Heroes, Save Us!!
...Everything stopped dead when an eerily familiar green body with a blue mask and katanas on back was plummeting towards the cold pavement. Too fast, I thought to myself, my heart beating out of my chest.
The roaring wind in my ears almost tuned out the glass shattering sound of my heart. Bile rose at the back of my throat as my stomach churned. I hadn't even realized I was screaming until I heard a defeaning, "LEO!", fall from my lips. Dramatic? Yes, but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything in that moment aside from: Saving my Blue Banded Hero
It was as if I'd just woken up from a strange dream. The feeling you got after you awoke; when you try to put together the pieces but yours unable to remember the events that went on in your subconscious. I had that exact same feeling when I jumped off the building, right into my ghost form, and flew towards Blue. Like, what in the actual fuck? However, what I do remember is me stretching my arms, catching him by the armpits and flying up high. His eyes were still clamped shut, as if awaiting for the sickening SPLAT, and there was fear in his scrunched up face. His beautiful, so wonderful face. In spite of my initial fear and worry, I couldn't help that smile from gracing my lips. My eyes held amusement, sparkling in my cold blue eyes. I teased him with a, "Wow, and I've thought that Antarctica was cooler than your face."
Slowly, his eyes cracked opened, eyes lifting up to mine, a silent question behind those ocean blue orbs. He blinked, and a smile broke across his face, surprise and relief lighting up it like the fireworks on Fourth of July.
"ROWNY!" he cried in a mixture of relief, happiness, and a boundless energy that made me laugh, cheeks blushing hotly.
"I'm back babe," I whispered, kissing him with a passion hotter than fire.
"Rowan! Dudette! Guys, she's alive!"
"We heard, Mikey. She's right in front of us..."
Reluctantly, Blue and I parted and looked down at the other three, who seemed happier than ever.
"I can't believe it. We saved the world!" Donnie exclaimed. Mikey spun a flawless 360 with a whoosh in the air, which was awarded with laughing from both me and my boyfriend.
"Ugh, I wish we could've recorded the whole thing..." I said with a smirk, but no one seemed to listen to me. Nobody except Blue, whose head turned again to me and winked.
"I'll tell you everything when we're back home," he said and winked for the second time today while I gave an eyeroll.
Even if this was time for celebration, my instincts screamed at me it wasn't over, not yet The Kraang may have been defeated but—
"Rowny, watch out!"
My head snapped up and my eyes landed on a huge round ship. Pink radiated from the inside of the laser guns attached. They fired at us, despite the fact it couldn't have know we were still in the air. I gasped and dove, my fingers tightening around my boyfriend's arms. Well, guess none of us defeated those pink squids once and for all. Whoopie...
"Are you okay?" I asked Blue, who nodded and glanced down at his brothers. They all spun and flew in wild zig-zags across the grey skies, attempting to avoid the thousands of shots flying right at us.
"We gotta help them," he said suddenly and that was the first time in my life I felt so anxious and—kinda—terrified of something that fired only laser. I gulped; my hands were sweaty inside my white gloves; the blooming grew stronger in me and absorbed more energy and power My eyes closed for a moment; I gulped again.
She was anxious. VERY anxious.
Her heartbeat was beating faster than drums at the pep rally, and the adrenaline ran through her blood, singing in her ears. April just wanted for all the chaos to go away. Just for once. She wanted a normal day as much as the human ear could hear. To be safe, secured, protected back in her warm, familiar apartment. With her father and her new family: Master Splinter and the turtles. Not here. Not with the Foot, and certainly not with Karai.
Especially Karai.
The aforementioned kunoichi forced her legs to take another step, her hands confined to a pair of handcuffs. Damn Kraang technology, she thought to herself, a bitter curl of her lips
There was nothing more she desired than to be rescued from her impending doom, or worse, die. It was the darker part of her mind, but she couldn't care less anymore. Where the sewers was her usual, instant comfort, she no longer felt confident as she did back when she first kicked Karai's ass when the girl first attempted to capture her. She couldn't. Terror numbed her, and this same fright was what was fueling any feeling she had in her skin.
"Please...please, let me go!" she pleaded, pride be damned, to nobody in particular, but she hoped that her pleading wouldn't go to hell again. Wouldn't go to waste.
For the hundredth time, she was ignored.
Her eyes began to sting, and a tear dripped down her eye, trickling down her freckled cheek, and disintegrated into her shirt, like cotton candy when it's popped into the mouth. April risked a glimpse of the grey-white sky and more tears fell, but she no longer cared if her captors were annoyed or cruelly amused. Either way, everything was coming to an end. She wished the Kraang never existed, never met the turtles and that dangerous way of life. She wished to die, she wished to end it. She couldn't afford it.
"Kraang thanks the one known as the Foot that are the ones who brought in the one known as April O'Neil to Kraang."
She was still looking up when the robots took her in their hands, injected her with a vial she didn't know of the contents of, and carelessly tossed her into the van, as if she were a sack of potatoes. She silently cried until she was succumbed by the influence of the soporific and she was plunged into darkness...
"Rowny, I feel dizzy...I think I might throw up," Blue complained, resting on my back. Yes, I managed to pull him up to my shoulders so that I could fly more easily around and avoid that laser shots of Kraang. It wasn't the first time I was running—flying in that case—for my life, but this...
This was unnatural.
Every second that passed, every dive or zig-zag in the air made me feel weaker and tired. I wasn't afraid though. Fear is nonexistent in my dictionary. I just felt weak and I needed my bed to rest on and sleep for ages. But nooo. I had to keep flying and protect my boyfriend from potential danger.
I had to show the true Rowan.
Blue's grip on my shoulder was powerful that I thought he could rip it off my body. Though it didn't hurt much, there was still an annoying pang. "Blue..." I muttered at Blue as I shut my eyes without my will.
"Rowny? What—"
My eyes opened. "Stop. Don't say anything."
Mikey was screaming in fear and so loudnext to me while the other two with Blue had a small conversation that contained worries, fear and insecurity. I could listen to them clearly but I decided to ignore them and focus on flying and how to stand still for some more time. I had to be strong.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mikey, Raph and Donnie falling on a roof and a trash bin, in Raph's case. I was still doing flips and zig-zags, making even myself sick but didn't stop. One laser hit ya...You're dead or bad injured next. "Have I told you how dizzy I feel?" Blue asked much to my annoyance. My eyes started to have black spots.
"Already twice, Blue," I snapped; I felt sicker than ever.
"I'm repeating it!" he hissed and I growled.
"Guys, look out!"
But it was too late for me to watch that shot until it hit my stomach. Blood began to seep through the fabric of my shirt.
The pain was awful, I shall tell you, that the scream and tears of pain were so hard and loud that I almost passed out. Since I lost my balance and control, Blue and I fell on a random alley. Certainly, he fell on an old mattress and I fell next to him with eyes shut and still wailing in agony. D asked something that I can't even remember and Blue scooped me into his strong arms.
The only thing I remember was Blue saying "We need to talk to Splinter. Come on!" and a gentle touch on my forehead. I opened my eyes and observed my injury on my sweater (how the fuck did I returned back to my normal self?)and my left hand touching it and full of blood. I think he saw it too as he said, "You'll be okay, I promise."
My eyes closed and I let my prince lead me back home.
The lair was deadly silent from what I heard and there was nobody around except us. Maybe Sensei was medicating. However, Blue decided to call him. "Sensei?"
Seriously Raph? Did you only care about Spike? You know, there are more people ya should care about.
My eyes opened and met my beloved boyfriend's worried look. I didn't know about who he was so worried about; me?; Splinter?; both?; God knows. 'Till I decide of whom he was worried more, Blue placed me on the couch and I couldn't hold back a hiss of pain. The wound was still open and I didn't know if it was bad or super bad. Healing was out of the game that moment because of the whole blooming-fact that happened that motherfuckin' moment where our fate was at stake and NYC under attack, γαμώ τη τύχη μου γαμώ!
Oh, perfect. Greek's coming back. I seriously needed a refresh.
"Is it better or not?" Blue asked, wrapping his hand on mine while I gave him the deadliest glare of my life.
"You're shittin' with mah brains, aren't ya? Of course it's not, βλάκα!"
Okay, my mind was messed up for good. Greek mixed with English. Anything else you got my awesome part of my body?
Blue looked at me strangely and then rolled his eyes skywards, cupping my face. "Whatever that word was, I bet it wasn't the nicest." He kissed my forehead, "I'm glad you're back Rowny. I missed ya." I softened my features and smiled warmly at him.
"Missed ya too, my Blue."
"Whoa, dude, chill!"
Sometimes I hate Mikey. With his yells, he destroyed my moment with Blue, the upcoming kiss. And all of this was gone because of a yell!
The three brothers ran towards the Dojo, leaving me sitting up on the couch, hissing pain. The next moment the turtles and Kirby (how the fuck did he escaped from pinkies?) came here, shocked and confused at the same time. Donnie helped him to sit down to the couch as I pulled back with effort and grinding my teeth tightly because of the pain.
After some moments, Kirby turned to me with wide eyes and mouth bigger than Mikey's whenever he retched after 7 boxes of pizza. "R-R-Rowan?! I-I-I thought that...You were-"
"Don't wanna talk about it," I curtly interrupted with a raise of a bloody hand.
He didn't reply; he just buried his hands in his head, probably feeling awful. Seriously, that was weird and... I felt like a gossiper, the most hated thing by me. I wanted to know everything that happened while I was captive and then laugh at that with Jewel, who—
Oh gosh.
I forgot Julie!
"So...What is it?" Blue asked Don and that was the first time I saw that he was holding something small and round, beeping with a purple light. New invention Donatello? Wow. "I "think" it's a mind-control device." he calmly replied much to my disappointment. The word think betrayed the fact that he didn't create that device but somebody else. And that else were the Kraang. Ugh, why do they always have to be involved in almost everything?
Raph took the mind control device from Donnie's hands and tried to place it on Mikey's neck. Blue came to sit next to me and said Raph's name with a warning tone. I decided to focus somewhere else except Kirby. I didn't want to see him. I wasn't so sure of what he knew about me now. Blue didn't seem to notice that at all as he held my hand with care, some blood going on his. His free hand was petting my head while he was smiling at me.
I couldn't stop smiling too.
"Mr. O'Neil? Are you okay?" Donnie asked Kirby with worry but I refused to see his face. It just...didn't feel so right.
"I've done something terrible," Kirby replied with a voice full of sadness and regrets that made me more curious. How did this innocent man do anything terrible to us? Humanity itself?
Whatever that was, all the others seemed to forgive him somehow, especially Donnie who placed a comforting large hand with only three fingers. But still, this question had been pressed in my mind and hadn't left, yet it kept "hitting" on my ears like some kind of a bell. Not that weird bell ringing that happened to ring whenever danger was close by; this was another bell ring; softer but more demanding.
Well, if Kirby's true to his words, I thought sarcastically, I should grow a bullet from my fave gun... Wait a moment... where the fuck was my gun anyway? I remembered specifically that the day these two stupid vampires kidnapped me, all of my weapons were here safe. Where were they now?
I sat up on my seat better and stretched out my legs. Standing up, Blue's hand fell off but his shocked and worried look was not leaving his face. "What the hell are you doing?!" he yelled and the others turned to look at us. Raising my chin and having a total determined look, I walked away.
"I'm better, thank you very much," I said biting my cheek from not yelling from pain.
A sigh came from behind; "You're a crazy woman, Rowny..."
I rolled my eyes and kept walking.
This grey wall did nothing else than to rejoice his current emotions. Fuck, if this wall was talking this would be the last thing it'd do.
Danny felt confused. Fucked up.
The world outside was in a shocking state because of the invasion of these robots. All the local online newspapers were talking about it, last time Danny checked it. Each second, each millisecond that passed, there were updates for whatever happened. This was crazy.
In what cruel world we born?
Danny laid on his big bed with a sigh, staring the infinity.
Jesus Christ, why did he let her go now? Sacrifice her precious life only to save—what?—her family? She had to be here, with him, and talk or even...Do what they did.
Another sigh; He lost his virginity from the girl he loved, that she considered him a best friend. Within two days, they came so close.
God, why he did this?
He snatched his phone and opened it. He had to talk to her, listen to her voice once more and be sure she's alright. Alive.
But what he was doing? He hadn't had her phone number, she never gave it. Not that she would ever do that after all.
Grinding his teeth, he threw away the small device and kept staring the infinity like he always did. Why? Because he was useless, a toy to play around. Shredder's toy, Rowan's toy, his parents' toy... Everybody's toy. He had to be a toy for life. And why? Why did he had to be like that?
Simple. It's so simple.
He wasn't mature enough to get his own decisions, not clever enough to think twice things, not skilled enough to protect himself. He was still under construction. And he will be for much more time. There wasn't any 'click' in his mind, something to turn everything upside down. No.
Ugh, what now?
The bitter thought he wanted to continue had to pause. Danny raised a curious eyebrow and got his phone from where he threw it on his bed. The screen was showing an unknown number with the green symbol of answer popping each second up.
He answered it.
"Dan? Haven't been an hour since I left, right?"
"Rowan! You're okay!"
I rolled my eyes. This boy is so predictable sometimes, like Blue.
"''Course I'm okay, stupid. Whatcha ya thought?" I replied slightly annoyed as I heard him from the other line laughing with me. Jesus, he considered that as a joke. That wasn't a joke, dude.
"Same old Rowan," he said after a moment.
Since when did he knew me that well to say that?
Just because I told him some things about my old life and trusted him a bit more doesn't mean he had to be so convenient with me. I was still the cold-hearted bitch he met months ago.
But, anyway, there was a reason why I called him.
Almost half an hour ago...
I rolled my eyes to Blue's comment and kept walking. I'm crazy, he hadn't to mention it again only for me to justify it.
Though my injury still hurt, the blood had stopped and I could just ignore the pain. It was easy; I had so many other things in mind that the pain was the last thing I'd ever care about that moment.
I entered the Dojo with the hope my weapons were there and not inside my stupid bedroom. I just didn't want to come all that way there for nothing. Or else I'd hurt myself more badly than this Kraang laser shot did.
On the mats, Sensei's randori laid there as somebody left it on purpose. I rolled my eyes and took it from there. But... Something was strange there.
Why would Splinter leave this there and leave? And where the fuck was he anyway? There is no way, he leaves Dojo and lair unless it's necessary.
Hold on a sec...
Sensei left and he didn't say a word about it for what? What could draw him out of here and leave everything like that?
He's out to save someone...
Frowning, I looked around the Dojo, wondering who the hell said this. But there was nobody around except me and the randori at my hands. I frowned; the blooming hit my head hard probably.
Sensei's at Shredder's lair, Rowan...
The hand that was holding the wooden weapon let it fall on the mats with it shacking badly. What the fuck? How's that possible? Splinter at Shredder's lair. N-no way this could happen. He didn't want to see him, nor go to his place for what? To let that bastard kill him?
They're fighting...
I could feel my hands curling into tight fists; now my body was shacking not from fear, but from rage.
He needs you...
He was there, down to the floor, beaten, covered in blood. Injured. But his crimson eyes were stuck on me, pleading me to save him from this nightmare. But Shredder's shadow was looming upon him...
My gasp was loud and my feet couldn't hold me still. One of my hands grabbed the door and slide it. A moment later, I fell down without couldn't even breath. And no, it wasn't fear. It was a sudden panic attack.
My ears echoed Sensei's yell of my name while my fantasy brought to my eyes his pleading look and stuck there. An awful pain went off on my stomach, activating-finally- my blooming.
His strong arms wrapped around me and lift me up like I weighed nothing while my panic attack grew stronger so as the stomach pain. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move and I just couldn't turn back to reality.
"What's goin' on? What happened?"
"I really don't know, D. She's ready to..."
"Don't say it!"
"Do something! I can't lose her!"
"Relax, she's just having a panic attack... Wait a moment... She's blooming!"
"WHAT?! NOW?!"
"Um, yeah."
I closed my eyes and let myself to drown into darkness and numbness. I wanted to help Splinter but I couldn't even control my own self.
I just wanted this to end.
After that, I remembered nothing of what happened but all I know is that I woke up inside my room with a new T-Phone on the nightstand and a note from Blue telling that they were back to the surface in order to stop the Technodrome. Now, what was this thing I had no idea and I didn't care either. As for Kirby, I didn't give a fuck.
All I wanted was sweet revenge.
And kill. Kill the man that turned my whole world upside down when I was ten, the man that separated my best friend from me, the man who caused all of these awful things to me and everyone else around him. He had to die and burn in hell where he belonged.
That was why I called Danny. If I had to get into his lair, I would need his help. He was the only one that could catch the soldiers off guard and get me in without much effort. And so, I could put an end.
"Ha, good one there, Dan," I replied and laid back on my bed which was still warm. Seriously, I didn't call him for a chit chat. I had a job to do.
"I'm a joker, I know. Everything's good? And where are you?" Awww, he was worried! Let me vomit, please. I rolled my eyes and glanced at my desk, where my tanto was on. Yeah, my weapons were in here in the end and not in the Dojo. Because I was stupid.
I narrowed my eyes at my small blade.
"Dude, I need your help on something."
Her world had been turned upside down within an hour... Was it two? She clearly didn't have an idea. All Tania knew is that everything was messy andvery dangerous.
Kraang invaded New York, for starters. And as she could see from her bedroom window, the whole city was in flames and the citizens in shock. Her best friends were out there too. Sacrificing their youth to save that damn city which, really, must be saved by its own sometime.
And now, her.
That weird girl that insisted she knew Rowan very well came out of sudden into her room and pointed her gun at her. Her demand: for Tania to tell her where Rowan was. But, Tania was so confused and her thoughts couldn't even get into a row. How the fuck would she tell to that girl where her friend was since she didn't have any idea? And most importantly...
"How do you know Rowan?"
Her question was sharp to the girl that looked exactly like the infamous French model and actress. What was her name again? Ugh... no idea. But, she could picture her on that girl.
Green eyes rolled skywards. "That's not the point,Tania. Just tell me where FoxyLady is." Her own French accent was sharp, threatening, nothing in comparison with Tania's. The Italian-American's head shook, streaks of brown fuzzy hair falling on her pale face. "I told you before... uh..."
"Right...I don't know, Madie. You okay with 'Madie'?" A small smile played on her lips as her shaking hands crossed over her chest covered by her pink pull-over.
But Madeleine hadn't time for games.
She pointed her gun on her forehead, eyes burning once again. "This is not a game, petite fille. And don't wear down more my patience because you won't come out alive." she was sharp, dangerous and fumed. She had enough of that girl. She waited years that day, the day she finally finds the girl that destroyed her life and now... what? This girl was saying that she didn't know where the fuck she was?!
That was over her limits.
Tania started to sweat, heart beat being so fast that she thought that it could explode inside her chest, give her a fast death. She choked. "I don't know! Stop asking me! She just disappeared!" Hands, shaking, rose up with the whole body doing the same thing, eyes widened to saucers. "I swear, I don't know!"
"Enough of this—"
The door opened, slightly but made enough noise for the girls to notice. "TanyTania-"
Kirby was asleep on the couch. It was a perfect time.
Perfect time to go out.
Passing upon him, my eyes darted to the small TV which was open, to channel 6, showing off what the hell was still happening up there with the Kraang. Fuck, I was worried more than ever, seeing these. How would the turtles even manage to get into that Techonodrome without getting hurt? Noticed wasn't their problem. They were ninjas after all.
I just...couldn't get it out of my head of the thought of Blue getting hurt. It had been a month since I last saw him and—and I missed him so much. I love him. So brutally true.
A soft groan from in front set me on guard, alarm. My gaze fell on him, rather angry but I tried to keep calm. He's destroying the plan, motherfucker! Just knock him out.
"Rowan? Why are you up? Shouldn't you be resting like Donnatello—"
With eyes narrowed I snatched him from his shirt and lifted him up to my side, to the height of my eyes. "Donnie's not here to examine me and you're not telling me what to do," I snapped, feeling my fangs touching and piercing my gums. Gosh, he was like April though she was playing the princess role in the whole story. Just because her mother and mine where friends like, years ago, he had no right to tell me what to do.
I threw him across the hall with all that power I had left (goddamn that stupid "blooming") and ran out. Fast as I could.
The clinging of my tanto was heard all over the old subway along with my breaths but I didn't care. I was already late and my plan still hadn't started. That wasn't a good start.
I took out of my pocket my T-Phone and dialed fast Danny's number since I memorized it after our little chat. It rang twice before Dan's voice heard into my right ear, loud, clear without any special emotion. Professional.
I glanced behind me then up to the stairs to the manhole. "On my way. I'll be there in 'bout 20 minutes. Just follow the plan carefully," I replied at the same tone without wanting any further ado. There was work to be done here.
"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry Redhead Elle Fanning ,"he replied, a little offended, causing me to snort sarcastically before I started to climb the stairs fast and with sure.
"Don't call me like that. You have red hair too," I said with the phone on my shoulder.
He laughed, a laugh coming from the depths of his soul, meaning that he was enjoying it. I didn't at all. "Shut it Dan and be careful. See ya in 20." And with that, our little chat ended.
My head peeked out of the open manhole (it was hard to open since I was like that) and I took a look around. Fire, crashed cars, Kraang, people running away and floating things were everywhere. That was messed up. Worse than hell.
I looked down at my stomach. I've changed into my normal clothes after I bandaged the wound. It was still bleeding but not the way it did some hours ago (had it been hours since I got back?) and I could move. It hurt but I had no other choice.
With a sigh, I got out of the sewers and faced the living hell before my eyes.
The Technodrome was huge. That excited Leo when he first got in. But there was a small, tinyproblem….
Gravity seemed to be an unknown word for Kraang as they seem to be living their whole life inside the zeroone. Sure, zero gravity was awesome but literally hard to manage your body to move through it. For some reason, Leo felt like he was inside the Space Heroes world and he and his brothers had a mission in space to do. He liked it.
Mikey raised his hands in the air. "I think the Kraang forgot to pay their gravity bill!" he yelled before he was lost into one of the plenty huge holes. Some seconds later, he came out from another, some meters away. That was fun.
On the other side, Donnie was super excited. His eyes darted around with a shine of excitement and curiosity glinting on. "It appears the Kraang have generated anti-gravitons." he pointed out, eyes shinning even more. Leo was little confused but he assumed that his younger sibling was talking about zero gravity. It was nice and all but…how the hell will they move around?
"Is there any way for you to generate anti-anti-gravitons?" he asked but he received a questionable look and a negative reply. Shit.
Oh, nice. He was starting to think and talk like Rowan.
The thought though made him smile, wide and dreamy. Okay, it was a definably bad time to think of her but… he couldn't help himself to stop it. He was glad that she turned back (he didn't know how) to them after a month, or so. He was so worried, he still was. But now he knew that she was safe back at the lair. Little hurt but safe. Somewhere that he knew that she wouldn't disappear again. Also, she couldn't do anything crazy because of the blooming fact (why did it came up now, no idea).
"Guys, I'm gonna throw up. Or down. Or maybe sideways! But one thing's for sure. I'm majorly gonna throw!"
One of the pods dragged Mikey along who let out a yelp of surprise whilst Leo, being serious at face, looked at his other two brothers. "We still have a job to do, so let's go," he ordered and snatched with his hands the pod Michelangelo was on.
Donnie and Raph did the same, remaining silent.
And I've thought that hell was worse than that. But no.
The run on rooftops was a really hard thing to do. You always had to take cover—and what cover—just to avoid those weird round things that took everything that lived. From birds to dogs and from worms to humans. Mostly humans who still hadn't understand that they must hide and they run away like mad dogs. Damn, they're stupid as fuck.
From up here, I could see that Technodrome—huge ass round thing that has guns everywhere—but also Shred-head's lair, which was my destination. And I wasn't that far away from it.
My feet landed on a roof opposite the Cathedral church while my eyes fixed on the bottom of the building. Two guards wearing on the Foot suit were down, probably passed out and-
A figure in scarlet red good walked by the double doors of the church. A big, pink tail was visible from the back, slithering on the concrete road. The two Foot soldiers readied their weapons, alerted of his appearance. But Splinter was faster.
He disappeared in front of their eyes and the next moment, the two soldiers were laying down, him getting inside Shredder's lair.
I shook my head. That was weird.
I flipped off the building and landed down, moving fast to the door which was open. The whole room was quiet, like it held its breath for something. The jingling set off in my head, loud and really painfully for me. I sharply turned around, taking out my tantō and sliced off two heads. Two Foot soldiers were dead, blood trickling down to their bodies like flood and fell down to the floor with a double thud. More blood spilled down, wetting the floor. I smiled in satisfaction and liked the blood from the blade, satisfying my bloodhunger too.
"You shouldn't have done that."
I snorted. Danny walked by my side and grinned. "Eh, who gives a fuck?"
"Yo, zero-g is banging!"
He was upside down, smiling wide. Unlike his brothers, Mikey was super excited. He loved zero gravity a lot. In here it was a lot different than outside and…so cool! "The Kraang should turn this into a carnival ride!" he whispered, excited with the wide smile turning even wider.
Little annoyed, Leo turned to him. "Uh, I think they're more interested in using it to destroy the Earth," he whispered with Mikey shrugging his shoulders. "It could do both."
That small silence that fell after the scream destroyed by a gasp of Donnie's. Next on, a terrified yell came out; "IT'S APRIL!"
Raph rolled his eyes. Annoyed, he crossed his arms on his shell and said, "Can you say that a little louder? I don't think the entire Technodrome heard you." A load of multiple guns heard behind the four brothers as they all turned around, facing lots of Kraang aiming them with laserguns.
"Never mind. They did."
The turtles drew out their weapons.
Grunting, metal against metal along with cursing were close. I could hear them pretty well. But I wasn't that far away from the throne room.
I looked down at my white gloved hands. Clenching them I looked back forward. I had to get there fast and my ghostly abilities were the only ones who could help. Sensei needed my help. I knew Shredder's moves well since he was the one who taught me those. I couldn't let Splinter die.
I would save him, no matter what.
My eyes narrowed at the usual double—closed that moment- doors as I passed by them with the use of my intangibility. Shredder was in front of me, blades upraised and ready to hit Splinter. I was on auto when my fist hit his face hard and then landed in front of Sensei. I was lucky that I prevented that hit.
Shred-head stood up, eyes looking straight on me. I caught a widen of them before they were narrowed into venomous slits. "I knew that you would escape, child. But this is not the problem. It is time Master and Student to die," he said full of venom, full of anger and hate. My teeth grinded and my balls of hands squeezed even more tight, green flames igniting.
"Let Rowan out of this, Saki. She is innocent," Splinter said behind me, taking some steps forward, long hands placed on my shoulders. And then…
Tears wet the dead body as Tania's hands hugged it tight. She couldn't believe it, she couldn't even do anything but cry. Her mother, the person that stood by her side after the Kraang took her as a guinea, was dead. From a bullet that hit her right on the head. The scene was indescribable.
Nobody could help her now. The turtles were out fighting, Rowan (probably) with them. April was missing too. Unless…
No, she shook her head thinking, Splinter has other things in mind, he can't take care of me now.
She stood up and fell on her bed, bloody hands extending on the mattress. Fresh, new tears came up and wetted her face. No other relative was here, in the US to help her. All of them were in Italy.
"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!"
She sat up, vision blurred and hands hugging herself now. She didn't care if they covered her clothing with blood; all she needed was a hug from somebody, a word of comfort and a promise of being by her side. She felt useless and she knew it. Adulthood was never easy but… she was only 15, how the fuck she could be considered as an adult?
I need to get outta here, she thought and stood up. But first, she had to call the police, tell them what happened and then…
Then what? Where she'd stay? The lair? No, it was full enough. A hotel? She didn't have the money. Where then?
Go to Italy. It's the only way.
She sighed and stood up. She passed over her mother's body and headed to her bedroom, where she knew the suitcases were there. She took the big one, went back to her room and started to fill it. Clothes, shoes, books, some small stuff and two pictures of her with her mother and father threw inside and zipped up.
She went to the kitchen. Her mother's bag was laying on the counter. Tania took her wallet which contained some dollars and lots of credit cards.
The last thing she did was purchase her airplane tickets, sent a message to her uncles, Rowan and Mikey and calling the police.
"911, how can I help you?"
"There's a murder. Brooklyn 245, 3rd floor."
"Alright miss. We'll be there in 10 minutes."
Splinter pushed me back and I fell down, the bad jingling being more and more annoying.
Shredder attacked, Sensei defended himself by flipping away. I stood up, feeling a little dizzy. But I wouldn't give up now. I made it all way here to help and save him. I wouldn't let it go.
I drew out my claws and sprinted over to Shredder, rage on its high. For a weird reason, the True Face hadn't shown up and… I dunno it was weird.
I screamed. A scream coming from the depths of my soul while my claws hit Shredder's armor. The next moment, he flew away without me doing anything. But deep inside me, I knew that my vampire side was enchanted with physic powers, meaning I could move everything I wanted with just a thought and move of my hand.
Teeth grinded, tight. Sensei eyed me somehow shocked, but proud. Maybe he understood that I finally unlocked my abilities. Dunno.
He walked to him, ready to give the final, deadly hit. To end this cruelty…
...And everything turned upside down.
I gasped for air, eyes opening wide. Cables were above, huge and fat. I breathed in, relaxing myself a little. Everything was just I remembered.
"Soon your world will be ours!"
I dated to look forward. And, to be honest, I was kinda shocked.
Because, a huge Kraang brain was there, eyeing me with those terribly awful eyes, large mouth uplifted to a mean, sly smile. It disgusted me. I mean, ugh, why aliens had to be like that? They have the advanced technology, why wouldn't they make themselves look better instead of worse? Stupid.
I heard a gasp, coming from my left. My head turned to that direction and, with surprise, I looked at April, strapped on a surgery table with a weird helmet-like thing on her head. Her eyes were wide, skin pale and body shaking unstoppably. Damn, she was in shock.
I looked down at me, shock hitting me for the third time that day. I was in the same condition as April. But I'd remember myself with bruises and cuts before I passed out inside Shredder's lair… Or-
Karai jumped down, running towards to Shredder. Her face twisted from angry to worried and back to angry. I could sense her hate to Sensei, her willingness to kill him. But Shredder was smiling, a pure evil smile that made me shiver.
Kill them Rowan,a voice in my head said,Kill them and your problems will be solved.
Something like fire ignited inside my chest. I could feel more alive than ever, energetic and very very powerful. Something snapped inside me and I felt all of my body waking from a deep sleep. I glanced down at my clothing; every injure was healed like it never existed. My claws were sharper than ever, fangs sliding down to my lips, hair flying back, blond highlights mixed with red hitting at times my face.
I was bloomed. I finally hit the full fledging of my vampire side.
After that, everything was a blur. A part of my memories that couldn't show up. Blurry, out of control.
"Witness the end of your kind!"
I shook my head and clenched my teeth. I wouldn't let that happen, even if I hate being a hero. But right now, my safety was at risk. As much I wanted to save myself, I had to save April too.
I stretched my hands under the straps. I could hear them stretching too, ready to break in pieces.
"Not if we can help it."
The straps broke while KP was yelling in disbelief about the turtles' appearance. The weird helmet fell off my head as I jumped down to the floor. Raph squeezed with his feet KP's face as D and the other three helped April to get off the table. She was dizzy.
Blue noticed me, ran by my side and hugged me tight. His muscles were tensed badly but I could feel his relief.
"How did you end up here?" he asked, kissing my neck.
I smirked and pulled off. "Long story, no time to tell."
He nodded and hugged me again.
God, he never thought that the ocean could be so cold.
His eyes looked around. The sun was up, shinning everything, every pod. But he was searching for one certainly pod. Where it would be?
He felt tired, his legs numb. But he had to keep going, for her, for them.
Leo took a breath but his legs couldn't move. The cold blue water fall on him like a curtain, covering and swallowing him in. That's it, he thought in despair, this is where all come to an end.
"With the world at stake, the only thing of importance is that you complete your mission. No matter what you have to sacrifice… or who."
He closed his eyes. Splinter was right in the end. The one who had to sacrifice was himself. Nobody else. After all, all the leaders sacrifice themselves for the safety of their team, right? For their lovers to be safe. Alive.
He drowned even further inside the ocean.
I won't let you die, you know.
Her voice was like a dream. Loud, clear in his head. Rowan was his angel, the redheaded angel that always needed to be in trouble. Maybe a little devil.
You know, I'm a devil, not an angel.
His eyes opened, met with icy blue orbs. They were shinning inside the water.
Rowan smiled and brought him close, swimming up to the surface. How the hell did she do this? Where the fuck she knew he was drowning?
Oh, stop thinking so much. I can hear you.
Man, he should have read those books.
I leaned back on the sand, looking up to the sky. Tonight, the stars were shining. No moon, just shiny stars.
My hand touched Blue's, a smile creeping. His head touched mine as he stargazed too. The waves were slightly hitting the sand, calm and nice. Ah, that was relaxing. And in the end, my idea of coming to a Greek beach was the best. Even if some hours ago I was saving him from chocking inside the ocean.
"Tell me how much you love me," he said, calmly, sexy, the way I love him to talk.
I turned my head to him, looking him with adorableness. Every detail of his face was in front of me, at a normal size, beautifully pictured. "Till the moon and back," I replied and lightly kissed his cheek.
His lips upraised to a smile. Sly, sarcastic and joyful. "Pass the moon. How 'bout going to space and then turning back?" My eyes rolled skywards and I looked back at stars. His hands squeezed mine.
"I prefer staying on Earth. I had enough with space-y things." I said with a smirk and closed my eyes.
Sometimes, you have to love things the way they are.
He moved close to me. "As you wish my lady," he whispered and his breath tickled my neck. I slightly moaned and exhaled deeply. That warmed me up for a weird reason. But Blue had other thoughts.
He sat up, stuffing his belt. I raised a curious right eyebrow and sat up too, palms touching the sand and balancing my body. He took out a box that had a red ribbon on it. The box was black, kind of big but square. "What's that?" I asked, confusion and curiosity filling me. That sexy, sly smile came up again.
He opened the box; my eyes widened.
It was a necklace. Silver, long with my name written in calligraphic letters. Shinny, beautiful.
I looked at Blue, surprised a lot. "But… why?" I asked, couldn't even control my voice well.
His smile became gentle. "I wanted to give it a month ago. But…well, you weren't here." I looked at his eyes. They weren't white, in their stealth mode but normal. Sapphire blue, shinning in happiness.
"How did you get it? I mean—"
A finger of his pressed on my lips. I tasted the salt of his body, mixed with the ocean's. "Shh…It doesn't matter, does it?" I rolled my eyes and pulled off that finger.
"I guess."
He took out the necklace, fingers tangling up to the chain. "C'mere." he said in a low, sexy voice, "I think it's time that your neck must wear it." I turned around as the chain wrapped around my neck, Blue locking it. I removed my hair and the chain found its place on the back of my neck.
He kissed my collarbone. "You like it?" he asked.
I laid on him, a ghostly smile of true happiness crossed my lipline. "A lot."
"I love you, Rowny. To space and back."
I pouted. "Land that love on Earth, please."
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