Chapter 29

Currently (Y/N) was standing outside of Havenfeild it being her first day back from the Healing Center. Sophie had brought her her signature jacket along with a few more of her old clothes. So now she was wearing some big sweatpants and a T-shirt with her jacket, oh how she missed it. Apparently, they were all a bit big on her because of the lack of food. She had accidentally let it slip that they only fed her twice a week (her version of a week, (they would have to get her out of the mindset that the Neverseen gave her. The habits, sense of time, etc) anyway she let it slip and now Elwin and everyone else had been piling her with food, which she hated.

She also told them about Ruy, let's just say it came as a shock that he was actually around their age. Surprise. Also that he was hot in (Y/N)'s opinion and they made it their goal to make her not think that, isn't working. She asked about Keefe once but they all went quiet and changed the subject.

Anyway (Y/N) raced inside nearly tripping on the big pants she had on. She ran up the stairs with Sophie yelling at her to be careful and burst through the door of her room. This startled the little grey cat on her bed. He made a little sound and made his way over to her a little quickly, he rubbed against her leg and practically screamed at her to pick him up which she did.

(Y/N) cuddled her dear cat close to her chest hushing him and saying how she missed him while -she was gone- kidnapped but she wasn't telling that to her cat. After she gave Marty his attention she ran over to Stinky who looked all too happy to see his true loving owner. He burped a lot and she reached inside his age to pet him a bit then went over to Gildie's cage. She let the beautiful bird out who immediately crowed and dived into her chest. (Y/N)'s warmth was different from the warmth of a fire and how she missed this comforting warmth so much.

On another note, Iggy wasn't too happy about being last. So hit burped and farted in her face but obviously didn't bite her. . . . . or maybe he did we shall never know. She gave him a good portion of attention before she went back downstairs. She had spent a few weeks in the Healing Center, Elwin and everyone wanting to be sure she was healed before letting her leave. Sophie wanted her to meet a few people.


I hopped down the stairs, not very careful not to trip. When I got to the living room I found Sophie, Grady, Edaline, and two tall grey creatures. One a girl and one a boy from what I observed, still gotta ask for pronouns. Gotta be respectful. I walked over and then remembered what they were from her first day in the lost cities, goblins. Cool.

"(Y/N) there you are! I wanted you to meet Sandor and Ayesha. Guys this is my sister." Sophie said introducing us. "And warning she's like Keefe but worse." She added and the Sandor guy groaned while Ayesha looked confused.

"Nice to meet you! What are your pronouns?" I asked and they looked further confused.

"Sandor is he and him and Ayesha is she and her," Sophie spoke up and I nodded. "(Y/N) Ayesha is your bodyguard- don't you give me that look!" Sophie yelled at me when she gave her a nasty look. I DON'T NEED A BODYGUARD!!

"I don't need a bodyguard! I can protect myself!" I yelled at her and the goblins gave me a 'seriously' look as Sophie crossed her arms.

"If you didn't need a bodyguard then explain all those scars," Grady said from the corner, he and Edaline haven't really interacted with you much, wanting to give you some space.

"Ok first of all most of these are from the ring, which is way too much detail to unpack so I will not be talking about that, and second half the time that scar-handed asshole tortured me he was standing freaked out in the corner and ended up limping from my kick. And yes Sophie I still got it." I said smiling proudly, I was always famous for my nasty kicks.

"Wait- why was Gethen freaked out in a corner?" Sophie asked and I froze. My blood ran cold and I paled. Heheh I'm in danger.

"Uh-um-I no reason!" I said and they all stared at me.

"I smell lies," Ayesha said with a smirk after she ducked down to my height (quite a duck I say considering our height difference) and sniffed the air playfully. I glared at her.

"(Y/N)?" Sophie asked and . . . . . . . . I made a run for it. I made it all the way to the pastures before Ayesha caught me.

"You're faster than I thought, kid," she said playfully as she threw me over her shoulder and brought me back inside.

"I hate you," I said and she giggled as she dropped me on the couch.

"Spill," Grady said with crossed arms and I just glared at him. Dex my dear best friend if you're listening save me.

And suddenly the doorbell rang. YES. I ran to the door and swung it open to reveal. . . . an old man. Wait- FORKLE!

"Indeed Miss Foster, you still have a lot to catch up on." He said as he walked passed me, he also added. "No I did not read your mind, the look on your face said it all." Bro stop.

He walked into the living room and Sophie looked confused as to why he was there. He cleared his voice and spoke but I interrupted him. "Your not Dex," I said and he looked confused. "I prayed for Dex to save me not you. But I'll still take it." I said.

"Ok . . ." Forkle said slowly and went on to talk, "Miss Foster we are meeting at Everglem now, remember?" He said and realization crossed her face and she facepalmed.

"Oh yeah." She said and was about to walk out with Forkle when she turned to me, "Did you want to come?"

"Hmm does it involve using my brain?"


"Then no."

". . . . . . get off your lazy ass and come." She said as she pulled me with her by the ear.

"Sissy! That hurts!" I yelled as we glittered into the view of Everglem. We walked in and were greeted by our friends. Then they went on to give a summary of what happened the past few years while I was gone, and daaaamn. Anyway, after they went on to converse about updates and stuff, boring really. Forkle left after a few hours and as I was stuffing my face with sweets Sophie gave Dex Keefe's old imparter. Oh yeah, Keefe joined the Neverseen, cool.

"Give me that," I said as I wiped off my hands on my shirt and reached for the imparter. Dex rose an eyebrow at me.

"What are you going to do?"

"Trust me. Let these hands work their magic." I said as I snatched it, I took a few thin tools out of my pocket . . . . . don't ask. I cracked it open. and set to work. I first examined it then unhooked a few wires which caused them to freak out (my friends not the wires idiots) but I ignored them and continued. I switched a few things around and even cut a few wires to fit. At some point Sophie had suspiciously placed her hand on my exposed arm, I had rolled up my sleeves, and I felt intense heat wash over me along with the feeling of soft breezes. My guster and pyrokinetics, shit. "Sophie~. Sissy, if you don't stop whatever the fuck you're doing I might just blow up not only this house but also this imparter as well." I said in a sing-song voice and she snatched her hand back so quickly.

"Sorry, thought you were a technopath for a second."

"A what?"

"Uh, people that are good with tech."

"Mmm pretty sure I'm just talented," I said and we went back into silence but I'm pretty sure they still think I'm what they just said. After a few more minutes and muttering, I finally got it. I pooped the lid back on and gave it back to Dex. "Try it now," I said, and although hesitantly he did it but nothing happened.

"What did you do?" Dex said thinking I broke it completely.

"I reset the passwords, obviously!"

"YOU WHAT!?!?" They yelled as Dex looked shocked yet awed.

"How?" He asked, I shrugged.

"Pixel taught me," I said and they all looked confused. "Oh right the Neverseen's technopath," I said and they all looked shocked further.


"Yeah, no big deal. He just stumbled into my cell on accident but just said 'ehh who cares' and started working on something and when I asked it turned into a ramble about tech and teaching me a few things." I said and they all looked shocked and I started to worry, "H-he's a really fun guy too, always made me little tech animals to keep company when Ruy wasn't around, he also visited himself when he had time. Sweet guy really-"

"Why?" Sophie said suddenly.

"Why what?"

"Why, why are you so friendly with some members of the Neverseen." She said and I finally realized the looks everyone was giving me.

"Well I was stuck there for two years, what did you expect? Me to go insane from loneliness or something? Maybe kill myself from pain? Or maybe it was think they had killed you and go into a deep depression. No Sophie, I may not value my physical health but I definitely value my mental health." I snapped and they went quiet until Dex changed the subject.

"So uh what's the password?"


"Access granted." The imparter beeped and then silence.

"Is it supposed to do something?" Tam asked.

"It is. It calling someone on a private line." He said we all went into silence. We went on to talk about it hailing when a chillingly familiar voice spoke.

"Hello?" Gisela's voice answered and I jumped back as my ears started ringing.


1774 words

Well that's the next chapter, hope you liked it! And the cliffhanger. Well eat, drink water and sleep or else Biana will crush (Y/N)'s heart! Hahahaha!

(Edit : I FIRGOT! Do you guys want me to make a quick one shot on how (Y/N) and Pixel met?)

Anyway bye loves!!


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