New Friend Old Enemy
April's POV
A silent knock from the window of my bedroom spread in the night, while I was sleeping. My eyes flew open and I stood up, walking to the closed window. A female figure was outside it. A figure that I could recognize everywhere.
"Rowan? What's going on?" I asked my friend as the shutters opened, showing my younger at age friend crouching and get inside my dark room. I went to switch the light on and then sat on my bed, gesturing her to come and sit next to me.
Rowan was glancing the bedroom, her lips didn't spelled a single word. That's weird. I thought. She should have said something. Anything. One of my hands started to wave in front of her, which made my red haired friend to blink several times before her blue eyes like winter ice glare my own sky blue. A red eyebrow had been raised too.
"Hey, is everything alright?" I asked my friend who shook her red head negatively as a response. "Wanna talk about it?" I asked again and this time, I gained a silent nodd from her.
Some minutes later, my eyes widened from what Rowan said about her ghost abilities and powers so as her thoughts that she might not be only half ghost. It's kinda strange to hear that from her. Her tone voice gives you the feeling that all these things doesn't happen to her but to somebody else.
"Well, it's nice that I have them since they helped me during fights but... it's difficult to control them." she added, ending her 'story'. "I understand. But... what about the 'fangs-issue'? Did you tell it to Donnie? Maybe he can help you." I said still wondering why she didn't said that with the first chance to the turtles.
"No I didn't. Yet. I just want to be sure about it before telling it to D or somebody else." she responded, titling her head downwards. "I'm not sure about it April. I'm still guessing." she added. I sighed. "Do whatever you want but don't hide it forever. Sometime, they have to know it." I replied.
She nodded in response.
We stayed silent for several minutes until Rowan, let a small yelp and covered her face with both white hands. "What is it?" I asked worried. Her hands left her face and her eyes stared me, like waiting something from me.
"There's something else... And... I, ya know, need your help." she responded some seconds later.
Rowan's POV
Running on the roofs, the air hit my face and sweat falling on my white skin was the best. I just left from April's house and I ran in order to get to the turtles. Our conversation was on repeat in my head, me, trying to understand her words.
Although she helped me with my problem with Leo... and... the fangs, I still can't figure anything out.
And I don't know why.
"Check it out!"
I stopped running and heard laughing close to me. It wasn't on that side of roofs but on the opposite side. I turned my gaze there and saw the turtles flipping to roofs, laughing loudly. Guess I should join that small party of theirs. I thought and turned into my ghost form, flying to my best friends side.
Mikey and D were on the next roof whilst Leo and Raph were standing were I was heading. Both turtles gestured me. "What are ya doing?" I asked as I turned back to my normal form. "Just flipping. For fun. Wanna try?" Blue explained, making me to blush for one more time. I heard Raph scoff.
I rolled my eyes in response.
"Sure, why not?" I replied and Leo gestured me to go on. I stepped back, some metters away from both turtles and placed my hands on my hips. In my mind, there were some thoughts of what move should I done. As soon as I reached to a decision, my show started.
Running to the edge, I did some handstands so as some front flips. When I reached there, I did a back flip, landed on the next roof and did another handstand, back flip and landing my legs straight opened on the concrete floor. Mikey and Donnie had dropped their jaws open, eyes went wide while their older brothers on the other side were applauding. "Thanks guys but that was nothing. I have plenty of moves." I said as I stood up, walking to Mike and Don's side. "That was awesome dudete!" Mikey exclaimed happily and gave me a thumbs up. "How did ya know that? You're only some years with us and I never saw ya done something like that." Donnie said next and I scoffed. "I was on a gymnastics team since the age of ten. Plus, I'm still practicing those in my bedroom or up here." I responded.
Leo landed next to me as soon as I was done my talk and I blinked. He was smiling proudly. "And I thought that you'd fell down..." I sarcastically said to him, giving a smirk. "Don't be so sure about that." he replied.
"Cute, kiddies," Raph said. He stepped back and ran. He wasn't doing any flips though. He was headed straight towards us! I changed into my ghost form and flew above the guys by the time Raph crashed on his brothers.
I saved a giggle.
They got up Donnie complained that he didn't did any flip. "What did you expected Donnie? To do a flip?" I said as I landed, my hands touching my hips. "Oops." Raph replied sarcastically. Whatever.
Some minutes later...
"Man, he's good!" I exclaimed as a taller, black and red armored man attacked again.
Some ninjas in black suits attacked us as soon as Mikey returned the cat back to its owner and we, of course, fought them. Then, their leader (I guess) appeared and started to fight us with skillful moves.
But I was better than him.
I front flipped at him and gave a hard kick to his gut using the super strength that my ghost powers provided and then, kicked both legs. He kneed down, both hands holding the belly. I couldn't see if he was in pain but I guessed that he was since he kneed down.
Sirens from a police car were close to us and I could see the red and blue lights getting closer to our side. The ninjas were gone much to my dissatisfaction. "Rowan, come on." Leo whispered and I turned to him, seeing a manhole opened and him waiting for me.
I jumped.
Back to the lair, April decided to come over and see what we were doing. I was reading my book, thinking of what will happen if my canines grow and how will they grow.
It's a mystery.
And I'm gonna find it out.
"Oh, I wish me and Chris Bradford were friends!" I heard Mikey saying and I rolled my eyes. "I don't think you should be friends with him." I replied still reading my book. "Why?" my friend asked. "He's bad news. I saw him once in our gymnastics team and he was really stupid. He was flirting with all of the girls." I said.
"Oh, I wish me and Chris Bradford were friends!" he repeated and I rolled my eyes. " Mikey, you already have human friends," April said this time, "Rowan and me!" Yeah, like that'll work Apes... "You two don't count. We saved your lives, you have to like us." Mikey answered. I coughed almost chocking myself. "I'm here more time than ya think!" I replied angrily, giving him an angry look.
"Too bad there's no place for freaks to meet people where no one can see how hideous they are," Raph replied behind me. He was doing some push ups with his sais."Wait there is. The internet! Donnie, can I see your laptop?"April said happily, making D to blush. "Uh, sure! Just a sec!" he said, handing his laptop at her. I gave him a glance. "Check this out, it's a site where you can make friends with anybody online," Apes said some minutes later and I lifted my head. It is? Wow.
"Sweet! Ohh, Chris Bradford's on here! He'll be my first friend!" Mikes said getting the laptop from April's hands. He clicked a button 'add as friend' and then stared the page impatiently. I turned back to my book.
"No way! Chris Bradford has accepted my friendship! I have a friend! Thanks, April!" he said hugging her before throwing D's computer in the air, walking away. "Where you going? Hey!" Donnie exclaimed, catching his laptop before it falls. "To hang out with my friend, Chris Bradford." Mikey deadpaned. I rolled my eyes and stood up. "I'm warning you, that he's bad news but... Whatever." I said before going to my bedroom.
I just felt that something really bad would happen to him.
An hour later...
I decided to take a walk after some hour of reading and stepped out from my room. Right on time, April was about to leave. "Wait! I'm coming too!" I said, quickly walking to her side. "Do you mind?" I asked. She shook her head. "Okay then. Off we go!"
No One's POV
Rowan was walking down the streets of the busy, big lit up city of New York. The neighborhoods were kinda quiet since it was nearly midnight and the temperature had been fall down. It wasn't so much cold but your body could feel that chilling was passing on it. But that didn't bothered her. In fact, she liked that kind of weather.
As she walked through some alleyways, her problem being on repeat inside her head, she didn't noticed that she was being watched by two teenage boys from the rooftops. You could say that they were perfectly normal but, the fangs which touched their lower lips, showed that they weren't that normal. Their eyes were stuck on the red haired girl's appearance and they both watched closely her moves.
"Should we?" one of them asked. The dim lighting was showing a tanned skin instead of a white one and the small amount of wind that there was up there, was shoving his brown hair. Baby blue eyes were glaring Rowan who was now standing on a wall downwards them.
His friend shook negatively his head, black locks falling on his forehead. Eyes at the same color were glaring too the girl. "Boss said that we should spy her, not to capture or kill that little bird." he responded seconds later with his dark voice.
Both boys were wearing black v-neck t-shirt, black jeans and boots at the same color. They looked like twins, but they weren't. Those boys were vampires, wumpirs, suckers as many hunters of their kind call them. Everyone knew that they're showing no mercy to anybody and drink blood without stopping. Blood is food and if it's good one, well...
Tonight, those suckers were spying Rowan for a reason. Not to have fun. Something that the girl don't know but she'll find it soon.
Trust me, she won't like it.
After some minutes, Rowan decided to turn back to the lair. She walked to a manhole that happened to be there and... disappeared.
In a flash.
Leaving her watchers speechless.
What the hell was that?
Rowan's POV
When I turned back to the lair, I found Mikey showing a complicated, yet nice, move to his brothers who had dropped their jaws open.
Guess that Chris Bradford showed it to him...
"And then he kicks, twists, and he sweeps the leg! Ha! The Death Dragon!" Mikey exclaimed happily, finishing the kata. Death Dragon? Why does looks familiar to me? Oh... right. It's his famous kata! I thought. Why did Bradford showed him that kata? It's supposed to be... private? I don't know. And why didn't he freaked out when he saw Mikey? Shouldn't he called the police? I don't like that...
"Hey Rowan!" Leo said, landing me back to reality. I gestured and sat on the couch. Donnie's laptop ringed and Mikey ran to it, face showing his total excitement. "It's Radbrad! That's my little name for him. He wants to get together for a little B-ball. Can't wait to find out what the B stands for!" he then said. "Basketball" I replied, crossing my arms on my chest. "Whatever," he responded and walked away from us. "You're going now?" I asked my eyebrows raised upwards.
"Sorry dudes, human friend stuff. You know how it is. Oh. Wait. No, you don't!" he replied and left. Looks like someone forgot already that I'm still human.
Whatever... I don't care about him.
I stood up and headed to my bedroom. I decided to do some practice since I haven't done all day long, plus, I was bored.
I walked into the Dojo, my left hand had been wrapped around my small, sharp weapon tight. Checking if anybody was in there -Splinter was sleeping- I started.
First of all, when you're about to do something like that, you need to do some warm up exercises so that you're not gonna have an accident. Yoga poses are nice but if you're having more than those it's the best.
Katas are next. Taking deep breaths and then exhale, poise your tanto (or whatever weapon you have) and your legs right, like, you're ready to fight. Then, push a bit forward your upper body and later back. Repeat.
I back flipped and kicked the air, where my imagination created an enemy. I sliced, circling my tanto on my hand. Step forward and slice, step backwards and defend yourself. Front flip and kick, back flip and blow. That was something that I like doing but, don't have the time to do.
It wasn't hard nor difficult but tiring... It was.
After I was done, I realized that somebody was applauding me, silent. It was close to my taste. It came from behind.
I turned and saw Splinter standing still, hands folded on his back like always. Uh-oh... I woke him up!
"Sensei, I'm sorry... I thought that you were sleeping and... I'm sorry that I interrupted you..." I said, eyes glaring the mat where my feet were moving nervously. However, sensei didn't reacted as I thought he would but, he placed a hand on my shoulder, chuckling. I lifted my head and saw that he was actually smiling at me. "No, you didn't bothered me. Instead, you made me proud, my daughter." he replied.
I couldn't do anything else but smiling at him, brightly.
We were walking to the living room. Leo and Raph were practicing the Death Dragon. Leo, actually did it while D and Raph were watching him. He was doing it right 'till the last part which he messed it up. Oh, here we go again Blue... Try it one more time!
I heard Splinter gasp in fright and then yell angrily "Where did you learn that?!" I don't think he like it... "Mikey taught us that. It's from his new friend" I replied giving a worried glance to the turtles.
"The man who taught him that kata is no friend! It comes from the Shredder," sensei said anger and fear filled his voice tone. S-Shredder? Did he just said... Shredder?! "What?!" I whispered, under my breath and stepped back. My hands were covering my mouth and I felt my scar from the back of my right shoulder tent. That name brought me bad, bad memories...
From my past.
Five years ago...
"Let me go! Ugh!" a younger Rowan yelled as two men in black suits and masks covering their whole faces, were holding her tight from her arms. The 10 year-old girl was trying fruitlessly to find a possible way to free herself and her body didn't stopped moving.
Suddenly, the men got into a dark room which was lightened by the moon upwards them. They threw the poor girl on the concrete floor and then left, a door closing behind them.
Rowan's legs and hands were facing the floor, her eyes was glaring with shock the cold floor, sweat falling from her nose. She was breathing heavily and her lungs were hurt badly from the amount of air she was saving.
Fast and strong footsteps came to her side and she lifted her head, her gaze met with an older and taller than her man, covered in a six foot grey metal armor so as his head from a helmet at the same color and a mask covering his mouth. Two eyes, one blind and the other dark like coal, were glaring with hate and anger the red haired girl.
She forced herself to stand up and dare to glare him, icy blue eyes glowing from the moonlight. She then narrowed them, hands and teeth clenched tight.
"Rowan Fox. My little fighter." the man said, his dark voice spread in the silent room. It passed through Rowan like a cold wind and made her shiver.
But she wouldn't show her weakness.
Unleashing her small tanto, her lips pronounced his name coldly. "Shredder". The man- Shredder- unleashed his own blades from his gloved arms and poised them right.
"So, you wanted to go?" a small smirk appeared on his covered lips, "How ridiculous. You know that no one can leave from here, don't you?" The girl showed her teeth, a growl bubled in her throat. "You destroyed my life. And I can leave whenever I want." she replied, tone voice lowered, threatening the dark ninja master.
Then, she attacked.
Minutes later, Rowan's pale white skin was covered by many cuts and bruises. Her clothes were ripped too. Her enemy, on the other side, had no bruise at all. They were both sweating and breathing heavily but they refused to give up now.
The armored man attacked Rowan, kicking her in her gut. The girl slipped back and held her stomach tight.
She was in pain. Huge pain.
She stood up thought and defended herself by another slice of Shredder's blades. She then, looked up, where the roof contained from glass was giving the light which they needed and made a plan in her mind.
Back flipping several feet away from Shredder, throwing a shuriken, she ran at a crate which was there. She was slow though. Her energy was about to quit from her plus, her left leg was injured badly.
As a matter of fact, Shredder prevented her.
He gave a slice on the back side of her right shoulder, making the girl to scream from pain. Blood poured out from there and covered her back, falling on the floor. The girl kneed down, her other hand touching the injury.
She was doomed...
"Rowan? Are you okay?"
I blinked several times, trying to shove the memory away. My hand touched my scar and I felt it tensed. It was like... I don't know.
A green three fingered hand snapped on my face and I blinked again. "Hey, are you alright?" Blue's voice heard from my left and I turned my gaze there. He was glaring me with worry so as all the others and I realized that I was out. "You look paler than you are." Donnie noticed and grabbed my hand, examining it. I shoved it away from him.
"Wow you looked like you saw a ghost." Raph said, "Pretty possible, huh? Since you have ghost powers." Leo shoot him with an angry look and he shut up. "Sorry guys for scaring you. I'm fine. Just remembered something." I replied and walked away.
"You're not coming?" Blue asked making me to stop and turn to his side. "Where?" I asked. "To save Mikey from Bradford." he answered and I shook my head negatively. "Go ahead. I need some rest."
He gave me last glare and followed his brothers.
Entering my room, I found a note on my bed. Huh... Who left that? I reached my bed and held the little white paper which wrote my name on it with a bright red pen. What?
I sat on my bed, opened the paper, revealing a letter.
Little bird,
I think that is time to get to learn some things about the world. You might not know me but, you should. I'm hunting you down for years and I didn't realized one thing about you.
Your friends.
See, if you're smart enough you can understand that they are in serious danger by me. Leave them. Or I'll kill them. Let me catch you.
You're special.
If you decide not to leave... They are all involved to a dangerous game, starting you and me.
Make the right choice.
Your friends or me.
The letter ends with a S. I don't get it.
Who's that S? What does he wants from me? From the others?
Whoever you are, listen to this;
"I'm not leaving my family."
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