It came From The Depths

Rowan's POV

"Who wants to try my latest creation?"

I turned to glare Mikey with a raised eyebrow. His hands were holding a bowl which contained something that I bet it wasn't good. "We all love pizza. We all love milkshakes. So I combined them!" he explained us and then showed us what was in that bowl.

A brown liquid with bubbles popping all over.

I gulped and both my hands placed on my mouth. The smell was awful! "Okay, that could be less appetizing." Donnie said, coming out from his lab. "I call it a P-shake!" Mikes said and showed it to D who gulped too.

"I stand corrected."

"You guys just have no sense of adventure." My friend replied and took a ship, much to my discuss. Secs later, he spat it out on my face!

I gulped again.

Something cold ran down to my body as my stomach turned over. Gulping once more, I took a bucket which happened to be there and vomited in there.

"Where did I go wrong?"

Then he spat it out again on my face, making me to vomit again. That cold feeling kept touching my body as I stood up holding my belly in pain.

Blue rushed to my side.

"Rowny? Are you okay?" he asked as I gulped again. "Uh-Oh... someone's sick here..." Donnie said as he handed Blue the bucket.

I vomited in it again.

"I-i shall go to the bathroom..." I said weakly and sped to the bathroom where I kept vomiting.

Man, how did this happened?

We were in the tunnel 281, searching for a mutant. As the others told me, that mutant attacked a worked down here and we decided to look for it.

After my vomiting accident, I felt better. That's why I followed guys. As for that cold feeling, it didn't went away but it was just chilling my body.

"How're you feeling?" Blue asked next to me. "Better. Maybe my period's coming and made me to vomit." I replied, keeping searching.


I rolled my eyes.

"Whoa, check this out! What the heck made these footprints?" I heard Donnie exclaiming and my eyes fell on what his flashlight was lighting.

It was a big footprint which it reminded of an alligator's footprint. "Well that's weird." I said in thought.


I lifted my head so as an eyebrow and ran up to the source of the roaring, only to find some Kraang fighting a big mutant alligator. Wow, he was strong! And he seemed to hurt Kraang easily than them him.

Suddenly, a Kraangdroid landed on our side. It's head popped out and ran away screaming without even noticing us. "I never thought I'd feel sorry for the Kraang." Don exclaimed and I rolled my eyes with a smirk. Sure Donnie, fell sorry for a bunch of aliens who just wants to destroy the world.

More roaring.

My eyes fixed to the battle as the gator was fighting fiercely the robots. Unfortunately for him, a Kraang, zapped him on his chest by the use of two bars.

My eyes narrowed.

Who do they think they are to electroshock a poor mutant, eh?!

"Tell Kraang in what place can be found the power cell that Kraang wishes to find the place of."

I slapped my forehead. Also, learn to speak English you stupid! And what's that 'power cell'? Whatever it was, if it fell on their hands, it meant no good.


The Kraang zapped him again and red spots filled my vision as that green thing passed in front of my vision. "Come on, we gotta help him!" Mikey exclaimed and held Raph's arm, forcing him to move. "I think 'gotta' is a strong word." Raph replied, shoving away Mikey's hand. "Mikey, we don't know anything about that guy. He could be way more dangerous than the Kraang!" Blue said and I narrowed my eyes. "He needs our help guys! You're coming or not, I'm not gonna let the Kraang to hurt him! Come on Mikey!" I said and super sped to the battle field.


I turned into my ghost form with a flip and flew above the Kraang, throwing plenty of ectoplasm. The other three got in the battle a couple of seconds later and we all fought Kraang 'till they ran away in fear.

Landing on the ground, my eyes fell on the unconscious mutant. His body was covered with scratches and blood that I felt so sorry for him.

Poor gator...

"So... what do we do now?" Donnie asked Blue. "We get out of here before more Kraangdroids show up." he ordered. My eyes went wide as I glared him in shock. "We can't leave him here! What if the Kraang find him again? He's injured!" I said to my boyfriend who folded his arms. "Well, what do you want to do Rowny? Take him back to the lair?" he asked.

I remained silent.

"Oh, no-Oh, no! Did did you see what he did to those Kraangdroids? We are not bringing that monster home with us!" he exclaimed with a socked look. "He's not a monster! He's a giant, Kraang-crushing, mutant alligator monster!" Mikey yelled.

I slapped my forehead again.

"I said monster, didn't I?"


"Sure did."

"I heard it."

Mikes stood in front of the gator so as I. "Well, you know what I meant!" he exclaimed again.

"I thought you meant 'monster'."

"Me too."


Mikey glared angrily his brothers. "Fine! We'll bring him back ourselves... Right, Ro?" he asked, baby blue eyes glaring me with hope. "Start ahead and I see if you'll need an extra hand." I said and he nodded. Then, he tried to pull the gator forward but... no result.

Mikey glared Donnie.

"Um, Donnie, you don't happen to have a forklift, do you?" he asked and Donnie's glared me but I ignored it.

"No? Okay."

He tried again but there again, the gator didn't moved. Blue sighed as he and the other two walked up to our side and tried to lift the gator up.

No result.

Four pair of eyes glared me and I sighed in defeat.

"Fine... But you all owe me a box of pizza."

We finally managed to bring the gator home. The boys let me to bring him here on my own while they walked behind me. But thanks to my super strength, the gator weighed nothing to me.

"I can't believe we let them talk us into this."Raph complained as I set down the gator who seemed to be sleeping. "Aww... look at him! He's so peaceful!" Mikey exclaimed in whisper as he gave the gator a teddy bear. "That's because he's out cold." Raph retorted and I punched his arm.

"OW! Ya need a professional!"

"No, you do."

Donnie came to our side holding a couple of chains. "Whoa! What are those for?!" Mikey exclaimed. "We can't keep him here unless he's chained to something really big." Don replied and I stood in front of the gator, folding my arms. "He's not gonna hurt us! Don't you see he's sleeping?!" I shouted angrily. "Yeah! We're the ones who saved him!" Mikes added as the gator woke up.

"See? He's perfectly calm! I bet the first thing he's gonna do is thank -"


"Or maybe the second thing."

The gator roared again and he grabbed Donnie's head who, by the way, screamed in fear. Then, the gator shook him like crazy around.

"Get him off me! Get him off me!"

I rolled my eyes as Mikey unleashed his chains. "I'll help you, Donnie!"Then, all the turtles tried to pull D away from the gator, hauling him from his body.

At this point, I couldn't stop laughing.

"What is all the commotion?"

I glared Splinter who walked to our side, slightly annoyed. "Sensei, Rowan and Mikey made us bring back a mutant back to the lair, and it attacked us!" Raph exclaimed angrily. "Only because you're defensive" I retorted. "It needs our help!" Mikey finished. "It's a dangerous monster!" Raph yelled.


They all glared me in shock. That cold feeling grew stronger now, especially on my hands and legs. My gaze fell on them and I widened my eyes seeing...


"What the heck?!" I heard Donnie asking in shock and I lifted my head, glaring all of them, wide eyed.

I have ice powers?!

After the ice accident, Blue, Raph and Donnie went to search for that 'power cell', leaving me and Mikey back. Sensei ordered us to be friends with the gator and try to get some infos.

We watched him silently until he opened his eyes. "Where am I?" he asked with a roar to our faces. "Look who's awake..." I said crossing my arms as the gator moved around, trying to get off his chains.

"You! Set me free!"

"Sorry, but I can't..." I replied sadly as I remembered Blue and Splinter's orders of not letting free the gator. "The guys said I had to keep you locked up or you might attack us." Mikey added with too sad voice.

"Who are you? What am I doing here?" he demanded. "I'm Rowan and he's Michelangelo."- I gestured Mikes- "We and our friends saved you from the Kraang." I replied softly.

But with the mention of that name, the gator got mad.


I raised my hands in the air and moved left and right, trying to calm him down. "Take it easy boy! You're in a safe place! You're here just to heal up..." I said and he calmed down, at last. "There you go!" I exclaimed later. "And nothing will heal you faster than my world famous pizza noodle soup!" Mikey said next to me, holding a bowl of his creation. "Ugh, Yikes!" I said as the gator took a sip from a spoon.

He didn't spat it out!

"This is the best thing I've ever tasted." he said to Mikes and I crossed my arms on my chest. Yeah, if I were so hungry, I'ld surely eat Mikey's soup!

"Really? All right! SOMEBODY finally likes my cooking!"

I rolled my eyes.

"So...What's your name anyway?" I asked the gator. "I do not have one." he replied and my eyes drooped. "Oh, poor you..." I whispered, patting his arm. "You don't have a name? Ha! Well, today's your lucky day, 'cause I'm a genius at naming stuff!" Mikes exclaimed happily and I smirked with a roll of my eyes. "That's one of his specialities." I explained to the gator.

"Mm, your head's kind of leathery. How about Headleather? Heather?"

My eyes widened as I found the name for the gator. "Leatherhead! That's the best name!" I exclaimed and Mikey's face brightened up. "Even better sis! Leatherhead!" he said giving me a thumbs up. "Leatherhead it is. Thank you." LH said happily. "No problem." I replied. "It's what I do. So I've been meaning to ask you, why did you go all crazy-eyes on my brother, Donnie?" Mikey asked.

"Your brother?"

"Yeah, a tall turtle with a purple mask in who you took his head and shook him all over." I replied, remembering when LH took Donnie from his head.

I smirked.

LH though, titled his head in shame. "There are times when I lose control. When I awaken, I am horrified by what I have done. A monster like me deserves to be chained." he said sadly and my eyes drooped again.

And I hugged him.

"You're not a monster Leatherhead. You think that because people treats like that." I said softly and pulled away. "Hmmm, Rowan you are very kind and wise beyond your years." LH said to me with a smile. "Yeah, I get that a lot." Mikey said and I turned my head to him. "He was talking about me." I retorted.

Blue, Raph and Donnie got out from the pool. Donnie was wearing a bag. I walked up to Blue's side and gave him a peek to his lips. "Hey there pretty..." he said placing a finger on my nose.

I smiled.

"Hey, guys. Leatherhead is totally off the chain." Mikey said and they widened their eyes in shock. "You mean you two set him free?" Blue asked in shock. "He's cool, relax." I replied placing a hand on his arm.

"That's why I set him free."

Their eyes went wide and glared LH who smiled at them. "Guys... He's fine! Ya need to cool off!" I said angrily. Again, that cold feeling ran down to my body. "You let that maniac loose?!" Raph yelled and I narrowed my eyes.

"Maybe you forgot that he grabbed me by the face! So I'll remind you. He grabbed me by the face!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Relax. You've been hurt worse since." Mikey said to his brother. "Guys, you shouldn't have unchained him. What if he goes berserk?" Blue asked us. "He's not gonna go berserk!" I retorted. "He's mellow!" Mikey finished.

"Okay. So, Leatherhead about the Kraang-"


I gave a death glare at Blue as Mikey tried to relax LH. "What were you thinking?!" I snapped. "You said he was mellow!" he retorted. "Yeah with not saying that name!" I retorted too. "Okay, what should I do?" he asked folding his arms.

"I don't know, start with something like 'how was your day?'"

He sighed.

"Fine. Leatherhead, how was your day?" he asked calmly now. "It started out awful."LH replied sadly. "Yeah, you were attacked by the Kraang." Mikey said, making LH mad again.


Mikey shrugged sheepishly. "My bad..." he said. I stood in front of LH and patted his snout. "Leatherhead, can you please calm down? Guys want to ask you some questions. Can you let yourself to calm and listen? For me?" I asked softly. "Yes..." he said and I glared the turtles.


Donnie cleared his throat at pulled out a pink thing from his bag. "Okay. W-w-we just want to know what this is..." he said and showed it to LH

His eyes went white.



LH grabbed Donnie's head again. "Oh come on!" he complained into the palm. LH kept shaking D's head. "This is not my day!"D complained again. "Yep, I feel ya..." I mumbled as the others attacked LH with no result.

I jumped in front of him. "Leatherhead! Stop! It's me! Rowan! We're not here to-" LH slapped me in the face and then I felt his claws land on my belly. He threw me away and I gasped in pain.


The others tried to stop him but they all had been sent away from him. I stood up and sped to LH again. "Dude! Calm down!" I begged and kicked his stomach. He roared in response and tried to hurt me again.

"Stop! Get away from my children!"

LH attacked Splinter who defeated him with ease. "Leave this place. Out!" he ordered and LH got away, taking the power cell with him. Sensei got to our side. "Are you all right?" he asked us but I stood up and super sped away, following LH's tracks.

"Rowny! Come back!"

"My friends, you have trusted me, and now I am trusting you. I will deal with the Kraang."

LH handed me the power cell and walked up to the door of the subway car. "Be careful..." I whispered sadly as he brusted out and started to fight the Kraang.

I gave D the power cell.

"Donnie, we're running out of time..." Blue said impatiently to Don. "I'm working as fast as I can!" he yelled at him. "Can you please hurry up?" I asked and finally, my friend managed to hook the cell to the motor.

"I got it!"

The car started to ran in super speed as the turtles screamed in fear. "It's awesome! You guys need to enjoy it!" I yelled as I rested on a wall with a smile.

But this trip came to an end.

A bell rang and the door opened. We all came out from there and looked at the surrounding.


We were back at the lair. Blue and I were reading a Space Heroes comic 'till Donnie came out from his lab. "What's wrong D?" I asked.

He gestured me to come in.

"Well?" I asked again in worry now. Donnie looked at me with happiness. "Well Rowan, I gave the pleasure to announce you that you indeed have ice powers!" he exclaimed. "Ice powers?" I asked.

"Uh... your ghost powers provides them, actually. But anyway, it's good news because that means your powers are getting stronger!" D replied. "Wow! Isn't that great Rowny?" Blue asked meme, holding my hand.

I didn't replied.


My powers are getting stronger.

I'm getting more freak.

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