"I'm honor such a magnificent devine being chose our son as a mate. Thank you my dear." She said putting her head to my nose kissing it. When I gave her her a big lick on her cheek making her laughed. As everyone climbed off me.
"Someone could warned me that dragons salivate like a dog." She joked whipping away the trail of thick siliva on her cheek.
"She only silivate like that if she's excited or she just really likes you." Mom teased.
"Ahh I'm glad she like me since she's going to be family. Now sweetie I can only give you. The knowledge you need. Is if you willing open your mind to me fully. You hesitate or close it off after. I'm in it can mess up all your recorded memories. Can cause temporary and in severe can parmanant complete memory loss. Do you understand?" She informed me. I lifted my head and nodded.
"And you still want me to do it. You can say no if your unsure. I can't stress to you enough. You have to be absolutely sure. Other wise it will do damage to your mind and can scramble it. Leaving you in a coma, or leaving you like a vegetable. Even after knowing that. You still want me to do it?" She asked.
"Yes I don't know. How long it would take me just. To learn how to shift back to my human form." I said with my dragon vioce. Before laying my head back down. She realized how serious I was. She put her hands on each side of my head and placed her forehead to mine. She closed her eyes whispering in an unknown language. I closed my eyes. Feeling as if she was actually reaching her hands literally into my mind. When I realized that's exactly what she was doing. But she had to place her head to mine. So she could see which memories she was accessing. But the weirdest part I could see exactly what she was doing. I even seen her stop for a minute when her seen some recent memories of Michael including when I found out he was a dragon. She just stared in disbelief. When I pulled her soul in my mind making an illusion of my human form in my mind. She was so confused she couldn't speak.
"Sorry thought it'd be easier if I helped you." I said, she just looked at me in astoundment.
"Oh so you don't know how to shift into your human form. But you figured out how to do this." She teased.
"It's just my subconscious anyone can manipulate their subconscious. It's pretty easy if you know how to lucid dream. It the same thing but you're awake." I replied, she smiled.
"Sorry I didn't realize you were so smart. That should actually make things go alot smoother and quicker." She said, till she seen me grinning.
"Thats what you think now. Till you see all the information. If only you knew what was stored in my head auntie. I'm not just smart I'm genuine genius. I've got a big brain." I said snapping my fingers making a door appear in front of me. I opened it letting her walk in first. I made my subconscious look like a huge library. Just so it was easier to find everything. It was several story's might as well be a sky scraper. With spiral staircase leading to each floor.
"Oh god I've never met any being that can store even half of the information you've got. This is going to take forever to find what we're looking for." She sighed in defeat.
"Would if I wasn't a neatfreak. I keep everything well organized. We're probably going to find them in my unknown section since. I store every memory I don't know where to place because their not mine. There I've never actually looked at them. Since their not my memories. I felt so wrong trying to and just couldn't bring myself to do it. I've tried several times. I feel like I'm invading someone privacy or spying on them. Or they literally made no damn sence." I said, pulling out my wings. Walking over to the stairs where there's no railing. Since it's easier for me to go from each room if I just fly.
"You want me to just carry you its alot easier then the stairs?" I asked looking back seeing her latched on the railing. I could also feel her fear at thought of flying.
"Why are you scared of flying?" I asking, conserningly. Walking over to her.
"Sorry sweetie its not that I don't trust you because I do. I'm just deathly afraid of heights. They terrify me. I grew up with a winged siren as a child. She used to take me flying all the time ever since she could first fly. But when we were eight she decided she wanted to fly me into the clouds. On the day her parents decided we we're old enough to do it without supervision. So we went much farther then we were supposed to not to mention much higher than they allowed us. We were having to much fun we became careless. She dropped me. But while diving down an catching me. She messed up her feathers. She was unable to fly, slow down, of stop. She sheilded me from the impact. With her body as we got the ground. She died on impact. She was actually my older sister my non identical twin. She was my best and only friend. But she lived with my father and I lived with my mother. It's was the only time they let us spend time together. They didn't even know we knew we were blood sisters. Let alone that we were twin's. If they found out we knew. Because even though we were twins we're born two completely different races. Which is considered a bad omen. Even though both our birth parents were both winged sirens. And on neither side of their families had witches. Let alone a powerful queen grand witch like me. All our relatives seen me as a freak. So after my sister died. I left home, burying every memory every peice of my past life or the family who brought us into this world and never looked back. I even changed my name and took on an entirely new identify. I got into the most prestigious school for witches when I found out I was a queen grand witch. I've never told anyone that not even my soulmate my husband. Hell I didn't even remembered or now why I was so afraid of heights. Before I sealed all those memories. So how am I able to remember now?" She asked, trembling. I could see how painful the memories were for her. So I hugged her taking all her pain. She stopped trembling as her body. Finally able to relax and gain composure. As she was finally able to think clearly.
"Sorry I'm so powerful the it effects even my subconscious and everything in it. It must've broke your seal. Your secrets safe with me. I know how hard it is. But you'll never be at peace till you have closure with your family." I said, she caressed my cheek.
"I know now that. I'm an adult I understand that now. But I don't have the courage to face them alone." She said looking down.
"I could go with you. I am your second daughter." I assured her she smiled looking up at me.
"No we can do even better than that. I have two children. That have never met their grandparents. I can't deprive them of that and my husband. Will make him take me. He doesn't let me go anywhere with out him." She said, as I helped get to her feet. We walked over to the stairs. But she didn't go to the stairs. She walked to boucany that I use to fly to each floor.
"Im not going to force you if it scares you. Mom." I said, her expression softened into a loving smile.
"Yes but I can't stay afraid of it forever. I'm going to have to face it. One way or another. So why not and I trust you. My sweet angel now let's go find those memories." She said, I picked her up effortlessly. And within seconds. I was already up in the air carryiny her. As I shot to the top floor where I kept all my unknown memories. I landed putting her down.
We both took different sections to gather all the books. (Which I store my memories in.) That was anything we thought may might contain any information we were looking for. Which was a very daughting task.
"So Sweetie.." His mother said, suddenly after sometime of gathering the books.
"Yes by the way in case. You didn't catch my name it's Willow?" I said, I could sense that's what she was hinting at least she was trying to figure out my name. Without trying to be rude.
"Willow that's a beautiful name. My sister's name is also Willow ironic huh?" She said, tenderly.
"Really it is pretty ironic?" I asked she chuckled. When I was gathering books I noticed that I have a lot of different past lives. Which I thought was weird cuz I didn't know if possible. Turns out God's can't actually die they just get reincarnated over and over and over. Which when's my soul's actually existed for a long time Terry long time from what I could see I found books dated back all the way to the beginning of man. The weirdest thing with my soul is always in a female vessel. Oh my soul was always the same. Which meant I was always a dragon hybrid. Just some of my Past lives. Especially after they started putting seals on non-humans actually lived a normal life. But I found the weirdest thing. I found that in one of my past lives. The one I lived right before this one. Was the reason for the birth of my mates mothers older twin sister and her. In fact that's actually why they named her sister Willow. Because my past life did use the name Willow just because it's named my biological father gave me. Another word Zeus named me Willow which means. He knew about my existence. And this past life was aware of it. I took it over to her and showed her. She dropped the memory book she was looking through. When she seen that my past life is a reason why her sister got her name.
"Holyshit that is way more than ironic. My sister got her name from one of your past lives that's crazy. But it's even more crazy. To think that you actually witnessed just being born. But that does give me closure because I have something to make me feel closer to my sister. You. This is going to be to weird trying to explaining this to your mate. He's going to think we're crazy." She smiled said if she wrote on but her expressions faded as she read the part about my dad.
"So your dad is aware of your existence. If so why doesn't he just track you down. I found some of your past lifes in my section. None of them said anything about him." She informed me.
"Yeah I know. I found a shit ton more in my section and none of them. Said anything about this. This one's the only one that mentions it. So why was this one and my first past life. When I was actually born. Are the only ones that knew. Which means he probably didn't track me down. Cuz he didn't want me. In other words I'm still an accident. My first life actually dates back to the beginning of man. Meaning I've actually a lot older then anyone thought. Which means my soul's actually thousands of years old. And it's always been a hybrid same exact as the one I am now. My reincarnations always looked the same in my non human form. I just always changed my physical human appearance. In fact my first was there for your birth. Your biological mother was one of the few. That my past life actually ever show their true form and that was only four times. Literally only a day at the longest when they did. Even my first past life when I was born never use my true human form. This is the longest I've ever used it. And even though my reincarnations had my dragon. I never really used it nor my power as a god of lightning. Was it because I didn't know I was part God. Even though I knew this was my dad was. Was I just unaware that I inherited it. Because no matter how many times. I go over them. None of them mention knowing that I was part God. Hell there's barely even any mention of me knowing. That I was a dragon and only one mentions I thought I was my diamondback. Honestly reading this I don't think I was actually aware of what I actually was. Because my souls true form. My true self has never changed even over these thousands of years. In fact by the sound of it. I was trying to figure out what I really was and where I truely belong. Damn why I was so confusing my past lives. But good news I know when my immortality kicks in. All my lives that were nonehuman stopping aging at 24. Talk about eternal youth even. If I die my body Burns itself out or I die like a phoenix. I just literally come back. Reincarnated in new body with the same exact soul. Honestly no wonder I forced myself to forget it. Every time I'm reincarnated. I mean literally to live a full life just to die and do it all over again. Sounds really tiring I mean he's got the energy to relive their life consistently. The weirdest part not one of my past life had a mate. I mean a couple of them had a love interest. Got her heart broken. But none of them had an actual soulmate. Which means even though I've been reincarnated so many times. My soul only has one mate. One match. I do believe that everything happens for a reason. But the fact that I'm actually so much older. Than what we thought. Have lived so many different lives. And yet every reincarnation. I lived slowly like me to Michael. I mean you can't call pure coincidence that my past life. Before this one watched you and your sister be born. With her even being named after me. Only to die and meet your son. Who happens to be my soulmate. That's not coincidence. Do you think maybe Michael's not actually a nightmare. But maybe actually like me hybrid and might just not be aware of it. Or just pretending he isn't. Because normally Fated pairs are made to match their partners. Like two halves of the same coin which means. They normally have the same power, strength, and capability of they're fated half. True gods are known to only pick out partners based on whether or not they can beat them or match them threw fight. The only partner up with somebody that subdue them. Sunflower maids actually only one that can kill them actually kill. To where their soul and body disappear. Only a soul can kill the soul. True gods are the only form of soul. That has a physical body or at least. That's what we thought till I came along. And dragons are no different so that most likely is the case. And the only thing that can match me would be another hybrid." I explained thinking out. When this huge ass smile came across her face.
"Oh my God. I think your are onto something. See in some of your past lives. I noticed that there was always one man in particular. That always stood out even though. They always physically look different. They always showed up. But always seem to try to keep their distance. But always seem to be watching over you. And it even says that your past life felt like they were odd familiar especially in the last 3 previous reincarnation. That you lived before this one. I think your right because in the second reincarnation that noticed him. They actually described him. Because they actually seen his face like his real face. Not what he made him self look like. And when they were describing them. It came very close to what my Michael looks like. Almost exactly describing his real non-human physical appearance. Which by the way if you think he's cute in the human form he shows you. Wait until you see his real one. He hardly ever shows it but I seen it a couple of times. When he was really young and once when he was a teen. I have yet to see nits his true form as an adult. But his father has never seen it. I'm the only one that didn't and it was always by accident. But trust me he is gorgeous. And that's coming from his mother not to sound weird. But how many mothers do you hear say that about their son. And he honestly does definitely have the beauty and physique of a true God. Which is why I also think you're onto something. The only way to find out is if we can get inside his head. Got any ideas how we're going to pull that one off?" She asked.
"Oh don't tease me. You have no idea how bad I want to see it now that you said that. Well since we're an actual mated pair in this reincarnation. I actually have a internal connection to him including to his head or you can just slip over there once we're done over here. Best part he'll be completely unaware of it. He can't yell at us if he doesn't know." I suggested. She laughed at my commented. Seeing that I was a jealous that she got to see his true form and I didn't yet. I didn't even know he had another form. And if his fake form is that sexy I could only imagine. How ridiculously yummy his real one could be. I was practically drooling at the thought.
"Yes we'll do that." She smiled laughing knowing I was thinking about and high-fiving my hand.
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