The Gauntlet

No One's POV

"And what you'll do now? Other than staring me." Rowan asked out loud to her reflection on a round-shaped mirror. "I don't know really..." the mirror-self replied wearily.

"Then, why are you in my dream?"

"Actually, your dream told me to appear. And I can't go away, until it tells me to." the mirror-self raised her hands in the air, showing that she was totally innocent. "But, if it's my dream, I am supposed to control it. And I demand you to go." Rowan said and her mirror-self shook negatively her red head. "I'm sorry Rowan. This time, someone else is controlling your dream right now. Not you." she then said.

"I can, it's my dream after all"

"No, you can't."

"Yes, I can"





Her fist hit the glass hard, breaking it into pieces. The reflection disappeared. Blood appeared from her fingers as they had plenty of cuts. And you said that I can't control my dreams. she thought to herself as a smile of triumph decorated her beautiful lips.

A dark laugh heard then.

"Excellent child. Very well." a man's dark but also low voice heard behind her. From what Rowan saw from the shattered glass of the mirror was...


She narrowed her icy eyes and clenched her hands into fists.

"What do you want here?" she hissed without doing any effort to turn to his side.

"You know what I am doing here. And what do I want from you." Shredder replied and placed a gloved hand on her shoulder which fell with a single move of hers. "And you know very well my decision." Rowan hissed again and her eyes flashed green for a moment.

"Look at yourself, Rowan. You should realize that you slowly becoming one of them, you are becoming a Hamato. You are something else, not that. You are a Foot soldier." Shredder said, now glaring too at the shattered glass.

Rowan growled.

"I'm don't care. I like being a Hamato girl instead of a cold hearted Foot assassin. You know what Saki? I'm gonna destroy you. I'm gonna be your worst nightmare, your highest nemesis. No matter what, I want to see you dead. Because, I'm not in the Foot ANYMORE!" she screamed the last word and turned to face him, only to find that he was gone.

She was glad.

But that didn't lasted for long.

A new mirror appeared in front of her and she realized something.

She had fangs, claws and blood on her chin, clothes and hands.

That made her gasp in fright before suckers surrounded her with smirks had been rosed up to their lips. Turning to their side, she saw their fangs growing fast and their hungry looks staring back at her.

"Welcome to our world, svetocha."

Rowan's POV

We were in the Dojo, sparing. Me and Blue decided to do training together. Our cheeks were flushed, and sweat kept falling to our bodies. I dodged an attack of Blue's and back flipped away, my tanto circled in my hand.

Blue attacked again.

Our weapons met so as our eyes. A glint was on his eyes which I could recognize each time.

It was a glint of love.

Footsteps heard coming to our side as we kept sparing. "Check it out, guys. We are about to take our ninjitsu to a whole new level!" I heard Donnie saying. I took Blue's arm and made him spin and fell on the mat. "Cool!" Tania replied.

"Last night I learned how to make ninja smoke bombs!" Donnie said before he threw an egg and disappeared into purple smoke. Next thing I knew was that the Brainiak was behind us and we all stared him in awe.


Well, I saw those bombs back to the Foot but they can't be compared with D's smoke bombs! "Now, to make 'em, I carefully drill two holes in an eggshell without cracking it, slowly blow out the contents, wait for the inside to dry, then pour in flash powder and seal both holes with wax." he then explained to us. Wow, it took him all night to make them! Bravo Donnie!

"Blah, blah, science, blah. Do it again!" Raph said, didn't seemed to care about how those bombs created. "Don't you get it?" Tania said angrily to Raph. "Those bombs need time." I added folding my arms. "Thank you, girls. What I'm trying to tell you guys is, they take a long time to make, so use them sparingly." Donnie replied. "Don't worry about me Donnie. I'll not waste them in silly things." I said.

"I'm making breakfast! Who wants omelets?"

Omelets? I thought that Donnie took all the eggs from the fridge. And I didn't remembered myself taking any other this week. My eyes widened as I saw Mikey coming to our side, holding the same bowl that it contained the same eggs Donnie's bowl had. "Mikey, don't!" Donnie and I yelled at the same time but unfortunately, one of the bombs exploded on Mikey's face, half covering it with flash powder. "Uh, I think that was a rotten egg." Mikey then said, glancing his hand.

I rolled my eyes.

"They're not rotten eggs, Mikey. They're ninja smoke bombs." Donnie explained and Mikey's eyes went wide as his jaw dropped open. Uh...Oh... "I think you shouldn't have said that Don..." I whispered at D, feeling so sure that Mikey would start his stupid things.

"Shut up."

As I guessed it, Mikey started to throw bombs everywhere in the Dojo. "This. Is. The. Best. Day. Of. My. Life!"I heard him saying from each place as plenty of bombs exploded on the mat. "Mikey, stop!" Donnie yelled sometime and Mikey appeared behind him.

Hugging his brother tight, he exclaimed, "I love you, man. Seriously." Then, he gave a kiss to D's cheek which made him to growl.

Tania giggled again.

Ah, seriously? With Mikey? You got to be kidding me!

"Guys! Guys, you'll never believe what happened to me!" April called from the living room and we all ran in. I saw April sitting on the couch and Donnie rushed to her side, kneeling down and touched her hands. "Alright, April, calm down. Are you okay?" he then said and April gave him a glare full of fright and shock.

"I am being a giant pigeon!"

What? A pigeon? Surely he was a mutant but, why he had been haunting April? I heard Raph laughing behind me and I turned to him with an angry look. "I can't be the only one who finds that funny." he said and my hands made an ectoplasm ball.

"It's not funny, Raph." Donnie replied, "There's a creature out there trying to hurt my April!"

We all gave him the look.

"Our April. April." he then corrected his mistake. Oh Donnie... You're exposed one more time! "This is serious. I'd better get Splinter." Mikey said. "We don't really need-" Blue tried to say but Mikes threw a bomb on the floor and disappeared AGAIN into purple smoke. Splinter appeared when the smoke had been gone.

"Michelangelo said you wanted to see me?"


"His talons were razor sharp. He would have torn me to pieces if he hadn't slammed into the glass." April said to us, finishing her story. I held Blue's hand as my eyes dropped.

Raph laughed one more time.

"Really? Just me?" he asked and I found the chance to throw him a small ball of ectoplasm on him. "You might shut it now." I then said and Splinter hit his staff on him. "Raphael. Clearly April is upset." he said. "Yeah, dude. That's so insensitive. Do you need a tissue?"Mikey asked April who shook her head. "I think I'm okay." she replied.

"I'll get you a tissue."

He then threw a bomb and disappeared into smoke but he reappeared some seconds later. "We don't have any tissues. Can I make you some soup?" he asked. "Stop it!" I yelled angrily and took away his bombs. "Hey! Not fair!" he exclaimed and I gave him a death glare.

"Don't worry April. We won't let anything happen to you." D said softly to April. Blue nodded so did I. "Donnie's right. We're going to set a trap for this pigeon-man and make sure he never bothers you again." Blue said.

"Well, I know what we can use as bait." Donnie said and I exactly knew who. "Bread crumbs! Pigeons eat bread crumbs!" Mikey said and I slapped my forehead. "He means April stupid!" I replied annoyed at him. Tania and Mikey then stood in front of April with open arms, protecting her. "You're gonna let him eat April? I thought you liked her!" Tania exclaimed. "Dude! Not cool!" Mikes added.

Yep, they're definitely the perfect couple.


I scoffed. "Don't sweat it. We've got your back." Donnie said and Blue stood up. "Alright, mighty mutants, let's do this." he then ordered to us. However, Raph didn't liked it. "Mighty mutants? What, dancing dorks was already taken?"he asked sarcastically and I punched his arm hard.

"Ow! Will you stop doing that?!"


We started to move out from the lair, ignoring Raph's comment. "Wait!" Splinter called, "We do not yet know what you are facing. Perhaps you should study your enemy before confronting him." Blue and I turned to his side. "With all due respect, Sensei..." Blue said. "It's a pigeon." I added. "We already know what we're facing." Blue finished.

"What you know is dangerous to your enemy. What you think you know is dangerous to you." sensei pointed his staff at our side. "I fear you are all becoming overconfident." he added. I crossed my arms. "Sensei, in the past few months, we've taken down giant spiders, plant creatures, alien robots, and an army of ninjas." I said while the others done a high-three behind us. "Maybe we're not overconfident. Maybe we're just that good." Blue finished and held my hand.

Then, we left.

I felt though that sensei was right about something...

First, we do became overconfident.

And secondly, tonight, we'll fight a dangerous enemy, expect the pigeon.

I realized that what he said was a warning.

And unfortunately, I was the only one who received that message.

"Here I am, walking around in the big city. All alone! Oh, I sure hope no crazy pigeon-man sneaks up on me. That would be the last thing I'd want!"

We were hiding as Apes was walking up and down to an alleyway. She looked bored and annoyed. And I could say that her thoughts were telling her that Donnie's plan was stupid.

"What are you doing?" I heard him asking.

"You wanted me to be bait. I'm bait." April retorted.

"That's not how bait talks."

"How do you know how bait talks?"

"I know bait doesn't talk back."

My eyes widened and I got out from my hiding spot (which was a dumpster) so as the others. "Ooooooo..." we said in unison. "Oh no, he didn't!" Mikey exclaimed moving a finger in front of his face. "Sure he didn't!" Tania replied next to him.

"Just act natural." Donnie said to April and we all went back to our spots. I forgot to say that I was hiding with Blue who, by the way, pulled me closer to his side. His hands wrapped around my belly and I felt his lips kissing my head. I smirked and turned to his side. Our lips connected again and we ignored everything around us.

But that sweet, pure moment ended with April's scream.

"We should help the others." Blue said and held my hand as we got out from our spot. We attacked at the pigeon and forced him to stay on the ground. "Okay, okay uncle! Jeez Louise!" the pigeon exclaimed. April walked up to our side. "And you said I wasn't good bait." she said to Donnie with a smirk. "No doubt Apes." I replied still holding hard the pigeon.

"Okay, start talking, pigeon-man." Leo threatened him. The pigeon turned his head at him. "I have a name!" he said. "Yeah, we just don't care what it is." Raph retorted. I pointed my finger at him and a small amount of ectoplasm hit his arm.

"OW! Stop it!"

Of course, I ignored him and my gaze transferred to the pigeon. "Tell us your name." I said to him. "It's Pete." he replied. "Nice to meet you, Pete. I'm Rowan and these are my friends" I introduced us. "Pete, why you were hunting April?" Tania asked softly and Pete glared her.

"I didn't wanna hurt her. I was bringing her a message, from her father." Pete replied, making April gasp. "Let him up!" she ordered us and we did it. "Wait!" Pete exclaimed and his eyes fell on me. "Did you said your name's Rowan?" he then asked. "Yeah, what for?" I asked him. "The message is for you too." Pete said.

The others glared us wide eyed.

"Why?" Blue asked. "We were all guests of the Kraang. They poured some ooze on me and turned me into this." Pete said and I frowned so as April. "Uh, that must have been horrible. Being turned into apigeon." she replied to Pete.

"Actually, I started out as a pigeon."

Again, I frowned.

"Told you the bread crumbs would have worked."Mikey said annoyed and I rolled my eyes. April was the best bait since Pete wanted her, not the crumbs.

"You've got bread crumbs?!" Pete exclaimed grabbing Mikey searching on him for bread. He then srarted to shake him upside down with furry.

It made me to laugh hard!

"Um, my father?" April asked annoyed and Pete let go off Mikey who yelped in pain. "Oh, right" he replied and handed Apes a tablet. I went next to her as she pressed a play button on the screen, a video started to play.

"Something terrible is about to happen. And I don't know what, but it's extremely important that you get out of this city as soon as you can. Take Rowan with you, she's in danger from the Kraang. I don't know from what. Save yourselves. Remember, I love you." Mr. O'Neill said through the device and then, the video stopped. April hugged the device on her chest, eyes closed painfully. "I love you too daddy." she said sadly.

I gave a glare to the others. I was curious what the hell the Kraang wanted me and why I was in danger. I know that Shredder hunts me down for change my mind and go back to the Foot and work as his deadly assassin but... the Kraang? What, they need my ghost powers?

Blue came to our side so as Donnie. "Do you have any idea what he's talking about?" Blue addressed to Pete who shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just the messenger." he replied.

"We have to get you two out of the city." Donnie said to us. I shook my head. "Nuh-uh, I'm not leaving you behind, and lose all the fun." I said crossing my arms. "And I'm not going anywhere without my dad." April retorted and memed my action.

Donnie and Blue glared us worried. "But... you both heard him, something terrible is gonna happen." D said. "I can't risk your life Rowny. You know how much you mean to me." Blue added. "Then, let's better hurry!" I retorted. "Can you tell us where the Kraang is holding April's dad?" Tania asked Pete.

He nodded. "I can, but it's gonna cost you a lot of bread." I rolled my eyes. I should have expected that.

After all, he's a pigeon.

Blue raised an eyebrow. "We're talking about actual bread, right?" he asked. Pete nodded once more. "Yeah, sourdough" he replied.

Yep, classic pigeon.

We were at the Kraang facility, Pete told us about.

Well, on its roof.

Don opened with ease an air vent and stepped down from Mikey's shell. April raised a fist in the air. "Let's do this!" she exclaimed and she was ready to jump down 'till Blue stopped her. "We need you to wait here, April." he said to her, making my besty to frown.

"Are you crazy? My dad's in there!" she replied angrily. "Along with who knows how many Kraang. This requires stealth and mobility." Blue said to her. "What about Rowan and Tania? They're coming too?" she asked gesturing to me and Tania. "I'm a full fledged kunoichi Apes. Stealth and mobility are my speciality." I replied folding my arms. "And I'm a ghost. I can be silent enough for not being noticed." Tania added.

April frowned again. "I can't just do nothing." she said. "You won't be doing nothing. We need you to lower this rope when we give you the signal." Blue replied and handed her a rope. Apes sighed in defeat. Then, they all jumped down.

"Don't worry Apes, it won't take us long time. I hope." I said placing a finger on my chin. I jumped down and landed next to Blue who smiled at me and moved to a certain room Pete informed us. On our way there, we sliced some Kraangdroids and when we got in there, the doors closed behind us with a whooosh.

"Donnie, hack into the system and see if you can find out about the Kraangs' plot. Raph, Tania, you're with me. Mikey and Rowny, stay with Donnie." Blue ordered us. "Why do I always get stuck with Mikey?" Donnie complained


"I don't want him. And I'm in charge." Blue replied. Oh, good grief...


"Well, then make Raph take Mikey." Donnie retorted and that annoyed Raph. "Over my dead body." he said and crossed his arms. "Why wouldn't you make Rowan and Tania to take him?" he asked pointing at our side. "I never said that I want him! Besides, if he makes me angry, he won't live." I replied crossing my arms.

"You know, I'm starting to think nobody wants to be with me! Fine, I'll just go off on my own." Mikey exclaimed. "Wait Mikes. I never said that-" Tania tried to say but Mikey disappeared into purple smoke.

"... didn't wanted to take you with me" she ended her fraze and glared downwards. Secs later, a closet door opened and Mikey popped his head. "That's a closet..." he said and laughed sheepishly.

"Have fun, you three." Raph said as he, Tania and Blue walked away from us. "Blue, wait!" I exclaimed, remembering something.

He turned.

I ran to his side and kissed him for a brief moment. "Be careful, okay?" I asked softly. He nodded and placed a hand on my cheeks. "Okay, I will." he replied smiling at me. Then, he gave a peek to my cheek.

He left.

I heard slapping behind me and Donnie's voice threatening Mikey. "Don't. Touch. Anything." I turned and walked up to their side. Mikes was annoying to Donnie who was trying to hack the computer.

"What's that one do?"

"I don't know."

"What's that one do?"

"I don't know."

"What's that one do?"

"I don't know!" D yelled and threw his brother away. Then, he climbed on my back and pointed on a button. "Whoa. Ooh, that one's pretty!" he said. "Just STOP IT!" I screamed and slammed my hands on the computer. It opened and D laughed happily.

"I'm in!"

"You're welcome."

Lots of files appeared on the screen and I glared all of them. "Rowan, you should see this." Donnie said to me and I glared a file.

It had my name.

Name: Rowan Fox

Species: human-ghost-vampire

Powers: Intangible, Invisibility, Ectoplasm, Super speed, Super Strength, Fangs, Claws

Occupation: High skilled assassin.

My eyes widened. How did the Kraang had a file of me? And why? Donnie and Mikey glared me with a confused look. "You're an assassin?" Donnie asked surprised. "And a vampire?" Mikey added. "First, I didn't knew that I'm a vampire and, secondly, I was an assassin." replied.

A new file showed up and we all glared it with wide eyes.

"Uh-oh." D said

That's bad, really bad!

"Guys, they've planted a mutagen bomb downtown! They're going to use it to disperse ooze over half the city!" Don said to the other three as soon as we reached them. Blue was trying to unlock the cage door of Kirby's but it seemed kinda difficult for him to manage it. Donnie noticed Kirby and smiled at him. "Oh, hi Mr. O'Neil. Your daughter's really nice." he said.

I slapped my forehead.

Not now Brainiak!

"Okay, we have to disarm that bomb. If I could just get this stupid door open..." Blue replied still playing with the wires.

"Have you tried this?"


An alarm had been set off by the time Mikey pressed a button and Raph slapped his head. "And that's why no one wants to be with you!" he yelled at his little brother.

Blue managed to open the door and I rushed to his side. I protected Kirby from the laser shots and we all ran to our exit door. We hid behind some crates while the robots kept firing. Blue started to make pigeon sounds and I glared him amused. "What are you doing?! April, throw the rope!" Raph yelled at April who popped her head from the vent.



Apes threw the rope down and the others started to climb it. However, Kirby grabbed a laser gun and started to shoot the Kraang.

"Daddy, no!"

I glanced the rope and then Kirby, making a decision. That lasted only few seconds and I ran to Kirby's side, throwing ectoplasm at the Kraang.


I ignored everything and kept fighting. "Go Rowan! Save yourself!" Kirby yelled at me as he kept shooting. "I won't let you and April split again!" I replied yelling too and kept too firing.

Suddenly, Kirby pushed me back and I lost my balance, landing on Blue's arms. "We need to go!" he yelled to me and I lifted myself up. "But... we can't leave him here!" I retorted. Blue placed a hand on my shoulder. "We don't have a choice..." he replied and forced me to climb the rope. By the time we reached upwards, the Kraang caught Kirby and forced him to move.

"NO!" April yelled and jumped down, covering her mouth with her hands. Her eyes were filled with tears as she hugged Donnie tight. "We'll get him back, April. I promise." Donnie said softly to her and Apes nodded in response.

"We gotta go!" Blue ordered and we all ran away, heading downtown.

"Kraang, in how many time units known as minutes will the device containg the mutagen that will be spread over the place known as New York, be detonated?"


I slapped my forehead in disbelief and tensed my bow, shooting one of the two droids. Then, it exploded. The others shoot too the guards and one by one exploded. We jumped down to a panel which Tania and Donnie said they could handle. "Okay, guys. It's up to you." Blue said and Tania opened it, revealing lots of wires.


"Uh-Oh? You two said you knew how to do this!" I exclaimed angrily at them. "We didn't count on a design this complex, Rowan" Tania replied annoyed. "They're aliens from another dimension! What did you expect? A big round ball with a lit fuse that said 'bomb'?" Blue said designing a bomb with his fingers.

"No, but this -"

"Boy I sure hope this argument goes on for another four minutes and fifteen seconds!"

D and Tan turned to the panel and glared the wires.


"Watch out for those wires."

"You guys are not helping..." Tania mumbled as she tapped a finger on her chin in thought. "Sorry." I replied and stepped back. "What if we just push this button?" Mikey asked pointing at a button and Raph slapped his hand away. "I think you pressed enough buttons tonight." he said.

Cold air touched the back of my neck and I raised an eyebrow. I snapped my head at the back but no one was there.

Great, I'm slowly drive myself crazy.

"Guys, you're going to have to speed this up." Blue said to D and Tania who gave him an angry glare. "We cannot work with all this pressure!" Donnie yelled. My jingle rang once again in my ears and I glared up to the bomb were Bradford, Xever, Blacky and Browny were standing.

"Um, that might be a problem..."

They jumped down and we unleashed our weapons, leaving the two Brainaks back. "You guys picked a really bad time for this." Blue said. "Oh, sorry for the inconvenience." Blacky replied. "When would you prefer to breathe your last breath?" Xever added.

Then, we proceeded to fight those four.

Of course, I went for the two vampires.

"Well, hello again little svetocha..." Blacky said in a teasing noice as he was about to give me a high kick. I back flipped away, avoiding the kick and raised a playful eyebrow. "Svetocha? New nickname Andrew?" I asked sarcastically and dodged a punch of Browny's.

They both chuckled.

"Oh, so you don't know what you really are, eh?" Browny asked. "Yeah, tired of both of you two." I replied and kicked his gut. "Little vampire, little vampire, let me catch you..." Blacky said in a kinda singing voice.

Hold on.

Did he just called me...


I tried not to show my surprise, although something told me that they were right so as the Kraang. "I'm not a vampire. You're just teasing me. But that's not working on me." I said and threw ectoplasm. Both super sped away.

"Will you hurry up and defuse the bomb? We're dealing with a couple of nutjobs here."


Blacky punched my nosed and I let my tanto to fell on the ground as my hands covered my bleeding nose. "You really don't know you're half vampire, do you?" Browny said and kicked my stomach.

"Guys, guys! Mikey was right about something!"

"Yeah, that's great and all, but a little HELP would be nice!"

"Oh, right. Sorry."

Tania flew to my side and gave a round house kick to Blacky. She then came to my side. "Happy to see you back to action. I needed help with those two. They ain't going down easy." I said to her and she smirked. "Well, we're stubborn." She replied.

And we attacked.

"You are worthy adversaries, but the fight is ours. Lay down your weapons."


Our four enemies were pointed in front of the bomb as we were surrounding them. Tania and I had been pinned down Blacky and Browny on the floor while Blue and Donnie were pointing their weapons at Bradford and Xever.

"You don't have a choice." Blue said smirking. "You've lost." I added and pointed my tanto closer to Blacky.

Bradford glanced the bomb before his eyes stocked back to Blue. "If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me." he then said and stabbed his sword into the bomb. The glass cracked.


The glass broke and mutagen washed away Xever and Bradford who yelled in surprise. I nodded at Tania and we both threw the vampires down.

"So to sum it up, we kicked the butts of the Kraang and Shredder's top henchmen while defusing a bomb and saving the city." Blue said when we jumped down from the bomb. I wrapped a hand on his neck with a small smirk. "Yeah, we're not overconfident!" Raph replied with a smile.

"We're just that good."

We all gave a high-three to a each other and started to walk away, calmed that everything was over for that night.

Unfortunately, that ended with this:

"Your skills are impressive. But they will not save you."

Guess who he was.

You're right.


"Oh man. Do you think that's the Shredder?" Donnie asked in fright. I rolled my eyes. "It's definitely a Shredder." Raph replied. I clenched my hands into fists as a silent growl bubbled in my throat.


Bad memories played non stop in my head.

Shredder walked up to our side. "There is undoubtedly a fascinating story in how my old nemesis came to teach ninjitsu to four mutant turtles, one girl and a half vampire which happened to belong in the Foot." he shot me with a glare full of hate and I showed my teeth.

The others glared me wide eyed.

"Perhaps I will let one of you live long enough to tell it." he finished and his blades came out from his armor. Blue smirked. "You're gonna have to catch us first! Mikey!" he ordered at Mikes who held a smoke bomb.

"So long, suckah!"

But when the bomb hit the floor it broke, showing that it was a real egg. They all glared the egg wide eyed as Mikey laughed sheepishly. "Oops. All right, that one's on me." he said.

I should have took them away from you when I had the chance!

No One's POV

Shredder attacked without a single warning at the team and Raph charged him first. His sais were trying, as much as he could, to hurt the ninja master but every blow was blocked.

Now, it was Shredder's time to make his move.

He gave a kick to Raph's gut, sending the poor turtle on the electronic billboard which electroshock him. Then, he fell down unconscious.


Leo narrowed his eyes and charged at Shredder, his katanas trying too to injure badly his enemy. Again, Shredder avoided those attacks with ease making the leader tired.

Shredder punched Leo's shell hard and kicked his gut, making him to roll across the roof. His bloody lips let a sharp yell of pain to come out in the surface.


Rowan and Donnie rushed to Leo's side and checked if he had anything serious.

Not at all.

Rowan let a sigh of relief and held her boyfriend's hand.

Donnie, on the other side, growled and poised his Bo staff right and attacked Shredder. He swung plenty times his staff at the ninja but there again, he blocked them with ease.

Suddenly, he grabbed his staff and hit the purple clad's head hard making him to daze. Then, Shredder launched him across the roof by hitting him with a strong punch.


A kusarigama chain wrapped his right arm and Tania and Mikey tried to pull him away. Unfortunately for those two, Shredder was much stronger than them, as a result to pull them to his side. He then gave some punched to both human and turtle. Tania bounced him to the roof and Mikey threw couple of surikens at him. Shredder avoided them by the use of his gauntlets.

Both friends trumbled off the edge.

The evil ninja came to their side but he found that they were gone.

Cold air hit him from the back side of his and turned. A blurry Rowan was super speeding at his side, fangs and claws were out.

Yes, she was angry and accepted that she was a half vampire.

Shredder avoided a slice of hers and he tried to kick the girl. Unfortunately for him, Rowan avoided with ease that kick. "Never thought that tou could come back, Saki." she said with a threatening voice. Shredder smirked evily behind his mask. "I was wondering the same thing, Rowan." he replied and attacked again.

Blows, kicks and grunts had been heard all around as both fighters refused to give up and tried with effort to hurt each other badly. Suddenly, Shredder kicked Rowan's chin hard which made her to fly back and land on the foothold of the billboard were she passed out.


Leo attacked Shredder by giving a slice which his enemy defeated easily. That gave to Donnie the opportunity to bring his staff at Shredder's head who stepped back.

But he recovered quickly.

He then grabbed Donnie and threw him on Leo. Raph charged again the ninja but Shredder prevented him and threw him on the floor.

Rowan woke up, one of her hands touching her head. She blinked several times, trying to understand were the hell she was. But, when her eyes fixed to her friends' side where they were trying to lift a letter, with Mikey under it, she realized where she was.

On that fucking roof, fighting Shredder.

Since her friends were doing something else, she decided to fight Shredder all alone with a hope to win him.

She also realized that her fangs were out, touching her lower lip and that gave her more energy.

She super sped then to her archenemy and sliced her tanto on him. Shredder blocked them and sliced her arm. Rowan hissed but she ignored the pain.

All she wanted to do was to win.

She attacked again but Shredder grabbed her shirt and lifted her on an air vent. Between his gauntlets, a sharp knife appeared and it was some inches away from her forehead. Rowan narrowed her eyes and growled. "Ya know that doesn't scare me at all huh?" she said in an bored voice.

"Tell me where Splinter is and I promise your friends demise will be swift!" Shredder demanded to her and pressed the knife closer to Rowan's forehead, a small amount of blood appeared from the edge.


Rowan turned into her ghost form and went intagible, flying away from Shredder. She then threw a big ball of ectoplasm and flew to her friends side.

"Let's go."

Rowan's POV

"You were all very lucky." Spkinter told us after we told him what happened. We were all covered with bruises, especially the turtles.

Raph sighed. "Well, I think we define that word differently, sensei." he then said to sensei. I placed my head on Blue's shoulder and he gave me a peek to my cheek.

"Few have ever faced the Shredder and survived." Splinter said. "We belong into the Few" I replied. "He was just so fast. It was like he was everywhere at once." Mikes said.

Blue sighed. "You were right about us being overconfident, sensei. There's just some things we're just not ready for." he said and I nodded, my neck cracked.

"Perhaps. But that no longer matters. It is clear now that the Shredder is a problem that will not go away. So prepare yourselves, my children. Because as of this moment, we are at war."

That's the end of us.


Donnie gave me a glare from his laptop. After telling everything to the others what happened, D decided to do some exams on me and figured out what happened with me anyway.

"What is it? Don't make us nervous." Blue said to his brother and I felt his hold on my hand tighten.

Donnie stood up.

"Well, of course the news are not the best but I can't lie to you. So..."

He sighed again.

"Rowan, you are indeed a half vampire named svetocha. Svetocha are the most strongest daughters of the vampire kind but also rare because of the 'blooming' fact which only the half girl vampire has.

" 'Blooming' is a fact before your powers grow in which needs a lot of training. Of course, you can handle your powers now that you're not 'bloomed' but they are have less power than a normal wumpir, also known as the full vampires, has. If you 'bloom'... well, you'll become toxic to the wumprirs and you can kill them without much effort..."

I didn't heard the rest.

I didn't wanted to.

I am a vampire.

Just shot me now.

Right now.

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