Chapter 1

Blue Flame woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. He reached over and pressed the snooze button, making the alarm stop. He moved the covers off of his body before getting out of the bed and stretching. Before he could walk out of his room, he hears a loud beeping noise. He looked over at bedside table and saw that his tablet was showing an incoming video call on it's screen. He picks it up and presses the answer button on the screen. Once he answered it, he saw his boss, Winston, on the screen.

(A/N: The art of the tablet belongs to Juliao-Sodre on Artstation!)

"Good morning, Blue Flame" Winston said

"Good morning to you too, Mr. Winston" Blue Flame said

"I know I usually give you your assignment/mission when you're at the Continental, but I'm doing it now because last night, the hotel on main street was broken into and a person who was staying there was kidnapped. The hotel's security camera saw the direction the person was taken in was directly north" Winston said

"But the only thing north of the hotel is the outskirts of town" Blue said

"Exactly. The only thing in the outskirts is a abandoned factory. I want you to go over there and bring the hostage back to the Continental. Do whatever is necessary to make sure they're brought back safe" Winston said

"Yessir!" Blue said

"Blue Flame?" Winston asked

"Yes, Mr. Winston?" Blue asked back

"Remember our motto" Winston said. Blue smiled and nodded

"A world without Ugly Bastards is a world worth living in" Blue said, confidently

"That's my boy. Good luck on your mission, Blue Flame" Winston said, hanging up the video call. Blue Flame put his tablet down and went into the bathroom to take a shower. After taking the shower, he dried himself off and gets dressed before walking into his living room.

"I better eat some breakfast before heading to that warehouse. I want to have enough energy when I kick their butts" Blue said, walking into his kitchen

Blue Flame opened his refrigerator and got out the ingredients he needed to make an omelette. After a few minutes, he sits down at the table and started eating the omelette. After finishing his omelette and putting the plate in the sink, Blue headed back into his room, grabbed his tablet and the keys to his motor trike before heading into into the garage. Once he unlocked the door to his garage, he opened the door and flicked on the lights, revealing his motor trike.

Blue grabbed his helmet that was sitting on the table next to the motor trike and put it on. He then pressed a button on the remote that was attached to his keyring and his garage door opens up. He closes the door leading into the garage turns off the light before getting on his motor trike and starting it up. The motor trike opens up a compartment in front of Blue and he puts his tablet in. The compartment has a purpose of holding his tablet in a perfect fit so he didn't have to hold it while he was driving. Blue reves up his motor trike and drives out of his garage. He stops, pressed the button again on his keyring and watched as his garage door closed before driving off towards the outskirts of town. As Blue was driving towards them, he spotted the hotel that was broken into. One of the hotel's were broken and it was getting replaced with new glass.

"I swear, Ugly Bastards will do anything to get their grubby and disgusting hands on females" Blue said, sighing and shaking his head. He then continued his drive towards the outskirts. Once he was finally in the outskirts, he saw the old abandoned factory in the distance.

"There it is. I better expect a reckoning once I'm inside. Those Ugly Bastards won't really give up the hostages that easily. Unfortunately for them, I ain't gonna give up that easily" Blue said. After a few minutes of driving, he parks the motor trike in a garage inside a building next to the factory. Once he turned off the engine and pulled off his helmet, he got off, went to the rear of the motor trike and opened up the storage compartment. He reaches inside and pulled out a revolver and it's ammo.

Blue opens up the cylinder part of the revolver and loads it up. He then closes the ammo case and puts it in his pocket along with the revolver after he closed the cylinder. He then reaches into the storage compartment and pulls out a Glock 19.

"Alright. I'm all set. Time to save the hostage" Blue said after loading up. He grabbed an extra loaded clip and put it into his pocket before walking out of the garage and heading inside the abandoned factory. Once he got inside the factory, he took a look around at his surroundings.

"This place looks like it hasn't been used in years" Blue said. He then stops in his tracks when he hears footsteps approaching. Blue quickly ducks down behind an old storage crate and hears voices. When he peeked out, he saw two ugly bastards talking to each.

"You still got that USB with the mind-controlling formula on it?" The short ugly bastard asked

"Yup. Once we get this place up and running, we'll be able to start the mass production on the formula" The ugly bastard with the glasses said, smirking. The shorter ugly bastard smirked with him.

"That girl we have will be our test subject. Besides, it's not like she'll be going anywhere anytime s-" The shorter ugly bastard was cut off when a bullet went through his head, causing him to fall to the ground and laying there motionless. The ugly bastard with the glasses was shocked, seeing his partner get shot. When he turned around, he was met with Blue Flame, pointing the gun at him.

"Wait!" The ugly bastard tried to plead with Blue. His begging fell on deaf ears when Blue shot him through the chest. He fell down, causing the USB to fall out of his pocket. Blue walked over to the USB and picked it up, examining it. He then pocketed the USB

"I better hold onto this. Just until I get back to Mr. Winston" Blue Flame, continuing his search for the hostage. He stops in his tracks when he hears a scream echo throughout the whole abandoned factory. Blue looked over and saw some stairs leading up to the second floor. When he got to the second floor, he saw three ugly bastards surrounding the hostage.

"Hey!" Blue said, gaining the attention of the three

"Who are you?! You're not allowed in here!" One of the ugly bastards said, rushing towards him. Blue put his glock into his pocket, pulled out his revolver and shot the ugly bastard in the head, causing him to fall to the ground. The two other ugly bastards took out pocket knives and rushed at Blue. Blue shot both of them in the legs, causing them to yell in pain, drop their knives and drop to one knee. As the ugly bastards were distracted by the pain, Blue rushed passed them and up to the hostage. When he got a good look at the hostage, his eyes go wide when he saw who it was

(A/N: The picture belongs to Mavixtious)

"Cass?!" Blue said, completely shocked

"Blue, what're you doing here?" Cass asked, equally as shocked. Blue was about to reply, but he stopped when he heard the two ugly bastards behind him, groaning in pain

"Excuse me for a second" Blue said, turning around and shooting both of them in the heads, causing them to fall to the ground lifeless

"What the?! Blue, why?!" Cass asked

"I'll explain later. I need to get you back to the Continental" Blue said, pocketing his revolver and undoing the ropes around her arms and legs. Cass massaged her arms, happy to be free. She then looks at Blue before giving him a hug. Blue smiled, returning the hug.

"Come on, let's get outta here" Blue said, separating from the hug and leading Cass out of the abandoned factory. After they make it to the motor trike, Blue opened the storage compartment and gave Cass a helmet. Cass took the helmet and put it on before sitting on the backseat. Blue put his weapons and ammo into the storage compartment and closed it before getting on the front seat. He put his helmet on before starting up the motor trike and driving off to the Continental. After an hour or so of driving, they finally arrived at the Continental. Cass took a look at the Continental and was amazed.

Blue pulled into a spot that was reserved for workers and turned off the engine before taking off his helmet and getting off the motor trike. Blue opened the storage compartment and put his helmet inside. He then goes up to front of the motor trike and took the tablet out of it's compartment, causing the tablet sized compartment to seal itself.

"So, this the Continental?" Cass asked, taking off her helmet, getting off the motor trike and placing the helmet into the storage compartment as well.

"Yup. This is where I work" Blue said, smiling. Blue motions her to follow him inside, which she did.

"Whoa! This place is beautiful!" Cass said, looking around in amazement. Blue walks up to the reception desk and talked to the receptionist

"ID, please" The receptionist said. Blue tapped a few times on his tablet and showed his ID to the receptionist. The receptionist nodded his head

"Welcome back from your mission, Blue Flame. Mr. Winston is waiting for you in his office" The receptionist said, pointing to a nearby elevator. Blue nodded in thanks before leading Cass to the elevator. Once they was in the elevator, Blue pressed a button, causing the elevator's doors to close and the elevator to move up. After the elevator stopped and opened up, Blue leads Cass to the first door on the right and knocked on it.

"Come in" Winston's voice said from the other side of the door. Blue opens the door and walks inside. Cass walks inside with him and saw Winston

"Who is he?" Cass asked

"That's Mr. Winston. My boss" Blue said

"Seems like the mission was a success" Winston said

"Ummm, can somebody explain to me what's going on?" Cass asked. Blue looked at Winston, who nodded at him. Blue nodded back at him before looking back at Cass

"You remember those men who kidnapped you?" Blue asked. Cass nodded at his question

"Well, they're called Ugly Bastards. They're horrible and disgusting human beings who like to cuck married men and have sex with their wives" Blue said

"That's horrible" Cass said, disgusted

"That's not even the worse part. They like to........have sex with little girls, too" Blue said, trying not to throw up after saying that. His attempts were proven useless as he ran over to the trashcan, opened it and threw up in it

"That's disgusting!!!" Cass yelled, even more disgusted. After a few minutes of throwing up, Blue grabbed a paper towel and wiped his mouth clean.

"Anyway, that's why I'm working here. I am working alongside this company to hunt down and kill these disgusting horrible men that plague and infect this world" Blue said, throwing the paper towel into the trashcan after cleaning himself up

"What made you start working here?" Cass asked.

"It's a long story" Blue said with some sadness in his voice.

"Take your time, Blue" Winston said in a comforting voice. Blue nodded before looking at Cass

"I'll start from the beginning" Blue said


Blue exited the flower shop, holding a bouquet of roses. He sniffed and sighed happily at the lovely scent they were producing

"She's gonna love these" Blue said before walking down the street towards his girlfriend's house. After an hour of walking, Blue makes it to his girlfriend's house and noticed her front door was open. Blue was confused, but he walked into the house. When he entered, he hears faint sounds of moaning. As he ascended up the stairs, the moaning got louder and louder. Once he finally made it up the stairs, he saw girlfriend's bedroom door slightly opened. He walked up to the door and peeked inside. When he peeked in, he saw his girlfriend, Sherry, having sex with an ugly bastard.

(A/N: The art and character belongs to Chinad011)

"What's going on here?!" Blue yelled, gaining the attention of both Sherry and the ugly bastard.

"B-Blue, it isn't what it looks like!" Sherry said, stuttering

"How long has this been going on?" Blue asked, glaring

"T-two months" Sherry admitted

"Can you get outta here? We're busy" The ugly bastard said. Blue glared at him. He then walks up to the ugly bastard and punched him right in the nose, causing the ugly bastard to fall on the floor, holding his bleeding nose. Blue then looked over to his now ex-girlfriend

"Consider this relationship over" Blue said, walking over to the door

"Blue, wait!" Sherry called out to him. Blue didn't listen and continued his way out of his ex-girlfriend's house

(End of flashback)

"A few months later, I met Mr. Winston. From what I found out, he was following the ugly bastard and was about to send one of his men in there to kill it. He was about to, until he saw me going inside and finding the ugly bastard having sex with Sherry. Mr. Winston offered me a job here at the Continental. I accepted the job here and have been working here ever since" Blue said, finishing his story. Cass was absolutely speechless

"Blue, I am so sorry that happened" Cass said, feeling bad for him

"It's okay, Cass" Blue said. He then takes out the USB and hands it over to Winston

"Where'd you get this?" Winston asked

"I got it from an ugly bastard I killed. I overheard him and another one talking about some type of mind-controlling formula on it" Blue said.

"I'll be sure to analyze it. Thank you, Blue Flame" Winston said. Blue nodded at him

"I can't believe we share a species with those horrible and disgusting men. Anyway, thank you, Blue. I don't know what would've happened if you didn't come and rescued me" Cass said, hugging Blue. He smiled and hugged back. They soon sperate

"Anyway, what were you doing in that hotel, Cass?" Blue asked

"Well, I was heading here to see you. It's been a while since we last saw each other" Cass said

"Well, that will be all for right now, Blue. If anything else comes up about the Ugly Bastards, I will make sure to call you" Winston said. Blue nodded

"Blue, do you think you can give a lift back to the hotel?" Cass asked. Blue nodded and headed out with her

One hour later

Blue stops in front of the hotel. Cass takes off her helmet,puts it in the storage compartment and close it.

"Thanks for the lift, Blue. I appreciate it" Cass said

"No problem, Cass. I hope to see you again soon" Blue said. Cass nodded and went inside the hotel.

Another hour later

Blue pulls into his garage, turned off his motor trike's engine and got off. He then placed his helmet on the table. He closes his garage door before walking into his house through the other door on the other side of the garage. When he walked into his living room, he saw something laying on his couch. There was also a letter next to it

Blue picks up the letter, opens it and starts reading

"Dear Blue Flame, I know it's been a while since we last talked. I've been pretty busy dealing with these demons. Meanwhile, you're up on the surface, dealing with something that's far worse than demons. Anyway, this weapon I have you is called the Sentinel Hammer. The hammer is a pretty powerful and versatile weapon. If you slam it on the ground, it'll send you flying into the air. It'll send out a shockwave once you come back down and slam it down again. I hope you enjoy this weapon, because there will be more weapons to come. Love, Grandpa Doom. P.S: Crack some Ugly Bastard skulls for me, alright? Love you, grandson" Blue said, finishing the letter. Blue put the letter down on the table and picks up the Sentinel Hammer. It was a bit heavy, but he didn't mind it

"Thank you, Grandpa Doom" Blue said, smiling


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of "The Ugly Bastard Slayer". I've been wanting to do something like this for a while now. I want to get this outta the way first: Any and all Ugly Bastards I use in the story will not be credited, especially the ones in hentai. It's already bad enough that these horrible and disgusting things exist, I don't want you all to be traumatized. Anyway, I want to apologize for not updating or publishing any new books. I also want to thank you all for the amazing support, you all are awesome! Make sure to follow me and check out my other stories if you want to! Also, if you want to, make sure to check out my Archive! The link is in my Wattpad bio. Thank you and I hope you have a blessed life!

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