Chapter 2
Today had been interesting, to say the least. After we got home our mom yelled at us then Sophie made up some lie about why we ran away from school. Later I kept humming some tune that was in my head, where the random music comes from is beyond me, as we ate dinner that night. Sophie for some reason wanted to get out quickly and as she left she shot me the 'hurry up and meet me in the room' look, don't ask how I always know what she's thinking without being a telepath. It's a twin thing. Just to piss her off I ate slower and our parents just shot me looks and asked if anything was wrong, they had noticed how Sophie shot me a look and whatever.
I made conversation with Amy about random things, unlike her and Sophie we had a semi-good relationship. She thought I was cool and fun and I loved to teach her about how to make a good insult and help her cheat on homework or a test without getting caught. Which mind you, our parents don't approve of, but do we care? NOPE!!
As I finished eating I went upstairs and walked into mine and Sophie's room, we had the option of separate rooms but either I always had nightmares or Sophie just couldn't sleep and I somehow always got her to sleep, so we decided to share. Heck, we even share a two-person-sized bed. Hmm, I can feel those weirded-out looks and deadpans through the screen and why am I narrating my life? And why am I zoning out so many times? Oh, right, the author lazy af. (HEY!! AND Fourth wall bitch!!*kicks her then fixes fourth wall) Anyway don't judge, every cool person has a cuddle buddy or stuffed animal cuddle buddy, but epically amazing people like me and Soph have both. Ha!
When I got up there Sophie was changed and pacing the room, I just tip-toed toward the closet to change there, and surprisingly? The world took mercy on me from Sophie's wrath and I changed in peace. When I finished I was in a fuzzy warm blue panda onesie. YES, I LIKE ANIMAL ONESIES DEAL WITH IT YOU UNCOOL LOSERS!! And for fellow onesie lovers HI!! It's nice to meet you!
Anyway as I tiptoe to the door to escape her wrath I stepped on a squeaky board on the floor and she whipped around to see me. I froze in fear as she smiled sweetly and walked over to me. I had exactly 1 second to decide if I should bolt, which had a 99 to 1% chance of working or suffer her wrath. I cho- neverminded the second was waisted and she's now in front of me.
Before I could react she quickly pulled me into a tight hug and I felt her shaking. She had stuffed her face into my shoulder and I could tell she was sobbing. I softly wrapped my arms around her back and held her, in response her grip tightened. She was taller than me by a few inches and it pissed me the hell off, but at moments like these, I didn't care. I rested my face on her head as she cried. I lead her to the bed and we just laid there, under the comforters all warm and cozy with Marty laying next to Sophie's head giving her small loving kisses. Ah. Marty's love and comfort was painful but sweet, still painful though. Damn his tongue and its spikes.
Sophie's cries reduced to sniffles as she buried her face further into my neck, soaking the soft fabric of the hood of my onesie with her tears. "There there, Soph, now why don't you tell me why you were crying," I asked softly as she pulled away and blinked her big watery brown dough eyes at me. She acted quiet and emotionless around people, even our parents, but was so sensitive and trusting around me. I guess I was really the only person she truly trusted, well same can be said for me but can you blame us? All we had was each other since a very young age because of our abilities, but I liked to call them curses.
"It's just, we're elves, which means our parents aren't our parents and we don't belong here and just we have to forget about everything we know and care about it's so overwhelming and scary. I can't help it." I was rubbing her back soothingly as she spoke. I grabbed her by the shoulder lightly and pushed her far enough that we could look each other in the eye.
"Sophie, first of all, they will always be our parents. Blood or not, species or not. They raised and cared for us all our lives, they are our parents. And second, all of this is stressful and overwhelming and so so very hard but this is for the best. We'll be accepted and among our own kind. We'll be happy, meet people and more. So just look at the bright side." I said and she smiled and mumbled something I couldn't make out. (ugh this is getting too mushy)
I just hummed and was about to say something when our mom walked in with cookies and milk. I giddily sat up and grabbed one as she spoke, Sophie also reached for one but stopped when she saw something. I looked and saw they were decorated like elves but kept munching. What? THEIR COOKIES, EVERYONE LIKES COOKIES!!! As I ate I noticed they were chocolate. CHOCOLATE!! I LOVE CHOCOLATE!! (Ok I have a nice healthy -yeah haha no- addiction *cough obsession with chocolate, deal with it)
I soon ate the whole plate while my sister and mom talked and when mom looked back to the plate and saw it empty with crumbs all over my face her jaw dropped. She then scolded me for eating so many cookies - and doing it so fast- and gave me the glass of milk to help with my now dry mouth. After I was done drinking our dad walked in and they proceeded to tuck us in. When they were about to leave Sophie asked a question. "Are we adopted?" Our parents looked flabbergasted at the question. I mean even before today we still would have thought this, Sophie a honey blonde with brown and me a (H/C)nette with brown and blue eyes in a brown-haired green-eyed family? Yeah, either a side hoe, or we were adopted.
"No of course, not sweetie, what makes you think that?" Sophie just shrugged and made an excuse as they left. Me and Sophie cuddled up to each other with Sophie holding Ella, her stuffed elephant toy with a Hawaiian shirt (is it weird that until the 7th book I thought it was a skirt), and I was holding Kira, my stuffed fox. It didn't have any special clothing but she had blue bead eyes and golden fur. We just laid in comfortable silence as Marty purred at my touch, I always fell asleep petting the little cat.
~The Next Day~
Me and Soph woke up and got dressed, she got dressed in a yellow and brown striped long sleeve shirt for some reason and I let it go until I saw her putting on lip gloss, I gave her a glare and she stuck her tongue out at me, she was clearly trying to impress someone, cough* Fitz*cough. I just rolled my eyes and put on my black and gray plaid skirt with a black sweater with weird but cute sleeves on. I put on some cute boots too and a simple clear gloss on my already pink lips. What? When Sophie outdoes herself so do I, and those elves looked like pretty fancy people, I'm going to dress up.
When Sophie saw me she rolled her eyes with a small laugh. We walked outside shortly after, wanting to get some burned sugar air before we have to deal with people, fresh was never an option. Our next-door neighbor was out on his lawn and doing that thing he does with his gnome statues. Why does he do that every day? Whatever. I just leaned on the railing of the small two stair steps as Sophie looked around. We suddenly heard barking and looked and saw a small dog running across the street.
"Hey! Can you catch him?!" Some guy asked. I smiled widely and ran to the dog Sophie had caught by stepping on its leash. I picked her up and started gushing at her cuteness. She licked my face and I giggled, I held her softly in my arms as I pet her. The man finally caught up and started talking to Sophie, but I froze when I felt his emotions. I glanced at him through my eyelashes. The emotions themselves didn't creep me out, it was what the emotions were. I felt determination, and a few others but I just couldn't place my finger on them, was it disgust? Accomplishment? I don't know.
"Who are you?" I asked flatly and defensively. I softly pulled Sophie back away from him as she gave me a confused look. The man's emotions took an immediate downturn. He started to sweat as he felt fear and stress like he was about to be exposed. He acted like he didn't hear my question and asked me and Soph if we could walk to his house with him because he couldn't control the dog which hated him and she seemed to like us.
By this time Sophie also started to suspect something and said no as she slightly stepped in front of me. I frowned and felt the urge to roast this guy, so guess what I did? I roasted him. "Who the fuck do you think you are? Asking two 12-year-olds to walk away from home with you alone. What are you 24? 25? Older? That's kinda sketchy, for all we know you could be a pedophile or a kidnapper. Hell no!" The man froze for a good few minutes not expecting that, then a look of anger crossed his face and he looked like he was about to grab us when Mr. Forkle suddenly stepped in front of us and told the man to leave. The man looked hesitant was soon was intimated by the old man and left after I put the dog down. We thanked Mr. Forkle and went back inside.
Now we are at school, I could tell Sophie was upset about something but I ignored it. We or should I say I got some stares today at school, some jealous others just annoyed. I didn't really care. As school let out and I was walking with Sophie when she disappeared out of nowhere, I only realized it a few minutes later and was confused. I could've sworn she was right next to me.
Suddenly a boy walked up to me, he looked to be around my age, probably a year older. Maybe 13? 14? Around there, he had gorgeous black hair and dark electric blue eyes. He had soft pink girly lips that were curved into a smirk and was wearing a button-down long-sleeved velvet shirt with black slacks and some sneakers. He had tannish pale skin and a soft light pink over his cheeks. My heart did soft fluttery things that confused me. I never felt that before, well from others yes but not me. So that's what I labeled it, someone else's emotions.
"Hey, I'm Jackson. What's your name cutie?" He said with a flirty smile and I felt heat pool into my cheeks. I just tilted my head while casting my eyes down. I stuttered out my name and I saw out of the corner of my eye that his smirk widened. "Well (Y/N), that's quite the beautiful name you have.-" He proceeded to lean against the tree next to us as he spoke. " I saw you walking by and couldn't help but-"
He was cut off by the voice of my sister who ran by along with Fitz and pulled me as they ran away. I looked back at Jackson causing me to keep stumbling. He was just standing there a little stunned from shock.
Quickly when Sophie's grip finally loosened I pulled my arm loose and skidded to a stop making sure not to fall and made a quick 180 running back to the cute boy. I stopped right next to him and as he finally snapped back to reality I pecked him on the cheek and whispered in his ear "Bye Jack~" With a smile on my face and a flirty gaze and ran back to the two teens I had left behind. I stole a glance back and saw Jackson full-on red while holding the cheek I kissed.
Sophie started questioning me about him with her own mischievous smirk and Fitz only sighed with a deadpan. I could have sworn I heard him mumble a 'girls' under his breath. When we reached a secluded place Fitz leaped us to what he said was called 'Everglem', but heck all I saw was a big golden gate. I seriously could make someone go blind. He opened the door and an older version of Fitz was revealed. I just walked right in not giving the fancy house a second glance. I folded my arms behind my head as I walked next to the two.
The man smiled at us as Fitz started to speak. "Guys this is my father, Alden." I looked the man up and down and shrugged, I swear if all elves looked this plain and goody to shoes I was going to explode. I need some bad boys if you know what I mean y'all.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sophie (Y/N)." Alden said with a crisp accent, "And I see Fitz wasn't kidding about the brown eyes and mismatched I see. Most unusual." The guy said, I just deadpanned at him as I brought my arms down and crossed them over my chest and turned my head away in a humph.
"Rude, man, rude," I grumbled out with a pout, although if you told me I was pouting I would punch you then say I wasn't. Sophie nearly screeched my name in my ear as Alden spoke.
"My apologies, I didn't mean it in a bad way. It's actually quite pretty right Fitz." I just ignored him, excuses excuses, asswholes asswholes. (ah yes witness my hatred for Alden Vacker)
"Did you tell anyone else where the girls were?" Fitz asked and that's when I decided to sneakily make my escape from this boring conversation. How you ask? Once Sophie got distracted by being in the conversation I walked away. I kept walking looking at and sniffing all the flowers and plants. A soft smile that only Sophie has ever seen crossed my face as I looked at all the prosperous life living here.
Suddenly I felt a small tug at my skirt and I looked down to see a child-like being. I smiled in a friendly manner and they smiled back. "I saw you looking at all the plants, would you like to help out? If you like of course, you just looked curious about everything." My smile widened as I nodded my head.
"Yes of course I would." The boy led me to a patch and he told me how to plant and pick what he said was called Umber leaves and some other name I already forgot. I made conversation with the boy as we worked. "So what is your name, and not to be rude but what are you?" I asked lightly the boy smiled and glanced at me quickly.
"My name's Rina, and I'm a gnome. I suspect from that question that your one of the two girls from the forbidden cities I heard was coming today." I just nodded and we kept talking as we worked. This was really peaceful, to be honest, hmm I should help the gnomes out some when we're all settled down.
Suddenly I felt someone harshly pull me by the hood of my sweatshirt causing me to land on my butt, I was kneeling on my knees, planting something into the ground. I Looked up and saw that it was Fitz. He looked a little freaked out and for some reason started saying sorry. I was confused and when he stopped he coughed into his hand with a light blush and asked me to fix my clothes. I being confused looked down and saw that by pulling me back he caused my skirt to slide up on my thighs and my legs being bent upward didn't help. My sweatshirt was also falling off one of my shoulders. I blushed and fixed it as I got up.
I said goodbye to Rina as Fitz lead me to some big fancy doors. He opened them to reveal Alden, Sophie, two men, and a woman waiting for us. We sat down and Alden told us to start eating and we did.
"So, uh, (Y/N), what were you doing?" Alden asked me and I glanced at him.
"I was helping some gnomes out in the garden why?" I asked and I felt a small shift in the woman and red-haired man's emotions. Change in judgment maybe, ah the wonders of first impressions. After we ate everyone spoke and Sophie ended up dropping the guy with pointy ears on his ass. 'Deserved' I thought. After we stopped talking and Bronte sat back down with a huff they all looked at me and I looked confused then I realized they wanted me to demonstrate my ability and telekinesis. I sighed and looked around and I caught sight of a few couches across the room. I picked them up and accidentally picked up everything on that side of the room. Hahaha, funny thing ..... none of them noticed and the objects were very heavy.
"Well, (Y/N), can you use telekinesis?" Alden asked still thinking I didn't know what they wanted. I just deadpanned and pointed behind him. They all looked back and nearly jumped in shock, cause let's be honest, there were like 10 pieces of furniture and that doesn't include the paintings and chandler. Bronte showed no emotion but I still felt his emotions, ah yes I was able to impress sir grumpy pants, YES!! Everyone smiled widely but Sophie being well Sophie noticed my furrowed brow and the small beads of sweat on my forehead and told me I could put it all down.
"Well, can you give a demonstration of your empathy?" Kenric asked and I looked confused.
"Empathy? What empathy?" I asked they all looked confused as Sophie did a slow annoyed facepalm.
"Um, your ability?" Alden said or more like asked.
"Ohhhh my ability right? Sorry, I thought you meant real empathy and I got none of that." I said with a cheeky grin and we all heard a snort. Everyone looked around to see who did it and then froze a few seconds after. They all turned toward Bronte who had tight lips and wide eyes like he was surprised he did it himself. Which I could tell you he was.
"D-did you ju-"
"Shut up."
Bronte stopped Kenric who had a big grin on his face from talking. Alden coughed trying to hide his own, because honestly, Bronte was the stone-cold councilor, who wouldn't smile at him showing emotion. "Anyway, you need to touch one of us to feel our emotions so if you want I-"
I interrupted him and he looked confused. I started to name the emotions they were all feeling while pointing at them. They all looked astonished at this and Kenric stumbled over his words.
"W-wait you c-can feel emotions without physical contact?" I just nodded and everyone fell silent. I started to sweat at their hard stares.
"Wait, can't every empath do that?" I stuttered out, with a scared expression, which Alden had noticed. He placed a hand on my shoulder with a soft smile on his face.
"No need to worry, it just means you are a very powerful and exceptional empath. Which is a good thing." He said and I calmed down slightly but still reached for Sophie's hand which she accepted. Bronte cleared his throat breaking the silence as he started to speak.
"Well, I have made my decision then." Everyone held their breath as they waited for him to say it. "I say no to Sophie and yes to (Y/N)" Everyone was shocked at his decision but let it go as Kenric announced that he said yes to both of us, so I already passed but I still held Sophie's hand tight, for her. Everyone stared at the woman and she just reached out bother hands and told us to grab them, which we did. But they stopped me halfway.
"(Y/N) she wants to read your emotions, can you take off your glove?" Alden asked and my face dropped. I looked down and then bit my lip. They all looked confused as to why I was so hesitant to remove my glove but didn't question it thinking it was a personal thing, which it was. I softly lifted my hands a moment later and untied the string and pulled the glove off. My hand shook a bit at the loss of the fabric. I always took pleasure and comfort in the soft fabric and my hands being covered so whenever I took them off it always felt weird and unnatural.
Me and Sophie gave our hands over to the pink counselor and she closed her eyes. She started to expose us- cough I mean say what we were feeling. I don't like this. Wait- but this is also my ability, so I don't like my ability? Oh, wait I never like it, haha. After exposing Sophie she looked at me and tilted her head with a furrowed brow.
"You are more confusing than Sophie. But not the type that I can't decipher your emotions more of the type that they come and go too quickly or mix together too much. But right now I'm feeling fear and unease. Also sadness and emptiness, but those two seem to not be related to this situation, it's more of a deeper emotions surrounding how you feel about your life and yourself." She said and it caused all eyes to turn to me with either shocked or pitying looks, ugh I hate pity.
I quickly grabbed my hand back like I was electrocuted letting out an awkward laugh with nervous sweat beading down my face. Damn I really need to go to that garden and help the gnomes, it was just so calming. "haha, yeah, what a way to expose a person's personal life huh, right Soph." I avoided eye contact with everyone and heard awkward shuffling and still felt those pitying glances.
"Hey (Y-"
"I give them both a pass." Oralie cut Fitz off from saying something sappy and I was internally grateful for it. I tuned out everything else as I put on my glove and relaxed. I just sat down and closed my eyes as I waited for Alden to come back which he did a few minutes later. He lead me and Sophie to separate rooms to change and the dress he told me to where was pretty but not my style. I know it wasn't my dress and the things in the room weren't mine, but did I care? NOPE!! I fixed the dress a bit.
The dress was originally a plain red dress that faded into a light pinkish white, with small straps but then I found some scissors, beads, and flowers, with a bit of fabric and I made it beautiful.
When I walked out Alden Sophie and Fitz were waiting for me, when the door opened they all turned with impatient looks, although Alden's was hidden better. When they saw me their faces fell. Alden just tilted his head probably thinking that that wasn't the dress he gave me, while Fitz's eyes widened and he turned red. Sophie just smiled.
All I did to the dress was cut the straps off while attaching new ones that fell off the shoulders and add some silver beads to the shirt of the dress that complimented my blue eye. I also wrapped a few flowers around it. So I didn't do much but it still looked a lot better, well in my opinion. The dress also contrasted and blended with my (S/T) perfectly and although the boots I wore and my gloves ruined the look I wasn't getting rid of them. The gloves for obvious reasons and I had a gut feeling I would need the boots.
Alden just shook his head with a smile as he took a crystal out of his pocket.
"Well, are you ready to go, girls?"
"Where are we going?" Sophie asked Alden smiled again, damn dude if you keep smiling so much your face will hurt. And I don't mean the ache of smiling too much I mean the ache of me breaking your jaw. Yes as you can see I hate people who smile too much and Alden.
"How would you girls like to see Atlantis?"
4313 words
Holy shirt that was long
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