Finally, I'm Free!

"I need to get outta here."

That questionable look I expected came right after I said that. I knew that surprised D but I had made my decision and that wouldn't change. Nevertheless, one hand of mine flew up to my hair and strode some of them back and away from my face. I think this movement shows embarrassment or insecure, I'm not sure. I spared a quick glance with him before lowered my gaze to the grey floor under my red boots. "It looks kinda-"

"I'll help ya."

Now it was my time to get surprised and think 'Shit, really?'. And yes, that surprised me a lot. And just because I knew Danny for a short amount of time, everything was explained. Our eyes met once again and they started to talk; unspoken and voiceless words were said between us. I really wanna help ya, Elle Fanning with red hair, those green eyes, darker than Raphel's, repeated over and over. My saliva stuck on my throat; he dared to walk closer to me and hug my motionless body. My eyes now looked at the grey wall some meters away from us.

"How about planning something before you regret it?" he asked softly while he gone off my body. All I did was to nod and give a small smile just to be positive. Fuck his perfume was still around me. He nodded too.

"Let's get to work then.


"Here's the thing: Two soldiers will come to do their ordered check up on ya in 'bout-"

"Two hours, ya already said it."

He smirked and pet my head. "Good job." he congratulated and I just rolled my eyes in annoyance. Though that reminded me strongly of Blue and his kind and lovable moves, I had to forget it for a while. Focus on my break out and return back to my second adoptive family. Get that mind workin'.

"OK then. You should remember that we have to get advance of these two hours and find that stupid"- cursed, I called it- "device on your body." Dan continued like he was about to lead the army to an upcoming fight and that made my lips to curve into a sly grin. I couldn't forget Splinter's words though.

"We're at war my children."

The stupid shocking device that forbid me to turn into a ghost and escape from this ugly building with the also ugly owner was, like Danny pointed, somewhere on my body. Fun fact: we both didn't know where it was on that skin of mine. Fun fact number 2: Shredder, Kari and Danny had the control remoter and any time they wanted could press a stupid button and shock me 'till death. Danny made clear that he threw it away with the first chance he had and he was so sure that Karai did the same. He couldn't see me in pain from something he caused.

Aww the lil' lovebird, the sarcastic voice of my head rang in my mind when he said that and fortunately my mouth didn't exposed it. That would be a shame, especially now that we were close as buddies.

The sly smirk of his though changed my thoughts. "Take off your clothes baby doll." he said with a voice that only one person could meme it perfect. Who else? Julie. Okay, yeah the thought of having sex with that boy didn't terrify me just because I knew that wouldn't happen 100%. Why? Virgins always want to take it slow. "What are your big plans?" I asked lickin' my lips and he just made a disgusted face. "Not what you're thinking, that's for sure. C'mon, strip." he replied and turned around so that the view of my underwear couldn't bring him a heart attack. I rolled my eyes to heavens and maybe higher.

"As you wish."

Getting undressed into a cell with a shy boy being turned around was something that I'll never do in the future. Even if Blue and I have finally that motherfuckin' sex first time for him, hundredth for me. Professional strippers could do better than me. Anyway, boots, jeans and top were all tossed away and very proud that they were out of my stinking body. Ugh, I needed a bath ASAP.

"Turn around again. Stripping's done." I announced crossing my arms and waited for centuries Danny to face my half-naked body and uncover his eyes. He tried not to yelp or turn around again and came closer to me. "You look" -gulp- "thinner than I thought." -another gulp- "And more muscled." -last gulp- "Have you been workin' out lately?" I groaned in annoyance and slapped my forehead, feeling no pain at all again. "Most stupid phrase ever. Let's just finish with this." I replied and we got to work.

His own movements were gentle like I was some kind of fragile object as his hands traveled from my hips to my ankles and back, trying not to scratch my skin with his nails. I, on the other side, did the absolute opposite as I didn't gave a fuck about how many scratches I'd earn again. "Anything?" I asked being completely focused on my work. "N- Found it!" he replied and I look down at him. He was pointing at my shock and a black, tiny device that beeped out a red light. I smiled; he did back and removed the device and threw it across the wall with strength, breaking it it many tiny pieces.

Realization hit me when I finally felt free from that device that yelled death from miles away if Shred-head used it again on me. Even if I was on my blooming stage. I screamed in happiness and raised both fists in the air, enjoying every moment of it. I'm free! I'm finally FREE!

Warm hands hugged me tightly and proudly, Danny's voice said to my excited self; "Welcome back to freedom miss Fox." My own, probably cold, hands grabbed his face and brought it close to mine and kissed him with passion.

And then, we both started to warm up


One word; AWESOME.

Two words; AWESOME SEX.

Danny and I stared the roof upon us, that stupid face all the couples after 3 rounds of sex had being stuck on our own faces. Danny lost his virginity and I just enjoyed it. "You know what?" he asked while his fingers played with some nasty tiffs. "What?" I asked in reply, moving up to his chest and kissing it. "A cigarette's missin'. And we would be like that couples in the movies who smoke after having sex." he replied and I just scoffed. "You're taking it far too fast, Dan. I'm not smoking and I suggest you not to try it." I said and closed my eyes. "Okay." he just said.

"But I think it'll worth a try."

I decided to ignore his last phrase and focus on other things, like how I'm gonna get out or... see Blue again. Okay, what I did with Danny was some kind of cheat for him but I couldn't get out of that lair if I hadn't been a whore. I love leaving my own personal marks on boys that interested me and inspired me to have sex. Anyway, that didn't matter as long this secret will stay between me and Dan. Eh, maybe Julie who loves that kind of things especially when I tell her. With every juicy detail of course.

With a sigh that left more uncompleted things between us, Danny let my head to fall to the floor and stood up, his nice and muscular naked body dressing up to his clothes that had been tossed around the room by me and my hunger. I watched him with a blank look before finally gettin' up to my feet and dressing up to my underwear because he promised that I'll change clothes inside his room. My old clothes were still burning under a green fire I created so that no clue of how did I got out could be found. I eyed the green flames dancing around the red top and black jeans as my DocMarten boots were hanging from my hands. Danny hugged me from behind and let a small kiss on my neck before whispering; "Let's go before it's too late."

I nodded.


The blood had been stopped dead in her veins and the oxygen her mind needed to work wasn't that much. Why? Because the anxiety and shock hit right on Tania's face didn't let her body to work well after Mikey's call. Six hours. And then... BOOM! Her whole world will be gone in an afternoon. She had to take her mother out of the town, out of the States and hide. Hide from the Kraang and protect herself and her only parent alive. She didn't gave a fuck that she skipped four classes in a row only to run back home and prepare her stuff. School was so meaningless to her.

Her back was hurting her hip harder than ever as her legs sprinted and glided by some random people who maybe wondered why that teen wasn't at school that time, why she was running like crazy. Again, fuck them all. Her mother was what mattered and anything else came in second place. Maybe last.

"Dudette, please tell me that you're okay."

"Mikes, yes, I'm okay. I'm talkin' to ya." her eyes rolled upwards but her smile couldn't vanish from her lips so easily.

"Oh yeah. Sorry."

"Tania," -it was Leo- "you need to go home and get your mother out of town."

"Out of the States, Leo. Why are you always forgetting that?" Donnie shout from afar. She raised an eyebrow and held closer her T-Phone to her ear. From his voice tone, Tania understood that something bad was happening.

"Why?" she asked and gulped.

"The Kraang. They're coming."

She turned into an alleyway but her paces stopped immediately when she saw a figure well hidden in the shadows pointing a gun to her side. "Entra droit dans mon piège..." a french female voice said with satisfaction and Tania swore that she saw that figure smirking like Rowan when she wanted to show how much control she had over her enemies. That dangerous smirk that always terrified her and almost gave her a heart attack.

The figure came out to the light and showed herself, the smirk Tania saw came to light.

"What a pleasure to find you miss Mansterfield."


Gosh, why- again- did I choose that sweater?

The cold air wasn't helping my sweaty body to cool down and that stinky smell filled again my nostrills. Fuck, it was like I never had that shower back to Danny's bathroom. But still, I felt fresh. A bit tired because the blooming had entered its first phase, "Swallowing all the power of the upcoming full-fledged svetocha."

And I hated it.

Anyway, my new and not for a long time because they're big enough for me, consisted of a blue jeans that was two sizes bigger than what I usually wear and a grey boyfriend sweater that had been so nice when I first wore it but now... HOT! Hotter than hell's fire. And it wasn't helping at all. Because, not only I was running at my normal, kunoichi trained, speed, the weather was awful. Ready to rain showers and the whole atmosphere was hot and cold at the same time.

In other words, not even hell could compare with it.

TCRI was far away, meaning I had to keep going, but in sight, good thing for the moment. The dark clouds were purple around the building but I couldn't see anything else than that. My limps were hurting so much and I wanted badly to rest somewhere and sleep. All that "swallowing" made me feel worse than ever and so tired. I had to move on though. For the turtles.

For my Blue.

The memory of his beloved face gave me some, small though, energy to keep running and reach that motherfucking building.

"Don't let her escape!"

It was Fishface and I understood that I was being hunted all that time. I looked forward and saw a gap between two roofs 6 or 7 meters away from where I was running on and decided to hide there. Heh, don't judge me but my mind working under a lot of tiredness was never the best thing to do. My run to that gap was so slow and I felt like I did many years to go there. In the end, I made it and jumped down to the alley. Accidentally, I fell on somebody and let him or her to pass out. Tania was opposite, clearly not believing what she saw. Of course I didn't have any idea how the hell she ended up here or why but I didn't care about it either. I just snatched her hand and ran away.

Just ran away.


Tania felt she was into the movie her mother and she often watched on TV, "Life on fast forward". Rowan came out of nowhere, she made to pass out the weird girl with the gun and they just ran away as fast as they could.

She managed to give a last glance at the girl. She managed to she her mocha skin and her fuzzy black hair falling on her back dressed with a black top. She was on the floor, actually, her face was on the floor. Then, she followed Rowan straight to her house and safety.

Unknown to both girls, the black girl stood up when they left. Her characteristics where same as a famous model and actress, Noémie Lenoir, eyes green, burning with rage and willing of revenge and fuzzy curly hair fell now on her shoulders as a mass. Dark red lips set in a deep snarl; her white teeth bit the bottom one, causing it to bleed. She caught her gun and checks if its loaded before she placed it inside her blue jeans.

"Oh, I'll catch you, Rowan Fox." Madeleine Bourret muttered with fury and disapeared into the shadows.

"That's a promise."


"What we'll do?"

She was sitting with crossed legs on her bed, hands hugging herself and her whole body moving back and forth non stop. It was clear that Tania didn't knew what to do, what to think and how to control her anxiety. I couldn't help her much as I was at the same position as her, only I was walking upside down to the room trying fruitlessly to think something. From the living room and kitchen, I could listen to Mrs Mansterfield moving around, maybe doing stuff and stuff to pass her time.

"Rowan, what we'll do now?" Tania asked again and my steps stopped in front of her with hands folded on my chest. We look each other and I saw a child's scared look on my friend. A child that needed her parents and their protection. Oh, for fuck's shake we were still kids! And all of these stupid things are way too much for us!

We're at war. This is the final battle of your life.


I made a sharp turn to the window and saw it open; a crazy idea crossed my mind. The thought of Blue was stronger than ever and I forgot the fact that I was still on the first step of my blooming. Jump, I had in mind.

And I did it.


"Rowan!" Tania called running towards her window as Rowan disappeared from there without saying a word at all. She couldn't believe it in her eyes. She found her friend after months and she disappeared with a snap of her eyes! How selfish this girl can be? Their friends were out, sacrificing their precious lives to save the world from some slimy aliens and she... just gone!

She raised her hands in the air and walked back to her bed, snatching her T-Phone and searching at her contacts April's name. When she did, she pressed the button "call" and placed it on her left ear.

One ring.

Two rings and nothing.

With a sigh, Tania hang out and threw the device across the bed and kicked her messenger bag with anger that she couldn't keep in her heart anymore. Fuck, everything was so messed up!

"Well, I think that you and I must continue our little parler."


I was focused on running and only that. My heart was racing inside my chest and I felt a panic attack arising inside my chest. And I couldn't stop it that moment.

If the turtles die... Gosh, you'll lose him!

My weakness from the blooming was the last thing I cared about and the only unimportant thing I should've think. All I cared is about the turtles and how I had to help them. No wait, to save them. To be okay because of me.

My legs were on fire and I don't mean literally. I was afraid of my soles to "melt" and my feet hurt badly. Maybe I should ask D to fix 'em a bit, a flash of thought passed by but as quickly that came, another thought appeared and stuck in my mind for some minutes. If he and the others come out alive.

Shivering at the thought, I stopped at the edge of the roof. They'll come out alive. They will and you know that. I looked at the TCRI that wasn't that far away as I thought. That was a light of hope though. And I gave the permission to myself to drone into that hope 'cause it was the only was for me to survive under that hard pressure. I thought again of my precious, yet cheated boyfriend and the hope became stronger inside me. And it gave me the energy to keep going, following the same steps I done all these years:

Run, flip, run, run, flip, flip.

It was my freedom.

My head lifted a bit upwards, to the sky, and watched the dark clouds surrounding it as if it said that it would rain anytime soon. It matched perfectly with all of these events that happened that moment and for a weird reason, the weather always went by the moments of my life. When something bad was happening, the sky was full with clouds or it just rained heavily. When everything was okay and fun, the sky was blue and sunny with a tone of heat down to earth. Weird thing is the weather anyways.

After one more flip, I felt closer to that cursed building and close to my target. Close to the save of my family and close to our reunion after a long time I was captured.

TCRI was only 15 meters away but I had the clearest view of it. Purple clouds instead of grey were circling the top of the skyscraper and something like laser was firing up to an unseen (?) target. Then, there was a huge bang and the laser gone away. Hope and adrenaline mixed together made my heartbeat to not stop being at high levels and I couldn't even hide that smile of proud and joy on my lips. We won! We saved the world!

But everything stopped dead when a certain green body with a blue mask and katanas on back was falling extremely fast down.

My heart broke and my stomach churned as I screamed his so loving name with a dramatic tone.


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