Never Say Xever

No One's POV

Two boys, dressed in black were walking on a mid-lightened up hall. Their features showed clearly their anger which was boiling inside them. "What we'll say to boss? He'll be disappointed with us again." one of them said. His characteristics weren't very visible but you could recognize a pair of baby blue eyes, half covered my some brown curled bangs.

"It's the same thing dude. He yells at us and then sends us back to search of the svetocha." his companion replied, black eyes glaring straight ahead. He wasn't afraid for his boss reaction but, angry that he couldn't catch her. If he had her in his hands... He only asked for that. Is it a big deal anyway?

Minutes later, they reached a double door which automatically opened in front of them, revealing a big room with glass everywhere. Stairs and a throne on the top were included too.

A man was sitting on that throne.

He was covered by a grey shining metal armor at about six foot. A mask and a helmet were covering his head and face, its only visible spot his eyes. One blind and the other black like coal were glaring the two boys.

He was awaiting those vampires.

Once they stepped into that room and reached in the middle, the wumpirs kneed down, their heads titled to the floor. The man opposite them stood up, both hands crossed on his armor. "Well?" he asked with a dark, low and somehow threatening voice.

Cold sweating fell down to the two suckers bodies. The brown haired one lifted his head and glared with wide eyes the man.

Yes, he was afraid than ever from him.

Even though he is a dangerous creature of the night.

"Uh... master Shredder... we couldn't find her. Not even capture her..." he said, both voice and lips trembled from fear. He was so sure that Shredder would yell at him.

How right he was.

"Fools! You had her in your hands and all you done was to let her escape!" Shredder yelled angrily at them. "Useless creatures! I shouldn't have agreed to do this, nor to join the Foot Clan so as your friends of your kind!"

The suckers shared a look.

"But... master, she may be one of our kind but I shall remind you that she is smart and has ghost abilities too-"

"I already know that Andrew. But it is time to work with some others." Shredder replied, cutting the black haired vampire's sentence off. The automatic doors opened, letting two men to walk in.

It was Bradford and Xever.

Both kneed down to the center of the throne room and immediately stood up. The suckers stood up too and their eyes filled with hate as their fangs grew and touched their lower lips.

"With them?! Master... this is ridiculous!"

Xever scoffed and folded his arms. "What happened vampiros? Afraid enough to join us?" he asked sarcastically. "No, Xever. I can't believe that I have to share my abilities with two dumps like you" the brown haired replied. "Who are you to call me dump?!" Xever spat angrily and narrowed his eyes.


The four men turned to Shredder's side.

"From now on, you four will work together to kill the turtles and capture Rowan Fox alive. Understood?" he said, ending the 'meeting'.

They all nodded

Rowan's POV

It was night in New York and I could say pretty late since there was no resident walking on the streets.

Me, Tania and April were walking down to a theater, heading to a certain noodle shop in which me and April went only once. It was nice so as its owner-cooker Mr. Murakami. He may be blind but he developed his other senses very well enough to do this job. When I first met him, he quickly understood what kind person I really am; brave and fierce, sweet and kind too. My heart burns inside me and he predicted that one day, I'll gain whatever I want.

"You guys want to speed it up a little?" April asked annoyed and turned to the theater, her hands placed on her hips. "You know them Apes..." I mumbled, turning too to her direction. "Are you saying turtles are slow?" I heard Donnie asking and all of them came out from their hiding spots. "That's a hurtful stereotype!" Mikey replied, baby blue eyes glaring April. "It is. But, unfortunately, it includes you four too" I retorted to him and Mikes narrowed his eyes at me. "Trust us, girls. We are better off keeping a low profile. We find people treat us better when they don't know we exist." Blue said to me and Apes. Tania rolled her eyes. "Is that a reason to be that slow?" she asked.

But she gained no response.

"Sorry. I'm just so excited to get you out of the sewers for a change." April replied happily. "I'm not counting..." I mumbled and raised a hand in the air. She glared me. "Okay you don't. But the others do." she answered.

"What are you talking about? We go out all the time." Raph said and stood on a pillar. I simply rolled my eyes. "Yeah, but tonight you're going to do something besides hitting people." April replied. "Don't worry guys... You're gonna love this noodle place we found! It's awesome!" I exclaimed and gave a side glance to Blue.

"And you're sure we'll be welcome?" Donnie asked. "Oh, yeah. Mr. Murakami doesn't care what you look like. In fact, he won't even know what you look like. He's blind." April replied to him.


I glared Mikey with a raised eyebrow. "I mean for us obviously..." he then said sheepishly. Ah...Mikey..I thought in disbelief and we started to walk again to Murakami's.


Glass broke and some yells spread out. They were close to us. From what I saw, inside the noodle shop, there were some men, beating up somebody and I bet that it was Murakami.

"Oh no."

We all ran to the shop. "Who are those creeps?" Donnie asked and I recognized the gang. "The Purple Dragons. They think they own the streets around here." April replied and I nodded.

Yeah, those tough guys are the most dumpest but dangerous for the residents guys around here. They threat, steal and offer protection to people. They gain a lot of cash from them.

How do I know them?

Heh, I was younger, at about 12 years old, and I was turning back from shopping. I was heading to a certain manhole which led to home when, I heard someone whistling at me.

I snapped my head to his side and I saw Fong, the leader of the gang, glaring me with a flirty look. He told me many bullshits 'till I lost control and kicked him on the nutts and punched him in the face.

Yeah, I was tough then too.

Ever since then, I never heard of them and I was relieved.

But now, it came back.

"So much for not hitting people tonight. Oh well." Raph said and we all entered the shop. "Booyakhasha!" Mikey and Tania yelled and we all unleashed our weapons. "All right, let him go. You don't want any trouble." Blue said. I smirked. "We, on the other hand, do." Raph replied and I rolled my eyes.

"Whoa, those guys were serious! There really are giant turtles!" Fong said. "You've heard of us? Dudes, we're famous!" Mikey exclaimed happily. "That's bad!" Tania replied.

"Oh. Right."

Fong started to whistle at me and I swear he was winking too. "Wow, wow! Look who's grown up!" he exclaimed and gave me one of his flirty looks. I stocked my tongue out in discuss. "You stayed the same jackass, Fong." I replied crossing my arms. "Hey sexy baby..." one of his followers said to me.

I heard Blue growl behind me.

"Whatever you are, this neighborhood is ours. So why don't you slither back to the ocean you came from?" Fong asked the turtles. "Well, expect those sexy babies here..." the big one said and winked at me and Tania's side.

"Sexy baby?!"

"Get 'em!"

I charged to Fong while the others went for his followers. "You stayed pretty and fierce like the last time." he said before his nose earned a hard punch from my fist. "Well, I don't think that you remember how strong my punch was though..." I replied in a clever tone and went in for another punch.

This time, he predicted my move.

He held my wrist and turned me around until my body connected with his. Then, his hands wrapped around me tight in a level that I couldn't free myself. "I like tough girls. And you look so pretty..." he said, his breath touched my cheek. I tried to move but no result. "Fuck off!" I hissed as I felt him smirk.

"Hey! Leave her alone!"

I snapped my head and saw Blue. He was holding his katanas tight while his ocean blue eyes were narrowed into a pair of venomous slits. Fong tightened his hold and I found the chance to go intangible.

Blue didn't made a single move to attack him.

The only thing he did was to gesture at the door and order him to get lost. He was still angry and his eyes were showing it clearly. Fong smirked and walked away not before he told me, "See you around sexy baby..."

I growled.

"Come on, let's go! This ain't over greeny!"

And they got away.

"Greeny? Really? I wonder how many brain cells he put to work on that." Donnie asked tapping a finger on his chin. Blue came to my side and hugged me tight. "You okay?" he asked, his breath tangled up in my mass of hair. "Yeah. Peachy. Cool." I replied in a monotone tone.

Truth is that Fong scared me a lot. I really thought that something would happen to me. Something that I didn't even want to think about.

Blue glared my eyes and read my emotions. "I'm here... Everything's okay, you're safe." he said. He then peeked my nose and his hands touched my cheeks.

I felt safer now.

"You just let him go? What the heck was that?"I heard Raph complaining. We turned at his side, Blue's hand wrapped around my back. "They weren't exactly a threat. They'd had enough." he replied to his brother.

But I felt his hand tighten on my limp.

"Dude! They were beating up a blind guy! And one of them was about to hurt your girlfriend! There's no 'enough'. Now they'll think we're wimps and we don't have the guts to finish the job!" Raph yelled and Blue glared downwards. I growled like a mad fox and gave a death glare to him. "Don't even think to say that again!" I spat and that green thing surrounded my vision for some seconds. He scoffed in response

He just scoffed!

Now we were sitting on some tall chairs, waiting for Murakami to prepare our meal in which he offered us free of charge. I rolled my eyes as I saw Mikey licking his lips. He was awaiting for pizza.


Murakami on the other side was moving fast around the kitchen, chopping and panning some ingredients. I saw him doing this again.

But it still surprised me.

When he was done, we all applauded him. "Murakami-san, that was awesome!" Donnie exclaimed as Murakami served us some dumplings with something that reminded me small cheese pies.

"Pizza gyoza!"

I raised an eyebrow. Weird name for a food but at least, I hoped it would be tasty. I held my chop sticks and grabbed a gyoza, pulling it into my mouth.

Then, my eyes widened.




"It's like I got a one-way ticket to Flavorville!"

I couldn't help myself stop smiling as I kept chewing. "Oh my God! It's a total favorable pie that I've ever ate!" Tania exclaimed and I nodded. "It's a pizza bomb!" I replied and kept chewing. A food like this can't compare with anything else. Trust me, if I had a warehouse full of pizza gyozas I could have eaten them at once!

So tasty...!

Blue gulped his gyoza and glared Murakami. "Uh, Murakami-san, do the Purple Dragons come here a lot?" he asked. "Yes." Murakami replied, "They demand protection money, but I refuse to pay. They will surely return." I stopped chewing. "I know these guys. They really think that they're the strongest gang in whole city. Ils sont très stupide." I said and my gaze transferred downwards, the accident still playing in my head.

Blue held one hand and my head rested on his shoulder. He gave me a peek to my hair.

I smirked for a while.

"Well, they wouldn't if someone hadn't wimped out." Raph said and I knew who's he was talking about.

I really think that he shouldn't said that though.

We were back to the lair. Blue was punching the dummy hard.

He was angry.

I was standing next to him, eyes dropped as I watched my Blue to expose his anger on the dummy.

I couldn't blame him.

"Whoa, whoa, Leo. I think he's had enough. You better let him go." Raph teased Blue behind us and I growled AGAIN, clenching my hands into fists.

Blue stopped punching.

"I get it. You're making fun of me for not mercilessly pummeling a helpless man." he retorted. "And you think that's funny Raph?" I snapped, that green passed again in front of my eyes. "Yeah, it is ghost girl. You showed weakness. Those guys only understand one language." he replied to both of us.

Mikey lifted his head from his comic. "Chinese?"he asked. Raph jumped in front of him, nearly punching his face. "No, fists." he then said and I crossed my arms. "What about feet?" Mikey asked again. Raph sighed in defeat. "They understand feet..." he replied annoyed.

I rolled my eyes.

"That would make them bilingual." Donnie pointed out, making Raph to yell from anger. "Argh! The point is we can't go soft on them!" he spat. "Yeah, like you could show toughness." I replied.

"To show mercy is not soft. It is a sign of true strength." I heard Splinter saying. He walked up to our side and I nodded in agreement. "But, sensei, they're criminals. This is war." Raph responded and clenched a fist. "A Daimyo of the 'in times of peace, never forget the possibility of war. In times of war, never forget compassion." Splinter replied. "I'm guessing that guy lost a lot of wars." Raph mumbled.

Sensei nodded at me and I walked up to Raph's side, my stiletto at one hand. Then, I pointed it extremely close to his neck and my friend let a yelp of fear. "See? Mercy." I said and gave a slap to his forehead. "Ow! Okay, look. Compassion is great. But the Purple Dragons are not going to leave Murakami alone." Raph said. "So we'll track down the Dragons and make sure they got the message. Special delivery." Blue replied and punched his fists together.

An evil smirk rosed up to my lips.

"Was that meant to sound tough or stupid?" Raph asked teasing Blue again. I pulled my stiletto out and pointed at him. Raph's eyes went wide. "Okay, okay! I'll stop!" he said. I chuckled and placed it back to my pocket. "How are we gonna track down someone down when we can't talk to anybody?" Donnie asked, tapping a finger on his chin. Then, the turtles shared a look before looking me with a big smile.


Why you left me alone Tania?

No One's POV

Rowan and April stood in front of a door. It was night in the big city and the girls came out from the sewers in order to gain some information about the Purple Dragons.

Unfortunately for them, Tania went home, to her mother so she couldn't help them.

April knocked on the door and an middle-aged man stepped out from there, holding a broom at his hands. Rowan scanned the area and nodded at her friend who lowered her body at the man. "We're looking for the Purple Dragons." she then said.

The man glared the two girls wide eyed, face features showing his fear. "I don't know what you're talking about." he replied.

Rowan scoffed.

"Pleasee... You know what are we talking about." she then said, crossing her arms on her chest. She had a blank face expression but her eyes were showing her total impatience. April gave an angry glare at her before she turned at the man. "Don't worry, we can protect you" she said, placing a hand on her chest. "I'm an undercover cop and she's my helper." she added and a ghostly smile appeared on her pink lips.


The man glared them from head to toes, a questionable expression was now on his face. "You like you're both sixteen." he pointed out.

Which was true.

"I know. We're really good at this." April replied. Her friend scoffed again. The man wasn't convinced from April's words. "Let me see your badges." he said, pointing out his hand. "Are you crazy?! That'll blow our cover! Do you have any piece of brain in there?" Rowan spat, one of her fingers were tapping her red head.


She glared her friend. April was angry now. Man, the old Rowan is back! she thought as her body turned back to the man who now seemed to think about it seriously.

Sure, she liked Rowan's company because she knows how to have fun. April always counted her as her little, rebellious, sweet sister. She knows that for Rowan, family and friends are the same thing and she'll always be by their side if anyone needs her help. She understands how much it hurts for her the loss of her parents and baby brother but she tries to cover it up and move on.

Now, she lives that too.

"I suppose that makes sense." the man got her out from her deep thoughts.

Both girls smirked in triumph.

Rowan's POV

"You said that was the place?" Blue asked me, his head pointed a tattoo place.

I nodded.

We all jumped on a roof opposite the tattoo place and glared it. "Cool." I heard Tania saying behind me. "Can we get tattoos? I want to get one of my face on my face. It'll be like I'm wearing a mask and the mask is me!" Mikey exclaimed, making me to slap my forehead for the hundred time this night. We all stayed quiet, ignoring our friend. "I just blew your minds, right?" Mikey asked again and I rolled my eyes.

I heard Tania giggling.

Say, whaaaat?

I turned to her side and realized that Tania was blushing bright pink as her eyes were glaring Mikey with a glint. Tania... in love with Mikey?! That's insane! But her blushed cheeks and glare full of love were telling me another story.

"Can it, dorks. There he is." Raph said and his hand pointed at Fong who was getting in the place. With a single nod of Blue's, we all jumped down near the place. Our ears were sticked to their conversation. "We saw that gang of turtles and the sexy baby you were looking for. And we'll tell you where for a price." I heard Fong saying and I narrowed my eyes. I'm not a sexy baby!Ugh! Asshole! Then, we all brushed in through a window.

"Freeze, dirtbags!"

I saw Bradford and that Brazilian-guy the others told me about, walking up to our side with a wide smirk.


I narrowed my eyes. How did they thought that the Dragons would led us right to them? Sure, those two are Shreddy's top henchmen but they compare nothing to my abilities and knowledge. And I sure knew what their boss wanted me;

To go back to my old life.

Nah-ah, that ain't gonna happen! I already gave up my job as-

"I think we can find them ourselves."

"Oh, man. This is awkward. It's Chris Bradford, my ex-friend. And that other guy." Mikey said and I simply rolled my eyes.

"You forgot us too."

Two boys walked next to their side, both outfits in black. The one had fair skin, brown curled hair which fell on his forehead and a pair of blue eyes in a shade which reminded me Mikey's eyes. The other one was a total contrast to his friend (I guess?). Light tanned skin, black hair and eyes which I swear they were staring me. "Double awkward." Tania pointed.

"The name is Xever. So you don't forget, I'll write it on your shells with these." the Brazilian-guy said and unleashed a pair of butterfly knives.

Then, they attacked us.

The two new boys charged me and Tania while the turtles charged at Xever and Bradford. I avoided a knee kick from Blacky (Wow, I never thought that this nickname would suit him) and back flipped several meters away from him. "Not bad, for a Foot soldier." I said at him.

Point is, I was too slow for his standards.

He kicked my stomach hard and then, disappeared. Cold wind touched the back of my neck and I turned around waiting for a possible hit.

Then, I noticed something;

Blacky was super speeding at my side.

Wait... did I said super speed?

In a flash, I had been sent on a wall and I closed my eyes in pain. "Name's Andrew and you, little bird, have no luck against me." Blacky said as he was moving closer to my side.

Little bird? That means...

"You're the one who sent me the letter?" I asked as my hands clenched into tight fists. I should have imagined this! He's in Foot, and Shredder wants to capture me. A letter it's a best way to frighten someone, especially when you don't know who had been sent it to you. I did that too when I was an ass-

"Yes, we did." Blacky replied as he sped to my side again. My gaze traveled to his mouth and I saw his canines grow fast, becoming...fangs.

I gasped.

"You're...a...vampire?!" I exclaimed in shock. "So as Matt," he replied and showed me Browny who was fighting with Tania, "It's a pleasure to meet you before I'll kill you." he added and a hand wrapped around my neck tight. I gasped for air.

His grip was strong.

Darkness started to fill my vision.

I slowly felt my body to stop moving.

"Let her go!"

Ectoplasm threw on Blacky and his grip loosened, while he hit a wall. I fell on the floor and held my neck while I was breathing heavily. I also coughed plenty of times. "Are you okay?" I heard Tania asking me.

I lifted my head and saw her black eyes filled with worry and concern glaring me.

"Thanks Tania."

"Turtles, girls, fall back!"

"We're giving up? Again?! You kidding me?"

"Yes, it's all part of my hilarious 'let's all live' routine!"

Tania and I ran at the turtles' side and jumped though the broken window, leaving our enemies behind.

"Hey! Stay and fight, you cold-blooded cowards!"

I was in my room. I was lying on my bed, hands on my belly, fingers tapping it gently. My eyes were gazing the roof as my thoughts were running a marathon in my head.

"You have no luck against me."


"So as Matt."

I still remembered his fangs, touching his lower lip. I still remembered the feeling my own fangs grew and touched my own lip.

So, are my guesses right?

Am I a vampire too?

How's that possible?

I heard somebody knock on the door. I didn't made a move. "Who?" I asked and the door opened, letting Blue to get in. I stood up and glared him. "What happened?" I asked and walked up to his side. "We gotta go to Murakami's, April called." he replied. Nodding, grabbed my tanto from my desk and started to walk out.

But his hand stopped me.

"Is something more?" I asked, now glaring him in his eyes. "Are you okay? You know... from what happened back..." he said.

I blinked twice.

Smirking, I wrapped my free hand around his neck. "Don't worry about that anymore. I'm fine, I swear. But, you should worry about something else..." I replied.

"Like what?"

"This one."

And then, I kissed him with passion. He chuckled a bit before replying and deepen the kiss. He let go off my hand and I let my tanto to fell as my body pressed harder to his. His hands started to tangle my hair as my own were holding his strip were his katanas were based, tight.

I needed that kiss.

I always want to kiss Leo, my Blue.

That kiss takes me away and I worry less for some things. Everything is forgotten, and I just focus on that kiss.

I love Leo.

I was and I'll love him forever.

I can't stop doing this.


April was waiting us at Murakami's shop which was in a mess. "What's wrong?" Tania asked as we all entered in. April was in shock and she was showing it clearly.

"It's Murakami! Someone took him and left this." she replied and gestured a wall which had a knife with a paper on it.

"Sweet! Free knife!"

"The note, dummy."

Donnie held the knife and released it from the wall and I took the letter. I opened it. The handwriting was bad but you could read it. "What's writing?" Tania asked.

"No more running. If you want the old man, meet us on the roof of the fortune cookie factory. That's Xever's. He's the only one who could do that mess." I said glaring everybody. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's bust in there and rescue him!" Raph exclaimed, pointing at my hands. "Not so fast. Think, Raphael." Blue replied, cutting any spontaneous move of Raph's.

"There's two words that usually don't go together."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't you get it? Xever pulls us into a sure trap. We need a good plan in order to save Murakami before that asshole do something to him!" I then said. Blue nodded and gave me one of his hot smiles. "Well, what choice do we have?"Raph asked and crossed his arms on his chest.

I gave an uncertain look at Blue.

"This maybe be stupid, but there's not any other way... How about act like Xever this time?" I asked.

"Master Splinter said-"

"I know." I retorted. "But Xever crossed the line bringing our friends into this. He's got to learn we can cross the line, too. No more Mr. Nice Turtle." Blue said and crossed his hands, smiling.

"Yes! I never liked Mr. Nice Turtle."

No One's POV

The turtles, Rowan and Tania flipped on a roof were Xever, Andrew and Matt was waiting for them. Michelangelo was holding a trashcan which was locked with lots of chains. Someone muffled in there. "We're here, Xever! Let the noodle man go." Leonardo ordered at the Brazilian man.

Rowan narrowed her eyes by the seen of the two wumpirs.

"Sorry. There's been another change of plans." Xever replied and folded his arms. The suckers smirked. "Actually, there's been another change of plans!" Tania said, couldn't hold her own smirk hidden. "I love it when a change of plans comes together!" Andrew then said and his smirk grew.

His canines also grew.

Mikey sliced the chains, letting the trashcan open and reveal a tied up and gagged Chris Bradford.

The three men laughed loudly.

Told ya that this was the worst idea Blue! Rowan thought as she shook her head in disbelief.

"You let our friend go, we'll let your friend go." Leo said, making the trio to laugh even more. "Ha! He's not our friend!" Xever replied and walked to the edge of the roof where a tied up Murakami was hanging by a rope. Then, with slow but sure moves, Xever started to cut the rope with one of his butterfly knives. Raphael pushed Bradford on the other edge of that roof.

"Uh, we're not kidding." Leo said wearily. "Nor does he Blue..." Rowan replied as her hand moved to her hip, were her tanto was hanging from her belt.

Xever kept cutting the rope.

"Okay, s-stop! Or we'll toss him!" Leo tried once more and this time, Xever shrugged. "Go ahead. It'll save us the trouble!" Matt replied and folded his arms on his chest.

Leo gave Raph a shocked yet uncertain look. "Uh, Raph?" he then asked. Rowan rolled her eyes and her hand slowly unleashed her tanto. Her gun was too at the other hand, full and ready to fire.

"Aw, crud."

Raph tossed Bradford back to the roof and Matt elbowed Xever who lifted his head and glared at Bradford. He, then, stopped any move and stood up.


While Xever charged at the turtles, Andrew attacked Rowan and Matt, Tania.

"I think we left a conversation aside. How about ending it now?" Rowan said and attacked at Andrew. The vampire avoided her blow by front flipping and kicking her chest. "Oh, yeah?" he then asked, "I think that you were giving me your last breath, little bird."

With a war cry, Rowan attacked again, her tanto had been raised above her head. Andrew super sped away and left a chuckle. "Why did you sent me the letter anyway?" the ghost girl asked, giving a side glance at her friends. She then, dodged a punch of Andrew's and her eyes sticked to him. "For a warning. Shredder wants you back to the Foot and you know it pretty well. He gives you some time to think about it. If you decide to stay with the turtles... Your time will start to reverse." Andrew replied.

She couldn't believe it.

Shredder, the heartless and fucking stupid, gives her time to think if she wants to turn back to her old life, where she was surrounded by killers. Where she was an assassin, working for Shredder's sake.

No she didn't thought so.

Her life with the turtles and Splinter had been improved and she felt even better that when she was in the Foot.

But before she could give a reply, Xever's voice interrupted them.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time to cut these turtles and the girl into little pieces."

Rowan's icy blue eyes went wide and she glanced left and right, trying to find something to stop Xever. Andrew found the chance to kick her gut, sending her to a water tower.

Then, it hit her.

She had an idea.

Glaring Leo, she nodded at the tower, making her boyfriend to smirk. "I don't think so..." he then said to the four men and Rowan sliced the tower in the half. Water fell and the four men washed away, much to the team's pleasure.

Mikey ran to the edge of the roof and grabbed Murakami before he fell down. "I got him!" he announced. Rowan and Tania sighed in relief. "Nice save, Mikey!" Leo said to his little brother. The playful turtle started to pull up the blind chief with effort. Ouff... He's kinda heavy! he thought. "Don't look down, Murakami-san. Or, um, listen down." he said to the man.

They all slapped their foreheads.

Rowan's POV

After saving Murakami, we all came back to the lair where the others started to celebrate our win with lots of pizza gyozas.

I wasn't in the mood to celebrate.

My room door was locked, my earphones were plugged in my ears and music was to its high volume. My head was titling to the rhythm.

I've become so numb I can't feel you there

Become so tired so much more aware

I'm becoming this all I want to do

Is be more like me and be less like you

Although music calmed me down, my thoughts weren't thinking to do that. My last conversation with Blacky was on repeat in my head.

"Why did you sent me the letter anyway?"

"For a warning. Shredder wants you back to the Foot and you know it pretty well. He gives you some time to think about it. If you decide to stay with the turtles... Your time will start to reverse."

"No one leaves from the Foot."

So, that's why Shreddy sent me that freaking message. He want me to be his assassin again.

To be a villain again.


I made my decision a long time ago.

I'll stay with the turtles even if it means that I put them in danger.

Shedder, you jackass, I've never come back.


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