The Truth's Out

Being dragged isn't as bad as Mikey told me a while ago. I mean, your ass freezes and hurts from all the physical contact with the concrete floor and the fact that it's bumping against your bare skin,'s cool for me. You're just being lazy while a bunch of people put so much power and effort to drag all that weight you have to somewhere.

I felt okay when the two Foot ninjas dragged me away from the dungeon and thankfully for them, I wasn't that heavy. Plus, they had enough strength to do all that. My eyes were shut and a relaxed smile crossed my lips like I was taking a nap. Unfortunately for me, sleep wasn't an option.

First of all, the chat between Danny and I swirled around in my head and in repeat. My emotional world turned upside down after that. Although I was sure this would happen since Danny had tried to win my trust, I still was in shock. His actions, his words were so convincing that...well made me feel like my old self.

My sensitive old self.

Secondly, I had to stay awake since the way to the throne room wasn't long and I had, also, to prepare myself for one more fight with my hated enemy. I had to recollect my strength and energy to win this time. Think like you're playing a video game and you've reached the boss level, I kept trailing over and over in my head so that I could familiarize with the idea. Shredder is your boss level.

Boss fight and bullshits. I've got this.

"Gosh girl. Can't you move your damn legs?" one of them complained and I just rolled my eyes in boredom. "What? I need to stretch my legs," I replied with a bitchy tone, my favorite tone and the best I've ever had, "Now move your asses." A growl mixed with a sigh of annoyance came up to my ears and the two soldiers kept moving and dragging.

A smirk crept up along my lips.


Once again, the stupid room called the throne room was full of guests. Vampires, other Foot soldiers, Bradford, a half-burned Kraang body...

Did I say Kraang?

I arched an eyebrow and looked again at the Kraang, questions, and questions starting to swirl again in my brain. What the hell a Kraang wants here? What's Shredder up to? Why is it chained? Do his companions know where that robot is? The turtles? Do they know what Shredder-

"Leave us. Alone."

Without warning, my back slammed on the floor and automatically, my teeth grinded. Sitting up, I saw all the sidekicks walking out of the room until there was nobody I'm there except me, Shredder and the chained Kraang. I turned around; my eyes stared with hate the man opposite me. "What do you want again Saki? You already know that I ain't gonna say anything about the lair," I spat while forcing my body to stand up.

And that's when I realized that something bad was going on.

Shredder removed his mask, revealing his burned face and a malicious smirk too. "I already know that, child. But, I am not going to demand you information. Instead, I have other plans on the table," he replied with an icier tone and a lethality than ever causing cold sweat to ran down to my spine. I was afraid that something really bad would happen. I was sure that he had a plan which would... I didn't know what it would do to me.

Either way, I wouldn't give up fighting against him.

My feet finally stood up on their own, as I felt my vampire-ghostly healing ability healing my neck bite and slice on arm. Adrenaline mixed with slight fear and energy ran down to my veins, ending up to my feet which tapped on the floor rhythmically. I didn't dare to look anywhere else except Shred-head's face only to read his emotions. His hidden well emotions that it would be challenging for anybody else tried to do it. For me, it's just a game. "Let's hear your awesome and clever plan," I retorted, crossing my naked arms over my clothed chest.

He laughed. And that laugh was more like a bark than an actual laugh. If he was a dog, I'd easily kick his poor ass and balls, though I love dogs. My eyes rolled skywards and I praised to God for Shredder to spit out what he wanted, fight me and beat me up again and leave me to kiss again Danny as a way of cheating to Blue. And to be honest, I wanted to test my bf's temper control. I just wanted to see him how he acted under jealousy.

I'm a bad person, I know.

Shredder took a step closer to my side while I heard the Kraang growling or something like that. He took something out from his armor; it looked like a Walkman and I recognized a small black tape inside it. What the fuck?, I thought, He wants to play some stupid music from his teens? What a fuck ass man.

For a weird reason, I started to laugh out loud. It was a pleasurable laugh that my inner soul needed so much all these days. Though I didn't know for how many time I was in that stupid lair. Saki narrowed his eyes, the blind one shinning incredibly dangerous under the moonlight, the only light in that big ass room. But that didn't stop my laugh at all. I just held my tummy tight with both hands and titled my back and head back, making a perfect angle.

Seriously, laugh was my only solution and relief to all this craziness.

My eyes closed as my voice still came out as a loud, sarcastic laugh flying towards my enemy's ears. My own ears, on the other side, caught metal swinging against the invisible air.

Then, I felt that metal slicing my skin.

A loud hiss was my reaction and my eyes remained closed. My fingers felt the blood trailing down to them and washing them with its red color. My eyes opened; I looked down at my body; I eyed a huge slice from my elbow to the start of my wrist, right hand this time. My gaze then fell on Shredder; fire dance around his eyes; my own started to burn my chest. A glare and an angered look drew on my face as my lips pressed together; my teeth bit the gum of my lips hard.

"You believed that I would let you do your own?" he snapped, his eyes becoming slits. I rolled my eyes rolled to heavens; "Pfff, of course yes," I replied like I was saying "Duh, man.". My eyes glanced the Walkman before locking back to Shred-head's eyes and spitting; "What's with the Walkman fuckin' bastard?" Without saying a word, his fingers pressed a button that might be a 'play' button. I just guess. I heard tape rolling before some voice echoed in the room.

"Have you placed the bomb?"

"Yes. The engine will blow up with the first five meters the car will do."

Car? Blow up? And why did that remind me of something?

"Great. Those three will never know where that came from."

"Since they'll be dead."

Laughing. Bad laughing.

"It is time for the girl to learn manners. And be an orphan."

The tape stopped playing. My head titled on the left and my mind analyzed deeply what I've heard only some seconds ago. Clue words; car, bomb, blow up, girl and orphan.

"All I know is that the car somehow exploded. Your father and mother have sustained a couple of minor fractures along the skull but their spines are severely fractured. I wish I could say that they have a high chance of making it but I think you're old enough to know that unfortunately is not the case here. As for James, he has a couple of minor injuries but gained some heavy and internal bleeding along the hole in his lung," Akio replied gravely, while my eyes went wide each second he spat out the words. I couldn't hold my balance on my feet; I just back away and collapsed on a blue metallic chair, hands curled in tight fists and tears slide down to my ten-year-old face.

"An explosion? Are you sure Dr. King?" I asked rapidly as I felt Jewel's hand on my back, trying to comfort me despite the fact she wasn't an expert at comfort. I looked at Akio nodding before he sighed heavily, sparing a glance on the large blue double doors behind him. A nurse had stared at him, black eyes waiting for the surgery and him to come in finally.

I just let myself drown in my despair.

The glare fell on his face; fire burned my body (not literally of course); my fangs became razor sharp again. What I realized before my 'True Face' came to surface again was this;

My parents' car exploded by Shredder's plan.


"Ya fucking bastard! You killed them! How did you?!" Rowan shout as her eyes turned bloody red from her usual icy blue. Though her whole rage, her skin was paler than ever before. Maybe because of the terrific discovery of who killed her parents.

Shredder smirked; his black eye brightened up with impress of how one of his former soldiers found out fast what he did almost five years ago. He knew that Rowan was intelligent because Ann and Tom were intelligent. What he wanted that moment was to break her down, turn her physical world upside down and then... he would accomplish his target; learn his enemies' hidden location and take back to his army Rowan. Every move was planned perfectly, thanks to that so-called scientist Baxter Stockman.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Rowan shout again and unsheathed her white claws that seemed sharper than Shredder looked before, their last battle a day ago. The vampire girl launched a powerful attack and her blow found his scared and burned face. Blood trickled down to his face as Shredder let a loud and clear bark of pain to escape from his mouth. He backed off; his hands flew up to his face; Rowan's eyes shot a murderous glare as her tongue licked her fangs hungrily. "You're gonna pay, Saki-ass. Your life is mine now," her cold voice spat, her saliva fell on her bottom lip and shone under the moonlight like it was a small diamond.

Shredder locked his eyes with her and his hands removed from his face, gauntlets drawing out from his gloves. "You have no match with me, child. Your life is hanging from a tight rope. I am controlling you." He sprinted over to her side. Rowan slid to her left, Shredder's blow landing on the air. She front flipped and landed a kick on his blooded face, the sole of her boot connected with skin. He backed away again and Rowan landed on her feet, the murderous glare didn't slide off her eyes.

"Bastard. Motherfucker. You deserve to be in hell rather than hunting down innocent lives," she spat again. Her hands were clenched tightly and drops of blood fell on the floor. She didn't seem to care about pain, the hot liquid trickling down to her fingers, her sharp nails digging into her flesh; she cared about killing. She wanted to make the man with the armor opposite her suffer, pray for his last breath. "Tonight, you'll die inside your own lair." Rowan raised her blood-covered hand, claws and blood shinning under the moonlight, the red liquid being just a warning of an upcoming deadly hit.

Shredder eyed her; she glared him back.

He swung his gauntlets; her blood just slid down to her wrist.

He took a step closer; she stood where she was.

He raised his gauntlets; her lips set in a thin line.

He lowered them; she lowered her hand.


Danny stood between the two, his hands raised protectively in front of Rowan. Shredder's gauntlets found his back but Rowan's claws fell on her side and her red eyes went wide as her friend screamed in pain and fell down.


She sat to his side; a small flash of smile crossed his lips as her bloody hands tricked into his messy hair. Rowan's eyes turned back to normal and her claws disappeared. "Don't worry dude, I'm here." she softly said and Danny tried to sat up. "I'm okay... Ah! I just feel a bit sore." he replied and held her left wrist tightly.

Shredder watched this from afar, a satisfying smirk stuck on his lips.

"You'll be okay. I promise," Rowan promised with a weak smile before passing out. Danny looked at her with mild shock before he let himself to fall on her, eyes closing slowly and the blood on his back pouring his t-shirt.


My eyes flew open again and my head turned to my left, where Danny was laying next to me. He was unconscious but he looked like he was sleeping. I smiled to myself; He's like a cute small baby.I sat up on that stupid floor in my stupid cell, my eyes eyed again the wall full of words and phrases opposite me. Though I tried to focus on those words, my mind had other plans.

The last night's events.

Why Shredder did that? My parents agreed to join me in the Foot though both hated it. Why he had to give them that kind of death? Or even kill them that early. And James? James was just a kid, my baby innocent brother that didn't deserve to die. He didn't! Shredder deserved to die! Burn in hell!

To leave the human world forever.

"Today is the day, man."

"Finally. You've gotta see Master Shredder's face! It's shinning."

My features frowned listening to what those two voices said. Footsteps heard close to my cell and instinctually, I laid down again and shut my eyes closed, pretending I was sleeping deeply. The footsteps stopped and a pair of sighs of anger came in next. "Seriously, we had to get the boy in here?" It was Browny. He seemed annoyed with Danny; annoyed, angry I didn't know.

"I'm sorry, vampiro but that's what Master asked to. Oh how much I want Rowan's body..." Fishface. The only person who talked Spanish and wanted badly to have sex with me. Not in a million years, fishy,I thought madly and felt my fangs piercing my gums."Παπάρα,"I muttered in Greek, confused of how did I knew that complicated language. But then I remembered that my parents wanted to teach me some Greek because of my origins. They said that my mother's grand-grand-grand-grandfather was from Greece and Greek language had been something that her whole family learned for generations.

I should take up these lessons again.

"Is she mumbling in her sleep? Wow, that svetocha has many interests,"Browny commented with a small huff and I heard Fishface licking his lips. "Yes, she does," he replied hungrily. My teeth grinded inside my mouth and the sweet taste of my blood filled my tongue, activating my bloodgunger for the fist time in months.

"Xever! Matt! Stop staring at our prisoner and come up here!"

The two motherfuckin' bastards walked away and I peek one eye open, watching their shadows disappearing through the walls and flames on porches. Next move of mine was to stand up and shake Danny's unresponsive form. "Dan, Dan. Wake up," I said softly but he didn't give an answer, making me frustrated. "Daniel, you lazy ass, wake up!" I tried again but he didn't reply, the usual anger boil setting off in my stomach for the hundredth time in my short lived life. "Danny! Wake up!" I yelled angrily.

No response. Again.

Enough being Miss-Good-Girl.

My palm slammed against his cheek, letting my new friend to yelp in pain and me smile in proud. And yes, I used my enhanced strength.

Danny flew open his eyes, green orbs locking with mine; they were widened in surprise; his lips twisted in a pout. "Are you stupid girl?" he demanded as his hands shoved me away and his body fell on the ground. He hissed in pain; I bit my lip hard, my fangs piercing again my skin... Wait, why didn't they went back to their normal size?

I looked down at my body and saw the wound Shredder's gauntlets did last night (?) was fully healed and my white skin was shining under the light of fire. How?! My healing ability wasn't able to do that. I wasn't bloomed but close to it! Or...

Oh, no. Oh, no. No, no, no, no... There was no fucking way I would bloom right now! Not in that moment of my life! NO!

"You should be careful with that hand... Are you okay?"

I eyed Danny, shocked, anxious but I was so sure of one thing:

"I need to get outta here."

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