The Nightmare Begins


That was what I heard ever since the vampires brought me down there. In the cells. It had been some hours that those two electroshocked me on that roof and where I passed out. And it had been hours since that call to Blue and my total shock when I heard my boyfriend begging for my freedom. I could imagine his eyes widened, tears flowing down to his green cheeks and his sobs after the call ended. The others reaction, especially Splinter's. And now… silence. Nothing more and nothing else. No laughing, no yelping, no nothing. Just me in a dump small cell. Without even seeing the sunlight or something that reminded me the outside world. Nope. I couldn't even fit in that stupid cell and I wondered why they dragged me in that certain cell. Oh, I know, they're jackasses.

My hands hugged my knees as my eyes locked on the grey wall opposite me. It was concrete with many scratches and some written insults, desires and many lyrics of songs that seemed so old fashioned. For some weird reason, I was calm. I was myself, ignoring that I'm trapped without knowing when I would see the daylight again. Without knowing if this day was my last or not. I just sat on the cold floor and stared a stupid grey, bored wall. And some scents from the sewers underneath me that became a use for my smell all these years I stayed there. My hair fell on my shoulders, red and motionless. My palms touched the hard surface of my red boots, tighten their grip around the fabric. My nails become claws, white and pretty and they just stayed like that. Like my whole body did. Still, I felt numb from that electroshock earlier that day and in the symphony of pain to my body added some cramps to my hands, ankles and fingers. How nice.

But I wondered what happened back to the lair. How the others were and what the hell did that moment. Talking? Watching TV? Or even do nothing and stare the infinity through a colorless wall like I did? No I had a feeling that the third option was their exact movement. My hands removed from my knees and fell on the floor and my legs fell too with my cramps aching more my poor body. A flash of thought crossed my mind, making me to widen my eyes to saucers. You got that right.


Did she knew what happened? Or at least she learned something? No, no. She couldn't know something about my kidnap since she didn't any contact with Foot anymore. Plus, the turtles knew nothing about her or even her existence since I never mentioned her before. So? She knew nothing at all. Good for her though. Even if she never showed it clearly to the community or me and other friends, Jewel cares about us. And deeply in her heart, she hides her sensitivity and she can do anything to keep us safe. With her own special but very hidden way, she shows how much important we are in her difficult life and how much she needs us to stand on her feet. And that's something I approve and somehow respect since Julie doesn't like being sensitive and weak like some stupid girls. No, she lives into rebellion and bravery. Like some of us can't even think of doing that. Not a chance. But she does.

And, I'm proud for her.

But not with myself.

I've done many shitty things only to prove that I was another person; a clever, cute with so much mature and manners girl that cares about her future career. Something that doesn't fits to my real personality and my real self since I'm the total opposite; rebellious, sensitive, clever and badass girl who doesn't give a fuck for the world, neither to her future career or life. Yes, I like living every moment of the day with passion and give all of my energy, all of my soul only to create a special day. An outstanding day but so memorable that I never regret. Sensei and the turtles helped me to find my inner self, my complicated inner self that I'm still discovering each day that erases from my long calendar of life.

Unfortunately, those things became a happy thought which helped me to sleep in that cell. I had no freedom but I knew that I would survive under those hard, painfully conditions. One day, I knew that I would be free in my own paradise. But when, I never knew about it. But, something deep and hidden, like a voice whispering in my soul, in my ears told me that this freedom I desired would come sooner than I thought.

A metal door opening echoed in the silent room and then closing with a pair of keys clinging. Footsteps, fast and sure came close to my cell and, to my irritation, I saw Danny with a goofy smile on his lips. "Hey there beautiful." he said and I rolled my eyes to heavens. Ever since I learned that he had a crush on me, my only expression was a frown, a disgusted frown to be certain and a total ignorance on that specific issue. Danny wasn't the first who fell in love with me and he won't be the last one. I was beautiful, gorgeous and every man or boy's dream like most women and girls are. But, Danny was a villain, an enemy and I still couldn't understand why he fell in love with one of the most dangerous enemies he met. Ugh, boys are a complicated sex. "Can't you see I need to be alone?" I snapped and he laughed. "I know that pretty well. But, master wants to see ya, pretty girl." he replied opening my cell door. My eyes rolled skyward and I looked away. Of course Saki wanted to see my poor body. He wanted information about the lair and my second family but… I wouldn't tell him anything at all. I wasn't gonna betray the ones that helped me to get through difficulties and helped me learn who I am. No, no.

"Tell your fucking master that I won't see 'im." I retorted before I felt my whole system electroshocking from something I couldn't see. A scream of mine spread out as I fell on the floor feeling numb. "Sorry, sorry." Danny said and came close to my side, hands wrapped around my body and sat me up. I glared him and tried to push him away but I was so weak to do it. "Let me go Dan." I snapped but he pulled me closer to him. "I'm sorry for that… We have to go though, okay?" he softly asked. That reminded me strongly of Blue and my eyes watered with that memory. How much I missed him and the others. How much. Danny helped me to stand up and he pulled me in a hug. "I'm sorry." he repeated much to my annoyance. "Let go of me already!" I yelled and pushed him away. The boy reached my hands and pulled them back and tied 'em with ropes. A confused look of mine made him to smirk and push me forward. "Just not to let you escape." he just said and we kept walking. "Fuck you." I whispered and clenched my tied fists strongly.

Our way to the throne room of that stupid ass lair, both me and Danny were silent just because I didn't wanted to talk. My mind was running back to earlier events, especially to that tragic accident. How did I let those two to electroshock me so easily? And why? I could easily defend myself and sure thing was that I could change my 'fate' that stupid vision said. I just drowned into that 'prophecy' and let it fluid like water. 'Cause I'm stupid! A mindless whore who just wants the others to save her poor ass. I'm a stupid princess. I bit my cheek and prevented myself from screaming in anger and, instead, an angry exhale came out from my nose, attracting Danny. "Hey, everything's cool?" he asked and I realized that he worried about my lazy ass even if he wasn't forced to. I turned my head to him, an eyebrow had been arched. "Sure, cool." I replied in a monotonous tone, "Why ya even care?"

His own eyebrows shot upwards, almost connected with his auburn hair and his green eyes flashed with a confused glint. "Well… uh… I… Oh, just move Rowan!" he ordered and pushed me forward. Bingo, I thought as a coyly smirk crossed my lips and my head turned forward. Ya got his sensitive spot. Take advantage of it. a voice called in my head and my face set with a dangerous expression as my smirk grew.

After that, we remained quiet.

The double automatic doors opened with a silent whooosh and Danny pushed me again to move. My eyes glanced here and there, to the Foot soldiers, Dpound, Fishface, some vampires…

But it stuck on him.

He was sitting on his throne, his good eye watching me with expectation, gloved fingers of his left hand, tapping on the arm of that chair like he played an instrument. When I reached at the end, Danny made me to stop and Shredder stood up. My teeth grinded and a glare shot to him, my fists clenching harder. Old but so familiar feelings of hate rose in my heart. They lit up my chest with the strong fire of hate and revenge from what that man, if he dared to be called like that did in my childhood. He destroyed it! He shove away my innocence as a child and turned me into a deadly assassin who kills for fun and money. Cause he's a bastard. "Rowan Fox. A former assassin of our clan. But also an ally of Hamato Yoshi and his patheticturtles." he said much to my anger. Poisonous thoughts flowed in my head, venom filling each word differently. Each describing my emotions, my hate and strain for revenge. But, I said this; "At least I'm not a stupid ass creature who just cares about killing!" A gasp from all the others heard all over me but he, however, chuckled and stepped down the stairs and walked to my side. "Do you think that you are clever child?" he asked as he came closer to me, "Do you think that you will escape once again?" A smirk showed up and I just rolled my eyes skyward. "I'm clever. And I can escape." I replied coldly before I turned ghost.

Nevertheless, when I tried to turn intangible against my ropes, something electroshocked my whole body again and I went back to my human form with my screams echoing everywhere in the room. My nostrils filled with the sweet smell of grilled bacon and my screams grew stronger and higher, numbness taking the total control of my body and mind. I felt like I was dying right that moment, the pain piercing every part of mine and I just screamed. I fell down to the floor with my eyes closed and my screams hearing all over. That's it. I'm dying. For sure…

"Father, stop!"

The electroshock stopped at once and I felt a pair of arms lifting me up. My eyes opened weakly and I looked at Karai standing between me and Shredder, her hands raised in front of me in a protective way. Some Foot soldiers were holding my arms and helped my numb body to stand still while I slowly tried to recover from the shock. "You yelled at me child?" Shredder demanded and Karai crossed her arms. "We need her for information, not to kill her. Remember what your target is now." she replied, earning a glare of Shredder's. "Very well." he just said. Karai moved away and that stupid got to my side again, eying me with lethality. "Where are the turtles living?" he demanded, earning a glare of mine. "Why should I tell you?" I retorted and he kicked me back. A wince of Danny's and a small yelp of Karai's were the only sounds in there as my head lifted to him. "Hit me again. It doesn't hurt." I said.

"You will answer to my question, child. Or else…" his gauntlets sheathed out from his gloves and I just chuckled, feeling more confident every minute. He deserved my insults, he deserved to be dead and triggered. "Ooooooh… Ya scared me to death!" I replied sarcastically, a grin crossing my lips. Shredder sprinted to me, his weapons ready to kill me but I back flipped away, with my ropes finally being cut. Automatically, my body set into a fighting position and I awaited for his next blow. "Let's see what you've got Shred-head." I said with a smirk playing at the edges of my lips. A growl of frustration bubbled in Shredder's throat as he attacked once again, this time slicing my left arm. My other hand flew up to the injury and I felt the sticky, liquid surface of my blood running down to both arm and fingers.

But I refused to give up.

A murderous glare, like the ones Jewel used to give him, filled my eyes and once again, my teeth grinded, jaw aching from the pressure I put in. "Ya'll never get what you want. I'm not gonna let you harm innocents again." I retorted removing my hand from my injury. "Your demise will be sift child." Shredder replied and attacked again. This time, I managed to avoid his blow and swept kick him. With a flip, he was again on his feet and ready to give one more blows to me. With a battle cry, I sprinted to his side, claws sheathed out and my fangs popping out fast. Pair of gauntlets locked into a pair of white, razor-sharp claws, eyes glaring with hate each other. My knee met his nuts and with a flip I managed to throw him across the room without putting much effort since my enchanted strength made everything easier.

My eyes traveled around the room, quickly reading everybody's emotions; impress, shock, surprise, happiness and await for this battle to keep going. His grunt of effort echoed in my sensitive ears as my vision, smell and hearing became more sensitive with my vampire powers. I snapped my head at him, eyes staring him as my mind came up with new ideas of avoid and blows but also with teasing comments, phrases or even angry, venom retorts to this hated man. He stood up, eyes looking at me with hate so did I. "What happened Saki? Too weak to stand up?" I teased, a grin crossing my lips. He didn't replied; just ran to me with his gauntlets pointed dangerously at me. "Likewise." I muttered under my breath and set my body for one more time in a fighting position. When he reached me, I swung on my right and punched his armor with much more strength that I predicted. That sent him away again, with his soldiers gasping in fright and shock. "Can't believe that she's not bloomed." a vampire whispered to another and I snapped my head at him, my murderous look piercing his entire being. "Careful. Ya might be the next." I threatened and he just showed his fangs with his companions holding him back.

"Let's see who's gonna save your poor ass svetocha!"

My ears caught the last moment Shredder running to me again but it was too late for me to defend myself properly. He kicked me down, foot pressuring my back and…


"I await an answer from you, Rowan." he said much to my frustration. "Will ya quit? I'll never talk." I replied and he pressed his foot harder on my back, pressuring more and more my chest and my breathing. "Answer to me child, now." he demanded and I half gasped from the lack of oxygen. "…" I replied almost breathless and my head fell on the floor. "Very well then." he said and removed his foot from my back. I started to breath again as he snapped his fingers. A pair of hands sat me up and dragged me to him, my ass almost touching his crotch. His hands were tight 'round my arms and chest and my gaze fell on Shredder. "And what'cha you do? Kill me? Ha! Please, Saki. Your patience is so light?" I joked and he crossed his arms on his armor. He nodded to the vampire behind me; the wumpir stabbed his fangs on my neck.

I screamed in pain.

My nails tried to scratch his face but there was no use as my energy flew away with every gulp of his. Motionless, both hands fell down to my side as the world started to be black and white around me. His fangs pulled away from me but I felt my blood sliding down to my shoulder and breast. "There is no escape little one…" he whispered in my ear, hands running on my cheek and neck, reaching the bite.

"And you're alone…"

I tried to open my mouth but nothing came out.

"All alone…"

The black and white became black.

"Nobody will save you…"

And everything were suddenly quiet.


Okay guys, this is an original chapter of mine. I decided to add some AU chapters whenever it's needed, not always. And now I think for you it's right to know what happened to Rowan during her "attendance" into Shredder's lair. There will be more in this story and to the sequels so, I hope you guys love it as you love the episode-chapters.

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