
The night was... peachy. A bit hot but Karai didn't care about it. It was calm and without any unexpected weather phenomenon happening.

Amber eyes locked below the roof she was standing, to the streets crossed by many people. Though it was late that night, the residents seemed not to bother as they kept doing their own things. Karai wondered, ever since she came in that city, how they are so... calm. It was like nothing happened to them, nothing touched their souls and nothing hurt their feelings. They were just a mass of people walking on some concrete floors, unaware of what happened up to the roofs of their houses. Or anything else.

She removed her grey mask from her face. Her ruby lips were set into a thin line and they didn't even stir. She then stood up and stepped back from the edge. She wasn't in the best mood of patrolling like her father ordered. There were so many other things that mattered her lately. Doing stupid patrols, training in Bradford's Dojo and fighting random robots that popped up on her way were just... a distraction. A small, pleasurable distraction to her problems that torture her over and over these months- no wait- years.

Tonight, she was out of the lair not only her dad barked at her to leave him alone and do what the hell he wanted to do; it was because she couldn't see her best friend getting hurt. She knew that this moment she was watching the night on a roof, Rowan was trying to stand on her feet and fight back her father. The hated, as she called, Shred-head.

And she just has gone.

Her head turned to her right and gazed for a while the roofs opposite her and the awesome view she had from the whole city. Truly beautiful. Karai hoped to the opposite rooftop and started to run like she was running a marathon. Yeah, she liked that feeling. She loved running like there was no tomorrow. But now she felt it mechanical, artificial. She just did it to move her legs and nothing more.

Her thoughts didn't stop torturing her.

Her steps paced at a stop and she managed to catch up some heavy and relaxing breaths. She glanced behind her; the cathedral building was still in sight. She felt her eyes watering and in an instant moment, she looked away. She didn't want to cry. She had to prove to herself that she was strong enough under the worst circumstances. People should be strong afterwards. You'll never know what will happen in the next few moments.

She kept running and flipping on the roofs.


They did everything to bring Leo back to his normal self and nothing got the results they wanted. Donnie called it crazy but Raph would do it either way. He just couldn't see his older brother acting like that and the fact that he was sitting for hours in Donnie's lab, doing absolutely nothing except watching a stupid egg...well, it meant something. And it gave him bad vibes.

Really bad vibes.

And that was the main reason he was out of his room. He promised to himself and his little bros that this madness would end that night. And he would be the one who's gonna end it once and for all.

The lab doors opened with ease and Raph let himself to step in slowly. But as he realized, not that fast, Leo wasn't there and the egg was unprotected. And I thought that would be hard to do, he instantly thought happily as he drawn out his sais; he felt so confident and relieved that this would end soon.

But his brother had other thoughts.

The sai locked on one of Leo's katanas who blocked his way to destroy the wasp egg. Anger filled him and his green eyes narrowed at him. What the heck is goin' on with him lately? He couldn't understand that turtle. "Leo, what are you doing?" he demanded, eyes narrowing even more and his mask almost covered them completely. But then, they went wide when Leo lowered his sword and revealed his... total black eyes.

Before Raph could do any move to defend himself, Leo threw him across the lab like he was an oversized doll. Raph stood up as he felt his hands curling into tight fists and his sai shacking badly under his uncontrolled rage. He never felt so angry and fumed with one of his brothers or even about a simple issue that annoyed him at very much. He was right when he said to his younger siblings that this tore it. His patience thinned, that's for sure. "If that thing hatches, it might try to eat us." he spat, trying to convince him with simple logical theories that Donnie would analyze better than anyone else. Even from Rowan herself who, he had to admit that one and only one thing in his life, can explain some things nicely and with many arguments.

Leo just pressed his lips into a thin line and prepared his weapon for the upcoming fighting.

The sai swirled under his hand and Raph grinded his teeth hard. Leo didn't give him any other chance and he couldn't say no to a fight. After all, he kind of missed sparing with the Fearless Leader. "All right, this freak show ends now!" he snapped once again, a malicious smirk cracking up on his lips.

With a cry of battle, one of his usual battle cries, he sprinted to Leo with his sai lifted above his head and free hand raised protectively in front of his shell. Metal against metal followed next as both brothers hit their weapons together and their eyes locked for a brief moment; as much time Raph needed to understand that this was a huge problem to solve. Raph backed away and his eyes softened; his jaw kept being clenched though. "Come on, bro. Snap out of it!" he pleaded although he hated doing that. He wasn't a poor and weak man that he always joked around, but a strong man. Sensitivities are for children. And he wouldn't let emotional stupidities to make him weak in that battle. Nope.

Leo attacked again with a roar and Raph defeated himself taking the advantage of his ninja mode and his much more strength than Leo's. The turtles fought fiercely, moving around the big room like it was a dance floor and both had to show their best moves to impress the audience and critics to win a prize. It proved though that Raph won this competition by kicking away Leo and his katana which flew up to a wall and stabbed on. Leo held the arm he had the injury from the mutant wasp and observed it shaking unstoppably.

"You're not yourself, Leo. Let me help ya!" he pleaded again; he tried to make him think reasonably all of these... mad things he was doing the last days. First, he got sad and crazy about Rowan's kidnap that he locked up in his bedroom and murmured to himself things Raph couldn't hear well. Now... that. Though he didn't know how to help somebody with his or her problems, at least it would worth a shot. And he wanted to help Leo-

The leader attacked suddenly and Raph screamed as he tried to shove him away with kicks. He realized that his gone-crazy brother wanted to bite him but Raph wouldn't let that to happen. Man, he wished he could slap him across his face but... it was obvious why he couldn't.

Leo fell on him and the brothers rolled across the lab until Leo bit Raph and jumped away. Raph shot his brother a death glare before he observed the big bite he had on his biceps. "You bite me?!" he screamed angrily, "You bit me!"

Leonardo only smirked.



Seriously, was that her best idea?

Tania grumped like she was a five-year-old child as her coal black eyes watched her mother choosing shirts. She had a day off from her work- she still didn't know what kind of job was that- and she decided to pass that day with her beloved daughter. Like she didn't do it when she was at home. And where those two would pass this beautiful day?

Inside a dumbfuck mall.

Mrs. Mansterfield took a white t-shirt that its fabric was too...thick. A bright smile crossed her lips as she showed it to Tania, asking the same question the girl heard for 30 minutes on repeat; "How's that sweetie?"

Tania rolled her eyes and shook her head, giving a negative voiceless answer. She hoped her mother to stop with all that shit but, well, deeply in her mind, she knew that this woman was born to spend her money to clothing. And when Tania "hadn't" any cloth to wear on... let the nightmare begins, kiddos.

The black haired was never in that kind of things. She liked doing other stuff, like training with the turtles and girls or even flying in her ghostly side around the city but never buying clothes. Sure, she liked giving a nice impression to people but many apparels just give her the feeling of a selfish, rich girl. While it happened the opposite.

Few minutes later, the family got out from the shop and marched straight to the next one; Stradivarius. Tania sighed in annoyance. How much she wanted to play video games with Mikey! At least she would have fun and... be herself. Her mother wasn't the best company just because her overprotect and anxiousness made everything look worse than ever. Tania didn't want to disappoint her and she just went with the flow; being patient, kind and a good girl in general.

Anyway, that wasn't the point. She did what she did and nobody knew about it.

The current slow dance music ended when the two females entered the shop and something else started to play, a song that Tania liked a lot.

I'm on it, I'm on it, yeah you know I'm on it

Popping, drinking, smoking, we gon' be here 'till the morning

The morning, the morning, sweatin' 'til the morning

The way I move my body, boy you're loving my performance

You want it, you want it, yeah, I know you want it

Feeling on my body, baby, do I make you want me?

Higher, higher, let me take you higher

Come and let me put some gasolina on the fire

Tania felt her hips slightly swinging under the music and instantly, her lips did a lopsided smile that showed her changed mood.

Zooted, I'm zooted

The room is spinning 'round and 'round

And tonight goin' stupid

I wanna wake up in the clouds

Tell my friends I'm pullin' up

Put some liquor in my cup

Because I'm zooted, so zooted

I'm gettin' higher off your love

Mrs. Mansterfield gave a side look to her daughter, clearly relieved that she was in a good mood. At first, she was afraid of her comment. She knew that her daughter didn't love that kind of things but she just tried to make her feel... comfortable? She couldn't explain what her cause was exactly. She couldn't find specific words to name it.

Her target was her target and she wouldn't give up trying.

A soft smile crossed her red lips and her eyes looked at some dresses which seemed really pretty and perfect for her TanyTania. "Look at those TanyTania." she said out of blue; her index finger pointed the dresses. "Aren't they cute?" she asked. Tania's lips curved into a small smile and followed her mother's lead to the clothes. She observed her mother picking up different color and kind of dresses and sizing them on her. Mom, I don't-

The happy tone of her T-Phone cut her thoughts in half.

Murmuring a "A friend" to her mother, she picked it up, asking the usual phrase; "Hello?"

"Tany! Glad to hear you!" It was Mikey.

She lifted her left eyebrow in question and held her phone tighter against her ear. "Hey Mikes. Ya know, now's not the best time." she replied as calmly as she could only to see that her mother being relaxed and continue choosing between dresses and dresses.

"I'm sorry dudette." Mikey apologized, "Donnie and I need you in the lair, right now- GET OFF MAN!" Tania frowned when she heard her friend screaming in terror and she wondered what happened to the turtles this time. "Okay Mikes. I'm on my way." she just said and hanged up. Her mother gave her a questionable look and she shrugged her right shoulder apologetically.

"School project."


Of all the things Tania ever saw in her life, this was the most extraordinary.

She, Mikey and Donnie were sitting in the kitchen, gathering Donnie's laptop which, for all's luck, was in his bedroom and not in his lab where Leo and Raph were locked in. The two turtle brothers explained briefly what happened to their human friend who just nodded in understanding and sometimes morphed in disgust. Now, the trio was searching on the web what kind of wasp was that. And why did it affected badly their gone-crazy (Mikey's nickname) older brothers and friends in Tania's place?

"Here it is." Donnie cut the awkward silence that fell in the lair; Mikey and Tania titled closer to the device, "The parasitic wasp infects animals with a virus that brainwashes them into protecting its eggs." Tania eyed a picture with a caterpillar and a small egg, similar to the one she saw half an hour ago, where Raph and Leo chased them around the lair; keeping the egg protected always. It seemed a normal picture but she knew that normality in that picture and their problem wasn't something that relieved them. And it wasn't in their own, unique dictionary.

"You think that's the kind of wasp that stung Leo?" Mikey inquired while roaring from both Leo and Raph heard from the locked up lab. Both he and Tania widened their eyes and backed off a bit. They were afraid of those two just because of their whole appearance; totally black eyes, green, disgusting saliva, roars and way of protection for the egg. It reminded them of monsters. Real and disgusting monsters.

"A mutant version." Donnie agreed, "Then Leo bit Raph and passed the virus to him."

"So once the egg hatches, will the guys go back to normal?" Tania asked, hope starting to lit up in her chest. Man, she wished Rowan was here. Again. She couldn't hide it; she missed her only friend since April was in her own world with Irma, a totally curious and weird girl for her taste. At least, Rowan could've given them hope and transfer some strength that they didn't have right that moment. Funny, annoying or anything else might think if she or he was in her place, Tania felt safer with the redhaired for a weird and uncertain reason. Maybe it was because Rowan knew many things that she didn't. Or maybe it was just she needed some security from a person that it wasn't her overprotective mother.

"Not quite." came a sad answer from Donnie.

He nodded to the screen of his laptop and explained; "Look what happens to the caterpillar guarding the egg." A series of pictures followed next as Donnie scrolled down to the page, all of them showing a wasp coming out of its egg, the caterpillar watching it coming closer and closer until...

"It's eating him! It's eating him! AAAAAAH!" Mikey screamed along with Tania before both hid down to the table, hands covering their heads. "What are we gonna do?" Tania enquiried peeking one eye open, eyeing with fear a worried Donatello. "Well, I might be able to create some kind of antibody, but first I need a sample of the virus from the egg." he explained, uncertain of how they would get that sample of the wasp egg.

Powerful knocks.

A door slammed down.

And three screams of fear.

The three teens made a sharp turn to the curtains-entrance of the kitchen, eyes widening to saucers each second the silence fell. Leo and Raph came in, fearing more the others who just screamed and ran out of the kitchen with the two chasing them after.



You, you love it how I move you

You love it how I touch you

My one, when all is said and done

You'll believe God is a woman

The wall was empty opposite him. But his heart was full of emotions. Emotions that he never felt before, emotions that he met when he saw her. His one. His own God.

You'll believe God is a woman

His green eyes stared the grey wall, his face characteristics cold and hard. He felt the metallic taste of blood running through his tongue, fill his shut mouth. Black headphones were on his ears, music playing loudly in his ears while memories flowed back to his mind, saddened him.

"You're a dangerous woman, Rowan. And I like it."

He pressed his lips to hers, feeling her smirk crossing them. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her tongue slipped in his mouth, without him realizing it really. Man, this girl knew how to kiss. Her tongue circled around his mouth and rubbed against his own later and he enjoyed it a lot. His own hands touched her slender figure, ending up on her beautiful hips and brought them closer to him. For a weird reason, he felt her warmness and her sensitive spot on his clothed crotch, like she really wanted to have sex in that small and uncomfortable cell.

They just kept kissing though.

A female scream broke the unusual silence in the dungeon and he took off his earphones, head perking up to the roof above him. Not again. He didn't hurt her again, he thought rapidly and sadly of hearing the girl's scream. He hoped himself up and immediately clenched his hands in fists, the balls of his shoes stiffing.

I'm not gonna let him hurt my princess.

Danny ran out of the cell, tossing away his earphones, phone and a piece of paper. He climbed the stairs as the paper fell down to the floor, near the small electronic device the top showing a picture.

Rowan Fox was smiling in the photography, unaware of what would happen next.


Mikey watched terrified the egg in the middle of the living room collapsing, unable to do something to prevent. Three wasps came out of the egg, frightening more the youngest member of the Hamato family as he had to fight them all alone. His brothers were lying on the floor, dizzy and unconscious due to the antibody he finished off. It was the first time in his life that he has done something like that but he was proud he did it correctly.

Where he left it? Oh, yeah.

To the three wasps.

"Guys! Get up!" he yelled, trying to wake them up by shaking their bodies, waving up and down hands or even shaking their shells. None of them woke up though, much to Mikey's disappointment and the wasps' pleasure which frightened him away. His only solution was to hit. To hit then hard. He grabbed his skateboard and hit each one of them with the back wheels. "Bad wasps! Get away from them!" he kept yelling with his hands swinging and swinging the board under the flying baby wasps.

Mikey hoped that he shoved away from his big brothers and mostly from the lair but those creatures didn't give up.

Instead, they attacked him.


Danny sprinted across the mid-lighten halls of the lair, his heart racing extremely dangerous in his chest. He felt anxious, afraid, scared of what would Oroku Saki do next to the girl he loves, the girl he kissed some hours ago, the girl-

"Ya fucking bastard! You killed them! How did you?!"

He killed who? He wondered while he passed between two soldiers who didn't spare a glance nor an annoying comment. He guessed that everybody here knew about this. His love for Rowan, their current prisoner, hostage... call her whatever your small mind thinks. He also knew who spread out that news, or maybe he guessed again;


"I'm gonna kill you!"

Danny shook his head; he kept running towards the double closed shut door. He just wanted to stop him, be her hero and get her out of her nightmare.

He badly desired for it.


Mikey wished for those wasps to stop chasing him.

He liked animals a lot but those three insects were so scary and... big! Jumping above the turnstiles, he sprinted over the Shellraiser which, for his good luck, wasn't in Donnie's lab. 'Till he opened the doors and diving in the van, the wasps reached him and almost got in too. If Mikey didn't kick them away with lots of screams flying out of his mouth. He moved to the driver's seat and pushed up every bottom that it was needed to start, he pressed the gas...

The Shellraiser wasn't moving though.

Mikey felt his heart pumping hard against his chest, the beats becoming louder and harder that he felt they would break his bones. He tried again and again to start the engine but nothing happened. "Come on, seriously?!" he complained as the wasps tried to get in again.

"Hey, fuckin' wasps!"

Mikey stopped his current actions and stretched his ears to listen to his brothers and Tania, who was unconscious and beaten in Donnie's lab, fighting against the three mutated insects.

"Looks like we're gonna be wasp food after all." he heard Leo saying and Mikey understood that his brothers and friend were in trouble. He looked at the weapon station; a crazy idea came up. He untied the seatbelt and marched to the certain station, setting the trashing cannon straight to the lair's direction and mostly, to the wasps.

He smirked in triumph when he hit the first one.

And then the other two, washing the other four with goo.

And they thought that I couldn't handle the weapons!


The double dark doors were in front of him, and the grunts were close to his hearing. Danny stopped his legs from running and stood still. He didn't care about how he'd save Rowan or how he'd stop Shredder from doing his shit; he just wanted to do it.

He opened the door.


Okay, I don't know if you guys will read that or not but, I'm gonna publish a new story within this week and the next one. The plot will be about TMNT and Rowan... I'm not gonna tell anything more about it so that you guys gonna need to wait and be excited. Believe me, you're gonna love it.

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