4. Feeling the burn.
You woke up, rubbing your eyes, still tired from yesterday, then you remembered where you were.
"Crap." You said quietly as you slowly looked to the other side of the bed.
"Well, well." Mythra smiled, she was lying on one arm. "Look who's finally awake."
"How long have you been awake for?." You asked her.
"Oh, not that long." She responded. "Only a few hours."
She slowly began to rub your arm, looking deeply into your eyes.
"You know, you look really cute when you are asleep."
You wanted to get out of her bed, but then you remembered that you were still handcuffed to her so even if you wanted to, you couldn't.
"Um, thanks." You moved your arm away. "Can you maybe uncuff me now?."
"Aww." She frowned. "Are you that desperate to get away from me, what, do you not like me?."
"Well, I mean-" You stuttered before her face got close to yours, you could smell her breath from how close she was.
"I'm sure I can be a lot of fun if you give me the chance..."
"Mythra, you are making me uncomfortable..." You spoke, trying to move away from her.
"If you would just give me a chance." She began rubbing your arm. "I'm sure you'd feel really good-"
"Can I please have the key?." You asked trying to grab the key to the cuffs on the nightstand.
"Don't you want to have fun?." She grabbed your hand.
"No, I don't." You tried to grab the key with your other hand. "And you are making me really uncomfortable right now."
"Come on, please?..." She begged.
"I have training to do with Wii Fit and Samus, and I don't want to be late-"
"Y/n, please-" She tried to grab your other hand before you got the key but you pulled it off the nightstand and uncuffed yourself, bolting out of the room. "Y/n, come on!."
You ran as fast as you could down the stairs but tripped on one of them and like last time, began falling down every single stop.
"NO-NO-AH-OW-WHY-OOF-ARGH-EEK-AHH-" You screamed as you tumbled down the steps, landing on your back with a loud thud. "Owwwwwwwwwwww-"
You heard someone walk down the halls and stop before you.
"Are you alright Mr. L/n?." Charles sipped on his tea.
"No!." You groaned. "This is why we need an elevator!."
"As I've said we've tried that before and it didn't work, Master Hand doesn't want anything to break again, despite the numerous complaints from the fighters-"
"CHARLES!!!!!!!." Lucina shouted from her room. "GET UP HERE, I NEED MY PILLOW FLUFFED NOW!!!."
The butler sighed and sipped his tea again before placing his cup on a coaster and putting the coaster on a nearby counter.
"Well, enjoy your morning Mr. L/n." Charles sighed again. "Now, if you'll excuse me."
He began walking up the stairs while you slowly got up using the railings of the stairs.
"Ahhh..." You rubbed your neck. "...my neck..."
You walked into the dining room and looked at the large grandfather clock, it was only two thirty in the morning, you groaned as you rubbed your eyes before you walked down another hallway and into a large living room, you sat down on one of the extremely comfy couches and began to relax.
"It's only two in the morning and my day sucks already...how could it get any worse?."
You slowly leaned back to start relaxing before you felt someone tap you on the shoulder.
"Y/n?." You heard someone speak as they gently shook you.
"What?." Your eyes snapped open, you turned your head back and saw Wii Fit, holding a towel under her arm. "Oh, hey Wii Fit, what's up?."
"Your time for relaxation." She smiled. "It's training time."
"Training time?." Your eyes widened. "No-no-no-no-no-no it is not!-"
"Yes, it is." She nodded. "Remember, Samus and I were going to be giving you a private training session this morning-"
"Yeah, but I thought you meant at a reasonable time." You groaned. "Not at..."
You glanced at the clock again.
"Two thirty-two in the morning."
"This is the normal time I get up to train, dear." She giggled. "I work out from two thirty to about seven-"
"What!?-" Your jaw dropped. "You think that I'm going to train for that long!?."
"...Yes..." Her smile dropped. "...You are..."
"And what if I don't want to or if I change my mind?-"
"Then, I suggest changing it back to training." she cracked her knuckles. "I take this very seriously, and if you are even thinking about getting out of this, I will drag you to the gym and make your session even longer."
"Now hang on-" You groaned.
"I'm not joking." She gave you a stone-cold glare like she was staring into your soul. "Now come on, let's go-"
"What?." You complained.
"Did I stutter?." She started walking towards you.
"Okay, I'll go, just please, go easy on me." You begged before she stopped glaring at started laughing.
"That's a good one." She patted you on the shoulder. "Now come on, Samus is already at the gym."
You and Wii Fit arrived at the gym when you both saw Samus just finishing up a warm-up.
"Hey." She turned her head, looking at both of you. "You guys ready?."
"Yep." Wii Fit laid down her towel and began stretching before looking over at you. "All right Y/n, so we're going to ease you into these training sessions, we'll start with some basics then we'll get into the fun stuff."
"What's fun about lifting weights?." You asked as you walked over to one of the benches.
"You get to build muscle in your body, meaning you will be stronger." Samus smirked. "Plus more attractive to us female fighters."
"I don't understand, shouldn't people care about personality more than the body of a person?." You asked before Wii Fit laughed again.
"I swear, he tells the best jokes." She looked at Samus before looking back at you. "Now, Y/n, are you ready to get...fit?..."
"I'm already fit." You said, gesturing to your abs. "I work out at the gym when I can-"
"Not the way we're gonna make you work out." Samus smirked. "We'll start with a simple bench press."
"Cool." You lay down on the bench and Wii Fit put 150 pounds on each side of the barbell.
"...Wii Fit, what are you doing?..." You looked at her.
"Putting weight on, sweetheart." She winked at you. "What's it look like?-"
"This is 300 pounds!." Your eyes widened. "I can't lift this!."
"You just got to have confidence." She smiled.
"Oh, I'm confident..." You shouted. "...that I'm not lifting this!."
"Come on, Y/n." She grinned. "Look at Samus."
You looked at the bounty hunter...she was lifting a barbell with 300-pound weights on her shoulders.
"...What the hell do you eat!?..." Your eyes widened.
"Whatever I can." She gave you a smirk as she did another squat. "Wii Fit told me to follow her diet and workout routine and I'm in the best shape of my life."
"See?." Wii Fit smiled at you. "I know what I'm doing, now, it's time for you to get fit!."
You crawled into the dining room, yes crawled, a few people were already up and about while you were trying to stay awake.
"Hey, Y/n!." Terry waved you over. "Over here!."
You looked over to the large table, Terry was having orange juice, Mario was reading a newspaper, Falcon was cutting into a steak, Snake was smoking a cigarette and Kirby was eating...well...everything...
"Dude, you okay?." Terry looked at you concerned.
"...C-Can I just get a hand?..." You groaned before Mario helped you up and helped you over into a chair.
"What happened to you?." Snake took a puff out of his cigarette. "You look like shit."
"Oh, he was getting it on with some of the ladies-" Falcon smirked trying not to laugh.
"I wasn't." You groaned. "It was a simple morning workout with Wii Fit and Samus, nothing else happened."
"Right." Falcon rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, pal."
As Falcon was cutting into his steak, it was suddenly sucked right off the plate and inhaled by Kirby who inhaled Terry's juice, Snake's Cigarette, and Mario's newspaper.
"Hey!." Mario shouted. "I was-a-reading that!."
"Why do you have to eat everything!?." Falcon yelled at the pink creature who looked sad that he was being yelled at.
"Hey, leave him alone." You glared at Falcon. "It's not his fault he's always hungry, plus he doesn't know any better."
Kirby smiled at you, this made him feel happy again.
"Poyo!." He smiled at you.
"I wanted that steak!." Falcon frowned.
"And I was reading that newspaper." Mario sighed.
"Why are you reading newspapers?." You looked over at the red plumber. "It's 2024, everyone's got phones now."
"I like doing things the old way sometimes." Mario shrugged. "And we don't have phones back in the mushroom kingdom, we would read the papers in the morning."
"Well, I guess that makes sense." You took out your phone and began scrolling, that's when you saw Kirby looking at your phone curiously.
"Poyo?." He pointed to your phone.
"This is a phone, Kirby." You showed him your device. "It's what everyone has nowadays, well, almost everyone."
You look at Mario as you said that and the plumber sighs, Kirby looks at your phone and touches it, opening an app.
"Poyo?." He looked up at you, curious.
"You want to play with it?." You asked, to which he nodded, jumping up and down in his chair.
"Poyo, poyo!." He beamed, smiling like a little kid.
You handed him your phone and he smiled with joy as he looked through it, looking at everything with curiosity.
"Is this going to be another situation like Charles' keys?." Snake looked over at Kirby.
"Probably." Terry also looked over at Kirby who was scrolling through your apps on your phone. "You sure this is a good idea?."
"As long as he doesn't eat it, I have no problem." You smiled as Kirby continued to play on your phone, a smile on his face.
Kirby tapped your arm and pointed to the phone, wanting you to explain an app to him.
"Poyo?." He pointed to an app called Candy Crush.
"That is a game, Kirby, it's called Candy Crush-"
Hearing that name, Falcon, Terry, and Snake all bursted out laughing.
"What?." You looked at them, confused.
"You actually play that?." Falcon laughed, nearly falling out of his chair.
"What's wrong with it?." You asked looking around the room.
"Uh, it's stupid!." Falcon got up. "Only old people play that game-"
"Hey!." Mario frowned at Falcon. "I-a-play it!."
You all looked at Mario who then looked embarrassed and rubbed his neck.
"Peach got me hooked on it..."
While all this was happening...You suddenly felt a dark presence behind you, so you slowly turned your head.
When you did, you got punched in the face which was so powerful, it sent you flying across the room, crashing into a wall.
"HAHAHAHA!." Kazuya laughed, smirking as your body bounced off the wall. "PATHETIC!."
"Y/N!." Terry got up from his chair, before glaring at the Tekken fighter. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!?."
"My problem is that he's not been training enough." Kazuya smirked. "You know how much I like a fight-"
"He's only been-a-here for a few days." Mario got up from his chair, also not happy. "Give-a-him some time so he can fight you properly!."
"Poyo!." Kirby shouted, now looking...angry.
"What did he just say?." Kazuya looked confused before Kirby kicked him in the shin...it wasn't very effective.
"Weakling..." He picked Kirby up like a bowling ball and rolled him across the floor, sending him crashing into the wall next to you.
"POYO!." Kirby cried, tears in his eyes as he rubbed his head.
"OKAY, THAT'S IT!." Falcon tried to punch Kazuya but was quickly taken down as well, Snake tried tackling him but he got tossed into Mario and Terry who all fell over like bowling pins.
"Weak, all of you." He groaned. "I expected more of a challenge-"
"Ahem!." A voice shouted, he turned his head and saw Peach, Daisy, Wii Fit, Samus, Mythra, and Pyra...all of them looking pissed.
"Hello Ladies..." he smirked before Samus used her plasma whip to grab him by the ankle and pull him over to them, where they proceeded to beat the absolute piss out of him, making him scream in pain, giving him much more than a black eye and bruises.
"Are you okay!?." Peach quickly ran over to the rest of you.
"I'm-a-fine, Peachy!" Mario started getting up. "Thanks-"
Peach ran past Mario and over to you, bending down...not even acknowledging her boyfriend.
"Peachy?..." He looked confused.
"Y/N!?." The princess looked concerned. "Are you alright!?."
"I-I think I'll be okay, princess..." You groaned.
"Here!-" Daisy shoved Peach over. "Let me help you up, give me your arm!."
"Daisy no!." Samus shouted before Daisy gripped your arm and yanked on it, hard enough for you to scream in pain as you felt your arm being ripped from its socket.
"AHHHHHH!." You shouted as Daisy quickly let your arm go and Peach and Pyra got her away from you and sat her down in a chair.
"I'm so sorry!." Daisy stuttered. "I didn't think I was going to pull on it that hard!-"
"That's what she said!." Falcon snickered before Terry hit him on the arm, telling him to knock it off.
"MY ARM!!!." You clutched your arm.
Kazuya started getting back up to his feet, smirking.
"You think that's all it will take to keep me down?." He laughed. "Don't make me laugh-"
"Mr. Mishima..." A voice behind me said, he slowly turned around, and looking at him was Charles, the butler had a blank expression on his face.
"Ah, there you are." Kazuya rolled his eyes. "Go get me something to drink-"
Everyone looked surprised as the old man gripped Kazuya's tie and slammed him on the floor before he pulled his tie backward and started choking him.
"I WILL NOT HAVE YOU CAUSING PROBLEMS AT THIS HOUR!!!." Charles shouted with a powerful voice, making everyone stop moving completely. "YOU WILL NOT HARM Y/N AGAIN, NOT BEFORE YOUR FIRST OFFICIAL MATCH WITH HIM, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!?."
"Get off of me you old-" Kazuya started to speak but the Englishman yanked his tie even more, choking him harder. "YES-YES, I UNDERSTAND, LET GO OF ME!."
The butler released the tie and Kazuya started gasping for air, glaring at him.
"Good, now...get your own bloody drink." Charles fixed his tie and walked over to the rest of you. "Is there anything I can do for you all?."
"...Where in the blue hell did you learn to do that?..." Falcon slowly asked.
"You don't become a Bulter in this house without learning to defend yourself if things get out of hand." He smirked. "Now, we should get Y/n to the infirmary to take a look at his arm-"
"Poyo?." Kirby rubbed his head, showing a red spot on it.
"And Kirby as well." Charles nodded.
Peach and Samus helped you up and you all walked past Kazuya who was glaring at you.
"I will destroy you, Y/n..." He gripped the chair he was leaning against so hard that it broke, his eyes widened as Charles gave him another death glare. "...I'll get a new chair..."
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