Chapter 1
Song: Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) by My Chemical Romance
Phantom's POV
Hi, my name is Ally, but my Killjoy name is Toxic Phantom. I have been a Killjoy for a couple years now. Amo Jinx is a Killjoy who took me under her wing since Better Living Industries had taken over many families and they have been brainwashed.
Jinx is very protective of me like an older sister. She has never told me her name, so I just call her Jinx. What I do know about her that is pretty obvious is she is obsessed with weapons.
I walked to her door and I can see her laying down on her bed, exhausted. Her room is full of weapons, random posters, and her logo is scattered around her room.
Her room is like mine except my weapons aren't only different types of blasters and guns. The weapons I use are knives, poisons, and darts.
My logo is a skull and crossbones whereas Jinx's is a green "x". Jinx let's out a sigh. "Are you alright?", I ask Jinx. "Yeah, it's just I couldn't sleep again". "I haven't been able to sleep either", I say. "Nightmares again?", she asks me concerned.
"Yeah, but why haven't you been able to sleep?" "Anxiety", she tells me. "Anxiety about what, about me again?", I ask her. "Yeah but it's nothing".
"Jinx don't worry I'll be fine. You've seen me in battle and this is not our first time taking stuff from BLIND", I tell her. She gets up and gives me a hug. "I love you Ally, I don't want anything to happen to you", she tells me. "I love you too Jinx", I tell her smiling. "Okay get dressed, we're going to the diner", she tells me while putting one her trench coat. "Okay". I get dressed and we head to the diner.
We head to the diner and I see there are a couple killjoys sitting at some tables. I see a killjoy that I've met before. Her name is Silver Kat. I rarely see her. It's understandable since she's a healer. She is amazing in battle and is a very sweet person.
Jinx and I sit at her table. "Hey Kat". I say using her killjoy name. We don't use our actual names except Jinx knows mine, but she only says it at home.
"What's up string bean", Kat says to Jinx. Jinx and Kat used to be really close, but then Kat became a healer so we rarely see her. "Nothing much, how's it going being a healer and all", Jinx says. "It's pretty nerve racking, but I'm hanging on. How is it being the most respected killjoy especially with your amazing skills?", Kat asks. "Its annoying especially when everyone is on my ass all the time. I understand I make the weapons, but I hate it when they use me for fame and they treat Phantom like shit", she rants. "Phantom, don't listen to those shits. They're just jealous. Especially since you did amazing on your first battle", Kat tells me. "Thanks Kat, but I don't think they treat me different because I'm good at battles. Maybe it's because I'm a freak to them", I tell her. "Hey don't say that. Phantom you are an amazing fighter and you are very sweet", Jinx tell me. "Jinx, I'm a very emotional being and too small for my age and too small for battle. Now I'll be at the back", I say as I get up and head to the back to throw some darts.
I'm at the back of the diner throwing some darts at posters of BLIND and at a dartboard. I hit a poster of Korse and land a dart right on his forehead. I also land a bullseye on the dartboard. I take off the dart again and throw them on some other posters and hit the bullseye again. I hear some Killjoys clap, but others come up to me and push me out of the way. "Move out of the way freak. Let me show you how it's really done", a killjoy says. He takes the darts and misses the first time, hits the dartboard the second time, but it is very far from the bullseye. He misses his third time. I grab the darts again and hit the bullseye three times in a row. The killjoy pushes me again and tells me that I'm just showing off to piss other people off.
"Excuse me, but I'm just another Killjoy just trying to survive. We both hate BLIND and we all follow the Fabulous Killjoys. We're all the same", I tell him. "No we're not. Just because you're close with Amo Jinx doesn't make you better than us. And I don't even think it's true that you have met one of the Fabulous Four. Also, you're the smallest killjoy here. You can't even handle your own emotions, freak", he tells me. "Aren't we all freaks though in the eyes of BLIND", I tell him with no emotion and looking at the posters.
He gets mad and pushes me. I fall on the floor and I see Jinx coming my way. "Oh hey Jinx", he says to her smiling. "Don't 'Jinx' me asshole. Only people who are close to me can call me Jinx. And you're not one of them. Especially when you bully her like this", she snarls at him as she helps me get up on my feet. "Are you alright?", she asks me concerned. "Yeah, I'm alright", I say smiling at her. "You better not do this again or I won't hesitate to shoot you", Jinx says as she shows her blaster. "I- I won't Amo Jinx", he says getting scared. That's Jinx alright. "Good, now Phantom lets go back to our table".
We go back to our table and I see Kat isn't there. "Did she leave already?", I ask Jinx. "Yeah, her friends need her especially since they're gonna fight again". "Oh okay, damn I didn't say goodbye", I say. "Don't worry, we'll see her again and you were busy anyway. You were clearing your head. I know how you get when you're stressed. Especially before battles or when we are going to raid a place from BLIND", she tells me. "I'm fine, Jinx". She gives me a look. "Okay fine, yes I'm stressed. Very stressed. It's been a while since we have raided a place from Better Life. I'm afraid I'll fuck it up, I'm afraid I'll-", I say getting more stress, but she cuts me off from my ranting. "Phantom", she says holding my hand. "You are amazing at this especially with your skills. You have amazing speed, you're amazing at darts, and you can be very quiet, which is useful. Don't forget that I'll be there for you and you have the weapons I made you. You have your daggers, your poisonous darts and the other stuff I made you. You will be okay", she tells, me calming me down. "Okay, thanks Jinx", I say, feeling better now. "No problem. I'll get us some drinks then we'll head home so we can be ready for tonight. Since we need supplies", she tells me as she gets up from her seat. "Okay but wouldn't people get suspicious of me drinking alcohol?", I ask. "Nah, you'll be fine. Besides, these are the Danger Days. No one cares and many have seen you smoking and drinking with me. You'll be fine", she reminds me. "Okay".
She comes back with our drinks. We then go over our plans on how we'll raid one of the supply shacks and how we'll get rid of Dracs.
I'm still stressing out.
(A/N) WHOOOOOOO THIS IS MY NEW STORY AND MY FIRST OFFICIAL COLLAB. I hope you enjoyed it. This is my first fan fiction and collab. There is also a small cameo of one of my friends. I know she's going to be reading this,so... Hello there. Any who, thanks for reading. Don't be afraid to comment or ask questions.
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