish for?"

Karen: "I wished to be taller but I keep hitting door frames."

Zee: *reads a contract to a porn flick*"I wished for my own movie, and I got a contract for a porno flick!"

Diana: "Is this porno flick the same as the porn mags?"

Zee: "Yes Diana, I am not gonna flaunt around my body for creeps!"

Kara: "How do we even get rid of these wishes?!"

(Y/N): "Hm if what you all wished for ended up badly then maybe we need to find the coin and get it out of the fountain."

Later, at the fountain, we see Karen grab the coin and struggle to pull it out.

Karen: "It's stuck."

Kara: "Let me try."

Kara then grabs the tiamat coin and struggles to pull it out and then she uses all of her strength resulting in breaking the floor around her feet.

Kara: "Dang it! This thing isn't budging."

(Y/N): "Remember, only the person who threw the coin in the fountain can remove it, it's like Mjolner rules."

Babs: " Mjolner rules?"

(Y/N): "Yeah he or she who's worthy can wield the hammer, or in this case removing the coin, so which one of you threw the coin in the fountain?"

Karen: "None of us."

Shiera: "I guess we have to make a timeline."

Later, back at the hotel we see you set up a timeline of events going backwards.

Zee: "So who's our coin tosser?"

(Y/N): "Aside from your wishes, the little girl wish was the fourth person to make a wish, the third was a teenager who wished to be invisible so he can go into the girls' locker room-"

Zee: "Atata I know what he's gonna do but uh what happened next?"

(Y/N): "The second guy won the lottery, which leads to a woman who wished to be smarter."

Kara: "Wait how did you know about the invisible guy?"

(Y/N): "Oh Shiera and I ran him over with the tank, but he's alright."

Shiera: "We thought we ran over a pothole."

Zee: "Okay what happened after that?"

(Y/N): "Well, if the wishes have gone bad, we need to find this woman and get her to undo these wishes."

Later, you found the woman's house which is in Royal Woods and you came by a house. You and the girls then knock on the door as a woman answers it, her name is Rita Loud.

Rita: "Yes can I help you?"

(Y/N): "Excuse ma'am, did you happen to come by a coin that looks like this."

You then hand a picture of the tiamat coin to Rita as she looks at it.

Rita: "Huh that looks like the coin one of my daughters tossed into that fountain."

Babs: "That was her?!"

Diana: "Ma'am can you tell us which one your daughters tossed that coin only the fountain?"

Rita: "Well why don't you all have a seat in the living room, I'll bring her to you."

You and the girls then head to the living room as we then see the loud sisters and Rita show up.

Lori: "Um mom who are these street performers?

Kara: "We're not street performers, well Zee is a magician but that's not the point, which one of you tossed this coin."*shows them the picture of the Tiamat coin*

Leni: "Oh that's precisely the coin that I tossed. I should remove that coin this very minute now, my new found intellect became a blessing has now become a curse."

Jessica: "That was you?! You monster! You butchered a panda!"

Babs: "Easy Jess, what she's trying to say is....YOU RUINED OUR LIVES!!"

Kara: "What they said."

Zee: "I have to be in 200 prono flicks and all I wished for is to be in a movie, and by movie I mean a romantic movie or maybe a drama. NOT SOME SLEAZY ADULT STUFF!!"

Diana: "And you have poisoned me with your bad food!"

Rita: "Um what are they talking about?"

(Y/N): " When your daughter wished to be smart it made their lives worse and apparently made her life worse as well."

Lisa: "Aha! I knew Leni couldn't be as smart as I am."

(Y/N): "Only Leni can remove the coin from the fountain and undo all of this."

Leni: "Indeed I must, and I shall."

Later, at the foundation, we see Leni pick up the tiamat coin and all of the wishes has been undone.

Kara: "Did it work?"

Diana: "I am feeling no stomach pain."

Leni: *sees the tiamat coin*"What is this coin I'm holding?"

Karen: "I'm back to normal height!"

Babs: "Don't toss it into the fountain!"

You then take the coin from Leni's fingers and put the coin in a coin sized cursed box.

(Y/N): "Well that's the end of that."

Leni: *sees your metal arms*"Wow, are you a robot?"

(Y/N): "Uh no I'm not."

Leni: "What are you then?"

(Y/N): "I'm a hunter, the Alpha Hunter."

Leni: "Oh."

???: "I see you found a cursed object."

You then see Gabriel appear right next to Leni.

Leni: "Where did you come from?"

Gabriel: "From the-"

(Y/N): "From the FBI right Gabe?"

Gabriel: "What are you-"*realizes what you mean and plays along*"-Oh yeah, I came from the FBI to uh store this dangerous artifact we don't want it to cause anymore trouble."

You then hand the box to Gabriel as he then walks off and then flies off to the Vault.

(Y/N): *to Leni*"He's wearing a jetpack."

Leni: "That's a thing."*remembers something*"Hey I remember you, you're that guy who saved me and my family from that strange monster guy with the weird space helmet."

(Y/N): "Space helmet?"*realizes*"Oh you mean SCP-2006?"

Lisa: "And what pray tell is an SCP?"

(Y/N): "I'll explain later."

Leni: "You have to meet the rest of my family, properly this time."

Later, at the Loud's residence, we see you explaining what an SCP is to the rest of the Louds.

(Y/N): "That's basically the whole story."

Lisa: "Oh that's preposterous, these anomalies aren't real."

Babs: *to you*"She's not serious right?"

Zee: "Okay if you don't believe that then watch this."

Zee then does a magic trick where she pull out a magician's hat and she pulled Kara out of it and she was wearing a bunny outfit

Kara: "Ah! Why am I wearing this?!"

Zee: "Whoopsie my bad, I was trying to pull an actual bunny out of my hat."

Lisa: "Pfft, oh please you obviously have a bunny already in there."

(Y/N): "I don't know, what do you think Lucifer?"

???: "I think that's actual magic."

Everyone in the room sees Lucifer just appeared in the room.

Lucifer: "Hello everyone, I'm The Devil himself and that guy right there is an angel."

Everyone then saw Castiel just appeared in the room.

Castiel: "Hey."

Lisa: "Oh come on, how long must you keep up this charade, they're obviously people in costumes."

Lola: "I don't know, they look pretty real to me."

Lucifer: "Oh you call this a costume?"

Lucifer then emits a heavenly light as silhouettes of his wings appear and his eyes glows red as Castiel emits a heavenly light and his wings appear as silhouettes.

Lisa: "Obviously you have some sort of light mechanism in your costume."

(Y/N): *whispers to Lucy*"Is she always like this?"

Lucy: "Yeah you're gonna have to forgive her, she only believes what's real and thinks it's fake."

Lucifer: *sees Lucy*"Oh hey Lucy, how's my favorite satanist?"

Kara: "Woah woah hold the phone,  you know little ms dark and gloomy?"*to Lucy*"No offense kid."

Lucy: "None taken."

Lucifer: "Oh she's one of my vessels, I know that she's on the female side but who am I to judge, a vessel is a vessel."

Lana: "That explains all those weird drawings on the wall in her room."

Lucifer: *to Lisa*"Okay then kid, if you think I'm not The Devil, then shouldn't I do this?"

Lucifer then snaps his fingers and everyone in the room is now in Hell.

Lucifer: "Welcome to Hell!"

Lisa: "Special effects and green screen."

Zee: "Wow this girl has no imagination."

Lucifer: "Oh yeah, do you think this is real?"

Lucifer then uses his powers to crush several organs and bones in Lisa's body as Lisa feels the pain.

Lisa: "Agh! Okay okay! It's real!"

Lucifer: "Finally."

Lucifer then snaps his fingers and everyone is back in the house as Castiel then uses his power to heal Lisa's injuries.

Castiel: "That was a bit much Lucifer."

Lucifer: "Hey it worked didn't it?"*to Lisa*"By the way, my big bro Michael is in charge of Heaven and my dad God is in retirement. Basically a passing of the torch kinda thing you know."

Lisa: "I see."

Lucifer: "Welp, i'm off to torture souls to eternal damnation, see ya."

Lucifer then flies off as Castiel does the same.

(Y/N): Okay and with that said we'll be going too, it was nice to meet you all."

Lincoln: "Nice to meet you too."

Later, back at the beach house, we see you reading some books and the girls are with you in the library.

Karen: "Um (Y/N), we have something to tell you."

(Y/N): "What is it?"

Kara: "Uh Zee you should tell him."

Zee: "Well uh, you see we kinda had feelings for you."

Diana: "And we have grown to love you if you will accept us as your lovers."

(Y/N): "Well alright, come here."

The girls then kissed you one at a time.

(Y/N): "I love you girls."

Girls: "We love you too!"

Next: Chapter 29: SCP-169 "The Leviathan"

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