Panic In The Sewers
No One's POV
Inside the dark New York city, the turtles and Rowan were stealthy sneaking around. White smoke was everywhere as Mikey fell from a roof and followed his brothers and sister into an alley.
All of them were searching something specific.
Something that meant a lot to each one.
Leo shushed the others. "Shredder could be anywhere. Stay frosty guys." he then ordered. Rowan slapped her forehead. "Frosty? Is that all you got Blue?" she asked in disbelief and the blue masked blushed.
Donnie started to talk about frost while Mikey and Raph shared a bored look. "Maybe he's got an off-switch somewhere." the playful turtle said to his older brother and Raph turned to Donnie, slapping the back of his head.
"Found it!"
"And I found four pathetic turtles and girl with seconds of life."
Mikey's lips created a smile and glared the other four. "Wouldn't be one of them" he said happily. Rowan gave him an angry look.
"We are them, stupid!"
The five children awaited for their archenemy to appear each one with a different expression.
Shredder's shadow appeared behind Mikey and unfortunately for the turtle, he pulled him into the dark so fast that, he couldn't even react. The only thing that is was saved from him was one of his nunchuks which dropped to Donnie's feet.
Donnie raised his staff over his head and attacked the Shredder who reappeared from the darkness. He was about to give him a good hit on his chest but as faster and stronger, Shredder prevented him and broke Donnie's staff in two with his gauntlets. In no time, Shredder threw the poor turtle in the dark were he disappeared.
"Raph, take him down!" Leo ordered to Raph, leaving Rowan behind. Leo tried to give many strikes to Shredder but all of them had been avoided. That gave the opportunity to Raph to give his own, hurtful strike from above. Shredder noticed it and he swung to his left while the red clad turtle jumped on him. Then, the evil ninja master gave a couple of damaging punches to Raph's chest.
Strong too.
With a last, hard kick to his shell, Raph send flying to the smoke with Leo and Rowan running after him.
But it was too late.
Both panted as the theme behind them took a dark color and Shredder had now red eyes. They turned to his side and he kicked Leo to a wall while throwing Rowan on him.
They groaned in pain.
An awful, scratching sound surrounded them as Shredder came closer to their side, one of his gauntlets scratching the wall on his left. Rowan stood in front of the terrified Leo and narrowed her eyes, fangs touching her lower lip.
"There is no place you can run, no place you can hide where I will not find you! So, you think you're ready to face me?" Shredder said to the couple, raising his gauntlets in the air and quickly let them fall on Rowan's body.
Splinter jolted awake from his bed and started to breath heavily.
What a dream...
Rowan's POV
When I got out from my bedroom, after a nap, I saw the turtles getting ready for our evening patrol. Blue noticed me and walked up to my side with a wide smile. "I thought you were sleeping." he said and gave me a peek to my nose. "That's right, Blue. I was. But you should have wake me up. Remember, I'm tired the last days, not sick or fragile." I replied with a roll of my eyes.
Heh, the last four days, I did a lot of reaserch about my vampire side but... none result. The only thing that I found was the information which Donnie told me after we found that I'm a svetocha.
Blue though, was protecting me from everything. He was always around and he did something that I should have done. Even when we were out for patrol, he was lifting me to bride style, in order to jump to the opposite roof. I can't say that it didn't relaxed me or I liked it but, it was annoying for me somehow...
Let me not talk about the other three who always found the chance to relax and tease my Blue.
And me?
Well, they kept treating me like always. But I think that they were all afraid of me because of my fangs, claws and uncontrolled anger. Don also mentioned that 'bloodhunger' or something like that will hit me sometime and then, he has to find a way to pull me away from blood or them.
I hate being a vampire.
"Come on!" I heard Raph saying and Blue nodded. He ran to his brothers not before he gave me a small, pationate kiss. I saw sensei comimg out from the Dojo with a kinda worried or shocked expresion."Where are you going?" he asked the turtles. Blue turned and gave him a curious look. "Heading out for our evening patrol." he then said. "There will be no patrol." sensei annoucned.
"What are you talking about?"
"Last time you fought the Shredder, you barely escaped with your lives. Not to mention that he is hunting you Rowan." senei replied. "I know, but I can protect myself very well, sensei. It's not that big deal" I said and crossed my arms. "Next time, we'll be ready." Raph added and walked up to sensei.
"Yes because you will stay down here until you are ready. No patrol, no games, no rest. There is only training, starting now!" sensei ordered and pushed Raph back to the others. He then walked away.
I gave an uncertain look to the turtles and turned back to my room to change and get my tanto.
Why do I feel like this gonna take a lot of time?
I was right.
This training lasted for WEEKS.
And like sensei said, there was no rest.
We were under hard pressure.
From Splinter himself.
"More, sensei?" Blue panted as Mikey and Donnie were lying on the floor. Raph and I shared a shocked look. "Yes, more! There is no intention in your strikes. Do it again!" sensei ordered us. "We can't have intention with all that tiredness!" I complained.
Don't get me wrong, I love training. I don't care about pain, effort or even how many hours I have to spend for that. Problem was to my sleepless nights. Sensei didn't let us to rest for a second! Due to that, we did a lot of bad performances to our katas.
"Rowan! You are now against Leonardo and Raphael!" sensei barked at me as the two yawned. They took a defensive position opposite me so am I.
Well, except this time, my fangs grew and I felt my energy increase up to its high.
Blue and Raph attacked while I narrowed my eyes. When they came closer, I grabbed Raph's arm, twisting him around and kicked Blue's chest hard. Then, I jumped in the air, my legs straight open and kicked both turtles' faces. I landed with a roll and quickly stood up.
"Excellent! Great performance, Rowan! You may now do your other exercises that I told you." sensei ordered and I nodded. "H-Hai sensei..."
The turtles groaned as I started to do some exercises just to train my vampire side well.
"We will practice all night if we have to." I heard sensei saying and I stopped. "We have been practicing all night." Donnie corrected.
"Pizza... mmm..."
My head snapped at Mikey's side who was sleeping on the mat, dreaming for pizza. I simply rolled my eyes. "Wake him up!" sensei ordered and Raph offered to do it. "Gladly" he said, clenching his knuckles.
Then, he punched Mikes awake.
"Ahh! Shredder's here!" Mikey screamed and pointed at nowhere. I sighed. "Relax, it was a nightmare. A bad nightmare." I then said and yawned. "Aren't we all?" Raph asked as Mikey stood up, letting a huge yawn.
I rubbed my eyes.
"Sensei, can we rest for a sec?" Donnie asked Splinter. "Rest? Hmm, the Shredder will not rest until you are all dead!" Splinter barked in reply. "Oh come on! Sensei, we've been training for weeks with no sleep and you keep telling us to train?! Don't you get it? We can't take it anymore!" I yelled angrily and my fangs popped out. "They need a break." Blue added.
"Like you don't?"
"That's right Raph, I don't"
"Ah, well, I'll give you a break."
Just when Raph ended talking, sensei hit us with his staff hard. We all fell on the mat, groaning loudly from pain. "If I were the Shredder, none of you would be breathing right now. Understand?" he said to us and we all gave him a very sleepy glare.
"Perhaps a brief rest is in order. We will resume later."
I smiled in relief but then, the world started to spin around me. Before I could even react, my body stopped moving and fell on the mat leaving the sound of hitting heard all over the Dojo. My vision filled with darkness...
Leo's POV
I ran to Rowny's side and I gently lifted her. She didn't weighed anything. "What happened?" I heard Raph asking as my brothers came to my side. "Not sure, she just passed out." I replied.
"Can you bring her to the lab? I need to do some exams on her." Donnie asked and I nodded, walking out from the Dojo.
Some minutes later...
Donnie smiled at me and let a sigh of relief. "She's fine. She only need rest and food. But for now, we must not annoy her, Mikey. Just respect the fact she's still healing." he said to us giving an angry look to Mikey. He snapped his fingers and frowned. "Oh, man!" he exclaimed.
But I was worried about something else.
"She is sure fine? Does she breaths normally? You..." Donnie raised a hand. "Leo, she's fine. Everything's fine with her. Just please don't wake her up before she heals up. She needs that." he replied and waved us to go. Raph and Mikey walked out from the lab. "You sure Donnie?" I asked again worried. My brother shook his head. "I am. Stop it. She's fine. Go and relax yourself." he ordered to me and I walked away silently.
Hope she wakes up fast...
I was watching Space Heroes. My thoughts though were at Donnie's lab and specifically, at Rowny. Huh... I couldn't even think straight that moment or focus on my favorite TV show. I realized that... I love her.
I love her laugh, her bravery, her.. Everything. Yeah, I know, it's kinda early for me to say that but, believe me, it's not for me.
I know her for a long time and we were best buddies. I think it was expected for us to date.
The TV turned down and I turned to Raph. "What are you doing?" I asked annoyed my brother who was smirking at me. "Oh, sorry. It was Spike's idea. He says Space Heroes is too stupid for him." he replied. I rolled my eyes. "That's saying something, considering he hangs out with you all day." I replied.
"Nice going, Leo. You made him angry, so I'm gonna mop the floor with your face!" Raph said angrily but I ignored him. He's Raph, nothing more expected than a yell of his along with a testosterone explosion. "All right, Raph. Cool off." I said to him calmly.
"I can help with that!" Mikey said and threw a water ballon at Raph's face. He then laughed out loud. "Doctor Prank-enstein strikes again!" he said again and Raph glared him angrily. "Dude, you should see your face right now. You look so mad!" my little brother kept teasing Raph as he set down Spike and stretched. "Okay, Spike. You'll like this show. It's called 'does Mikey bend that way?'"
Rowan's POV
Hmm? What's that noise?
I flew my eyes open and the first thing my vision came to touch was a bright light above my head. I stood up and saw Donnie doing something.
"Come here, you!"
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms on my chest. If Mikes was screaming and Raph was yelling at him, it meant that Raph got mad again with Mikey.
"Hey, you're awake!" I heard Donnie saying and I turned my head to his side. "Hi D. What happened? And why do I ended up here?" I asked Brainiak. "You passed out. Due to the sleepless nights, lack of food and the pressure you were being at during training caused your cells to minor. But don't worry! You're fine now!" he replied happily. "Really? Did my healing helped too?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. Donnie nodded and I sighed in relief.
"You're still working on that go-cart?"
We both turned to the source of the voice. Blue was standing in front of a blue sheet. He didn't even noticed me. "It's not a go-cart. It's an all-terrain patrol buggy with detachable sidecars." Donnie replied. "Go-cart? I like that name." I said.
Blue now noticed me.
He rushed to my side and hugged me tight. I laughed by that. "Relax... I haven't returned from a war. I just needed some rest again." I said and hugged him back.
Then, we surrendered into a passionate kiss, ignoring the others' comments.
Few moments later...
"Hoko no kamae."
Donnie and Mikey raised their hands in the air. Raph didn't seemed willing to do that. "Raph, hoko no kamae." Blue ordered to him. "Hoko no way! It's bad enough Splinter's driving us into the ground. Now you too?" Raph asked in disbelief.
I stood up and walked to their side, doing the kata the way Blue said. "Just do it Raph. Right now, we don't stand a chance against Shredder." I said. "Rowny sit down. You're dismissed tonight." Blue said to me but I kept doing it, ignoring him.
I heard Mikey screaming and I turned my head to him. "I just freaked myself out!" he exclaimed. "I hate to say it, but the fact that we've been laying low might be the only reason we're still alive." Donnie said and I glared downwards. "Exactly, so until we're ready, we stay down here. And Rowny stop it! I ordered you not to train tonight!" Blue yelled at me angrily. I narrowed my eyes. "I am fine! You're the one who needs to stop it! I'm fully healed and Donnie told me that I'm okay now!" I replied at the same tone.
"You're not!"
"I am!"
We shared an angry look. The others stepped back and let us arguing.
"Unfortunately, that's not an option."
I turned at the entrance and saw April along with Tania, coming at our side. Their phones were out.
Ah, great. What else?
"We're meeting Shredder tonight. He's got a plan to destroy the turtles and that Sexy Baby."
"How? He doesn't even know where they are."
"He says they're in the sewers somewhere, and that's all he needs to know to wipe them out."
We heard a recording from Purple Dragons' lair. Tania putted a recording device in their lair without even noticing her. Splinter was hearing with us too. Apes stopped the record. "Our home is no longer safe. The Shredder must be stopped." Splinter said.
He was right.
What if Shredder indeed destroy our home? My only solution is to turn back to the roads or move out from the US for not Shredder looking for me.
I couldn't let that happen.
"How can we stop a plan we don't even know?" Donnie asked everyone. "We have to go topside, and find out what they're planning!" Raph replied. "Raph's right! We can't stop the plan by staying down here!" I said and my eyes glared Splinter. "There's no other way." Blue added, glaring too sensei.
Sensei nodded.
"Alright! Finally some actionI exclaimed standing up but Blue grabbed my hand. "You're not going anywhere. With Shredder hunting you down for who knows reasons, you can't go out alone." he said to me. "I. Am. Fine! For Christ's sake! I shall also remind you that it was I risked her ass to save your own from a sure death!" I replied angrily and grabbed my tanto.
"Well, I shall also remind you that, as your leader and boyfriend, I can't risk your life again." he said and shoot me with one of his death glares.
"I'm coming and you can't stop me."
Then I walked away from him my claws out. "Oh snap! That's an argument." Mikey said and I gave him a death glare. "None of your business Mikes." I then said and started to walk away.
Blue knows that I hate being on the sidelines more than everyone else.
But unfortunately, he seemed to forget that.
Now, we were at Shredder's lair, an old, decrepit building which looked like a church to my opinion.
"Donnie, you're crowding me."
"All that Splinter talk about how we're not ready has me thinking maybe we're in over our heads."
As my eyes and thoughts concentrated to the building, the turtles and Tania were doing a calm chat, like there's no mission we had to complete.
"It's okay to be scared, Mikey. Raph is scared."
"I am not scared!"
I rolled my eyes. Yeah, like Raph's never scared of anything or Shredder. Seriously, if he was trying to show that he was brave, he chose the wrong way to prove it.
What a dummy.
The usual jiggling in my head showed up and I turned to the guys. A big shadow was there and I swear it was getting bigger as it came to the light.
"You should be scared."
An Akita, at about 8-feet tall appeared as soon the sentence ended. It's right shoulder was bigger that the left one and it also had spikes all over.
"Huh, I never thought you could mutated into a dog."
"Look at what I found. Four soon-to-be-ex turtles and girls." Bradford said, his red eyes glaring us with hate. "I'm sure glad it's okay to be scared." Raph said. "This is no time to panic." Blue ordered and unleashed his katanas.
Bradford walked up to our side. I really think that he got even bigger in every step than I actually thought of. "He keeps getting taller!" Mikey exclaimed in fear and I unleashed my tanto. "Then I'll cut him down to size!" I said as my fangs grew rapidly, providing me more energy and strength. "Are you crazy?! You can't do it!" Blue said panicked.
I ignored him.
Yeah, I was still angry with him.
I attacked but Bradford's hand pushed, errr- threw me back to Blue's hands. "See?" he asked me. I growled in response and stood up.
We all tried to attack Bradford but he always threw us away as a way of defense. "This is hopeless." Donnie said. "Just keep your head in the game Don." I said and attacked again.
This time, though, Bradford grabbed me from my boot and turned me upside down to the edge of the roof. I felt slowly-slowly my foot to slide away from my red boot. "Hmmm... I see why master wants you back." Bradford said and I scoffed. "Oh, now your brain worked? After years? How glad you made me now..." I replied sarcastically as my foot de-touched from my boot. Luckily, I turned into my ghost form and stood next to the others.
"Ha! Nice socks Rowan!"
My eyes glared my feet which had only a sock. It was pink with bears and hearts all over. I smiled sheepishly. "Heh... it was the only clean pair..." I said embarrassed and grabbed my boot from Bradford.
Friendly reminder: never wear childish socks during a mission.
Your shoe might slide away.
"Mikey, smoke!" Blue ordered to Mikey. He threw it only a small amount of smoke came out of it. "What was that?" Raph asked. "I'm stressed! Excuse me if my aim's a little off!" Mikes yelled in stress. "How hard is it to hit the ground?" Raph asked again and threw a bomb which landed on a grate.
Bradford was coming closer to us.
"Not so easy, is it?"
Tania rolled her eyes. "Oh, would you guys just-" she said and threw her own bomb and we all disappeared into purple smoke.
Back to the lair, Raph was punching the dummy with intense, Don was doing something on his laptop, Mikes and Tan were reading a comic book, Blue was watching Tv while I was sitting next to him, playing with my T-Phone.
It was quiet.
Strangely quiet.
"We couldn't take him." Raph said suddenly and punched the dummy harder. "Dogpound was just too powerful." Mikey said and I turned to him with a raised eyebrow.
"What kind of name is that?"
Tania glared us wide eyed and gave a glance at Mikey before telling us, "What? 'Cause he's a dog and he pounded us into the-"
"We get it, girl."
Tan shoot me with a death glare in response. "I don't see how we're gonna get close to that meeting now." Blue said. "Well, maybe we just need to find a new place to hide." D replied
"We gotta find a way! I can't let it go!" I retorted standing up so as April. "No, I'm not letting you guys give up." -she gave me a look and I nodded- "Rowan and I'll spy on the meeting." she said.
"No way!"
"You can't."
"Forget it."
"Absolutely not."
I frowned. "But, guys! I'm a full fledged kunoichi and I can protect April from a possible danger!" I retorted angrily. "I can do this! You've been training me to be a Kunoichi." Apes addressed to Splinter. "For a few weeks." he replied. "I'm not gonna repeat myself. I already let you come with us at the first attempt and Bradford almost captured you! Think logically for once Rowny." Blue said to me with worry.
I gave him an angry look.
"I'm going. I'm faster than Dogpound and much stronger than he is. You can't force me to stay here, Leo" I said and I saw my Blue's eyes widen.
I also realized what I said.
His name.
Not his nickname.
"What choice do we have? Shredder's gonna attack your home, and we need to find out how, and I'm the only one who can do it." April said as Blue came to my side and held my hand tight. "Meet me in my room in ten minutes." he whispered in my ear, hot air hit my cheek and neck at the same time.
I gulped.
Ten minutes later...
My hand knocked on Blue's closed door and then opened it. I got inside and found my Blue sitting patiently on his bed. I closed the door and I quickly sat next to him.
"Look, I'm sorry for-"
He placed a finger on my mouth, shushing me. The taste of his salt splattered all over my lips. My eyes glared him with curiosity. "Let me tell you that you don't have to apologize me for something that I started. I know, it was a fool movement and you have every right to blame me for my attitude the last days. Point is that... I did what I did because I was afraid." he said
"Afraid? Of what?"
Blue sighed before he replied. "Afraid of losing you." My eyes widened and my jaw dropped open in shock. "Yes, I don't even care what are you, a dangerous creature of the night or a ghost, half dead. I-I just can't lose you." he added and placed hands on my cheeks. "I don't want anything happen to you. Okay?"
I nodded, blinking back tears.
April and I were walking down a street close to Shredder's lair. Our hoodies were covering our heads and our hands were holding a box of pizza. My earphones were plugged in my ears as my T-Phone was inside my pocket.
"I don't like this."
"Me neither. Giving the enemy a free pizza? Pssh, never a good idea."
"And what do you want give them Mikey? Slime?!"
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, like slime is something that you can eat Tania." I said through the mic.
"Of course it's not! It was just an example!"
April and I stood in front the big double door of the lair. "Are you sure they won't recognize you Rowan?" I heard D asking. I smirked. "Trust me Don. With that blonde wig, no one will recognize me. And you never, ever want to see me blond. I'm definitely someone else." I replied and Apes knocked on the door.
A Foot soldier opened it. "Hey, did someone here order a delicious pizza?" Apes asked and I moved my hands a bit forward, almost giving the pizza. Unfortunately, he slammed the door on our faces. "We should've been more convincing." I said to April with a smirk. "Looks like the Foot Clan are smarter than the Purple Dragons." Apes replied. "They'd almost have to be, wouldn't they?" Blue said in my earphones. "Ha! You said almost!" I exclaimed sarcastically at the mic.
"Thanks girls, you did your best."
"At least we've still got the pizza!"
I frowned and April gave me a look. Nodding, I pulled my T-Phone out from my pocket and held it on my hands.
"Oh, We're not done yet."
We threw the boxes in a dumpster and hanged up. Then, we got again to the door and I knocked it kinda hard. My hoodie fell from my head, revealing my blond wig and April stared me in awe. "Wow, you really look unrecognizable!" she exclaimed and I smirked coyly.
"I know."
A man answered this time and I swear he looked like a wumpir. "May I help you?" he asked both of us. "Sir, We're with the firefighters association, local 94. We've received reports of some faulty wiring in this building, so mind if we have a look-see?" April replied, making the man confused. "Well, I don't think-"
And we got in.
"Listen carefully. Five of you will hijack a tanker truck on Houston in approximately 15 minutes."
We were out of the meeting room inside Shredder's lair, recording every word of that meeting. My earphones were again plugged in my ears so I coukd hear what the guys were saying.
"The chemical is extremely rare, so you will not have another chance."
"Chemical? What chemical?" I heard Raph asking in my earphones. "How about we listen and find out?" Donnie replied in a annoying tone. "How about I break your shell on my knee?"Raph said annoyed too. "Guys! We're trying to listen!" I whispered angrily in the mic.
"Which will destroy them once and for all. Except for Fox. We need her alive for Shredder. Now go."
"We missed it! Oh, great. Nice going guys." Blue said annoyed now. "We've gotta get the girls out!" Don exclaimed in shock. "Thanks D but we can handle it." I replied and hanged up. April and I walked away from there, staying in the shadows.
Suddenly, she grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the hall. "They're coming." she told me and I nodded in response, glancing to the hall were several Foot soldiers and men walked without even noticing us.
I pulled out of my hair the wig and threw it away, scratching badly my head. "I needed that..." I said in relief. When they were all gone, we both sighed in relief. "We should follow them. What do you think?" April then asked me.
I nodded.
"But first, let's call the others." I said and pulled out my T-Phone. "Why? I mean-"
"We call them."
After a few rings, Blue answered.
"Rowny? Is everything alright?"
"Yeah, cool. We're gonna hitch a ride to see where they'll go."
"No! You've both done enough! Get out of there!
"Ugh, not again Blue!" I said loudly and a growl heard behind us. The jingle rang badly in my head once again.
"Dogpound heard you! Run!" Blue yelled and I glared Apes. "You heard him! Run!" I ordered to her and Apes run as fast as she could.
I turned to Dogpound.
"Well, well... Hello again Rowan..." he said with an evil smile. "Goodbye Dogpound." I replied and with a round house kick I threw him to a wall and then, I super sped away.
As my arm hit the double door, a van drove away, leaving the turtles and Tania behind.
"No! We're too late!"
"Rowny! Rowny! Answer me!" Blue said to his T-Phone. "She's not gonna answer, Leo." Rapg replied and that made my Blue to freak out. "What do we do? We gotta get April out of that van, but-but Dogpound's in there, and we're not ready to fight that guy. Aw, Splinter was right. We should've stayed below." he said in a trembled voice.
I sighed in defeat.
I'm not believe that I have to do this...
"Get it together captain! You're our leader! Act like a real one!" I yelled and they all turned rapidly at my side with wide eyes.
"I thought you were with April!"
I chuckled and walked to their side. "Let's just say... I escaped. Now, we have to save April and our home!" I said raising a fist bur soon I lowered my hand. "I have an idea..." I added as they all raised a curious eyebrow.
"Yeah, this is RAD!"
The turtles were on the go-cart while I and Tania were flying in our ghost forms next to them. Donnie warned me back to the lair that the buggy wasn't ready but I didn't care. As long it can do our work, it good for us to use it.
"It's not ready!"
We turned right and got closer to the tanker. I could see from the driver's mirror its driver as Dogpound was standing on one side. "This thing is awesome! Does it have a radio?" Mikey asked. "No, it doesn't have a radio! I'm telling you Red, it's not ready!" Don replied. "We didn't had a choice D" I said. "Seems ready to me." Blue said as he was driving. Suddenly, it's wheel de-touched from the cart.
Blue placed it back to its place and smiled sheepishly. "Eh... okay, don't pull on that, and we'll be fine." he said and I giggled by his goofiness.
We were closer to the tanker.
"Raph, get ready!" Blue said to his brother. "For what?"
Blue pulled a lever so as Mikey and Raph's carts de-touched from Leo abd Donnie's. Mijey yelled happily and Raph screamed in terror. "Leo, you could have been a little specific!" Raph exclaimed angrily. "Where's the fun in that?" Blue said smiling at me. "Yeah, where?" I asked too smiling at my boyfriend.
"Chlorosulfonic acid? Leo, I think I figured out Shredder's plan! That acid reacts violently with water! So if he dumps it in the sewer It'll all be incinerated in seconds, including the lair!" Donnie said to Blue as I gasped. "And Splinter!" Blue and I said in unison. "We gotta stop them!" Tania exclaimed.
We kept following the tanker until a white, familiar van appeared behind it. Blue noticed it and turned to Don's side. "Donnie! You, Raph and Tania stay with the van and save April. Rowny, Mikey, you're coming with me. We have to stop that tanker!" he ordered us and I nodded sharply. "Uh, if you hadn't noticed, I'm stuck with Raph." I heard Mikey complaining behind me.
"No problem."
Mike's cart de-touched from Raph's so as Donnie's from Blue's. Then, Don, Tan and Raph drove away, following the van.
"Mikey, let's slow this thing down. Fire grappling hooks!" Blue ordered to his brother and both fired the hooks and they locked up on the tanker. "Got it!" Mikes exclaimed but as soon as he said that, the hooks broke off the tanker.
"Donnie did say they're weren't ready!" Mikey said in shock. "I know!" Blue replied too in shock. "Oh for the love of pizza!" I retorted and flew faster to the tanker as Dogpound walked to the boys' side.
When I was near the driver's seat, I saw that he had his fangs out and blond tips filling his auburn hair. "It's you!" he exclaimed as soon as he noticed me.
I smirked.
"The one and the only." I replied and pulled my intangible hands through the door and threw him out from the tanker. Then, I stopped it.
Dogpound's growl heard behind me and I assumed that the turtles were in trouble. I quickly flew to their side and threw an ectoplasm ball at the mutant who flew away and labded on a wall. "What did Donnie say about this stuff?" Blue asked. "It reacts violently with water... Oh, I get it! Mikey throw that balloon!" I said to Mikes who had his eyes widened. "Uh, what water balloon?" he asked me and I roled my eyes. "The one you were going to hit Blue with." I replied. Mikes pulled it out. "Dudette, you're good." he said to me and threw the ballon. We hid behind a car as an explosion sound heard. We popped our heads and saw fire surrounding the tanker.
"Nice shot, Mi-"
Mikes threw a water ballon at Blue's face and smiled in victory. "Doctor Prank-enstein for the win!" he said and I rolled my eyes.
Will he ever be a normal teenager?
"You had two?! Where do you keep them?!" Blue asked as the others came up to our side.
"Eh, looks like we missed the fireworks." Raph said. "It's okay dude. You'll see more than that." I replied witg a smile. "Donnie, the go-cart worked great. Nice job!" Blue addressed to Donnie. "And you said they ain't ready." I added teasinf my friend.
"Thanks guys... and it's a patrol buggy."
We were back to the lair, eating pizza. "Nothing says victory like the sweet taste of pizza." Raph said and took q bite from his slice. Something disgusting smelled from my slice and I frowned. "This pizza smells kind of funky. Where'd you get it?"Tania asked Mikey
I knew were he exactly took those boxes.
"It's the ones April and Rowan threw out."
I threw my slice back to the box while the othres spat it out. "What? We live in a sewer. Now you're clean freaks? More for me!" Mikes said and took the boxes.
I stocked out my tongue in disgust.
"My children. I owe you my gratitude and an apology." I heard sensei saying behind us. I turned to him. "An apology?" Donnie asked. "For what?" Tania finished.
"Fear clouded your minds. However, it was not the Shredder who fueled that fear, but me. You overcame that fear, and performed admirably. No training today." he replied as a result for us to celebrate.
Sensei started to walk away but he stopped and turned his head at us. "Unless Michelangelo throws that balloon at Rowan." he said and kept walking. I snapped my head at Mikey and gave him a death glare.
"I'm gonna kill you!"
"Uh... Sensei?"
Splinter opened his eyes.
"Yes, Rowan?" he asked me. "Excuse me for interrupting you from your medication... Mind if I want to talk to you?" I asked.
He nodded.
I sat next to him.
"Is everything all right with Leonardo?" he asked again. "Yeah, everything's perfect with Leo. We are having fun and I really like it." I replied but soon, my eyes glared my legs sadly. "But I'm not here for this..." I added nor taling my gaze away from my legs.
"Look at me Rowan."
I did.
Sensei's lips had a warm smile and his eyes were smiling too at me. "Do not be afraid of what you will tell. You are here for a reason your heart knows very well." he said.
I sighed.
"It's kinda complicated but... here it is. I was an assassin for the Foot ever since my five years. And that was because of my parents..."
Ten years ago...
"We were in Japan for the summer. My brother was a new born and my parents wanted to pass their vacations somewhere nice and peaceful. They always wanted to go to Japan.,
In one if the plenty parks Tokyo has, we decided to have a picnic. It was a bright day as I can remember and the flowers were surrounding us with their beautiful aromas. I wanted to play witg James but that time, he was sleeping. My mother told me to to eat first and later go to pay with him.
I ate my sandwich rapidly and ran to swing just to see if James was awake.
And he was.
He started to cry loudly and I didn't knew what to do bur when I tuned to my mother, I found her and my dad holding swords opposite the Shredder.
I was in shock.
Both fought him with fierce but Shredder was stronger than them so he quickly defeated them.
"... They had an agreenent just to keep them to life. As you can guess, the agreement was me. So, he took me to his clan, learned me everything I know but when my parents died, I decided to brake that agreement and I quited."
I glared him, eyes filled with tears.
"Sensei, I'm sorry for nor telling you that at first place. I-I..."
But I couldn't keep talking.
So, I cried.
"It is alright my daughter. I am happy you told me that even if it is late." I heard him saying and then, a pair hands wrapped around me. I placed my head on his chest and kept crying silently.
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