S1 E1, great pain in my a$$ (part 1)
A/n: yeah... I have no excuse, I procrastinated, nothing more to it, I would apologize but I don't like to say things I don't mean so... Yeah... Anyway onto the story btw with every episode, the season and episode number is going to be there but if it doesn't say anything then notify me, because it's either a mistake on my part or it's an original chapter.
A/N (july 2024): hey.... I will admit...I broke my promise of trying to be a good author, I didn't even try to write anything as I've been distracted, life's been boring and I've been trying to entertain myself, anyway, this is one of the very first stories I made and then fell asleep on, in other words, I'm going to ATTEMPT and TRY and make my oc align with the whole Spider-Man's or in this case, Spider-Woman's no killing rule, otherwise things will get complicated. I've combined spawns suit with ghostrider to make it to where he wouldn't NEED to kill but we will need a training arc so he doesn't end up killing anyone on accident.
(So I have to admit I half assed the story halfway through cause my head hurt so I'm going to redo this chapter.)
Y/n's pov
Oh.... Your back? Well I can't stop you even if I wanted to, even though I can break the fourth wall that only means that I can talk to you... Somewhat. Look, by reading what has been written does nothing, however rewriting what has been written can change the story completely. It's something the author has said so don't go apeshit and say fate is determined. Take it how you want to anyway we should probably get straight into today otherwise the author will get upset.
Sheesh the mouth on this guy.
anyway as I'm walking to school I remember what Mom told Penny, she told her to get the cake that was ordered for dads birthday but knowing how she was forgetting things recently I decided to get on my bike and drive there myself and get the cake. I currently have two vehicles, one that I made myself and the other one was dads before... His passing. Miss you old man. What would he say if he knew what my illness really was, what would mom or Penny even say? How would I even explain it to them? Hey dear family I have 2 godlike beings inside of me that's made of 2 different spirits of vengeance who want to kill people I just met cause somehow their supervillains. Yeah right I'd rather go to a prison for pissing in public, which I haven't done! ............... Yet.
Anyway where was I? Oh yeah. I get on my motorcycle that I made by myself and paid for all the parts for it. It brings bad ass a new name, it's faster than any bike in the legal market, has better control than a evil stepmother, roars louder than the fat man from ww2, my condolences to the innocent Japanese, please Welcome Sarah!
anyway for the past year Penny has been really forgetful so I went and got the cake early, just in case.
As I drive off with the cake I feel an urge to bring penance and.... Vengeance. That only happens when a big time sinner is nearby, shit, I got to get out of here and take my meds before the two for one special demon bastards come out, who I named Ryder.
Anyway I drive off quickly and got to school. I put the cake in my locker, I take out my inhaler and look at it before noticing that I was low, fuck. I must've forgot to swap it out for another at home, I won't use it now I'll do it at the end of school. As I close my locker I see Penny, Hailey, and MJ. My friends that surprisingly don't have that much sin in them, still enough to be noticeable though.
Now let's get on with how I met them.
I first met MJ when I was with Penny at a park, she and MJ are best friends and so I told her straight up, "d-don't hurt Penny or else I'll hug you until you're sorry!" I was a pacifist back then and I was pretty brave right? Anyway we became good friends after.
MJ... Is a flirt to some, but to those who know her, she is just trying to get the inside scoop. She's a small percentage of why I have trust issues. She is trying to work for JJJ my previous boss and at first he's a jackass but if you get to know him he's just passionate about keeping his city safe and he gives you what you deserve in payment. I'm the one who she is begging to put in good word for her.
So like the good friend that I am, I said no, she knows why I got fired, except for the whole me being the new ghost rider thing, and if I ever lose control I definitely do not want her to go snooping around in Ryder's business. Look at what happened to me, I'm an amalgamation of hells nine circles at this point she doesn't want what I have and she doesn't deserve it either.
Then theres Hailey she's rich, she's gorgeous and was there when we needed her most, when Penny's bike crashed and broke down, I was on the scene and tried to fix it in the rain while she was drying up under the umbrella I brought. Hailey had her mom have the driver of the limo pull over to pick us up.
Hailey: "hey Y/n and Penny Parker right?"
I was busy fixing the bike while being wetter than a prostitute on her off day.
Penny: "uh yeah?"
Hailey: "it's me Hailey Osborn, y'know from school... Is he alright?"
I was getting frustrated with the hunk of junk, I already fixed the piece of shit 3 times that week.
Penny: "yeah he's fine, he's just really focused... Y/N!"
I looked up and finally noticed Hailey
Y/n: "hey uhh, Hailey right?"
Hailey: *giggles* "yeah. Get in you look soaked."
So I put the bike in the trunk and sat in between Penny and Hailey.
Penny: "thanks Hailey, you didn't have to do that...." Penny looked over to me staring at the window, looking at Ryder, she only saw my reflection but I saw who the man in the mirror truly was. Penny elbowed me shortly after to get me out of my trance.
Y/n: "huh? Oh uh yeah thanks..."
Hailey: "no problem."
Y/n: "Hang on I gotta-" I removed my wet shirt revealing my abs to everyone damn thing was sticking to my skin. Unknown to me, Petra and Hailey were blushing while staring as Hailey's mom just stared with a smirk.
Y/n: "sorry it was bothering me."
Norma: "no-no it's fine, really it's fine~."
She said with a weird tone that sent shivers down my spine as she secretly took a picture along with the other girls, despite me knowing.
Hailey: "A-Anyway Mom these are the two I keep talking about, the one who keeps getting beat up and the one who encountered the Rider and Spawn."
Penny snapped out of it and was about to go for a handshake before rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.
Norma: "it seems you could use some friends Penny."
Penny: "that'd be cool. "
Norma: "and Y/n it must of been frightening to encounter the two hellians."
Y/n: "it was horrifying..."
The reason I wasn't saying much was because I felt sin coming from Norma, different sins had different smells and even "tastes" from norma i could smell heavy amounts of greed, envy, pride and the most present one, lust... despite knowing i am a minor.
Norma: "please tell me, what happened."
Penny: "he actually doesn't like to-"
Y/n: "it's fine Penny. Mrs.-"
Norma: "Miss. Osborn dear.~" she was quick to correct me, very quick to correct me. I smelled a lot of lust coming from her smile and half lidded eyes.
Y/n: "Ms. Osborn the truth is, words can't describe how terrifying it was to see the Rider and Spawn, The Rider knew where anyone hid as if it had sonar, and when it looked at me I felt my whole life flash before my eyes, It was like it was looking inside my soul, searching for something to give it reason to punish me. and I don't know what it found but it left me with an asthma of some sort, I'm the only survivor of its attacks. Gave me PTSD. And then there's spawn who was just as terrifying from his brutality and sadistic nature." I explained every detail of my experience to them
Norma: "oh I'm sorry dear, come here.~" she outstretched her arms to me as she had a tone of worry yet her voice was hinted with something more playful.
Y/n: "wha-" was the only thing I managed to get out before my head was grabbed and forced into her big breasts, she smelt like pumpkin spice they felt heavenly but I felt her other hand travel down my wet pecks and abs. I blushed like hell as she got closer to my-
Hailey: "M-MOM!" It was safe to say Hailey wasn't happy, and she was also blushing.
Norma: "what? I'm just comforting him.~"
Hailey: "Mom! Let him go!"
Norma: she quickly frowned, her playful tone was gone and she definitely was not happy, i could smell envy and wrath coming from her now "fine."
I was finally released and I no longer smelled her pumpkin spice perfume, still blushing.
Norma: "anyway maybe you two could help Hailey keep her mind on her studies." She said looking from me and Penny to Hailey.
Hailey: it was her turn to frown as look away anger clearly evidenton her face "I wish you would stop micromanaging my life."
Norma: "give me reasons not to."
Penny: "uh, we just met you both, but I think that it's great that you have a mom who cares so much."
Norma: "it sounds like you speak from experience."
Penny: "neither of us met our mom's ma'am. But we have his adoptive dad, my uncle, who busts our butts when we get out of line."
Y/n: "tell me about it, he's going to laugh his but off when he sees that he won the bet." I groaned "that man only gambles when he knows he'll win."
Norma: she giggled as she smiled genuinely and not lustfuly "And those two are none the worse for that, are they Hailey?"
Hailey: "she's smiling, my mom's actually smiling. How'd you do that?" She asks us.
Penny: "it's a gift" she smiles as I smirk.
Ever since that day Penny and Hailey have been thick as thiefs.
I fade out of that memory quickly.
And that's my life now, even with all that hell mumbo jumbo it's alright.
I then felt a sinner nearby, not big time but much more noticeable than the other ones here.
???: "hey! Puny Parker!" A feminine voice rang out sing songly.
I look towards who is the high schools jock, bully. Please welcome breasts before brains, Elizabeth "Flash" Thompson!
Flash: *punches and dents 10th locker from trying to get Penny's attention only succeeding now.* it's locker knocker time!
Like I said before she's the high schools lead bully, and football star the typical jock stereotype.
Apparently she is spider woman's "number one fan", Jeez (-‸ლ) talk about not following in your idols footsteps in the slightest.
I would stop her but Penny needs to stand up for herself, I know she's stronger than flash. I just need to have patience.
It comes to lunch time when we are in our little 'friendship club' in the cafeteria. I brought a sacked lunch from mom, ever since I got "asthma" she has been making me sacked lunches... im not going to lie i love them but its like she thinks ill die without her... cant beat her cookies though, wish i didnt have to smack peoples hands to keep them, speaking of which. *smack*
Hailey: "Ow!! Cmon Y/n, And really Penny? Locker knocker time again? Thompson's such a tool." She says as she sits down with Penny, pouting at me.
Penny: "if that's the worst thing that happens to me today, I'm coming out ahead." She smiles as she goes to eat before I Suddently can't breath.
There is so much sin coming from the wall behind me and Penny. Multiple sinners, I reach inside my bag trying to get my inhaler. I get my inhaler and put it to my mouth, but before I can take a breath of relief, the wall explodes sending me crashing into the concrete pillar. And sending my inhaler sliding away from me
It feels like I'm going to pass out, I can't hear anything, food is being thrown but I can barely see anything but the inhaler. The necklace I wear holds off Ryder for only so long and makes it to where only one aspect of the previous Riders can come out and only for a limited time.
I crawl desperately to my inhaler before I'm blasted and thrown into the staff only room behind the cafeteria. When I land I burst into flames causing a explosion.
I hear Penny's voice.
Penny: "NOOOOO!"
I don't pass out but I do go a painful transformation that ends up with me screaming as my flesh burns off. I finally turned into the monster. My entire body was covered in spawns suit except there was no miss matching parts. But my head wasnt covered, the base of my neck had made the suit back off from the necroplasm hellfire, making my head a skull with thick green flames coming from it.
I was seeing through my own sockets, and I felt... powerful.
I get up from the rubble to see the one known as Thundra pull spiderwoman down by her own webs before running to end her.
I grabbed her shoulder, as she turned around the only thing she saw was my flaming skeleton fist punch her in the face. Damn that felt good.
Me?: "Sorry, had to squash the runt." I(?) chuckled before being blasted by sound causing me to stumble a bit.
I look at my attacker pissed to see Claw still blasting me before I dash to him end up infront of him shocking him. While he's stunned I grabbed his still blasting claw and crush it as it melts in my hand.
Me?: "sorry, didnt like the music." I taunted.
I throw a right hook making a burning imprint of my leather covered flaming fist on his face, burning a green glow since he's made of metal. I had some control otherwise I would've melted him into a puddle, but I still didn't have the ability to stop myself from fighting.
Wizard: "the hell is that?!" He screamed before making a wall of floating hostages.
I jumped at him before turning to smoke and going through the hostages and Re-solidifying then grabbing his head before smashing it repeatedly into the ground.
Wizard: "p-please stop!" He begged, ha that's rich
I laughed maniacally before I got webbed and pulled by spiderwoman.
Spiderwoman: "woah there I think he's had enough, Bone head!"
Me?: "he has innocent blood on his hands, HE MUST PAY!"
Spiderwoman: "yeah gonna have to put a rain check on that."
We start to circle one another
Me?: "penance has been left unpaid for too long! Vengeance must be served!"
Spiderwoman: "Sheesh, for someone who has no voice box, you sure know how to be a hot topic radio."
Me?: "you leave me no choice."
Spiderwoman: "right back at you." She narrowed her eyes
We stop circling each other before we charged at one another.
She knew when to dodge and where to dodge, but I'm faster.
I grab her neck and slam her into the ground before she kicks me back into a pillar and webs me up.
The students cheer for spiderwoman, thinking I was down for the count.
Spiderwoman: "so much for the unstoppable hell rider." She joked and turned to the crowd seeing them shocked, "what, is their ash in my teeth?" She asked before flipping behind me, dodging my punch only to receive a flaming kick to her stomach and got launched into the concrete pillar I crashed into.
Me?: "so much for the spectacular Spiderwoman" I taunted before feeling more peaceful, I looked around and saw no sin in the immediate area before I saw Hailey on the ground heavily injured.
Me?: "No..." I muttered before walking to her almost all of the students backed up in fear.
MJ who had stayed by Hailey's side got defensive, I heard her voice but not her words, they where faded... Drowned out by my failure to protect the innocent, another job of a Ghostrider, no the MAIN job of the ghost rider.
Once I reached her I kneeled to her and reached out to her before a web took hold of my hand. I looked to Spiderwoman before being launched by her punch.
Spiderwoman: "STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!" She exclaimed before wailing down on me. I didn't fight back until I grabbed her wrist and forced her to look into my eye sockets
She tensed up before nodding as if she knew what I was doing.
I walked to Hailey once again before reaching my hand to her cheek. My head flame was flickering before it got smaller as I healed her.
I pulled my hand away as she was starting to wake up.
I felt weak, I walked through the hole in the wall before stumbling into an abandoned alleyway hearing Spiderwoman's footsteps before collapsing, my flame finally burnt out, I coughed up smoke and fell on my side, my skin and flesh slowly reverse burning back on.
Spiderwoman: "Y/n?" She asked as she came to my side. Wait a minute, I knew that voice.
Me: "Penny?" I asked and she flinched, confirming my suspicions
Penny: "how? How did this happen?! Why are you like this?! Are you ok?!" She kept asking me as I groaned and put my hand on her mouth to keep her from talking.
Me: "well talk about this at home. *cough cough* let's get back inside, get our stuff and get home."
Penny nodded as she grabbed my hand helping me stand.
*time skip*
JJJ: "in a shocking betrayal of the justice system that she claims to uphold, spiderwoman today led known super criminals in an attack on innocent school children along with a new menace, he looked to be a combination of Spawn and the ghost rider, That's right you heard me, THE GHOST RIDER!! THE GUY THAT TURNS ANYONE WHO'S AGAINST HIM INTO DUST! AND SPAWN THE GUY SO BRUTAL HE LEAVES ONLY BITS AND PIECES OF HIST VICTIMS AROUND! If that's not bad enough, he was surrounded by children! Believe me, ladies and gentlemen, it gives this humble commentator less pleasure to say I told you so. It is the opinion of daily bugle communications, that the police should issue a warrant for spiderwoman's arrest and that nothing less than deadly force should be employed in the pursuit of spiderwoman and this new HELL RIDER!"
I grimace at the screen of my old boss shouting about us.
Mom: "Y/n, Penny!"
Penny: "Hi aunt May."
Me: "hi mom." I said coughing, the hellfire leaves my throat dry.
(I'm removing some people from the harem)
Mom: "are you two ok? I heard there was trouble at the highschool?" She asked worringly
Now I know what your thinking, the ghost rider lives with his mom still? Loser! Well, think again, she works all day, Monday she does yoga, Tuesday is French cooking, and Thursday is bowling.
With her full schedule it's hard for me to believe she doesn't have supernatural powers, and I suspect Penny uses that schedule to come and go as she pleases but aunt May would never approve of the whole Spider-Woman thing, or the whole Hell Rider thing either, I think she'd keep me home away from everything just to keep me safe.
Me: "those psycho's never touched us mom. *cough cough*" wish I could say the same for Hailey
the Ryder is starting to annoy me a lot and he shouldn't be able to affect me for another 2 weeks unless it's 1 getting stronger or 2 it wants to make a deal.
Mom: "you know what? If we had Norma Osborne's money I'd put you two in private school Immediately." She assertively said.
Penny: "y-yeah that'd be sweet, when's dinner?" She asked picking up a chopped piece of carrot before I smacked it out of her hand and gave it back to aunt May. Penny pout glared at me.
Mom: "it's almost ready, put the candles on the cake." And there it is
Penny: "Cake?" her face was priceless, I'll wait to tell her I got a back up cause I wanna enjoy this.
Mom: "yes, the cake you promised to get in the city today." Penny dropped her bag and leaned against the counter devastated. "Ben's favorite." That's gotta hurt. "You didn't get distracted again, did you Penny?" And there goes the final blow.
Penny: "um, I'm sorry aunt May, I guess I-" here it comes
Mom: "it's alright Penny, with all that happened today at school I couldn't expect you to remember." She put a hand on her shoulder.
Alright time to play hero
Me: "what? we got it after we left school. You put it on the counter see?"
Penny: "wha, but I-" she looked to the cake and back at me to see me winking at her. She smiled and mouthed "thank you".
I nodded, dinner went almost perfectly.... If only you were here dad, if only.
I went to me and Penny's room before I saw Ryder in the mirror.
Me: "what do you want?"
Ryder: "vengeance, justice and everything in between. But it's not what I want, it's what we both want."
Me: "what? Do you mean?"
Ryder: "you want control of my power, you want that control to protect what you hold dear the most. So I wanna make a deal. You train with our power, but you help Penny along every step of the way. No more random outbursts, no more sickness, just justice and vengeance, and when you get more controll I'll give you a little more power, and then the cycle continues. Do we have a deal?"
Me: I thought about it before, "Deal."
It was now time for bed until I saw Penny about to sneak out.
Me: "what do you think your doing?"
Penny: "I... Look Y/n, Nick Fury and Batman asked me to train under them to be better, so I can finally stop letting people down. I gotta take his offer."
Me: "your not going anywhere." She looked down, "without me." I smiled as she looked up surprised. I put on my jacket before going to her, "we going or what?" She smiled exstatically.
She grabbed onto me before she left through the air, holding onto her was weird because I had to be her backpack and my junk was pressed against her ass.
She kept from building to building, swinging from web to web, I thing she's making my junk thrust against her ass on purpose, cause I've seen her do this way different with people on her back before... Kinky.
anyway we soon get underneath the Helicarrier and she shoots a web... And it's not long enough. We start falling before she puts on another web shooter and shoot another web, we fall a little further before like rubber we fling to the helicarrier, making my junk hit against her ass even harder.
And now we have turrets aimed at us... while i have a boner...Great. She starts dodging and I help her by tanking shots she can't dodge. Eventually we are surrounded completely before Nick Fury and Batman appears and deactivates the turrets.
Penny takes off her mask
Penny: "your friendly neighborhood Spider-Woman reporting for duty, Sir's!" She shouted saluting
They looked at me before
Nick: "and what about him?"
Me: well here goes nothing, "your less friendly neighborhood Hell Rider reporting for duty, sir." I say bored as I turn my saluting hand covered in the sit and on fire as I half assed my salute to him.
Nicks eye widened before smirking as Batman's eyes glared.
Batman: "welcome to shield you two, I hope you survive the experience." They walked off.
Penny nervously chuckled and looked to me.
Penny: "he's kidding... Right?" She asked nervously as I shook my head sighing.
Y/n: "to be continued." I say as I look at you chucklefucks
Petra: "Wait, you can see them too?"
Wait wha-
(Was this better?)
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