Chapter 7

"He's a Mesmer," Marella told Sophie at lunch and that caught my attention. Sophie had asked what Grady's ability was and I was just playing with my Rubik's cube, I had some pretty interesting stuff when we were packing. Marella asked what it was and I just told her, but when she asked to touch it I hissed at her and scooted away, it's mine! Anyway back to the whole mesmer thing.

"What's a mesmer?" I asked and she looked at me.

"Wow you really don't know anything do you?" she asked and I gasped, how dare she!? "I'm just teasing—sheesh. A Mesmer can put you in a trance and make you do anything they want while you're in it. It's rare. Not as rare as inflicting, but close." Stars filled my eyes. So. Fucking. COOL!! How can Grady be ashamed of that? It's so cool!! Wait what's inflicting?

"And inflicting is . . . . . ?" Sophie asked, reading my mind. Not actually- wait maybe she did. I gave Sophie a skeptical stare and she rolled her eyes. "I didn't (Y/N), your just predictable." I gasped in mock hurt and was just ignored.

" When someone makes you feel things. Makes you laugh, makes you cry, causes you incredible pain—whatever they want. It's extremely rare. I only know of one, and he's on the Council. But there might be another. Your history Mentor would know." Marella answered the question and I just tuned out the rest of their conversation, I had already got my questions answered. Also inflicting, AWSOME!! So so many good abilities. I kept thinking about what other cool abilities elves could have while humming the current song going through my head suddenly Marella opened something that smelt sweet and like strawberries.

"Want some?" She asked us and as Sophie shook her head but I nodded, I grabbed two from the box she passed me and took a bite. It tasted like sweet strawberries covered or more like soaked in chocolate. I made a noise of satisfaction and Marella giggled. "Yeah, they are good." We continued to munch on them as the subject drifted to our next session.

"What's your next session, (N/N)?" Sophie asked as I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my jacket. The teachers had only bothered me once about my outfit choices but then my sweet loving sister came to the rescue spouting stuff about not actually defying the dress code. Something about capes and leggings not being required. Whatever.

"Healing," I answered her question and she hummed while Marella looked at me confused.

"Healing? That's not a subject."

"Yeah well, it is now. I study healing and stuff with the school physician Elwin." I said and she hummed. Soon the bell rang and we all separated to go to class, I headed to the healing center only to walk in on Elwin pulling a rack full of doctor robes with animal prints all over them. When he saw me he let go and turned to me with a smile while putting his hands on his hips.

"There you are!" He said then pointed to the rack. "Pick one, I'm teaching you how to brew some serums today." He said and I nodded. I put my bag on one of the hooks on the wall that held Elwin's jacket and bag. I took off my jacket and hung it as well as I ran over to the rack. I picked a blue one that had a bunch of reptile-like animals on it as Elwin led me to the back. He showed me how to set everything up and what everything was. "Ok, you start with adding a full vile of ******** " Que me picking it up and pouring it in. "And then you add a few dashes of *******" It continued like this for about an hour with Elwin showing me how to measure things and how to make it. Just as we finished it we heard someone walk in, Elwin walked out to see who it was as I put away all the empty stuff.

"Sophie?" I heard Elwin ask. "I figured I'd have to drag you back here to check up on you." I walked out and saw Sophie with a male version of Marella. (you can't deny it, they both have blonde hair and ice blue eyes) Does everyone have an opposite gender look alike? Ohh I wonder if I have one.

"I know," she said as I walked over to stand next to Elwin. "I have a tiny burn I need you to treat—no big deal."

"Well, let me check it out." As he went to walk over Bullhorn hissed and scurried across the floor. "Don't mind Bullhorn," Elwin said as Sophie backed against the door. "He's harmless."

At that second Bullhorn looked like a demented ferret with beady purple eyes, probably scaring Sophie as I just giggled. "What is he?" Sophie asked as I walked over and took her hand to look at the wound.

"A banshee. Adorable, isn't he?"

"Uh, sure." Bullhorn snapped at her ankles. The boy laughed and I suppressed a giggle.

"What brings you here today, Keefe?" Elwin asked, huh so this is the famous Keefe Sencen. Thought he'd look hotter honestly, hmm he looks familiar but from wear?

"Just helping a fellow prodigy, sir."

Elwin grinned. "I notice you've had to miss your session to do it."

"I know. Such a shame." He sighed dramatically. "But Sophie needed help, so what could I do?"

"What, indeed? And I suppose you'll be wanting a pass to excuse you."

"What a good idea."

"You always have been one to seize an opportunity." Elwin handed Keefe a slip of paper. "Session won't be over for another half hour, so I'd walk slow if I were you."

"Oh, I can't leave yet—not until I know Sophie will be okay." Elwin just hummed then turned to me.

"What do you see, kiddo."

"Red," I said with a blank expression. He only looked at me.

"Not what I meant." I hummed.

"It's a burn." I then raised Sophie's hand then sniffed it. My nose crinkled and I coughed. "It's a chemical one," I said and Elwin walked over to take a look. He flashed a blue orb around her hand and put his glasses on.

"It's an acid burn, close, it's easy to mix them up. I hadn't taught you about how to tell different burns yet, how did you know?" Elwin asked. A crooked grin split across my face as I stuffed my hands in the pockets of the animal sweater I was wearing and leaned back against the door frame behind me.

"Do enough pranks and you pick up a thing or two," I said and Keefe cracked up.

"You do pranks?" He said with a smile and I nodded.

"Yup. Your talking to the best prankster bad girl." I said with pride and a flip of my hair while he smirk taking a step toward me.

"Well, you're talking the best prankster, bad boy."

"Oh?" I mocked and we could hear Sophie groaning about 'having to deal with another idiot' while Elwin only laughed and led her away to treat her burn. Me and Keefe started to brag to each other about our pranks and reputations, and in the end, we planned to meet up and ditch study hall so that I can finally explore the school and he said he would show me all the best pranking and ditching spots now that we were 'prankster partners' as he put it. All though we did agree if we were ever caught it was every elf for themselves.

Well, the tour went extremely well and we are now lounging at the most hidden ditching spot as we ate a plate of butterblasts each that we had stolen from the mentors' cafeteria. I kept giggling and munching as Keefe told stories and made jokes.

"So how 'bout you, what was your greatest prank?"

"Ha no. You ain't spilling the beans on the Great Gulon Incident so I ain't spilling them on the Great Nitrocellulose Catastrophe." He gasped in exaggeration.

"Pwease!" He tried with a baby voice and a pouting face, the voice was annoying.

"Nope, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!" As I broke out into a witch cackle he pouted and tried to steal the rest of my butterblasts. I saw his hand reaching for them and snatched it, bringing it behind his back forcing him into a painful arm lock twist thing I learned in the underground ring- I mean martial arts class.

"Ow owowowow let go!!" He wined and I let go with a sheepish smile.

"Sorry," I said scratching my neck with a smile, FYI I wasn't sorry. No one takes my sweets, no one.

"It's fine—but how'd you do that?" he asked with curiosity and I grinned with pride.

"Self-defense classes, my human parents made me take them when we became literal children in high school. Although I was told to only use them when . . . . . people popped up." I said going stone cold when I said, people. Anyway, it was half the truth, I started taking martial arts when I was a kid but my parents only let me use it on those people, and they still don't know about the whole underground boxing thing.

"What people?" Keefe asked the dreadful question.

". . . . . . . . r@p!sts and assaulters." I said hesitantly. (I'm not comfortable saying that word, disgusting beings)

"What are r@p!sts?" Oh, bless his innocent soul. I softly put my hand on his shoulder and looked at him with a soft yet concerned face, which made him panic.

"It's better you don't know, save what little innocence you have left," I said then ate my last butterblast, got up, and left. Leaving him on the floor panicked and confused.

"Wait- What!?" I heard him yell behind me but I just left.

~A week later ~

Before we knew it Sophie's 'Great Cape Destruction' and the pranks that I pulled with Keefe in the next few days blew up and we suddenly became popular. Even I was overwhelmed because I was the type of popular where everyone hated me not the type where everyone wanted to be our friend. Soon people were asking us to sit with them and be friends and when Grady heard he seemed relieved. Sophie said it was because the more we fit in the harder it would be for Bronte to expel us- err her, I keep forgetting he said yes to me. Just used to me and Sophie getting the same response to everything I guess.

Me and Sophie kept sitting with Marella and Dex though, but sometimes Bianna pulled me away to go sit with her. Though for some reason she never let Sophie come, weird. Oh well, Marella wasn't happy about me sitting with them sometimes at first but when I came back to her with all the latest tea and gossip at their table she quickly threw that grudge way. And Dex being the loveable best friend he is didn't care.

I kept ditching classes yet passing them all the time, well except for alchemy and history, those were hard. But let's ignore all my flaws and talk about how I'm hot and perfect. My title of 'female Keefe Sencen' has been proven true but when I started disliking it Keefe - although laughed first- help me change it to 'hot prankster bad girl' although Keefe kept leaning to 'bad girl supreme' but I said no remembering all the times he referred to himself as ' bad boy supreme'. Also unfortunately what came with popular and my hot self was simping boys just like Keefe had simping girls. 

Right now we were online for the leap master with me zoned out thinking about the next prank I should pull when I saw Sophie turn red. Protective sis mode activated. I looked around for the one who made her turn red and saw Dex also red. I deadpanned, you got to be kidding me. I pushed them five feet away from each other and gave them both a glare.

"What?" They asked at the same time.

"Both of you five feet away from your crush, you might not like Dex but it's clear he likes you," I said flatly and they both turned red. And for the 'both of you' part yes I'm protective of both of them deal with it.

"I-I don't like her like that!"

"Yeah sure and I'm straight."


It was a long day at work today and by a long day, I meant at least five Karens showed up. So ya know how humans get Karen's like once a week or month? Yeah well, we get them practically every day because Kesler and Juline the owners of the shop are a bad match. It was funny at first but just got exhausting. When I walked inside my back was slumped and I was dragging my feet. As I walked past the dining room to get to the stairs Grady saw me from his spot eating at the table and laughed at my state.

"Long day?"

"Five whores- I mean five Karens." I corrected myself when Grady narrowed his eyes. Yeah, they've been trying to get rid of my habit of cursing by making me stop doing it at havenfeild.

"Hmm, I'll let it pass this time since your practically dead." Sophie then looked at me with a smirk.

"Friendly reminder, you wanted the job."

"Fudge you." Fortunately for me and not Grady and Edaline, they can't stop me from food cursing because technically I'm not saying a bad word. I went upstairs and took a shower, got into my animal onesie then fed Stinky. I went downstairs and Edaline conjured me a plate, as I started to eat my mind started to clear and I finally noticed the cute little animal in the cage across the table from me.

"Aww now, what's that cute little thing!"

"Wow you barely have enough energy to put food in your mouth but you have enough to gush over animals."

"Shut it I always have energy for animals and your lucky I'm even eating." Silence. Yeah, I'm not suicidal but everyone keeps saying I am. I mean yes I say suicidal things, and do things that indicate that I am but I'm not. I'm just careless with my life- wait that came out wrong!! "I'm not suicidal." I finally broke the silence and got out of my thoughts.

"Yes, you are!" Sophie yelled at me. Silence.

" . . . . . . so what is he?"

"An imp and his name is Iggy."

"Wow, how original."

"Says the one that named her muskog Stinky." I slammed my hands on the table.

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!!" Que me and Sophie arguing about which pet is better and Grady and Edaline sharing a smile at the scene that went unnoticed by us.

That night Edaline had brought Sophie to her room to help settle Iggy in but frowned when she saw the room looked like Sophie hadn't spent even one night in it. Me and Sophie started to sweat, Grady and Edaline still didn't know that Sophie had been sleeping in my room and we were afraid they would think we were weird if they knew. She turned to us and asked the dreaded question.

"Have you not been sleeping in your room?" As I tried to come up with a response Sophie came clean.

"No, I've been sleeping in (Y/N)'s. We've always shared a bed and room since we were little kids. It's more of a comfort thing now and we tried not to but when we did we got anxious, had nightmares, and couldn't sleep. Sorry if it's weird." It took a long agonizing minute for Edaline to respond but when she did she just had a soft smile on her face.

"It's fine, why don't we bring Iggy up to (Y/N)'s room." She said and we went upstairs and what Sophie said was true. We have tried sleeping separately but it never worked. Anyways we went to sleep that night with a snoring Iggy in his cage which was placed on my desk.

~The Next Day~

"Who's ready for the ultimate splotching challenge." A mentor said at gym class the next morning. I was confused and looked at Dex and he explained what it was. So I get to through goo in people's faces and not get in trouble? SCORE!! And if I win I get a detention pass. As I was about to go look for Stina, oh I could imagine the look on her face, someone grabbed my arm.

"Hey, partner!" Said a masculine voice and when I turned I was met with ice blue eyes.

"Hey, Keefe!" We spoke for a bit then walked up and I grabbed a red splocher. I grinned at Keefe with a wicked evil glint in my eye. "Don't worry I'll aim for the hair, maybe then you'll look like a real kid with daddy issues." He gasped in horror as his hands flew to his head.

"NOT THE HAIR!!!!!" He yelled although it sounded more like a squeak. I've had this sinking feeling he had daddy issues, mostly cause of how he acts, and I joked around about it a bit but I never really lunged into it because well we've only known each other for like two weeks. Remember lines, people, lines. Never cross them, the person might just hate you the rest of your life.

We stood across from each other and I hovered the splotch in front of us and as the coach yelled splotch it just stayed there. I decided to not do anything but hold it for a few seconds to test the waters but it only moved a few inches toward me and I watched as Keefe started to sweat a bit and crease his eyebrow. As everyone looked our way I acted like I forgot to push.

"Oh-shit-yeah!" I then pushed and as soon as I did it went flying to Keefe. At the last second, I smirked and redirected it to his hair.


Silence. Everyone and everything was dead silent as we all watched the pink goo soak into his hair and dribble down his face. He had a dead look on his face and the air was extremely tight. He slowly raised his hand and hesitantly poked his hair and slowly brought it down and looked at his now pink fingers. When he saw the pink he squeaked a girly squeak and then fainted.

He fucking fainted. 

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" picture a serial killer from an anime or show and they laughed after they just killed someone, yeah that was me. Everyone gave me weirded out or frightened looks but the teachers just had a student bring Keefe to the healing center and we continued with our game. I splotched Stina in the face and may I say. Her. Face. Was. Priceless. Better than I imagined it. She made I fit about hurting her and trying to get me disqualified but as soon as a raised my fist, the one I punched her mom with may I add, she shut up.

We kept going and somehow it turned into the last three instead of the last four and Sophie and Fitz just stared awkwardly at each other as the teachers tried to figure out what to do.

"We can do rock paper scissors," I said carelessly while sneaking some splotches into my pockets to bring home for pranks.

"What's rock paper scissors?" Fitz asked and I just looked at him blankly. How do I explain such a simple game to him? Luckily Sophie beat me to it and explained it to him.

"No, Fitz you will just go against whichever girl wins since you are the winner of every game." The man I didn't care to learn the name of said and me and Sophie stood in front of each other. Sorry, Soph but I really want to hit Fitz with goo so I'm not going easy. "SPLOTCH!" The coach said as they threw the blue goo ball in the air, me and Sophie caught it at the same time and started pushing our minds out. It kept moving back and forth and Sophie threw her arms out trying to win while I kept my hands in my pockets. Suddenly a wave of energy coming from Sophie threw us both back and she hit the bleachers knocking her out as I, being used to being tossed around, grabbed the nearest object and did a weird twisty thing around it and landed on my feet. Still wanting to win and being petty I pushed the goo ball the last few feet and nailed Sophie in the face.

"Yes!! I win!!" 

After I yelled I ran over to Sophie to see if she was ok but the coaches said she would be fine and had someone bring her to the healing center. Then me and Fitz went against each other. I had a wicked grin on my face and I could tell he was freaked out.

"MAKE HIM PINK!!!!!" Someone yelled from the audience and I turned to see it was Bianna. Fitz looked at her and glared playfully.

"Traitor!!" She only giggled as everyone kept yelling at me to turn him pink.

"Make him a pretty princess!" 

"I want to see him with pink hair!" 

"Make him see pink for the few days!" 

"Ruin wonderboy's face!!" I could tell who said that last one, gotta love you Dex.

"Well gotta do what the audience wants, right?" I said as I grabbed a pink splocher and threw it in the air as I caught with my mind.

"Get ready . . . . . SPOLTCH!!" As the whistle(?) blew me and Fitz started pushing against each other. I regret to admit it but I was starting to get tired but I was not going to let his perfect ass win. I started to sweat but slowly the ball started making its way to Fitz more and more, I saw him start to sweat even more than he was already sweating and I could tell by the look in his eye he was starting to panic. I smiled slightly as the ball came to a mere 5 feet from Fitz's face, I then remembered the coach once said that you could get more force if you throw your arm out. I took my left hand that was previously in my pocket, to make me be seen as hot, relaxed, and uncaring, out and with a war cry, I pushed with the last bit of energy I had.

"FUCK YOU MINATURE ASSWHOLE!!!" I cried out as the pink goo splattered all over his face. There was a tight silence over everything before I heard a loud happy yell as I turned and saw Dex running toward me. Before I knew he had tackled me into a hug and we were on the floor laughing. Time went quickly from congrats to getting my prize to going to see Sophie in the healing center. I was sitting in a chair next to her cot with my feet perched atop her bed while I fiddled with the punishment dismissing thing.

Suddenly Sir Zayne walked in and grabbed me by the hood of my jacket and started dragging me out of the healing center. "Hey what the hell, man!" I said but he kept dragging me until we reached the empathy classroom.

"Your sister is fine, she just hit her head. You already missed half the period sitting there doing nothing, Let's begin your lesson."

"Dude! Do you know how fragile her tiny little head is? She could be brain dead for all we know!" He only deadpanned and pointed to the chair.

"Sit." And with that, I was forced to have an empathy lesson.

~The next day~

I grinned as Sophie gagged at the taste, yes I still won't lick the thing. They started to speak when Dex pulled out a box and opened it. I stole one of the treats inside it and ate it, mmm these are good. I gave Dex the look and he rolled his eyes pulling out a small bag and putting two handfuls of the 'prattles' in it. He then gave me the bag and I ate one more before putting it in my bag to munch on during class. I listened in on their conversation when suddenly Bianna came up behind them, I grinned and waved at her.

"Hey, Bi!" I said as she waved at me back and looked between me and Sophie.

"Hey, Sophie (Y/N)? Can I talk to you guys?"

Sophie spun around and froze when she saw Bianna. "Uh, sure," she said as I nodded as I hopped on the heels of my feet. Hmm, that prattle gave me some extra energy, I'm about to make it everyone's problem.

Bianna glanced at Dex and Marella. "Can we go somewhere more private?"

Sophie hesitated half a second, but I didn't and immediately hopped over to the beautiful brown-haired girl and followed her toward a deserted corner of the atrium. "Um, what's up?" Sophie asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over after school today."

Sophie waited for something as I stayed quiet, but Bianna seemed serious. "Why?"

Bianna looked at her hands, twisting her fingers together. "I don't know. I thought it might be nice if we could . . . try to be friends." The last words came out barely louder than a whisper.

Friends? I pouted at Bianna. Before Sophie could speak I did. "I thought we were already friends." I crossed my arms and she just smiled slightly at me.

"We are, I meant Sophie." She said and I relaxed. Some would take this as getting friend zoned but I take it as an improvement. As she and Sophie spoke I went into my thoughts to see if I had work today. Suddenly they both turned to me, "So can you come over?"

"Maybe? I have to see if I have work today." I said and she looked confused.


"Yup! I scored a part-time job at Slurps and Burps."

"Oh ok-"

"Wait right here!" I ran back to Dex. "Hey, Dex do we have work today?"

"Uh no, don't you remember? Dad said you could take today off."

"K! Thanks!" I then ran back to the still stunned Bianna and Sophie. "Yeah, I can come over!"

"Great I'll see you guys later." And she left. Huh, she's acting weird.

"Are you going to tell us what that was all about?" Dex asked, already at my side. He and Marella must've made their way over the second Bianna's back had turned.

"She invited us to come over after school today," Sophie said as we walked through the halls.

"What?" they asked simultaneously.

"She said she wanted to be friends with me and hang out with (Y/N)."

"Why?"" they both asked.

Sophie shrugged. "She didn't say."

"Please tell me you told her to go sniff a gulon," Dex begged.

Sophie looked down, unable to meet his eyes and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Aw, come on!"

"I didn't know what else to say."

"She's not that bad." I finally pitched in.

"You could have told her she's a stuck-up snob and you don't want to be her friend," Marella offered, completely ignoring my comment.

"Look, I know you guys aren't going to like this, but my life would be a lot easier if Bianna and I got along. If it doesn't work out, then I wasted one afternoon of my life. So what?"

"How do you know this isn't a trap?" Marella asked. "Invite you over, then humiliate you. You could be walking into an ambush."

"That's not what this is."

"What? You think she isn't capable?" Dex sneered.

"No, but she would never do it at her house. Not with Fitz there."

"Right. I forgot. You and Wonderboy are friends."

Sophie blew out a breath. "Aren't you guys the teeniest bit curious what she's up to?"

She had them there.

"I want details later," Marella agreed.

"And you'd better not leave anything out," Dex added. Then Marella turned to me.

"And you better not kiss her prosperous ass.' I turned red.

"W-w-w-w-what!?!?" I screeched and she rolled her eyes.

"Come one, it's clear you like her."

"I-I do not."

"Yes you do, your stuttering and red."

"I do no- you know what just shut the fuck up." 


4738 words

Hey so that's it for this chapter, now to go rest the rest of the day. Last day of summer yay (note the sarcasm). Ugh. Well updates will be slower and so yeah. If you don't hear from me its because I mentally and emotionally died. 

Goodbye !!


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