Chapter 30

(Y/N)'s POV

My heart started racing and my breathing quickened but I didn't know why. I've heard her voice many times before. let alone actually saw her but I guess hearing it after I was rescued triggered something in me. I fell back against the wall as Tam and Dex came over to calm me down and Sophie brought the imparter outside the room to do whatever with.

Dex grabbed my shoulders and started telling me 'to calm down' and 'she isn't actually here' but the ringing in my ears was too great to pay attention to. I didn't calm down until I felt two semi-cold fingers against my forehead and cold a rush of soft cold, but the pleasant kind, rush through my head. My breathing slowed and I calmed down. That was actually my first time feeling anything akin to cold, because of being a pyrokinetic and all. I ...... missed it, I never really liked or was affected by the cold until I lost it when I awakened the ability, guess the saying 'you don't miss something until it's gone' is true huh.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Tam standing over me, he still had two fingers pressed against my forehead and he was kinda close. We stared at each other for a few minutes and I wanted to say his eyes were beautiful (cause they were) and see if he can blush but something else slipped out of my mouth instead.

"Well, are you going to get out of my face, Kitty?" I said and to act cool I curled my lips into a teasing smirk. He scoffed slightly and backed away and hid himself in a corner but I swear his cheeks turned pink slightly.

Sophie walked back in and came straight to me. "Are you ok?" She asked grabbing my shoulders and it took me saying it five times for her to let go. "Good so what happened?"

"I think it was something called PTSD," Dex said and I shrugged.

"She wouldn't calm down so I spread some shadows through her head to see if it would help because shadows are cold," Tam explained to them what happened and I smiled sweetly.

"Yeah, felt really good. You can do that to me whenever you want, pretty boy!" I said winking and he just sank deeper into the shadows muttering something. Dex made fake gagging noises as Fitz and Sophie crossed their arms and when I looked at Biana she had a sour look on her face. I felt her emotions and she seemed . . . . . . . jealous? Nah impossible.

Biana walked over to me and just stood next to me as we all went on to talk about what Gisela had said on the call.

~The Next Day~

We were at Everglem with Forkle talking about some shit I don't really care to pay attention to. Then when I zoned back in they were all looking at me. Shit.


"You weren't paying attention."


"Do you might know anything about the Neverseen? Weaknesses? Plans? Anything?" Sophie asked me and I just stared at her with an 'are you serious' look.

"Why would I know anything?"

"Oh, I don't know maybe the fact that you personally know two members of the Neverseen?" Fitz said.

"Ok that doesn't mean they told me anything," I said and they all looked disappointed, realizing I was telling the truth and don't actually know anything. Forkle cleared his throat and turned to me and Sophie.

"Miss Foster err Miss (Y/N), the council has decided you will also be coming along to the peace summit." He said Sophie shot up in her chair.

"What! But she just got out of the healing center!"

"I am aware and also not happy with this but there is nothing I can do. They and the other intelligent species wanted to meet someone who had suffered at the hands of the Neverseen. See the damage they caused among other things, just like they want to meet you someone who has battled against them." Forkle explained and Sophie still didn't look so happy about it.

Later that day Sandor was threatening our temporary bodyguards for this summit thing. I didn't really care, I put on the clothes they gave me and we soon left. When we got to our rooms we had to change into something for the dinner. Since I just got out of the healing center they figured I was still healing and made mine a little different, still the same amount of fancy just fewer ruffles and less heavy, they are also designed to not put pressure on spots where I had bad injuries too.

I got dressed in the one with the least ruffles, it was a dark velvet red with silver trimming. The waistband was silver with red swirls, and the dress was an off-the-shoulder dress with a slightly low back. I braided my hair into a loose over the shoulder braid, a little messy but in a stylish way, and put on some shorts under the dress. Finally, I put on some silver flats (tight as fuck, hate it) and waited for Sophie whose room was connected.

We met with Edaline as I zoned out for while, I was thinking about absolutely nothing. Well, Pixel did come to mind but that was just me thinking about how he looked familiar to someone I know but I can't put my finger on it.

We walked in and Sophie assumed a dark aura when she saw someone and when I looked I saw Dimi.

"Hey, Dimi," I said to the ogre king. Long story short I once sneaked out of my cell, stole his sword, he chased me with the intent to kill but ended up with Ruy saving my stupid ass.

"Child." He said gritting his teeth, resentment flared in his eyes as Sophie quickly pulled me behind her.

"You two know each other?" She asked warily.

"I touched his big pointy thing!"

"She stole my sword," Dimitar said at the same time I said whatever the fuck I had said. Sophie redirected the conversation and soon Dimi left. Somehow along the way I was ditched and ended up walking around until a small pig-like person approached me.

"Hello there!" She greeted and I smiled kneeling down to my toes, hugging my knees.

"Hello!" I said and she looked a little distastefully at me. then I realized how rude shrinking must have been. "Oh sorry, I was always the short one so I like to be on eye level whenever I can. If you want me to stand back up I will." I said and the look washed off her face and she smiled.

"No, it's fine, quite considerate actually. I also dislike being short." We both giggled and she went on. "I also see you are not a polyglot like your sister."

"No, according to Mr. Forkle our abilities were divided. So while she has certain ones I have the other ones." I said softly. Forkle had explained this theory a few days ago.


"Did you intend to make twins?" I asked Forkle when I was asking questions about stuff when they explained everything.

"Excuse me?"

"Twins, did you mean to make both me and Sophie?"

"No actually. I will admit I was quite selfish when I tried to add an overload of abilities to you two. But the genes were too many and without my or the Collectives' knowledge it ended up in creating two of you. One of you has half the abilities and the other has the other half. I do not know which abilities the two of you have exactly but it is an either-or. Since Sophie is a telepath, you have no chances of being one, and vice versa for your empathy." He explained.

"So..." I said slowly, " I was a mistake?"

"Wait- what! Of course not-"

"Geez chill, I'm just joking."


"Ah, that's reasonable. What abilities do you have then?" The empress asked. We had introduced ourselves.

"Oh uh, well Sophie was the lucky one out of us. She was blessed with good ones, I have the destructive ones, unfortunately." I said my grin fading slightly. Just one, one safe ability to be around, that's all I want.

"Well I don't think your abilities are dangerous, it's who wields them. Same thing as someone with a sword or weapon. Now that didn't answer my question, did it? What are your abilities?" She asked kindly and my smile returned.

" I can make force fields, control and make fire, feel other people's emotions, and control the wind," I said and she looked impressed.

"Those are plenty powerful, don't wish them away. Well, I see your mom and sister coming, have a good night, young one."

As the empress walked away I saw a blonde lady walking toward me. She had blue eyes and was clearly a counsilor.

"Hello, (Y/N) right?" She asked me in a velvety voice, but it had a fierce edge to it. I smiled at her as Edaline and Sophie arrived next to me.

"Yes that's me," I said and she just examined me closely with was awkward. As Edaline was about to speak, she spoke.

"You seem ....... intriguing. You have a type of aura or force around you, it seems potent. Exactly how they feel before they manifest...." She mumbled under her breath.

"Before who manifests what?" I asked curiously.

"You'll see in due time. For now, I hope you enjoy the dinner." She said, which is very suspicious. Fuck she mean by that?

Soon we were all called for dinner or whatever, I just ate ignoring life and society. Before I knew my plate disappeared, I glared at the councilor who took it. I wasn't done bitch. Emery went on to talk about none sense when holograms appeared in front of everyone.

It was of Brant, Gethen, and Ruy. Ruy's face was blurred a bit but I could still make out his pink lips and long eyelashes. Unwillingly a smile tugged at my lips and I took a sip of my drink that was left on the table to hide it. Even though he's a psychopath killer that tried to kill my sister, he was still my friend y'know?

Suddenly a goblin rushed into the room, whispering something to Emery. He paled slightly.

"What's wrong?" Dimi asked.

"'Wrong' is not the word I would use," Emery said glancing at the other councilors. I just took another sip not paying attention, watching the holograms. Ruy's lips had curved slightly a while ago as if he knew we were watching. Although the name that came out of Emery's mouth, a vile name, did catch my attention. I was so shocked I quite literally spat out my drink into my sisters' face.

"Fintan Pyren- is outside the gates of this castle demanding to be admitted to the proceedings." Emery finished as Sophie glared at me while wiping her face. 


1852 words

That took a while sorry, updates as stated will be really slow until Christmas and New year are over. Anyway for people who haven't seen it yet, the first chapter of the AU book ("Neverseen's Phoenix") was posted a while ago. I think that's it. 

If I don't update until then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Bye loves!! 


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