2. Your First Morning.

You had woken up after the best sleep of your entire life, you felt very refreshed and ready to start the day, your first day as part of the roster.

You had on the same hoodie you were wearing as well as the same baggy pants and shoes, you rubbed your eyes and took a quick shower before starting to head down the many many many staircases.

"Great..." you sighed, it was pitch black as all the lights were off so you had nowhere to even see so you gripped tightly onto the railing and stepped on the first step, then tripped on the second one and started tumbling down ALL of the steps.

"OW, OW, GOD, SON OF A-, OW, DAMN, WHY, OW, FU-, SH-OW, OW-" You shouted as you tumbled down all of the steps, landing on your face when you eventually made it to the bottom.

You groaned and got up, you could feel several bruises on your body and face.

"I should've just stayed in bed..." you groaned and started walking down to the dining room, as you were walking down the several large hallways trying not to get lost, you noticed something odd...a light was on, in the gym...seems someone was still in there or they didn't bother to turn the lights off.

"Hello?." You opened the door and walked inside the large gym, a ton of weights were on the floor.

You saw a woman squatting while listening to some music, she had headphones in and her back was turned to you.

"Excuse me?." You asked her loudly, no response, you sighed and walked over to her, tapping her shoulder. "Hello?-" you asked before she jumped when you tapped her shoulder, turned around, and punched you right in the eye, making you go down on the ground.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!." She gasped, taking off her headphones.

"You're fine..." you groaned, sitting up, you now had a black eye.

"Here, let me help you up." She grabbed your hand and pulled you to your feet with ease, she looked into your eyes and frowned. "Are you okay?." she gestured to your black-eye

"I'm fine." You nodded. "You pack quite a punch, I'm surprised I wasn't knocked out from it."

She slightly chuckled.

"Well, I guess that means you're really strong if you can take a punch like that..." she extended her hand. "Wii Fit Trainer...or just call me Wii Fit, if you want."

"Y/n L/n." You shook her hand. "Call me Y/n."

"Well, it's nice meeting you Y/n." She smiled, looking into your eyes still. "Say, would you mind staying here for a bit? It gets boring just working out in the morning, I don't have anyone to talk to, you know?."

"Alright, sure." You nodded, she smiled and handed you her headphones before resuming her workout. "So, do you do this every morning?."

"Yep, got to get in my workouts every time I can, it's important to keep your body healthy all of the time."

"I can respect that..." You smirked. "You seem to be in really good shape."

She quickly blushed.

"Oh, why thank you..." She looked over at you, looking at you up and down. "Seems you are also in really good shape, if not better than I am."

"Well, I mean, I also try to work out when I can." You rubbed your neck.

"Hmm, would you like to join me?." She asked, still smiling. "It's better than just sitting here and watching me work out, we can socialize while keeping our bodies in shape."

"Eh, why not, I could use a good session." You got up and joined her in stretching.


You were both covered in sweat, panting heavily.

"You are a fast learner." She smirked.

"Well, I've got a good teacher." You sighed.

"If you want, you can join me in the mornings, I wouldn't mind teaching you a few more yoga poses...and other things-"

"What?." you looked up.

"Nothing." She quickly shook her head. "Well, this was fun Y/n, guess I'll see you around more often."

"I hope so." You nodded now getting up to your feet. "Now, I need to take a shower."

"Same." She dried her hair off with a towel and gave you a little wave before heading into the female showers, you went into the males and took another shower before putting your clothes back on and trying to find the dining room.

As you walked outside, you saw two people walking towards the gym, one of them you've met, one you haven't.

"You the new guy?." A man asked, you knew immediately who it was, Solid Snake, he was wearing his gear.

"Yep, names Y/n." You gave him a nod. "Y/n L/n."

"Hey..." Samus smiled at you, she was wearing a very loose blue tank top and tight yoga pants. "What happened to your eye?."

"Oh just fell down the stairs." You looked at the bounty hunter. "I'm fine."

"Ah, fell down the stairs." Snake nodded. "Happens to us all once or twice, or ten if you are Luigi-"

"So, are you doing anything right now?." Samus looked at you, raising an eyebrow.

"Just got done with a workout."

"Well, that's what we're doing right now." Snake walked past you and into the gym while Samus smiled at you.

"Don't suppose you'd like to join me?." She leaned toward you a bit, smiling.

"Well, I wouldn't be against it."

"Good." She smiled and walked with you back into the gym, smirking at you as she began stretching. "Alright, let's begin."


You were once again tired, sweaty, and out of breath, Samus gave you a nod.

"You did good." She put her hands on her hips. "I'm impressed."

"Thanks." You took her hand and she helped you to your feet. "You did great as well."

"Hmm, thanks." The bounty hunter put a hand on your shoulder. "You know, I can show you a lot more moves if you want."

"What kind of moves?." You raised an eyebrow, curious.

"Ones that require you to get a lot more physical..." She said.

"I'll think about it..." You nodded.

"Don't think about it for too long." She patted your shoulder and walked away, her hips swaying with each step, you felt yourself staring but quickly looked away when she looked back at you, however, you saw her smirk slightly before walking out of the gym.

"I think she caught you." Snake nudged your arm.

"Maybe..." your face slowly turned a little red. 


You had taken another shower and were now walking into the dining room, it was currently ten after eight o'clock, and to your surprise, only a handful of people were up and about.

"Hey, Y/n!." Peach smiled seeing you walk in, giving you a wave, sitting at the same table were Samus now back in her zero-suit, Kirby who was inhaling everything on the table, Snake, who was smoking a cigarette, and Wii Fit, who was wearing another tank top after using her last one to workout in.

"Princess." You waved back to her, you walked over to her, and sat down in a chair.

"So, how is your morning?." She asked pouring herself some tea.

"It's been...eventful to say the least." You rubbed your neck as she poured you a cup of tea.

"What happened to your eye?." She gestured to your black eye.

"Just fell down the stairs, nothing serious." You slowly sipped the tea she gave you. "Mmm, this is good."

"Aww thanks, I'm glad you like it." Peach smiled as she watched you sip her tea, she just couldn't take her eyes off you.

You both heard a yawn and Mario had walked into the dining room, the plumber was rubbing his eyes but smiled at the both of you.

"Good-a-morning." He smiled, sitting down in the seat next to Peach who was still looking at you, not even acknowledging him. "Princess?."

"What-oh my, sorry." She giggled and looked at the plumber, smiling. "Good morning, how did you sleep?."

"Just fine, how about you?."

"Oh, I had the best dream in years..." Peach smiled.

"What was it about?." You asked, sipping on your tea again.

"Well..." She began blushing, remembering it. "It's a bit... embarrassing..."

"Well, come on." Mario nudged her. "What was it about?."

"Well...it was about-"

"GOOOOOOD MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!." Daisy shouted, entering the dining room. 

"Oh no..." Peach sighed.

"HEY PEACHY, MARIO, Y/N, WHAT'S UP!!!!!!." Daisy shouted, patting you hard on the back, making you spit out your tea.

"AHH!." You looked down at your pants. "I Just bought these!."

"I'M FEELING GREAT TODAY, WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!-" Daisy smiled brightly.

"CAN YOU PLEASE SHUT UP!!!!!?." Another female walked into the room, looking very tired, her long blue hair flowing behind her. "IT'S TOO EARLY FOR THIS SHIT!."

"AWW COME ON LUCY, LIGHTEN UP!-" Daisy smiled before the woman pointed her sword at her.

"Don't you dare call me Lucy!." She groaned and walked over to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of booze.

"Lucina, I don't-a-think you should be drinking this early-" Mario slowly said as Lucina downed a bottle of booze.

"I don't give a shit overalls, and you aren't my dad, I can do what I damn well please-" She walked away from the fridge before you went to grab a paper towel to dry your pants, that's when you bumped into her and the bottle fell out of her hand, shattering on the floor.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you there, Lucina-" You tried to apologize before she grabbed you by the throat and pinned you against the wall, her sword was right against your face now.


"I'm sorry, alright, I'll get you some more!-"

"Damn right you will!." She glared. "That was the last damn bottle in the damn fridge and now it's on the damn floor-"

"Lucina, get your hands off of him!." Peach stood up from her chair.

"Or what?." She snapped her head at the princess who jumped.

"I'll, um, you'll never be allowed to drink again..."

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?." She threw you away from the wall, now glaring at Peach. 

You went flying across the room, landing up against the wall, Kirby stopped eating and ran over to you.

"Poyo?." He asked.

"I'm fine Kirby...my arm hurts..." You looked at your arm, Kirby did the same, he quickly ran over to a cabinet and got something out of it, running over to you, he put a bandaid on your arm.

"Poyo!." He smiled.

You slowly patted Kirby and he giggled.

"What on earth is going on in here?." You heard a familiar British voice as someone walked into the room, Charles, wearing his fancy suit came into the dining room, looking around and seeing an angry Lucina about to run at Peach.

"Lucina, please, calm down-" Peach begged.

"Don't you tell me what to do!."

"Lucina, please, you'll wake the others up-"

"I don't give a shit!." Lucina shouted even louder.

"Miss Lucina, would you please calm down, people are trying to sleep." Charles gave her a stern look.

"Oh great, butler, there you are, go get some more booze, and make it snappy." She commanded.

"Excuse me?." Charles raised an eyebrow.

"You heard what I said, old man, just get me some goddamn booze-"

Suddenly, Charles slapped Lucina across the face, and everyone looked shocked, Lucina felt the impact from said slap ringing in her ears.

"I will do no such thing for you, not if you want to keep behaving like some spoiled child!."

"You...you just slapped me..." Lucina glared. "Oh you are making a big mistake you old bastard-"

Lucina lunged for the butler but Samus, Snake, and Wii Fit all grabbed her and held her back.

"YOU ARE DEAD, YOU OLD PIECE OF SHIT, YOU HEAR ME, DEAD!!!!." She started kicking and screaming, and by now, several people began coming downstairs to see what was going on.

"Lucina, calm yourself!." Snake shouted. "You're out of control!."

"Get off of me!." Lucina growled, still trying to get out of their grasp as she kicked and struggled.

You got up, looking at Charles, worried. "Charles, you can't just do that-"

"Well I did, dear boy, and she attacked you, I will not have people fighting in this house at seven in the morning, now, do enjoy your breakfast."

And with that, Charles walked away, while Lucina was dragged out of the dining room, kicking and screaming.

"You okay?." Someone asked you. "I saw what she did."

You slowly turned around to see who was speaking.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You sighed. "She only scared me a little bit."

"Well, she scares everyone when she's drinking." He looked back at the people dragging Lucina away then looked back at you, extending his hand. "Terry Bogard."

"Y/n L/n." You shook his hand, he gave you a smirk.

"Nice to meet you, kid, I think we'll get along just fine here."

"I hope so..." You sighed. "I've angered both Kazuya and Lucina on my first day..." 

"Well, it's a good thing you can fight like the rest of us." he patted you on the back.

"Well, not really...I still need a lot of training before I can even consider fighting anyone."

"So, you need a trainer?." He raised an eyebrow.

"I guess so, It's not like I have another choice-"

"I can train you." Wii Fit smiled, coming back into the room.

"I can as well!." Samus also re-entered, smiling at you.

"I can help as well." Mario smiled, walking over to you.

"And I can also be of help, if you wish." Peach blushed a little.

"Well, thanks." You smiled. "I'll need all the help I can get."

"Alright!." Terry smiled, cracking his knuckles. "Let's start...after breakfast of course."

"Poyo?." Kirby looked up at you.

"Yes, you can help me too Kirby." You looked down at him, Kirby quickly smiled and hugged your leg again.

"Poyo :D."

"Don't even bother trying to train him..." You all looked over to see who spoke, it was Kazuya who walked into the room. "It's pointless to train such a pathetic weakling, he wouldn't even last five minutes in a match with me..."

"You don't know that." Samus folded her arms. "He could be just as strong if not stronger than you, he just doesn't know it yet-"

"I highly doubt that but thanks anyway Samus..." You looked at her and nodded before looking back at Kazuya.

"Even he knows he's not stronger than me...nobody is stronger than me..." Kazuya laughed.

"Or egotistical." Falcon rolled his eyes. "As much as the new guy rubs me the wrong way, at least he isn't as annoying as you are dude."

"This coming from the man who flexes his muscles and has tried countless times to get with the females around here and failed, Hahaha!." Kazuya grinned at Falcon.

"Oh, you know what, I'm training the new guy, just so he can kick your ass and wipe that damn smirk off your face!." Falcon walked over by the rest of you, glaring at Kazuya.

Kazuya slowly smirked, nodding.

"Well, I hope you can all make him a worthy opponent because right now, he's nothing more than a bug that I will squish under my shoe."

Kazuya walked away, passing Mythra and Pyra who walked into the room.

"Hey guys." Pyra smiled. "What's up?."

"We're going to be training Y/n, you girls in?." Terry asked.

"Sure!." Pyra smiled.

"Absolutely..." Mythra looked over at you and winked. "I'll gladly help him out..."

"Seems you're pretty popular already man." Terry patted your back.

"Y-yeah, sure seems that way." You smiled at him. 

"Alright, let's get some breakfast." Wii Fit smiled. "Then, it's training time!."

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