Prologue: Penance Left Unpaid

Narrator Y/n: oh...your here?... Well if you are expecting a magical fairytale that ends up with the characters holding hand and skipping into sunset.... GeT tHe FuCk OuT!!!
Sorry... I just don't want you to see the hell I experienced up to where I am now... Especially if your looking for sunshine, rainbows, lollipops, kicking up daisies. You won't find that here. However if you're determined to know my story as the author called me, "THE ULTIMATE SPAWNRIDER", not sorry for the fourth wall by the way, then press on and see what my life has come to.
Ok I warned you. Let's see if I can bring myself to remember the 3 months I was normal to the day I was fucked over by God himself.
3 years and 3 months ago (from the first episode)

Y/n age 15

Narrator y/n POV

It was a sunny day school was great (except for Flash locker knockering the nerds.) And the only thing that was bugging me was........ Me needing to get a job, you see I was adopted by May and Ben Parker, why, don't know don't care, and I don't mean to sound rude, what I mean is I don't care why they did it as I couldn't be happier to have a family and I even had a adoptive cousin, Penny Parker.

Now a thing about May and Ben was that May was a kind woman, but way too soft hearted.

If you were out 5 minutes late you could expect her to be in tears when you got back and you could bet your ass that if you got scraped on your knee you would be babied by her... Ugh that was so embarrassing, but she is the best Mom I could ask for, even if she's soft hearted, it's tough to get her down, nothing and I mean nothing got in the way of her smiling.

And Ben was the best dad in the world, past, present, and future, if he said he would do something he'd do it, he wasn't interested in excuses only results, especially from himself, he by far was the best Dad anyone could ask for, if you wanted something for Christmas he'd find a way to make it work, he had so much wisdom and he helped everyone, no one was his enemy, he only made friends.

so I was great. Anyway one day I heard Penny having a conversation with my adoptive Mom and Dad, asking, "how can I confess to him if we have known each other for so long? How do I get his attention? Will he love me back? How do I know if he loves me the way I love him? I-im so confused on why I feel this now!"

Or something like that, so I quickly went back to my/Penny's room and no I didn't go through her diary.

I thought of ways to help Penny get the man she wants, I mean yeah I was kinda jealous as we have been so close for so long and I don't want to grow apart, we even, ahem, secretly shared our first... and second, maybe even our third kiss together, but we are getting off track.

As I thought of ways to help, one problem came across every solution, money [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ιοο̲̅)̲̅$̲̅].

So first I had to get a job, and then I remembered in the paper there was an ad for a job opening at the daily bugle. So naturally I got the job, though while I was in my proffessional atire Penny stared at me with red on her face.

A month and a week after my hiring, 2 new anti-hero's came into town. The ghost rider and hell spawn, and boy was my boss not happy about his arrival. He'd call ghosty, "Headless horseman ripoff" "bone-headed menace." And on very rare occasions, "JACK SKELINGTON REJECT" that last one almost got a chuckle out of me every time. He'd call Spawn, "bootleg doctor Strange", "anus of hell" and "PUBLIC FETISH FREAK!!" and some other stuff that would get this story removed

Everyone that was a adult was tasked to take pictures of the ghost rider or spawn, but the pay was so good that I wanted to try myself, and that would be fine, if the minors were allowed to do that and IF THEY DIDN'T ONLY COME OUT AT NIGHT! I am 15 and I have high school! So I obviously stayed out of it... Or I would have if 1 picture of the ghost rider wouldn't get me 10 times more money than a regular photo of any other villain or hero and videos gives you 5 times as much money for every 15 seconds the two anti-hero's didn't glitch out from one side of the frame to the other, which gets you 5 times as much as regular police photos and burglar photos which paid like a dollar for the ones that the boss likes and the videos for the police got 5 bucks for every good result of the interview, hero's and villain's, twice as much

So basically 50 bucks a picture and 50 bucks every 15 seconds without glitching for the video, sounds like easy cash right? WRONG!!

Everyone and I mean EVERYONE who tried to get a legitimate picture, the picture would only show what looked like a blurry white man in a black suit with orange hair in the style of a troll doll, A TROLL DOLL!!! And don't even get me started on spawn, THAT FUCKER FLIES! 

Every video had them glitching from one side to the other when witnesses say it was slowly and menacingly going from criminal to criminal so it immediately becomes scrapped, the only feed that didn't go bad was long distance live feed, and let's be honest that always looks like shit.

So I was in deep dookie and had no idea what to do and so I just went out and tried.

I wasn't expecting much so I stayed up all night in the middle of the crime riddled part of new York, that's right hells kitchen and honestly it was currently one of the cleanest parts of new York right now considering I saw no one out on the street. Carrying nothing but my camera on me, I heard it... I heard the engine of the ghost riders motorcycle and chains dragging across the concrete, and suddenly it came to a stop. Then I heard a lot of gunshots all coming from that direction, which would be impossible since it's a small alley and if they tried to do that they'd end up massacring themselves. I went to where I last heard and they were there... Turning the thugs to ash, slicing them apart with an axe, crushing their bones with a mace, shooting them to bits, making them explode.

I turned on my headcam and started recording while taking pictures constantly. When they finished killing the Boss's by just looking in his eyes and easily ripping them apart with the spectral chains BY THE WAY! They looked at me, I'll be honest I shit myself, I stopped taking pictures, they pointed at me and said,

Ghost rider: "Next" at that moment I booked it out of there and ran, I heard the motor roar louder and closer as they made their way to me. Spawn flew right in front of me.

Spawn: "where do you think your going, rookie?" He grabbed my neck with a spectral chain and let me clear, IT FUCKING BURNED!

They fetish wearing freak slammed me into the wall of the alley, ghost rider slowly walked up with his bike driving beside him.

Spawn: "This'll hurt rookie." He muttered, seems like he did the talking out of the two. The ghost rider put his hand on my ribcage where my heart would be while the chains on my neck grew tighter. My ribcage was being burnt and my neck was too.

When they were done they suddenly disappeared. My clothes where tattered torn and burnt skin on my chest and neck was flaking off and I was damn sure something was broken but I had to finish the job, for penny.

I first made my way to the bugle as the sun was beginning to rise, everyone looked at me with worry even my boss, heh, the old man cared after all. The reason I didn't go home or to a hospital was because I had a job to do and money to get, for Penny, I handed him the photos of the ghost rider and hell spawn, my new scar's, and the head cam, once he snapped out of it he looked at me with something new in his eyes, respect, respect of my motivation, determination, will power, and strength...

Then I collapsed, blacked out and was rushed to the hospital, I woke up when they were getting me to the emergency room, I saw Mom, Dad, and Penny right beside me running along with the paramedics that were rushing me to the emergency room.

My vision was blurry so I didn't see much

Mom was crying but kept herself together, she had mascara running down her face, must've been date night, shit.

Mom: "it's okay Baby, Baby it's okay! Mommy's here for you!"

Dad was worried, I could tell. His eyes were widened, he was breathing heavier than he would on a normal run, and his tux was wrinkled along with his tie trying to fly in the wind. Shit it was actually date night, damnit! I hope I didn't ruin it.

Dad: "hang in there, I know your strong enough to pull through this. Cmon Champ!"

And Penny, Penny was just broken down as she tried her best at keeping up with the stretcher. She had tears running down like waterfalls.

Penny: "You Can't Quit! Remember Your Promise!?"

Oh yeah when we were 8 Penny and I went to this flower field where we played together all the time and we went there to comfort eachother, laugh together, and it's huge cherry blossom tree was awesome, also where we had our first kiss together, and when we did we spit out in dishust, cooties and all, it's also where she said that because she was such a nerdy girl and flash told her she believed that she would end up alone with no one. I simply cupped her cheeks and forced her to look into my eyes and said this

8 year old Y/n: "Penny, I promise you that I will never leave you, not even death could keep us apart, even if I had to lead a charge against heaven itself to make god give back the angel he took from me or break free from even the chains of hell just for one more second with you."

She blushed so hard and as I was trying to figure out why she kissed me again, our second kisses stolen except... This one didn't feel like cooties where a thing like it was just a myth, which was impossible to us at the time, we kissed for so long that we had to seperate for air. When I asked why.

Penny: "d-dont get me wrong I just did it as a thank you!"

Y/n: "huh well then"

I pecked her lips much to her shock and surprise.

Y/n: "thank you too."

Penny: "f-for what?!"

Y/n: "you may not know but even though I act tough and I'm there for you always, I look up to you for strength and bravery, your the smartest, prettiest, strongest willed, bestest person I know! You are my hero, and you will always be my hero!

Penny started crying profusely.

Y/n: "Why are you crying? Was it something I said?! D-dont cry!"

We then went home.

But let's get back to the part where I'm 15 and need to be rushed into the emergency room, I was trying to stay awake and not die, even though I was in so much pain and my body was trying to KO me to properly heal or die in peace.

As soon as I got into the emergency room, they put me to sleep so they could examine my body properly, the scar's apparently not only left a scar on my skin but also left two permanent burn marks on my ribcage and neck that looked like a skull and with the obvious spaces in between the ribs and chains on my neck like a tattoo of a chain collar.

Not only that but my spine was bruised, my shoulders were dislocated and my neck had black bruises and it hurt all the time!

Anyway after about a month passed by and I woke back up I saw my boss sitting in a chair across from the bed,

JJJ: "hey kid, have anything to say for yourself?" man he looked and sounded normal.

Y/n: "I need a raise" I said with a serious face.


Both of us: "pfft HAHAHAHA haaa."

We laughed our asses off knowing damn sure there was nothing I could do to get one.

JJJ: "well you certainly deserve it you had a 10 minute video that was clear as crystal, and 60 of the greatest photos I've ever seen let alone wanted! But there was a reason for me not telling you to get involved, and as you can see why right now! You could possibly be in your death bed! Your spine has several fractures, you neck is black as coal from bruises and burns, your ribcage is cracked, and the back of your skull has so many cracks that it looks like a damn spider wrote it's autograph with all eight of it's legs!" Damn he sounded more pissed than usual.

Okay so maybe just maybe I understated my wounds a bit

JJJ: *sigh* "look, I'm proud of you. I'm proud that you put your entire self into this job. You have done something no one other reporter has done, but your fourteen and you need to live your life to the fullest not to the shortest! That's why... I'm going to have to fire you." What... Shit!

Y/n: "but I need this job, I'm working for my-" he didn't let me finish.

JJJ: "And that's honorable but I can't have a minor getting himself killed under my care! But I will give you all your stuff from your office. Doctors say you'll be released within a month." He finished as he walked out without letting me say anything back.

I couldn't do anything but accept my losses, I took a gamble and my hand ended up being shit and the house ended up having a straight flush.

There's nothing I can do... Oh except watch as the ghost rider and spawn fight against doctor strange, doctor fate, the avengers, and more sorcerer's, and even the fucking justice league, who are partnered with the avengers, blowing up my hospital room's wall in the commotion.

(A/n: Comment what the conjoined hero society's name should be best one to pops up gets a shoutout even if it's way after it's been decided.


Did I forget to mention that? Oh well.

Anywho, at first the two psychopaths from hell were winning... Until they weren't, the Avengers, Justice League and company were keeping them restrained as Doctor Strange and Doctor Fate made a portal to hell. But this is where shit got real, the two demons then looked up at me before their flames and necroplasm grew brighter. They then shot out two beams of who the fuck knows and hits me directly in the eyes, before getting sent back to hell.

All of a sudden it felt like I was being burnt alive, actually being burnt alive would be relaxing COMPARED TO THIS SHIT! My skin started peeling of and my torso was starting to have a leather suit on it, spawns suit.

The sorcerers, seeing this, almost sent me to hell as well, but then got told off by the rest, because I was a fucking child and instead made a necklace that was a silver skull with what looked to be peridots for eyes. As soon as he put it on me the burning went away and my skin was back.

Doctor fate: "it won't be enough to contain his vengeance."

Doctor Strange: "DAMMIT!"

Y/n: what do you mean? Their gone now right?

Dr. Strange: "no there not gone! They are merely being delayed by the necklace, why didn't the eye forsee this?!"

He yelled in frustration as he looked at his own necklace.

Dr. Strange: "I'm not only going to have to fix this mess but I'm going to have to erase so many goddamn memories while not being able to hell spawn out of you! I would need the Mists Of Morpheus and Vapors Of Valtorr to even do keep them from taking over! *sigh* I'll assign a prescription, you'll have to take two huffs of an inhaler every morning, afternoon, and night before you go to sleep, I'll give two prescriptions every month while I try to find a way for you to be rid of those damn Demons, however you should be fine for a week. While I prepare the medicine."

Dr. Fate nearly stared into the distance before disappearing in a flash of golden light.

And then I woke up in my hospital bed everything fine and the next morning id be ready to be released and go home.

As soon as morning came
I was driven back by my boss and handed a box of my stuff and a briefcase of something. As soon I got home I noticed no one was awake so I put my stuff in my shared room. And opened the briefcase, and it had another hatch on the inside to open but first there was a get well soon card signed by all my co-worker's, and a letter from my boss. I place my card on the end table and open the letter to start reading.

JJJ: to my hardest working employee, you have brought me so much pleasure with how crisp and crystal clear your photos and interviews were. Nothing can top this except the day I was married and the day my son was born. It's reporters and photographers like you who give me great pleasure in calling myself the CEO of the Daily Bugle. I hope you realize how hard it was to even consider letting you go even after only a month of your work, you were good, damn good. Even though it broke my heart to let you go, I do not regret that decision as it was the only way that kept you safe from doing dangerous shit like that again, you damn brat! I hope what's in here helps you on your journey of becoming a great man, and don't you dare spend it all in one place Parker!

your boss,
John Jonah Jameson Jr.

Putting the letter down on the end table, I opened the case to see $50,000 in there. My jaw dropped as I looked on. But I quickly shut both parts of the briefcase and slid it under my bed as I heard Penny wake up.

As I look over to her, I see her eyes widen as she runs over to me and tackles me down to the bed, she starts crying into my shirt while weakly pounding her fists on my chest, muttering about how I'm so stupid and how she was so worried.

I could only sit up, pull her up and hug her as her chin rested on my shoulder still crying. She wraps not only her arms around my neck but also her legs around my waist crying and pleading for me to never do that again.

Y/n: "I won't leave you. it's okay I won't leave you. I never have and I never will. I love you too much to ever pull another stunt like that again."

She buries her face into my neck, sobbing softly as I rub her back. And pull her close.

I hear a picture being taken. I look to see Dad had a soft smirk on his face, while Mom had tears of joy run down her face as she held a camera.

But I didn't care right now its about Penny, and I can only hope that the demons inside me never come out.

(So whatcha think? Was it good, bad, give me your opinion. How do I make it better? give me constructive commentary and not just, "it was bad". anyway have a great day/night/ whatever imma rewatch the first episode over and over to get a understanding of how the MC will fit into all of this. Buh-bye!!!)

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