1. Arrival

You, Mario, Samus, Falcon, and Kirby had all arrived at the Smash Brothers mansion.

"Wow..." you looked up at the mansion in front of you. "So this is where you all stay?."

"Yeah, pretty nice right?." Samus smiled.

"Um, can you put me down now please?." You asked as she was still holding you.

"What?-oh sorry." Samus quickly put you down, you saw her slightly blushing again and she turned her head away from you.

"No worries." You smiled. "I just can't believe this is all real...I feel like I'm dreaming-ow!."

You took a step back and looked at your leg, Kirby had pinched your leg with Mario's arm.

"Poyo!." Kirby smiled.

"Seems you aren't dreaming." Mario smiled.

"Unfortunately." Falcon folded his arms.

"What's your problem with him?." Samus glared at Falcon. "He's done nothing to you, so what's the problem?."

"He doesn't look like a fighter, I mean, just look at him." Falcon pointed at you, you waved at Samus.

"Neither do Mario or Kirby, what's your point?." The bounty hunter continued glaring at Falcon.


"Alright, alright." Mario got between them. "Lets-a-not fight in front of Y/n, here, save it for the battlefield, right-a-now we need to give him a smash welcome!."

"A what?." You looked confused.

"It's how we welcome new fighters to the roster." The plumber looked at you.

"Oh...okay, cool, I like that." You smiled. "So...can we go inside, it's freezing out here!."

"You just don't have abs like I do." Falcon flexes. "I can make an ice sculpture with my pecs right now-"

You, Mario, Kirby and Samus had already gone inside, leaving Falcon in the cold.

"HEY!." He shouted, quickly running up the steps and into the mansion.

When you walked into the mansion you saw a long hallway, along it were some beautifully painted portraits, twelve of them to be exact.

"Wow, this is so cool!." You looked around the hallway, seeing all the details on it. "Who painted all of these?."

"Our butler, Charles." Mario smiled. "He's a nice man, been with us since the beginning...only he's much older now."

"How old exactly?." You looked at Mario.

"He's in his eighty's..." Samus answered for him. "He also had a bit of a drinking problem..."

"Well, you can only imagine the stuff he's seen." You joked and nudged Mario.

You all walked into the main lodge and it was the largest room you've ever been in, with the comfiest looking furniture, amazing art, the world's largest flatscreen tv.

"...Holy shiiii..." You started to say before you looked at Kirby. "Crap...this is the world's largest tv!."

"And these are the world's largest couches." Mario patted one of the couches, you laid down on one of them.

"Oh, that's nice-" you instantly fell asleep, Kirby laughed and quickly woke you up by tapping your nose again. "Wha-I'm awake!."

"Poyo!." Kirby smiled patting your head a few times before he jumped off the couch, you got up and rubbed your eyes.

"So, now that you are here, what are you planning on doing?." Samus asked.

"I don't know, maybe meet some more friends, get some food, or honestly, just go to bed at this point, I'm kinda feeling tired..." you yawned.

"So then I said to Bowser "no I will not be marrying you, you ugly-" you heard a voice speaking from down the halls, in walked two princesses that you knew, one wearing pink and one wearing orange. 

"Oh my..." Peach smiled at you. "...Who is this?..."

"Princess." Mario smiled. "This is-a-Y/n, he's the newest member of the roster and he's hoping to make some friends."

You walked up to the princesses and smiled, bowing before them.

"Peach, Daisy, it's an honor to meet you both." You smiled.

"Oh my, so formal!." Peach giggled and bowed back.

"HIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!." Daisy excitedly shouted at you, making your ears ring.

"Hello Daisy..." You checked your ears to make sure you hadn't gone deaf from her shouting.

"I'M SO EXCITED TO SEE A NEW FIGHTER!!!!!." Daisy shouted again, shaking your hand violently, you felt like your arm would be ripped out of its socket. 

"I can tell..." You tried to pull your arm away, seeing this, Peach was able to get your arm free.

"Um Daisy," Peach put her hands on her friend's shoulders. "Remember what I told you about being overly excited with new fighters?."

"Oh come on, he's fine, it's not like I was going to rip his arm off!." Daisy folded her arms. "Unlike last time..."

"Yes." Peach nodded. "We don't need another incident like the one with Banjo..."

The Princess then turned to you, smiling brightly.

"Sorry about Daisy, she's just overly-"

"Excited." You nodded, holding your arm. "Yeah, I know, but no worries, I'm fine."

"Well, that's good." She continued to smile at you, she slowly touched your arm and looked into your eyes for a minute.

"Um, princess?." Mario slowly looked up at her, after a few seconds of no response he politely snapped his fingers in front of her face.

"Wha-oh, my goodness, I'm so sorry." She blushed looking at the plumber and then quickly at you. "I don't know what came over me, please Y/n, forgive me."

"Don't worry, you're fine." You smiled. "If you don't mind asking, is there a room available, I've had a long day and would like to rest."

"Why of course." She giggled. "There are plenty of rooms, here, I'll set you up with one right away."

She quickly walked over to a small bell on a table and rang it, a short while later, an older-looking man wearing the finest three-piece suit you've ever seen, a black blazer with a clean white business shirt with a black bowtie, along with silky smooth white gloves, combined with black suit pants and dress shoes.

"Yes, Your Highness?." The man bowed in front of the princess.

"Y/n needs a room to stay in, Charles." Peach looked at you and smiled, then looked back at the butler. "I assume you can escort him to one?."

"Right away, princess." He nodded then looked at you and smiled. "Come along sir, I'll take your bags-"

"I was supposed to bring bags?." You looked confused.

"Oh, right..." Falcon chuckled. "We forgot to tell him about that-"

"Not to worry, I'm sure you won't need them." Charles smiled and walked past you. "What you need is some sleep-"

"Make sure you take him to the correct room Charles!." Daisy shouted loud enough for him to hear.

"Yes mam, I'm well aware-"

"Oh and Charles?." Peach spoke up, making the butler turn around. "Please, take it easy on the drinking."

"I shall try." He nodded, you looked at everyone, nodded, then left the room and followed the butler down another large hallway, passing several old relics, more fantastic paintings, and the largest grand staircase you ever saw.

"Wow..." You looked up at the large staircase. "...Is there an elevator by chance?."

"No, why do you ask?." Charles looked at you.

"Well because I don't want to climb that many stares just to get to my bed."

"We tried having an evelvator, some fighters were too big to either fit into it or they'd break it, then there were the children like Lucas and Ness, they would push all the buttons-"

"I guess that makes sense." You started climbing the stairs, holding onto the railing, following Charles. "So, you are Charles, right, the bulter?."

"Yes sir." He nodded at you whilst still climbing up the stairs.

"How do you manage to do your job, I mean, it must be chaotic all the time, no?."

"Indeed, it is very hard to keep up with everyone's demands at times, we had a maid once, she quit due to the stress levels the job brought her." He sighed and looked back at you. "I've been doing this since 1999, and let me say, times are very different now." He reached the top of the first floor and you quickly followed him to the top, looking up at several cases of stairs you had to climb before you reached the top floor.

"Well, that's true, didn't have to look after nearly a hundred people-"

"Precisly, dear boy, it used to be easy looking after twelve people and making sure they didn't try and kill eachother, now, it's a madhouse full of taking animals and other creatures that haunt me in my dreams." He quickly took out a small flask and took a small swig of whatever was inside. "Fortunately, this keeps me going, both in this house and my life itself."

"What is that, whiskey?." you looked at the flask.

"It's Gin, gives me the kick I need to get out of bed in the mornings." He offered you the flask.

"I'm good, I don't drink." You put your hands up and he nodded putting the flask back in his waistcoat pocket.

"Very well, shall we continue?." He started climbing the next set of stairs and you sighed, following him.


You were crawling up the last set of stairs, panting, gripping onto the railing when you reached the top you collapsed onto the soft floor.

"Why, who's idea was it to have so many steps?." You panted.

"Master Hands." Charles answered, looking like he didn't even break a sweat. "The more people that showed up, the more stairs he added to put in more rooms for them, you are unlucky and are on the top floor."

"Great..." you groaned, gripping the top of the railing to help yourself up. "I hope the beds are comfortable, the one back home feels like I'm sleeping on a matress filled with rocks."

"Oh don't worry, the beds are the softest in the world, you'll be asleep in ten seconds after laying down on them." The butler started walking down the hallway on the top floor

"I hope so." You followed him, exhausted still, wiping the sweat off your forehead with your sleeve.

You follow Charles past a ton of other fighters you reconized, Joker, Hero, Steve, Banjo, who had his right arm in a cast.

"Can we take a break?." You asked leaning against a door. "My legs feel like they are going to give out-"

"Sir, your room is just at the end of the hall." Charles looked back at his eyes quickly widened. "And please don't lean against that door!-"

"Why?-" You looked confused before a fist punched through the side of it, barley missing your face, the fist grabbed you and slammed you into the door before it tossed you into a wall, making a few of the pictures fall beside you, the door swung open and you looked up at the man who's door you just leaned against.

"You better have a good reason as to why you are trying to enter my room-" 

"Kazuya Mishi-" You gasped as he quickly grabbed you by the throat and pinned you against the wall, he red eye started glowing

"Mr. Mishima!." Charles quickly walked over to stop him from strangling you. "Please stop, Mr. Y/n didn't mean to enter your room, nor disturb you, he is very tired and would like some rest-"

"When I'm done with him, he'll be asleep...permanitly..." he growled at Charles then looked back you.

"HEY!." Someone shouted across the hall, making all of you turn to look and see who spoke up, to your surprize it was two females.

"Pick on someone your own size!." The one with red hair shouted at Kazuya while her friend got out her sword.

Kazuya growled, then dropped you, making you slide down the wall. "You are very lucky...very...lucky." he pointed at you before re-entering his room.

"Mr. Y/n, are you alright?." Charles offered to help you up.

"I'm fine..." you nodded slowly standing up, you looked over at the two females who smiled. "Thank you."

"No problem." The red haired girl smiled and extended her hand. "Name's Pyra."

You smiled and shook her hand. "Y/n L/n, nice to meet you." you then looked at her friend. "Nice to meet you as well-"

"Mythra..." she smirked, looking into your eyes before shaking your hand. "Pleasure to meet you Mr. L/n..." you felt her hand was gripping yours much tighter then Pyra's was.

"That's a strong grip you've got." She smiled. "You work out often?."

"Well..." you slightly blushed. "I mean, yeah, when I can get the chance to."

"Maybe I'll have to do a little...training...session with you sometimes..." Mythra smiled.

"Well, I could use the training-"

"Perfect..." Mythra smiled.

"If you two must excuse us, Y/n here is in desperate need of sleep, I'm just showing him to his room."

"Of course I understand Charles." Mythra nodded at the butler. "Sleep is very important for the mind and your body, I'm sure we'll see a lot of eachother soon anyways."

She then let go of your hand and you nodded at them, following Charles down the hall and into your new room.

"And here we are." The butler smiled at you as you looked around, there was a king size bed up against the wall, a flatscreen tv along with a desk and a chair, some paper, pencils, pens, a nightstand with a little bell on it right beside the bed and a nice balcony where you can watch the sunset in the evening. "I'm sure everything is to your liking?."

"It's nice." You looked around the room in awestruck. "What's the bell for?."

"That is for me." Charles said. "Anytime you require my services please, don't be afraid to ring the bell."

"I'll keep that in mind." You nodded. "Oh, I just thought, what's the situation with meals?."

"Meals will be served to the fighters at regular times, breakfast starts at six and goes to noon, lunch is from noon to four then dinner from five to about nine o clock."

"Got it." You smiled. "Thank you, Charles."

"You are very welcome sir." He smiled at you. "If that's all you need, then I shall be on my way, I'll leave to get settled in."

"Thank you, Charles, have a good night."

"You too, sir." And with that, the butler walked out of the room, closing the door behind him, you flopped down on the very comfortable bed, it felt like the softest thing in the world.

"Wow, maybe he was right, maybe I will fall asleep in ten seconds-" you fell asleep in ten seconds like Charles said you would, having dreams about what your first offical day as apart of the roster would be like.


Hey, I hope you enjoyed the first real chapter of this story and I hope you'll return for more, next chapter will be introducing you to some more characters, mostly females, so I hope you are ready for that.

I also hope you are alright with the character of Charles, yes he is an oc, but I feel like he'll be a good fit in this wacky story.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please leave a comment as I read all of them for possible story notes to keep track of and help me with parts in the future, thanks.

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