I, Monster

Listen to this song... Trust me, it'll make you read this chapter easily...


That's what Rowan saw.


A small spot of light appeared in the horizon and she narrowed her eyes, trying to see it clearly. Next thing she remember was that she was into a big theater.

Actually, in a cinema.

The big screen was dark opposite her and the dim light was all over the room. She was in the middle line of seats and raised one eyebrow.

Uh... Okay...? I'm in the movies now?

She sat down and the screen turned to life while darkness spread out in the big room.

Nice. A movie is what I need now... Rowan thought in satisfaction as she sat more comfortable on her seat. The popcorns are missing but, whatever. I'm not hungry.

A relaxed smile appeared on her lips.

A girl, much like her, appeared on the screen. Her fangs were covered in blood so as her clothing.

She looked mad.

Ah, a horror movie. My favorite kind.

The girl of the screen walked towards it and a foot appeared out from the big colored screen as Rowan raised an impressed eyebrow.

3-D? Wow.

"Reality it's not what you thought of." the screen girl said with a scary and low voice as her body started to appear out the screen.

Something metallic surrounded the atmosphere.

Rowan knew what it was.


Real blood.

The screen girl came out from the screen and landed on her feet, hungry look was searching for something.

And she did found it.

"Dudes! It's not real, eh? She's not crazy?"

"Right now, I don't really know little brother."

"Technically, that shouldn't have happened now..."

The girl started with slow steps to walk towards the talking shadows, leaving Rowan to glare the whole scene with wide eyes. If that's a horror movie, why the turtles are involved?

"Reality it's not what you thought of." the girl said again, giving a glance at Rowan. Then, a light turned on, revealing the four terrified turtles.

She moved closer.

Leonardo stood in front of his brothers, protecting them and unleashed one of his katanas. "Rowny stop! This is not you!" he said to the girl who had an evil smirk on her lips.


Did he said...




"Oh, that's the real me Leonardo. But you never knew it." the girl replied.

In a flash she was to his side and stabbed her fangs on his shoulder, letting the poor turtle to scream in pain.

Rowan screamed too.

Rowan's POV

I jolted awake from my bed with a gasp. My eyes glared around the dark room and slowly-slowly, my heart beat lowered to its normal rate. I placed my head on my pillow and put my blanket up to my shoulders. "It was a nightmare Red. Just a nightmare." I whispered to myself as my eyes shut.

Just a nightmare.

"Okay, here's the plan. Donnie, you're gonna strike first."

"No, wait. You want me, to come at Splinter? I'll get pummeled!"

"Well...getting pummeled is your specialty."

We were in the Dojo, trying to catch Splinter off-guard as a form of training. Right that moment, we were thinking of who's gonna attack him first. "Trust me. It's all part of my plan to catch Splinter off-guard." Blue said to Donnie. "Uh... Leo... Don't take this the wrong way, but against Splinter, your plans always get our butts whipped." Mikey said to Blue and my eyes went wide.

Mikey said something smart!

But Blue didn't liked it.

"Okay, new thought. Mikey: You attack." he ordered to Mikey who frowned. "No way!" he exclaimed. "Enough chit chat. Let's do this." I interrupted.

We all stood up and faced sensei. Raph was the first who attacked but soon he got beat up so as Mikey and Donnie.

I sighed.

Twirling my tanto in my hands, I attacked Splinter. My fangs popped out and I felt more power and energy ran through my veins. With a handstand, I tried to kick sensei but he moved away. He tried to punch me but I blocked the blow with my hands. Then, I tried again to hit him but he dodged it. His tail tangled up to my feet and I fell on the mat. Rolling away, I flipped myself up and attacked again with a kick. Unfortunately, Splinter caught my leg, turned me around before I found myself landing with my back on the tree.

"Ouch... Back break..." I heard Mikey saying but I ignored him as I stood up. Blue and I attacked Splinter. He blocked all of our blows but only one of them stopped him.

A punch to his face from both of us.

My eyes went wide as we both rushed to his side, full in regrets. "S-Sensei, We're sorry! We-" Blue tried to say but sensei grabbed our arms and pinned us down.

"Oh man."

"They're goners."

"Oh, nodie dodie."

However, Splinter let us go. "Well done, Rowan and Leonardo. But just when you had the advantage, you both hesitated, and that made you vulnerable." he said to us. "Hai sensei." we replied, standing up with our hands connected. "Now, that is all for today...unless you care for a rematch?" he addressed to the other three.

"No, thanks."

"I'm good."

"Yeah, I think we're all set here."

Sensei chuckled and headed back to his room. The three turtles ran up to us, smiling proudly.

"Guys! Not bad!"

"I can't believe you two actually tagged Sensei. That was epic!"

Mikey grabbed our connected hands and glared then in awe. "The hands that punched Splinter. You know, you can never wash these again." he then said to us. I pulled away my hand and slapped his forehead. "I gotta say, guys, it was all teamwork. We are definitely getting better." Blue said and I gave him a peek to his cheek.

He blushed.

"Think we might be catching up to Splinter?" Donnie asked and I nodded. "Hell yeah D!" I said. "Yeah, maybe soon, we won't need him to train us at all!" Mikey said and my eyes went wide.

Hope he didn't heard that...

I walked up to the turnstiles when Blue's voice stopped me.

"Where are you going looking so pretty?"

I turned to him with a smirk. Yeah, I changed my regular clothing to a floral dress which reached to my knees. I combined it with a pair of black heels. My hair were paired to both sides and lay on my shoulders and chest.

"To Tania's place. We decided to go for shopping" I replied as he came to my side, placing a hand on my cheek. "Be careful, eh?" he asked. "I will, don't worry..." I replied and gave him a peek to his lips. Blue pulled me even closer to him and I let myself to drone into his magical kiss...

"Gross! Make room you two!"

We pulled away and I started to walk out from the lair. "We're done Raph! Relax..." I said and super sped away.

"Call me if ya need something!"

Leo's POV

I was watching Space Heroes when Splinter's voice interrupted my watch. We rushed to the Dojo and saw sensei on the floor. I helped him to stand up. "I am fine, Leonardo" he assumed me but he didn't convinced me. "Are you sure you're alright? You don't seem-"

Two T-Phones rang at the same time. "Hey, that's April's ringtone!" Donnie exclaimed happily as Raph started to make kissing faces. "And Tania's calling me." Mikey said and both answered to their calls. "Hey, April. I mean, hey April. I mean-" Donnie stopped talking and Mikey hanged up.

"What happened?" I asked my little brother. "You're not gonna like this..."- Mikey sighed- "Rowan got mad and attacked Tania. Tania told me she wanted blood like crazy dude!" he then exclaimed. My eyes went wide in shock.


No One's POV

Rowan was running, no- super speeding across the roofs. Her fangs were out and her hands were clenched into fists, moving along with her hips. It was daytime in New York and cloudy too.

She couldn't believe it.

To her best friend.

Suddenly, her legs stopped running. She raised her hands to her eyes. They were half covered in blood. Tears came up to her icy eyes as she realized that she became what she feared most.

A monster.

A real vampire.

"Why?" she whispered. "What am I turning into?" she asked again out loud and a tear fell on her cheek. Something nice smelled. She sniffed it and the thing back to her throat activated again.

Her bloodhunger grew stronger.

Blood. I need to drink.

She shook her head. No, no, no! You'll not do what your animal instinct say. But, she needed it.

Like crazy.

She jumped down to an alleyway and found a girl crying. Rats were everywhere in the city. Her eyes softened and walked up to her side. "Hey, why are you alone here?" she asked the girl and kneeled down. The girl sniffed and turned to her. Her big brown eyes went wide by her seen.

"I'm lost! Those rats are everywhere! And I'm hurt!" she said sobbing again. "You're hurt? Where?" Rowan asked as the sweet smell of blood surrounded her nose. Her bloodhunger grew stronger. The girl showed her left arm which had a big scratch with fresh blood running down to it.

Rowan's eyes widened.

She felt the need of blood ran faster than ever in her veins and the back of her throat burning from that. The smell drove her crazy. All she wanted to do was to drink all the blood and kill if the girl resist.

But no.

She had to keep her ground. Her mind strong and control that craziness in her body and brain. She have to gain the upper hand.

Sighing, she glared the girl right into her eyes. "Give me your hand. This will pain you..." she said softly.

The girl did what she was asked to do.

Rowan stabbed her fangs into the wound and the girl cried from pain.

She soon got used to it.

Few minutes later, Rowan lifted her head. She was relieved that this shit stopped and she was her normal self again. Her fangs turned back to their normal shape and the hunger disappeared. "You're fine now..." she announced to the pale girl. With a movement of her wrist, she shoved away a small amount of blood from her lips and smiled again to the girl.

She nodded.

"T-thank you..."

Leo's POV

We were running on the roofs, hurrying to get to April. Seeing us humans or not, we were going to help our friend and find Rowny. "Oh wow! The city is so beautiful in the daytime. Except for the, you know, billions of rats..." Mikey said and I rolled my eyes. I forgot to mention that the whole city was covered by many rats. And point was, we didn't knew why!

But that moment again, my thoughts were running to Rowny. I tried to call her many times but... she didn't answered to none of them. If the 'bloodhunger' like Donnie said hit her now, she needed our help! But how are we gonna help her since we didn't knew where she was?

"Actually, the entire rat population of New York is only about 36 million, which-"

"I will smack you out of your shell."

I glared over to a telephone pole. April was holding tight on it as a mass of rats passed down her. "Uh, guys, we may have a problem." I said to my brothers. "Oh rats. Get it?"Mikey asked us and I rolled my eyes in response. "For the 14th time, yes!" Raph replied annoyed.

"Wow Raph. I would never thought you knew counting Mikey's pans."

Wait a sec... I know that voice! And I exactly knew to who belonged. I turned back, only to face...

Rowan's POV



"How did you found us?"

I chuckled at Donnie and crossed my arms. "Instinct Brainiak. It's called instinct." I then said with a almost hidden smirk.

Crazy I know but, after bitting that girl, I felt better and more myself. I couldn't say that I could control that crazy feeling of needing blood but... let's just say it became minor.

And no.

It was still burning.

In my veins.

Blue walked up to my side, a warm smile had been crossed on his lips. His strong arms wrapped around me tight and lovely and I heard him sighing in relief in my ear. "You're okay? I mean... from that..." he asked softly making me to wonder how he learned that but then...

Few hours earlier...

"Well, that's an evolution..." Tania said to Rowan with a smile. "Heh, I did some practice back home and... it wasn't that difficult to control. After all, they're ice powers." her friend replied warmly and her hands created an ice diamond.

They both walked into the huge Times Square, heading to a mall. Tania wanted to buy some clothes and asked Rowan if she wanted to come since April was studying.

Rowan liked the idea.

"By the way, I love your dress! It's so... cute!" Tania exclaimed, eyes falling to Rowan's black floral dress. The sleeves were reaching her elblows and the back was open, some stripes decorating it.

The red haired chuckled.

"Glad you like it!" she then said and both laughed out loud.

Suddenly, something sharp scratched Tania's arm and the fabric of her pink sweater relented, revealing a small with the fist sight scratch which poured out blood. The brunette hissed in pain and her free hand held it tight.

Rowan raised a worried eyebrow and glared her friend. "What is it?" she asked and placed her hands on Tania. "Tania?" she asked again in worry.

And that's when she saw it.

Rowan's icy eyes went wide in shock as Tania glared her. "I'm fine, nothing to worry about... My ghost healing will help and in no time, I'll be okay!" she assumed her.

Rowan kept glaring the wound.

It wasn't the first time she saw blood. Oh, how many times she killed people back to Foot and her clothes were half covered in blood. She knew it so well.

However, something else made her looking, no- starring the wound.

It was the sweet smell of blood which surrounded her nose.

And she couldn't stop sniffing.

Something back, deep in her throat, came to life and burned inside her like fire. Her fangs popped out fast and the smell drove her crazy.

Blood. I want to drink it. Now!

"Rowan? Are you okay?" Tania asked and moved away from her friend, a small amount of blood fell on her nails. Rowan sniffed it again the sweet smell of blood.


That's when she lost the control and attacked Tania.

I blinked once and glared my boyfriend with a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine." I replied softly as a thought stocked in my head.

Gotta find Tania.

Blue hugged me tight again and his lips gave a peek to my hair. Soft, sweet and relieved.

"Where could I possibly go?"

I glared April, hugging from a telephone pole tight. Blue and I ran to the edge of the roof and fired our grappling hooks which Donnie created some days ago. We jumped on the pole and climbed.

"These stupid rats are starting to get on my nerves..." I heard Raph saying and I rolled my eyes. I unleashed my claws and stabbed them on the pole.

"Rats aren't stupid. Despite their small brain size, they're remarkably- Ow!"

"I warned you."

Blue narrowed his eyes as he glared Raph annoyed. "Raph, put down the rat and keep climbing!" he then ordered. The pole started to shake, making my climbing a bit difficult. My eyes glared downwards as the rats were chewing the bottom of the pole. "We better hurry up!" I exclaimed and kept climbing.

The pole titled a bit causing me to lost my balance and fell off it. My eyes went wide and for a moment, I forgot my ghostly ability. A hand held my wrist tight and I lifted my head to see who he was.

It was Blue.

He was smiling at me and his eyes were bright. I smiled back as he helped me to jump to the opposite roof. The rats chewed more the pole.

"Chew on that, rat finks!" Blue and I said at the same time while Raph smacked his forehead in disbelief. "Oh, come on! That sounded cool!" Blue protested a bit making me to smirk. "Does anyone know what the heck is going on?" April asked. "I'm not sure. But whatever it is, this attack is extremely well coordinated." I replied with a shrug of my shoulders. "Obviously, there is a higher intelligence at work here." Donnie added. Raph turned to Mikey. "Well, that rules out Mikey." he said and Mikes pout.

"I'm serious. Someone or something is controlling every rat in the city." Donnie said to Raph. "Wait a sec...every rat?" Blue asked and gave me a look.

A wide eyed look.

I realized then what was going on and...


When we all turned back to the lair, we found Splinter on the floor, sleeping( I guess...?) and Tania was on him. "Donnie, you're the smart one. What do we do?" Blue asked the said turtle who thought of it. Tania glared us and gave me a sad look.

I stood up and grabbed her wrist, moving her to the kitchen. "Look, I really don't-" she tried to say but I stopped her. "Stop talking and listen to me. I know, I terrified you and, most of all, hurt you but, believe me, I never ever done this on purpose. I just lost control of myself. A-and... It was the first time... I'm really, truly sorry for everything" I said and slammed my hands on the table in anger. "Ugh! What am I saying?! A monster like me shouldn't apologize!" I exclaimed and closed my eyes painfully.

A hand had been placed on my shoulder.

I opened my eyes and glared Tania.

"I don't care to what you think you're turning into. All I care is that you want us to be safe, although you sometimes mess it up..." - she smirked- "but, you're my friend. My sister. And I'll always, always be here for you and forgive you for whatever will happen. Trust me, I passed a lot too the last year and I now know how to choose people." she said and after that, she hugged me tight with me hugging her back. "You're my sister Tania. And, well, you're right about everything. But I have to say something..." I replied and I let her go.

Tania raised an eyebrow.

"I don't mess everything up."

She laughed so as l.

We walked in the Dojo, where the turtles, April and Splinter were having a conversation.

"Falco's behind this? How is that possible?" Donnie asked as soon as I reached them. I raised an eyebrow and Blue held my hand, whispering in my ear the theme of the conversation.

"Somehow he has acquired a telepathic connection with every rat in New York. And now he calls himself the Rat King." Sensei replied and Mikey frowned next to me. "Oh, great! So now we're letting the bad guys name themselves? We gotta take him down!" he then exclaimed angrily. "Yes, Michelangelo, you do. The Rat King will not rest until he has total control over the city and my mind." Sensei replied and walked up to a self, holding a picture of his lost family.

"Everything I knew is gone. My wife, my daughter, my clan, even my humanity." he said sadly and then turned to our side. "You six are all I have left." he finished with a smile.

I felt my eyes droop.

"Don't worry, Sensei. We'll stop him." Blue verified and there again, he held my hand gently. "But we gotta find him first."Raph said. "When the Rat King attempted to take control of me, I could see into his mind. You will find his lair in an abandoned utility junction beneath Herald Square." Sensei replied to Raph who unleashed his sais. "Let's go play exterminator!" he then said, twirling the pair.

Something old and forgotten woke up inside me that moment and I couldn't stop feeling Splinter like my father.

So, I hugged him tight.

"Fight him, father." I whispered at him and a pair of hands hugged me back gently. "I will. Just hurry."he replied some seconds later and let go of me, a smile had been crossed to his lips.

"It's okay, guys. You go after the Rat King. Tania and I will stay here with Sensei." Apes said to us and Tania nodded, giving me a look full of sure. "Thanks girls." I replied and we all left.

Hope you'll be okay by then, dad...

We were now walking through the sewers, looking for the place sensei told us. On one of my hands, I had some ectoplasm, using it as light while my other hand was holding tight Blue's. Guess he sensed my nervousness and anxiety so that he said, "Don't worry Rowny. He'll be fine..." And then, he gave me a relaxing kiss to my cheek.

"What's going to happen to Splinter if we can't stop the Rat King? Which, by the way, lamest villain name ever." Mikey said and I rolled my eyes. "Let it go already!" I replied annoyed. "We're going to stop the Rat King, and Splinter's going to be fine. Right Leo?" Raph said, glaring my Blue.

Suddenly, I heard a rustling noise from a distance. "Shh... quiet. Do you guys hear that?" Blue asked and a stampede of rats came towards us.

I pouted.

"You gotta be kidding."

"Aw rat-"

Don turned to Blue. "Uh, Leo, any ideas?" he then asked. "Just one. Move!" he ordered and held my hand tighter, forcing me to run with him and get in a pipe.

"Ow! Oh, no! They've got the taste for turtle now!"

I slapped my forehead and followed Blue into the pipe, using our hands. "I'm just saying, I can think of a million better names than the 'Rat King'. There's Ratzilla, the Verminator, Lord Rattington..." I heard Mikey saying and I turned my head to him, annoyed. "Shut up your fucking mouth!" I retorted and much to my satisfaction, Mikes shut up.

"Can it, Mikey. We're almost there." Blue said to him. "The utility chamber should be on the other side of that wall." Donnie said and showed us a wall. "Uh... you mean that disgusting, furry, squirming wall?" Raph asked and I took a closer look, finding that indeed had rats on it.

"How are we going to get past that?" Raph asked again. I looked around and found some barrels. I gave Blue an elbow hit and he saw it as well. "Raph, those barrels. Ventilate 'em." he then ordered to Raph who smirked.

"You got it."

He threw a shruiken at the barrels and they exploded, sending some rats away. "Uh, Leo, you do realize those chemicals are highly combustible." Donnie addressed to Blue.

"You don't say. Let's move."

We got in Rat king's lair which, by the way was full of rats. RK was standing still at the end of the room. He was pale, like my skin color and he wore a long black coat. His head had a hat at the same color and his face was covered by many bandages so as his hands. "Ah, my female and turtle friends, we meet again."he said to us.

"Except last time, Falco, you weren't wearing a sad Halloween costume." Raph retorted sarcastically. I grinded silently.

"I am the Rat King!"


"Sorry, we don't have any treats for you." Blue said, ordering his katanas. "But we've got a few tricks!" I finished with a smirk.

Donnie's T-Phone rang and we all turned to him. "Way to ruin the moment, Donnie." Blue deadpaned as my purple masked friend picked it up. "Uh...April, now's not really the best time." he said but immediately stopped talking.

"Gone?! What do you mean, gone? Gone where?"


We turned to the source of the voice and our gaze met Splinter who had red eyes instead of brown. He was also holding a katana. As we all stared him, I felt my heart beat slow down and cold sweat fell down to my body.

Oh, no...

My adopted father lost his battle with the mind control.

"What's wrong with him? It's like his brain is completely turned off."Donnie said to us in shock. "You mean like Mikey?" both Raph and Mikey asked in unison. Mikes glared Raph.

"Dude, you are so predictable."

Sensei started slowly-slowly to walk to our side. Each step reminded me of how Shredder walked before he attacked or killed somebody.

My eyes went wide.

"Sensei, snap out of it!" Blue yelled to him. "Please father..." I heard myself whispering sadly. "You waste your words. This is where I belong. With my brothers."he retorted with a kinda dark voice. "He is mine now. Imagine my delight when I realized that controlling your master would not only make me invincible, but would also be the key to your demise. Splinter, destroy them." RK ordered.

"Father don't!"

He glared me and froze. Time seemed to slow down and I felt him coming back to normal. His eyes turned back to their normal brown color.

But that lasted for a brief moment.

Sensei turned back to RK's control.

There again, the thing back to my throat turned into life and the bloodhunger grew strong again. My fangs came out and I felt them sensitive as my vision filled with red spots.

"Are we really going to do this?"

"Remember, we did beat him once."

"Kind of."

"Yeah, and we can beat him again. We can do this, guys. Do not hesitate. Take sensei down."

I snapped my head at the turtles. "I-I can't... I-I..." I tried to say but I couldn't and kneed down, holding my head with both hands. Blue kneed next to me and placed a hand on my back. "Rowny? Are you okay?" he asked in worry. I snapped my head at him. " Th-The bloodhunger... It-it'sback..." I replied trembling. I saw his eyes went wide and he quickly lifted me in bride style.

We moved away from the others and headed to a wall. He placed me down to the floor and a hand flew to my cheek, stroking back some hair. "Stay here. I'll be back for you Rowny. Try to control it, okay?" he asked me with a smile.

I nodded.

Giving me a kiss to my lips, Blue left and let me to drone into the monster side of me...

Leo's POV

I quickly ran up to my brothers' side who, by the way, weren't going well with sensei.

"I just had a horrible realization. He's been going easy on us all these years." Donnie said and we attacked again. Sensei defeated with ease my brothers and I was the only one who was still standing.

I fought him as better as I could without hurting him. I really didn't wanted to do that... "Sensei, please..." I begged my sensei and father. But, he ignored me and attacked again. I back flipped away from him and pulled out his lost family.

"Remember who you are, Hamato Yoshi." I said and showed the picture. Sensei looked at it and stopped every moment he was about to do. I snapped my head at Donnie and Raph. "Donnie, Raph, now!" I ordered and both pinned Splinter on the ground. He tried to move when I came to his side. Remembering Rowny's words, I said, "Please, father. We need you."

"Don't listen to him, brother! Your place is with me!"

I kept glaring sensei, ignoring Rat King. I hoped for my father to change back. "Please father..." I whispered sadly.

Suddenly, sensei stood up, his eyes turned back to their normal color. "My place is with my children!" he yelled and attacked Rat King. He defeated him by the use of his fingers and Rat King fell on the ground, a mass of rats took him away.


We all hugged him tight which he replied back. "And that's the last we'll see of Count Ratula." Mikey said and we all glared him annoyed. "Yeah, all right. It's Rat King. But I'm naming the next one!" my little brother said and I rolled my eyes. Speaking of names...


I rushed to where I left my precious girlfriend. She was unconscious. I could still her fangs and her palms were covered by blood and cuts. "Uh... what happened to our sister?" I heard Mikey asking behind me.

I didn't replied.

I just lifted Rowny up to my arms and her red head rested on my shell. "Leo?" Donnie asked but, again, I ignored him.

Sensei's hands touched my shoulder and I tried to blink back tears. "Leonardo, Rowan will be fine. I may not know what happened to her but all I know is that she will be all right." he told me and that was the only time I turned to glare them.

"Let's go home."

Rowan's POV

When my eyes opened, I realized that I was in my bedroom. On my bed. With a groan, I sat on my bed and rubbed my eyes.

How the fuck did I ended up here?

I stood up and glared myself on the mirror on my closet. My hair were a mass and kinda frizzy, falling on my face. Just then, I found that my fangs were out so as that I was in my panties.

Who undressed me?

I raised an eyebrow before memories came up to my mind.

And that's when I realized what happened.

My hands opened my closet and I searched for clothes. Finally, I found a blue-jeans shorts, a blue top which reached up to my belly and my black sneakers. I dressed up and brushed my head down, pulling them to a high ponytail with my blue highlights out of it, falling on both sides of my face.

Then, I got out from my room.

When I reached the living room, I found the turtles, except Donnie, watching tv. Blue seemed to noticed me and he turned to my side, face brightened up. He stood up, walked up to me and hugged me tight.

"Hey, you're awake!" he exclaimed happily and peeked my cheek. "Yeah I am. But... I have a question. What the hell happened?" I asked in reply. "Go inside Donnie's lab. He has something to tell you." he replied.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Hey D. Blue told me you wanted to tell me something."

He lifted his head and nodded. He walked up to me and he handed me a glass with a red liquid inside. "Uh... what's that?" I asked, moving the glass a bit. "Drink it and I'll explain later." he replied and gestured me the glass.

I drunk it.

"Mmm... tastes like blood. Like raspberry juice." I said after I drunk it. "But tell me, please, why you gave this to me?" I added and D gestured me to sit down to a chair. "As you may realized, your bloodhunger, the first time that happened made you to lost control of yourself. I also told you before that if it hit you, it means that you're close to blooming. Well, that's also an opportunity to learn yourself to control it."

My eyes went wide by his words.

"But...How? How am I gonna learn my hunger?" I asked in concern. Donnie smiled and handed me something. "Don't worry, I predicted for that." he said.

I lifted it and saw an ampoule which contained the same thing I drunk. "Keep it just in case your bloodhunger appears suddenly." D said and I placed it in my pocket. "Uh... thanks?" I said and D placed a hand on my shoulder. "Look, I know it's horrible to feel like you want to drink blood a lot but at least, that will not appear for a long time. But, other than that, you're fine and healthy!" he said in comfort while I nodded, saying no word.

Gee, thanks Don.

You just don't want to say that I'm slowly becoming a...


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