Monkey Brains

No One's POV


"You did this"

Again that dream appeared in Rowan's sleep. The red haired girl was inside a dark room, or something like this, and the turtles' voices surrounded her. But this time, she was ready for whatever would come next.

She knew. She remembered everything from her last nightmare.


"You betrayed us!"

"How could you?"


She folded her arms on her chest. "Ya know that ain't true." she replied to the voices.

They stopped.

She awaited to see the bloody bodies but they never showed up. Instead, there was a round-shaped mirror with red spots on the glass. They seemed like blood.

Her feet led her there and all she saw was her own reflection. Icy blue eyes staring the shape, pink flushed cheeks and messy, straight, deep red hair were falling on her face like a curtain.

In a flash, the icon in the mirror narrowed its own blue, like winter ice, eyes and from its mouth appeared a pair of sharp, white canines which barely touched its lower lip. The tips of its hair from red color, they changed into a blonde one. Hands clenched and released, their nails grew fast becoming... claws.


Confused, Rowan raised both of her hands and realized that she did have claws so as fangs. No! her thoughts yelled in her ears as he feet stepped back. "No..." she said out loud and covered her mouth.

The mirror disappeared and its place had been taken by a figure.

Actually, a man's figure.

Light appeared from no where by a single clap of his hands. Messy black hair, eyes at the same color and lips were crossed by a smirk. Evil smirk. His attire was consisted of black boots, jeans and t-shirt at the same color.

"Well, hello little bird" he said at her, a bright smile appeared on his lips. What though made Rowan to widen her eyes and gasp in fright was his sharp canines which grew fast and touched his lower lip. She gulped before asking, "Who are you?"

"Your worst nightmare."

Rowan's POV

I woke up screaming. Then, I started to breath heavily and my room door slammed open with Blue and Splinter getting in. Both were frightened from my scream and their features were showing it clearly.

Blue sat on the bed and hugged me tight. "It's okay, it's okay. It was a nightmare. Just a nightmare." he said in my hair. I felt his breath touched my neck and his head was moving around my shoulder.

"I know..." I replied and hugged him back. "Are you all right Rowan?" I heard sensei asking me. I lifted my head and glared him. "Yes, thank you sensei." I replied.

Relieved, Splinter walked out from my room and left me and Blue hugging each other tight. "I'm okay now. I'm okay..." I said to him softly not wanted to stop hugging him. "I know..." he replied.

Why do I keep seeing nightmares?

We were in the Dojo, training like always. I saw Mikey perform a back flip to Donnie who had the luck today to spar with him.

"Dude, what are you doing? You don't defend against Seoi Nage with backflips." he said to his little brother. I simply rolled my eyes.

It's Mikey.

You can always expect him to do something stupid and out of the theme.

I charged at Blue and our weapons met again, metal sang in the air. I gave a hard kick on his gut and he hised, falling on his knees. "Hard..." he spelled holding his shell.


"Hey man, you can't take the fire out of Dr. Flipenstein!" I heard Mikey sayin' and my head snapped at his side. "Dr... what?" I retorted an eyebrow had been raised upwards. "Dr. Flipenstein! Cool huh?" he asked with a smile.

Again, I rolled my eyes.

Told ya that Mikey is out of space every time.

Suddenly, I felt the world to spin around me and I found myself lying on the mat, my eyes wide. Blue was above me, his katana pointed on my chest. He had that goofy smile which always makes my heart to beat fast. "Well? Who's the one with the smart attacks?" he asked me still smiling.

I chuckled.

"Me of course!"

After our morning training was done, I decided to go to the kitchen and make a fruit salad.

My favorite.

Although I'm not a veggie or vegan, I always like eating fruits. I just think that it's somehow more sober than a box of pizza. Plus, it keeps me in shape.

"You should really think to be a vegetarian."

I turned and saw Tania standing on a chair, her eyes looking me and my food. "Good morning to you Tania." I replied to her. "Sorry for not coming to the training. My mother decided to take me to shopping, like I don't already have plenty of clothes in my closet..." she waved her hand on her face, "But... It's my mom. I can't deny her offers."

I gestured her my salad. "Wanna some? Trust me, it's tasty." I said to her but she shook her head. "All yours."

"Hey dudetes!" Mikey said to us. "Hi Mikes..." Tania replied with a kinda sad tone. My eyes dropped. Mikey however, doesn't noticed it as he placed a box of pizza on the table, taking a slice.

I left aside my bowl of salad and held Tania's hand, moving her out of the room. "Let's go to Donnie's lab and then, meet me in my room. We need to talk." I said and I sensed her nodding before walking away from me.

When I walked in the lab, Donnie was drawing something on a poster. "What are you up to D?" Tania asked, folding her arms on her chest. "Just putting up the finishing touches of my master plan." he replied without glaring us. "Uh... for what reason?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

He lifted his head.

"To get April to hang out with me." he responded in a tone like that's obvious. Tania laughed silently and I shook my head.

"Try this. 'April, do you want to hang out with me?'" Blue said next to me and I nodded. I really think that she'll answer "Yes" more easily than that thing D was making. "Then why don't you try it to Rowan?" Donnie asked his brown eyes glaring angrily Blue. I saw his eyes widen.

Actually, Donnie had a point. Leo hadn't asked me to hang out. We're dating almost a week and he hadn't asked me that. I don't mind.


I know that with our missions with Kraang and Shredder's soldiers our free time is limited.

I don't blame him.

His hand wrapped around mine. "We're here too. You could have asked us to give you an advice." I replied pointing my head at Tania. "Yeah, Donnie. We're girls, not boys." she said.

"Yeah, it's not that simple. I have to prepare for every possible response to maximize my chances of success." Donnie said to us.

I rolled my eyes.

"Aw, that's so romantic!" Mikey said happily. "For instance, if April says she can't because she has homework, then I will suggest an informal study session and serve healthy, brain-stimulating snacks." he explained, showing something on the diagram. That's not nice. It'll take him time to have a real hang out with April.

Blue's hand tightened around mine.

"Well, what if she says she can't because you're a total nerd?" Raph asked sarcastically. Tania hit his arm and he yelped from pain. "What's that for?!" he yelled at her. She shoot him a death glare. "To shut up!" she replied.

Donnie explained us while April came in the lab, holding her laptop. "Guys!" she said and Donnie flipped over his diagram to a movie poster. "Hey, hey Ap- hey April..." he replied sheepishly to her. Uh... Donnie...

"You guys gotta check this out!" she said opening her laptop. We all circled her as Apes played a video.

"Renowned neurochemist Dr. Tyler Rockwell has been reporting missing." A news reporter said on the screen. Huh... weird.

"I spoke with Rockwell's colleague, Dr. Victor Falco." another one said.

"I haven't heard from him in days, so I stopped by his lab. The place was a mess and he was gone. I fear the worst."

A weird vibration went off to my body as the usual jingle rang inside my head once more. I don't feel like trusting Falco. He's lying and I'm so sure about that...

April paused the video and we all looked each other. "So?" Raph asked. "Don't you get it?" Tania asked next, giving another angry glare to him. "So the Kraang have been kidnapping scientists from all over the city, including my Dad! Maybe that's what happened to this Rockwell guy." April said. "Or they may not be connected at all." Blue said.

I was sure he was right.

"How can you be sure about that April? I think Blue's right. Something else happened which includes that Falco-guy" I retorted and the others glared me with curiosity.


"There's only one way to find out. We should go to that lab and look around." April said, changing the theme. "April's right. We should go check it out. What's that? You guys are busy? Guess it's just the two of us, April." Donnie said and led April out of his lab, smirking at us.

"Wow, he started right away!" Tania exclaimed and I chuckled. "He's fast." I replied. Blue went to the flowchart and flipped it over to the diagram. "I bet that wasn't on his flowchart." he said.

But the diagram said something else.

There was a drawing of April and Donnie going off to search leaving us behind and we looked angry. "Whoa. It is! That is spooky" Blue exclaimed.

I walked up to his side and took a closer look to the drawing. My own drawing was terrible! Big head, small eyes, red short hair without my blue highlights. "Seriously, Donnie? Am I looking like that?" I exclaimed, my hands placed on my hips. Then, I took some pens and erased the drawing, making a better one.

"That's better!"

"So... why you look upset?" I asked Tania. She lifted her head and glared me sadly. "Look, my mom and I lived in New York for a long time. Ever since she and my father divorced. I was only 7 when we moved here to our apartment and I felt perfect that we were in the big city with lots of tourists moving around. The only problem was that, I didn't had the chance to have friends. My mon decided to do in-house lessons and not go to school since now. I haven't heard of dad for a long time until we both learned he disappeared in Florida. It was two years ago..."

"That drove my mom crazy especially when she received a letter from him. 'I'm okay. I'm not dead or something like you wished for but, I need Tania to know something.' it wrote. My mom never let me to read the rest because she thought that might actually change me. She never knew that I had already read it."

"In the letter, my dad wrote that I have ghost powers because of some aliens called Kraang mutated me when I was an infant. He kept it as a secret because he didn't wanted to have problems with my mom. Of course, my mother learned it the day they divorced and that's why she forced me to stay inside. Now, that I met you and the others, I decided to take my life in my hands. So, I'm now going to April's school and train with you my powers." she said, ending her story.

My eyes dropped again. "Oh, that's bad. I mean, your dad disappeared, you have ghost powers and your mother is overprotective with you." I said. She sighed. " I know... but, you get used to that, right?" she asked.

My door opened and Blue got in. "Hey girls. Am I interrupting something?" he asked.

I knew his eyes were telling me that he wanted to talk to me.

"Nope, we're done! She's yours now." Tania replied winking at him. Blue blushed and then sat on the bed. "Have fun you two. Oh, and Rowan?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Thanks for everything."

Then, she left.

It was silent now, just the way I wanted that moment. We both were gazing somewhere else. "Hey... Rowny..." I heard him saying and my eyes glared him questionable. "Rowny? Is that a nickname?" I asked. He nodded.


"I just wanted to ask you this since yesterday but... anyway...uh..." he bit his lip. I was curious what he was trying to say and in a weird way, I sensed that I wouldn't like that.

"Say it clearly. It won't hurt me, promise." I said and moved closer to his side.

He sighed.

"Why you have fangs? Is something else happening that you haven't told me? And anyway, why did that made you to super speed away from us?" he asked and there again, he bit his lip.

I froze.

Like yesterday.

But this time, I didn't had the chance to ran away.

"Uh... you know, if you don't want to tell me, it's okay by me. It's just that I want to know if you're okay..." he said to me and I blinked.

I have to tell him everything.

After all, he's my boyfriend.

And that's what I did.

My thoughts, my guesses, my nightmares, all had been said inside there. It was the first time in my life that I felt so... safe and at the same time, relaxed. It was like a piece of an ice mountain, melt and fell from my shoulder, making me to breath clearly.

What Blue done?

Obviously, he heard everything and then, he told me his opinion to this issue.

It helped.

And I felt safer with him.

"You should really tell it to the others. Maybe Donnie can help you." he said and I shook my head. "No. Not yet. I need to figure it out. That's what I told to April and that's what I want to do." I replied. "But... you did figured things out. Why shouldn't you tell it?" he asked, holding my hands. "I'm still doing guesses. I want to be sure Blue. You'll never know, maybe it's something else..." I responded. "Okay. Deal. But when you're sure, tell it. I don't want anything to happen to you.." he said.

I nodded.

And we surrendered into a sweet and passionate kiss.

Donnie and April came in the lair by the time me and Blue got out from my bedroom. Donnie looked very beat up and April was helping him to walk. "What happened?" Blue asked and we walked to their side. "Let me help." I offered to April and we placed Donnie on the couch. "Donnie got beat up by a lab monkey." April replied and she gave a worry glare to him.

"April, can you get an ice pack?" Blue asked as he gave me a glance. Apes nodded and headed to the kitchen.

Tania and me shared a look.

"Donnie, you gonna be okay?" I asked, trying to make him lie more comfortable. "Yeah. Yeah, I'll be fine." he replied and I moved away from him.

"In that case..."

We all brushed out laughing. "Oh, oh man!" I exclaimed still laughing hard. It was so funny!

"You got beat up by a monkey?"

"In front of your girlfriend?"

And that made us to laugh more. Donnie blushed bright red. "She's not my girlfriend! And that monkey was a vicious mutant!" he yelled angrily. "Yeah, but still, you got beat up by a monkey!" Tania replied and we started to laugh again. "Yeah, I'm sure he went bananas!" Blue said and I held my belly, laughing louder.

"No, no, no, no, no! He went ape!" Blue said and we laughed more. "By...a...monkey! Ahahahaha!" I yelled and fell on the floor, my eyes closed.

April got in, holding an ice pack at one hand. "No more monkey puns" Blue whispered at us and helped me to stand up.

We stopped laughing at once.

I took my serious face immediately as Apes checked on us and then, she sat behind Donnie. She placed the pack on his head and Brainiak sighed happily, his eyes closed in relief.

"Are you laughing at him because he's hurt?" she asked, giving us an angry look. "No, we were laughing at him because he was hurt by a monkey!" Mikey replied and we all again brushed out laughing.

"You can't be serious!"

"You mean that monkey was psychic?" Tania asked and tapped her index finger on her chin in thought. "It's more like he was reading our emotions. After all, he was only hostile when Donnie was hostile." April replied to her.

We were in Donnie's lab, trying to figure some things about the monkey which attacked D and Apes. "That doesn't make sense!" I said confused to her. "Yeah, well next time I'll be sure to think friendly thoughts while I'm beating a little sunshine into him." Donnie replied, smashing his knuckles together. "Whoa, whoa... slow down tough fighter. It's more complicated than you think. If April is right, that monkey might beat you up again." I retorted, my hands folded on my chest.

"Rowan's right. We need to track him down before he attacks someone else. Let's go up to the surface, spread out, and search." Blue ordered. I stretched my neck and smirked evilly. "Let's go for Monkey Hunt!" I said but Tania grabbed my arm. "Wait. How are we gonna stay in contact?" she addressed to all of us.


She got a point.

"I have a little something that might help." Donnie replied, smiling brightly, "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the T-Phone!" He showed us a shell-shaped cellphone which blimped. It was... nice.

"Dude, you made my day."

"Guys, someone just spotted the monkey on Bleecker." I heard Blue saying through the T-Phone. "I think I'm on his trail!" Tania replied. "I've got eyes on him." Raph said later.

I was flying between Houston and Delancy, my T-Phone at one hand and my earphones plugged on my ears, listening to what the others were saying. My eyes were stucked on the road, searching for the monkey. "He's headed south on Delancy! I'm on Houston!I will cut him off!" Donnie said. "I don't think you'll prevent him D..." I replied as soon as I saw the monkey changing direction. "He changed direction!" he exclaimed seconds later.

I rolled my eyes and followed the monkey. "I'm following him! Guys, he knows that we're following him!" I said still following the monkey who was now heading to Mikey's street. "Mikey, the monkey is headed your way! And stop playing with your T-Phone!" I said to Mikes as soon as I noticed him, playing on his T-Phone.

"I'm on it!"

I followed him from above 'till we both realized that the monkey disappeared. "Shit, he's gone!" I mumbled and landed on an alleyway were the others were. I saw Blue scratching his head in thought. "Anybody see where he went?" he asked us. I shook my head. "I thought he headed in that direction." Tania replied and showed her left side. "I thought it was that way." Raph retorted and showed his right side.

Where's April?

Apes was walking up to a dumpster while the others were talking about which direction the monkey took. The jingle went off in my head again but this time, it wasn't that loud.

I flew to her side.

Something was yelling silently inside the dumpster. I gave an uncertain look to April before my hand reached the door and opened it. The monkey was inside, his hands were covering his head.

He was afraid.

Poor monkey... We never meant to hurt you... I thought and he glared us with a weird glint in his brown eyes. Smiling, I offered him my hand. He took it and I helped him to come out.

Now, he was calmed.

He was glaring both of us with a glare which I couldn't translate.

Especially me.

Suddenly, a nunchuck chain passed next to me and wrapped around the monkey who lost his calmness and yelled angrily. "Ha-ha! Gotcha that time!" Mikey said happily. I walked up to the monkey's side who was now breathing heavily from the effort to free himself. "Calm down... Shh... We don't want to hurt you..." I said softly and he glared me again with that weird look.

I shivered.

"Rowny, get away from the monkey!" I heard Blue ordering to me but I ignored him.

I stared too at the monkey's eyes.

They were saying me something...

No One's POV

"My friend, please don't do this to me!" Dr. Rockwell yelled as he fruitlessly tried to free himself from the lots of chains. "Ugh! We can share the fortune of the discovery! You know me, I'll never betray you." he said again. A man's figure opposite him was holding a caste of mutagen and an evil smirk had been crossed on his lips. "And you know me better Rockwell. I can't share with you anything else" he replied and walked closer to the doctor. The caste was open and it was above him.

"Goodbye my friend

The ooze fell on Rockwell, making him to yell from pain.

An evil laugh surrounded his ears.

Before he mutated...

...into a monkey.

Rowan's POV

I gasped as April figured out that the monkey was Dr. Rockwell. What I saw in his eyes made me to realize that he's in terrible place. "Don't worry... you're safe now..." I whispered again at him.

I don't think so Rowan... a male voice spoke in my head.

My eyes went wide.


We were now in Rockwell's lab, the Rockwell-monkey was on a table, bounded and in total shock.

I couldn't blame him.

The atmosphere in there wasn't the best. The jingle was ringing badly in my head ever since we entered that lab.

Falco seemed so happy now.

I shivered.

He pressed a needle on Rockwell's arm who calmed down and rest. "That should calm him down a little. Poor Rockwell..." Falco said then and I clenched my hands into fists, that green thing passed in front of my vision again. You liar!

"Is there any way to get him back to normal?" April asked. With that guy? No, no, no! He'll kill Rockwell! Falco shrugged his shoulders."I wouldn't even know where to begin. But I'll see if there's a way to give him some semblance of a normal life." he replied and glared Rockwell. I swear that his eyes had an evil glint!

There was nothing else for me to do but to growl silently.

When we got in the lair, I quickly went to my bedroom. I just wanted to expose my anger somewhere private 'cause I didn't wanted the others to understand something. I opened my closet and got out my punching bag and bandages. I placed the bag in the middle of the room and covered my fingers with the bandages.

Then, I started to give punches and kicks.

Lots of them.

And strong ones.

Why Falco's lying to us? What's his big secret?


How did Rockwell ended up mutated? How the hell did he gained those physic powers?


Falco's involved into this.


Suddenly, I stopped and sat on my bed. I was sweating badly, my hair was wet and red blood was visible from the bandages as my palms were pressed hard on the mattress. My muscles were hurt and my lungs were letting some heavy breaths.

"I don't want anything to happen to you."

That innocent words had been stucked in my head, making me to smirk. I know that Leo's really cares for me so as I. I won't be able to stand still if something will happen to him...

I just want him safe.

"Pizza's here!" Raph's voice broke my thoughts in half and I stood up. I gave a glance at my bandaged hands and unwrapped them from my fingers. My injuries had been healed fast.

I was happy for that.

I got in the kitchen and found everyone sitting on the chairs, minding their own business. Mikey and Tania were playing on their T-Phones a game that Donnie downloaded. "Man, it's a hard level!" both said and they glared each other.

They picked their shoulders and went back to the game.

I sat next to Blue and his hand wrapped around my back. He also gave me a peek to my cheek and I giggled in response.

"Sorry we didn't get any closer to finding your dad, April." he said to Apes and chewed his slice of pizza. "It's okay." she replied, "Everything we learn about the Kraang is another piece of the puzzle."

I scoffed.

"We already know what Kraang are. Alien robots with brains on their chests who wants to attack earth." I said and stole a pepperoni from Blue's slice.

"Hey!" he exclaimed and I glared him questionable. "You know that you can get your own slice." he retorted, gesturing the half done box of pizza. "I like teasing youuu..." I replied singing and then, I gave a soft peek to his forehead. He laughed sheepishly and I saw his green cheeks taking a bright red color.


I giggled.

When we got in the living room, I found Donnie doing something on his laptop. "Hey Donnie, how come you're not eating?" Tania asked and sat next to him, seeing what he was doing. "What? I'm not hungry." he replied not lifting his head.

I raised an eyebrow.

"What are you looking at?" I asked and sat on his other side. "Falco said that Rockwell was experimenting on a monkey." he said. "And?" Tania asked. "Well, according to these notes, he never had a monkey in his lab. He was just using samples of monkey DNA." he responded to her. "So how does that explain Rockwell?" Tania asked again, glancing at the laptop.

"We're still not following you." Blue said behind me confused. D turned to his side. "If he never had a monkey, what broke out of that cage?"he asked him.

Tania gasped so am I.

"It must've been Rockwell!" we said in unison. Then, I jumped off my seat and raised my fists in the air. "Yes! I knew it!" I exclaimed happily. "Know what Red?" Raph asked, folding his arms on his chest.

"Falco put him there and he's been lying this whole time! He mutated Rockwell! I was correct all this time!" I replied happily to him.

Time to share some punches!

All right, Falco we've had enough of your-"

"Do not say monkeying around."

"I wasn't going to..."

"Yes, you were."

We were back to Rockwell's lab, knowing now the whole truth about Rockwell's mutation, who... he was still tied up on the table. Falco was holding a needle at one hand which contained a green substance. I didn't felt good with that.

"We know it was you who mutated Rockwell!" I retorted at him. He smirked. "I used him as a guinea pig." he replied to me. "Well, it didn't work. You turned him into a monkey!" Mikey said and I slapped his head.


"Don't say stupid things!"

Falco injected the needle on his neck, his eyes closed in pleasure. "Uh... Blue?" I whispered at Blue next to me. He held my hand without saying a single word and then, it clenched into a tight fist.

"The psychic neurochemical I extracted from his mutant brain is changing me. Your minds are opening up to me." Falco said, smirking evily. "So this was your plan all along?" Tania asked behind me. "Of course! No man can defeat you when you know his every thought." Falco replied and my eyes narrowed.

You little bastard!

"I heard that little girl..." he said to me, his eyes glowing evily again. "Since you can read my thoughts, I think you predicted this!" I replied and turned into my ghost form.

Let's how good you're at that!

Donnie beat up Falco successfully while we ate a total failure on our faces. "Now that we have the ooze, let's see what Falco knows about the Kraang." he said and opened a cage next to him. It was...empty?

"What?" I asked out loud and we all stared at the cage. I snapped my head at Falco's side only finding that he was gone! "He's gone!" Tania exclaimed behind me.

I heard a silent yell from Rockwell. "What do we do about him?" Mikey asked. "Only this." I replied and walked up to his side. I sliced his straps and the monkey stood up, stepping on an open window. Before he left, he glared us.

He glared me.

Thank you all for the help. I really appreciate it. And Rowan? Stay as you are.

This time, I knew who's voice was speaking in my head. I smiled softly. No worries. Whenever you want anything from us... we'll be happy to help. I replied in my head. "I'm no psychic, but I think he's trying to thank us." Donnie said behind me.

Rockwell nodded.

And then, he was gone.

Be careful, okay?

While the other four turned back to the lair, Leo and I decided to hang out.

Actually, date.

It was nearly midnight and we both were flipping from roof to roof, laughing and teasing each other.

Like always.

Sometime, we stopped and stood on a roof, the Times Square opposite us. Bright and beautiful.

"Wow... I never saw Times Square so... brighten up." Blue exclaimed his eyes moving around to each billboard. I smirked and held his three fingered hand. "Happy you like it..." I replied as I glanced too the billboards. "But nothing compares to you..." he said softly and turned me around one of my hands raised in the air, touching his.

We came closer after that. Our noses touched. Our orbs had been lost into the blue.

It was wonderful.

But not as I planned to be.

"I've got an idea." I said and my Blue gave me a curious glare, making me to smile brightly.

"Follow me."

Some minutes later, we were standing up to the top of the Statue of Liberty, gazing the lit New York. "How about that?" I asked my hands touching the railings of the crown. "Yeah... It's awesome, like you..." he replied and led me closer to him. "Awww..." I replied and gave a peek to his lips. Then, he pulled out his T-Phone and scrolled down, searching for a song.

And he found it.

I found a love for me

Darling, just dive right in

follow my lead

Well I found a girl

beautiful and sweet

I never knew that

you were the someone waiting for me

We started to dance slowly. My hands were wrapped around Blue's neck while his own three-fingered hand were wrapped around my back. We were circling around, following the rhythm of the music.

Our lips were crossed by a smile.

We both looked relaxed.

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

with you between my arms

barefoot on the grass

listening to our favorite song

When you said you looked a mess

I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it:

Darling, you look perfect


As the song cane up to an end, Leo lowered me to the floor one of his arms wrapped around me tight. His other one was holding my hand gently.

Our eyes were shining.

Our faces were close.

So as our lips.

"I love you Rowny. I were, I am and I'll be in love with you... I'll never let you." he whispered and his breath touched my cheeks, hot and sweet.

"Neither will I. I'll do everything to keep you happy and safe. I love you..." I replied in whisper and my lips created a smirk.

And we let our lips connect into a passionate, endless kiss.

You look perfect


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