Baxter's Gambit

"Give me the mascara!"

"No! Take the goddamn eyeliner!"

"Rowan, I thought I told you to get your butt down on that chair and don't move a muscle, missy!"

Rolling my eyes beyond the heavens, I plopped down on the only chair set in the room, crossing my arms over my chest as I looked over at April and Tania scrambling around the room, a grumpy scowl curling my lips. And before anyone asks, yes, they already invited themselves over here to help me with my makeup and pick out my outfit for the Blue's and my date. Call me paranoid, but those two were even more anxious than me. And they weren't coming with us! And for fuck's sake this date wasn't even my first! Especially with this certain turtle.

Tania's hands both grasped at my shoulders, forcing me in place on the chair. Not only was I ridiculously bored but irritation was leaking into my system with everything these two brats were doing. It'd be nicer if they just let choose my own outfit, since I could easily just wear a pair of jeans and a fancier top. No jewelry and makeup. Blue isn't like the guys Jewel's told me about, he doesn't care what I wear because he loves me for me, as cheesy as that sounds. I turned to Tania who was fishing for her makeup from a miniature purse and rolled my eyes again.

"This isn't necessary, y'know. I coulda done this all myself." I droned with a childish pout. April shot me a glare before turning back to my closet, her hands flying for tops, jeans, consisting mostly of black and blue, along with some t-shirts, tops, and a couple of sweaters. "I'm sure you could've." she scoffed sarcastically, and Tania snickered under her breath.

I merely rolled my eyes and huffed.

April whirled around and presented me two dresses; a strapless with sleeves reaching the wrists dress in a velvet red color, similar to my hair. The other one looked girlier than what I usually wear and reminded me of summer nights where girls go to a club with friends and dance the night away, no care in the world. It was white, strapless too but it had a golden belt tied on the waistline. It was truly beautiful but it wasn't something I would wear. Taking a glance of them, April turned her head to me, patience clear in her expression.

"Which do you prefer? Red..." she raised her left hand a bit higher with the red dress, wiggling it a little, "Or white?" Crossing my arms on my chest, I eyed the two dresses warily and flitted my skeptic gaze back to April. "" It sounded more of a question than an answer, and I shrugged my shoulders. I just wanted hell to end anytime soon because none of this was my kind of idea for fun. I guess I'm more a tomboy, wear something simple that doesn't stuck out like a sore thumb because unlike some girls, I don't give a shit what others think. Plus boys don't always have proper manners.

Tania's fingers hooked under my chin, gentle as if I were her daughter and she was the mother, roughly scrubbing concealer all over my skin.


I rolled my eyes in exasperation and crossed my arms, and that's when I caught of whiff of something hot heating into my scarlet red tresses. I realized that April was using the curling iron to curl my locks, something I considered as pointless. Tania was finished with allying the concealer and carefully traced liquid black eyeliner against my eyelids, her tongue poking out of the corner of her mouth, eyes narrowed in concentration. Apes was thankfully done with my hair and she was heading back to my closet, fishing for a pair of shoes. "At least you a decent pair of shoes." she teased, a bit huffily from the closet.

"I don't care." I replied, annoyed as Tania started to pull out some lipstick. My thoughts about the date crossed my mind and I realized that I was a bit anxious about it. Okay, I was thrilled about the fact that this would be my traditional first date with my boyfriend after months piling after months, but...I don't know. I guess I was still anxious and, quite honestly, a little angry too. I was anxious because I thought I would mess something up, possibly everything. And I was angry about the fact that Blue decided, without asking for my say in the matter, to announce our date right after I agreed. That was something I didn't like at all. A tentative knock was heard, thunderous against the dark, and the three of us froze as all eyes were glued on the shut door, our breaths concealed and held as if our life depended on it.

"Rowny? Are you ready?"

Both Tania and April gasped at the same time whilst I widened my eyes to the size of dinner plates. "Not yet, Blue!" I called, wincing slightly at how my voice cracked. Damn him. I could never mask my emotions when it came to him. Tania resumed to applying gunk all over me, her movements becoming more rushed now that we had a limit on time. April stood up and frantically compared shoes with my dress. "Uh, okay, just don't make me wait for too long." Okay!" he called from the other side of the door, his retreating footsteps thudding in the hallway. Tania and April sighed in relief and both eyes were back on me. "It's your lucky day, miss." April said and both turned back to work. I scoffed in reply, a single thought sticking to my head like glue:

You're telling me

After what felt like centuries to me, the girls were finally done with my clothing and makeup, leaving me breathless as I stared at myself in the mirror.

My now-curly hair was falling on my shoulders like cascading waterfalls, reaching above the waistline and it was a way more different look than I was used to. My makeup looked less than basic though, aside from the eyeliner and mascara. Glimmering golden eyeshadow, vibrant red lipstick that made my lips look plump and fuller, along with a small amount of bright pink blush, accentuating the smooth of my jawline, my eyes popping in a more innocent way, and somehow I felt more beautiful than I did before. The dress, added with a pair of heels the same color, a golden heart-shaped necklace falling gracefully on my chest. A pair of tiny diamond earrings shone under the golden lightbulb in my bedroom. Tania and April stood the opposite of me, and looked at the result in awe and proud. Mostly proud. "Now that's what I call a 'pretty woman'." Tania complimented with a beaming smile, and I rolled my eyes skywards, but unable to keep the goofy smile spread across my face.

"Whatever." I simply replied before the door swung opened, pouring light into the room as Mikey was standing and looking at us with expectation. When the girls moved out of the way, his eyes locking with mine as they were no longer blocking him from me, his mouth dropped open and his eyes widened in awe. "Whoa...wait until Leo sees this!" he crowed as he practically bounded out of the room before I could even open my mouth to protest.

The girls turned to me and nodded to the hallway, and they didn't have to say anything as their eyes wordlessly motioned for me to step outside. Sighing in defeat, I walked out of my room, feeling strange in my dress and heels as they clicked through the floor, and the back of my neck burned for the oncoming teasing and cooing. I looked down to my shoes, and tried to be careful with my walk, reminding myself to thank both my deceased mother and Jewel. I lifted my head and saw Blue walking calmly up to me with Mikey chatting his ear off fiercely, and an irritated and exasperated frown on his face. When they both finally realized that I was in front of them, they halted in their tracks and Mikes steps back and leaves Blue with eyes wide as saucers, the surprise slacked jaw hanging open.

Heat creeped up to the tip of my ears, a blush blooming across my cheeks as the back of my neck burned with embarrassment. My stomach churned and I felt like I was about to hurl my breakfast from this morning if Blue didn't take his sapphire eyes off me. My nerves were high and loose, prickling my skin with nervous energy I hadn't felt since the day I told Blue I loved him.

The minutes became hours and the hours became years as nervousness was replaced with anger. With a forced clear of my throat, Blue jolted in surprise and blinked out of his shocked stupor, and smiled sheepishly, blushing with embarrassment. "Sorry." he apologizes, still eyeing my outfit, "It's look so..." he stops himself, seemingly dumbstruck and at a loss for words. "...beautiful." he breathed, his eyes jumping from my dress to my long, slim legs.

I made an amused sound, smiling at him slyly, but the irritation was still creeping up, "Okay, okay, I'm beautiful, tell me something I don't know but my patience only stands so long. Can we just go?" I finally snap, momentarily forgetting my current anxiety. He blinked once again and gestured for me to go first. "After you." he jested with a teasing grin, but I rolled my eyes skywards. "Let's get this over with," I muttered under my breath as I passed Blue as he stifled a laugh.

The Shellraiser was crossing at a normal speed the roads of New York as Blue and I were silent. He offered to drive and let me sit next to him and do absolutely nothing. I sighed and shifted comfortably in my seat, my mind replaying of the others' expression when they found out we were going out on a date. "Hey, what's wrong?" Blue asked, bringing me out of my thoughts, breaking the silence between us. My head turned to him and I stared at him with an unreadable expression. "Why did you have to tell everybody about this date?" I asked, folding my arms on my chest, and I couldn't keep the irritated whine in my voice. His eyes glanced to my side and then back to the screen in front of him, and I saw his muscles stiffen a bit. "I don't know. I guess I just thought it would be nice, since, y'know, none of them we've actually went on a real date." he replied with a shrug of his shoulder.

I threw my head back as I made a disgusted sound, "Ugh, should've known." I said sort of bothered but also pissed.

The subway car screeched to a halt and Blue twisted around, eyes narrowing on me. "What does that mean?" he challenged, "What, you changed your mind already? Wanna head back?" he asked, slightly angry. My eyes widened and my hands unfolded from my chest, hands flattening on my thighs when my eyes widened in realization. "Of course I didn't change my mind. I just wanted this date to be private, y'know? I don't like it when people stick their noses in our business, okay?" I replied, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Don't ever think that you're boring to me. I like dates. Just...I want some things to just be between you and me." I added and shot him a small, genuine smile. He returned the smile and placed a hand on my cheek. "Okay, I'm sorry. I just want this date to be perfect." he replied softly and gave a small, light kiss on my forehead. "Okay." my voice came out in a whisper and I felt stupid and relieved. A date. That I almost destroyed it. He turned turned back and the car snarled back to life as he returned to driving. I kept looking at him for some seconds before I turned my head to the empty wall beside me and stared at it blankly.

Sure, I like dating my boyfriend and I love doing all the things normal couples I've seen do's annoying every time everyone else tries to be involved and don't mind their own business every time Blue and I have an argument or something. It's annoying. Plus, they remind me more of journalists Jewel complains about who're trying to write the next article that's supposed to be juicy and spicy for its readers. It's just gossip to me. Another reason to add on to the list of: Why I Don't Want to be a Model Like My Best Friend.Sure, the money's great, but it's embarrassing and uncomfortable. How the hell does Jewel deal with it? We argued a lot about the subject, but they ended with our traditional and classy 'fuck it' and then we talked about something else like guns or snipers. But, as a dancer myself, I always receive comments for my outfits in every performance and how I dance but not for how I behave to others. It's something that doesn't get on my nerves.

"Aren't you gonna ask me where we're going?"

The question caught me off guard and I bounced in my seat, startled by the inquiry. Once again, I turned my head to Blue, who was smirking playfully. "I wasn't going to, but since you asked so politely, I'm asking you: Where are we going Blue?" I asked, my voice becoming high pitched and sarcastic as I spelled the last phrase. Blue laughed as he parked the Shellraiser in an alley. "Nice—" he whiped some unseen tears from his eyes and turned to me, his smile unbudgingly there, "—And we're dining at the finest noodle shop in all of New York." he rose off from the chair, offering me a hand. I slipped my hand into his, and peeled off from my seat, smiling at Blue with adoration in my eyes. "And here I thought we were going to eat at the Daniel." I tease back, he and I stepping out of the van, heading out to the small Japanese restaurant.

"Eh, couldn't think of somewhere else except Murakami's. Next time, I'll let you pick the place." he replied, shooting a genuine smile as his hand curled around the knob and he opened the door, golden light brightening the room. The characteristic bell of every shop or restaurant has, rang merrily above my head as I entered the small room, being careful with my heels as I tried not to slip or stumble. "Hello Murakami-chan!" Blue greeted and took a seat. The blind chief smiled brightly. "Leonardo-chan! Nice to hear from you again. I presume you have company." he replied knowingly and I blushed. "Apa sampeyan Murakami-chan?" I asked and took a seat next to Blue who touched my hand. "I am fine Rowan-san. What shall I bring you?" he asked. Blue and I shared a look.

"Pizza gyoza please."

Nodding in respect, he moved to his kitchen and started to prepare our meal. Blue was staring at his rapid movements with awe and something impressed and I couldn't help but keep my eyes glued on my boyfriend. His perfectly made face, his muscles, his sapphire blue eyes shining with joy and impress, the way his katanas are placed on his back...

"Earth to Rowny, earth to Rowny!"

I blinked and realized that my elbow was on the table, my palm cupping my chin as my head tilted, and that I had the goofiest smile on my face. "Where've you been?" Blue teased, a playful grin easing onto his face. My cheeks turned red and the back of my neck burned from embarrassment, slowly creeping onto my whole body. I couldn't look him in his eyes so, I preferred to look somewhere else just to calm myself down. His laugh broke the awkward silence between us and a hand cupped my cheek to turn to his. "You're so funny when you can't hide your emotions." he commented and I bit my bottom lip, the blush heating up more, like it was in the oven hot and ready. "C'mere you shy girl." he said and pulled me into one of his magical kisses, and my mind blanked out, forgetting all about the awkward tension and the heat in my body cooled down, like it was never there. I let a happy sigh leave me and kissed my boyfriend with more passion, hands softly rubbing his neck.

"Pizza gyoza!"

Our lips parted and we jumped back from each other and eyed our meals. "Matur suwun." we thanked in Japanese and then started to eat our flavored food. "Well, what do you think?" Blue asked through a mouthful of his own food as I gulped down my bite and looked at him with a smile. "I love it. They're perfect!" I crowed and ate one more pie as my boyfriend gave me direst look known to man. "I was talking about our date." he droned and a smirk played across my lips. "I was talking about our date, too." I nabbed a gyoza from his plate with the most innocent grin I could think of. "You're weird." he said in defeat and turned back to his meal. "I know I am. But you love me anyways." I replied, pointing one of my sticks at him.

Blue rolled his eyes. "I fell in love with a girl that's weirder than Mikey." he complained, earning a "Hey!" from me and a punch on his arm. But still, he was right; I am weird. Definitely not as much as Jewel and Mikey—those two would make great pranking buddies—but I guess I'm more...different than what people are used to. Eh, I guess that's not so bad. I suppose everyone has something weird about themselves but some decide to hide it and some love to announce it to the world. I'm into those extrovert people just because I don't give a fuck of what the others think. I'm just a funny girl.

Beep! Beep!

With a look full of question, Blue took out his T-Phone, arching an eyebrow. "Hey Don. What's up?" he asked after sliding his finger on the screen. Donnie's voice heard a bit serious but I couldn't hear it as clear. I immediately assume it's not something good, like another new invention of his, judging from the frown etched onto Blue's features now. "And you decided to do it as of this moment? Now that I'm having fun?" he droned with incredulity and Donnie's voice heard again. "Okay, okay. Shut up. We're coming." he said and hung up, his frown becoming deeper. "The date's over, isn't it?" I presume, standing up and tossing a wad of cash for our food. Blue nodded once, his eyes looking at me with disappointment and sadness. "I'm sorry it didn't go longer." he aplogized and mimicked my movement. Smiling, I took his hand and led him out of the restaurant.

"Another time."

"Whoa!" Donatello exclaimed as we watched him peer through his telescope at the group of Kraang droids gathered on the empty street below us.

My gaze fixed on Donnie, I raised an eyebrow. "What again Donatello?" I asked, highly pissed with him for destroying my date for some stupid spy of the Kraang. We stood on the rooftop nearby, standing there for what felt like an hour, spying on the aliens as they stole some tech from an abandoned warehouse. Like that was so important that he needed both me and Blue to accomplish that mission.

"That's a sub-spatial endopartical disrupter!" he cried, practically from ear-to-ear with excitement, taking one more look from his mini telescope. Blue arched a nonexistent eyebrow and crossed his arms on his chest, and looked at our genius brother with an icily calm expression, but the irritation lingered in his eyes. "Gonna have to explain if that's 'oh, no' or 'yay.' " he droned, sarcasm dripping from his last words. A ghostly grin played at my lips as I understood that he too was pissed with what happened earlier.

Don lowered the telescope as he turned to us, his earlier grin vanishing, "In the hands of the Kraang, it's a definite 'oh, no.' " Don replied with a frown spreading fast on his face.

"Why? What does it do?" Mikey wondered from behind me and D's reddish brown eyes shone with happiness and turned to Mikey with a smile. "The disrupter can de-synchronize subatomic resonances, which invert polymolecular structures, causing them to implode." he explained, earning a confused look of Mikey's as his head tilted to the side, reminding me of a sweet puppy. I rolled my eyes skywards, cursing silently at Don. God, this was like listening to Jewel and her own inventions on some upgrades on her motorcycle. Maybe if things don't ever work out with April, I should introduce the two. Why did he involved again scientific phenomena? This turtle is just so weird. And why the hell he said that to Mikey the mindless ninja turtle? If he thought that he would understand that, then he's gotta do a check up.

"It makes things go 'boom.'" Raph clarified dryly, and Mikey shot him a small smile.

"Technically, it makes things go zwee-chooooo! Pop!" Donnie corrected, using dramatic hand gestures in the process of his observant explanation.

We all blinked at Donnie, who just shrugged his shoulders, a sheepish smile crossing his lips. "It's important to be accurate." he simply replied before the surrounding around me circled around, like I was driving in a circle, and before I knew it, I found myself on another roof with Dogpound, Fishface, Blacky and Browny, and Stockman spying on the Kraang as well. Some Foot solders were hovering close to them, remaining silent like death. Weird, I thought, what do they want here? What's Shredder up to again?

Stockman was taking a better view of our common enemy with a pair of binoculars while all the others are minding their businesses, ignoring his words. "With that endopartical disrupter in our arsenal, we'll be unstoppable!" he grinned widely, his annoyingly familiar voice like nails grating on chalkboards. He raised two fingers, eyes still stuck on the robots through the binoculars. "All right, men, we move on my signal..."

I cocked a brow as D-Pound suddenly lashed out and grasped Baxter's wrist, dwarfed by his inhumanely large paw. The action earned him a startled cry falling from the scientist's lips, crimson eyes intensifying lethal, and he lifted the man off the ground gracefully and tugged him close to his snout. "Your signal?!" he barked, his sharp row of fangs bared maliciously at the poor pink clad genius.

Baxter squeezed his eyes shut, and I felt a pang of pity as I watched the scene before me unfold between the two henchmen. "Please, don't hurt me," he pleaded timidly, no longer sounding as confident as he had been when he was calling the shots. I resisted the urge to curl my lips in disgust and scoff at the scientist. He was smart as hell, not more than Donnie, but he was a boneless wimp that needed to grow a pair already. My God, what has society come to?

D-Pound hardly paid his plead any attention, instead narrowing his eyes at him, "You do what we say, and then you thank us for letting you live. Got it, Stinkman?!" D-Pound threatened once again, and threw the scientist back on the ground. Stockman grunted and glared the big dog with hate clear in his black beady eyes. "Stockman. It's Stockman!" he corrected with a sneer and a clenched fist.

Fishface seemed to have heard him, judging how he hissed through his fangs and marched over and kicked Baxter hard in the gut with his metal foot. Baxter let out a strangled gasp of pain as he rolled onto his other side, teeth clenched tightly. "What was that?" he asked warningly, his terrible big fishy eyes narrowed at Stockman.

"Nothing!" came the terrified response, and Fishface simply leered down at him, sharp yellow eyes narrowed in disapproval, "...thank you for letting me live."

Fishface scoffed and walked away by the time Blacky grabbed his shirt and brought the black man close to his face. "Screw this up, I'll finish you off myself." he promised, a threatening edge to his hardened voice, sneering at the man in disgust, "Remember that." he threatened and kicked his leg. Stockman yelped in pain as the vampire walked away. Then, he curled his hands into fists and narrowed his brown eyes. "Just you wait, freaks." he threatened in a murmur.

"Okay, guys. Get in position." Blue's voice suddenly popped up, breaking me out of my stupor as he and the others peered down at the Kraang as they readied themselves, blending into the shadows as only the whites of their eyes could only be seen. My eyes narrowed and an evil smirk curve my lips as I thought of different kinds of ways how I could deliver my blows to those alien bastards. I wanted them to feel the pain and torture I've experienced in my short life.

"On my mark..."

My left hand reached for the black hilt of my Tanto as I unsheathed it in a swift motion, the glare of the city lights falling on it in a blink. "Ready. Set." Blue ordered and I shifted my feet, preparing for the leap. "Let's do this!" Raph barked in impatience.

"Enough talk!"

With a synchronized leap, we all jumped down and somersaulted onto the street. We landed in a crouch as the droids were taken by surprise, snapping their heads to us as they gawked at the five of us. However, just my luck, Foot ninjas and the henchmen sans Baxter landed on the other side of the street, and effectively surrounded the Kraang. We all shared baffled expressions, aside from a death glare of mine, as I wasn't so surprised.

"Kraang and Fishface and Dogpound?" Raph exclaimed, grinning in delight at the sight of our enemies. "I must be dreaming, pinch me!" I rolled my eyes skywards. I'm going to safely assume he didn't see any other vampires aside from me. He yelped in pain as Mikey pinched his cheek, our little brother's head earning a smack.

"Ow! You said!" he whined, and Raph rolled his eyes and I stifled a snicker. No more words needed to be exchanged as we all charged each other head-on. The common enemy was momentarily forgetting, sitting ducks between the two groups as well clashed in the center of the street. Our common target was to get through the disrupter from the Kraang.

Blacky tried to sweep my legs out from under me, but I anticipated his attack and deflected with a back-handstand, hurling sharp streaks of ice daggers towards him.

"How sweet of you." Browny cooed mockingly, "That how you greet people little bird?" he joked with a sneer and I scoffed. "Only for two of my least favorite people." I shot back and threw another set of daggers, avoided swiftly by the two. My tanto clanged with a pair of sharp claws and coal black eyes glared into my icy blue eyes. "Just you wait, foxy. Let's test the theory of you learning manners before the timing of your unfortunate death." Blacky threatened as I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. At least I can brag about to my friend about how I kicked a wumpir's ass." I jeered coldly and knocked him away. He collapsed onto Browny and both fell on the floor with a groan. "Sweet moves, but they won't save your ass, girl." Browny retorted and I scoffed again, a cold smirk crossing my lips "Now you know I don't like liars." I teased crossing my arms over my chest, careful not to accidently slice through the fabric of my top with my short sword. Both growled at me and stood up.

"Matt, Andrew, move!"

"Guys! We gotta move!"

With just a nod of their heads, Blacky and Browny super sped away, following D-pound, who ran away from the turtles for a weird, unknown reason. My eyes scanned the area and I realized that the Kraang were already gone, probably hauling the disrupter with them. Shrugging my shoulders, I sheathed my tanto back to its sheath and walked calmly to the guys. At least that night had some action but something, call it instinct, yelled in my head that we would see those four again. Sooner than we planned. "Raph, now!" Blue barked at Raph as he and Fishface were still locked in combat, not understanding that the battle was over. The fish kicked away my bro and glared at him with the promise of revenge. "Yes, run along now, boy. And Sexy Baby?" he turned to me and I raised an eyebrow, folding my arms on my chest.

"Call me."

A growl bubbled in my throat and my nails stabbed on my jacket as the fish ran away along with the other three. "One day, I promise, I'll chomp that slime you call a body and rip you to shreds with my own claws." I threatened in a whisper and a dangerous light green flash passed in front of my vision. "This isn't over, Fishface." Raph yelled, pointing his Sai at the Foot Clan's retreating form, eyes narrowed at them. Blue motioned with his head to an alley and we all ran off before humans could come spilling onto the streets, wondering what all the commotion was, and the night was still and silent as a high-pitched voice sliced through it like a knife:

"Hello? Anyone? I'm kind of stuck up here! Hello?!"

For today's training, Sensei wanted to test our senses by hitting us with Randori. Like always, we all knelt on the mats, his soft footsteps behind us, his long wooden sword swinging. First was Donnie, who earned a hard smack upside the head, a surprised and pained yelp startling from him. A roll of my eyes was all I could do in that moment since that exercise needed absolute silence and concentration. Next was Mikey, who seemed anxious, causing him to sway back and forth, awaiting the oncoming hit.

"Just so we're clear, Sensei, you are planning on swinging, ri—OW!" he yelped by the time the Randori smacked his head, similar with Raph who was after him. Sensei moved to Blue. My boyfriend was calm as the gentle pull of the wind, deathly silent and I wondered how he could be so calm and cover up the anxiety of the burdens he's shouldering as not only the leader, but as the student. The wooden sword lowered to him at a normal rate of speed but he avoided by rolling along the floor, landing in a crouch and ending with a flip.

A small smile curled at my lip as he beamed brightly and pumped his fist. "Yes!"

A ghostly smile crossed my lips but it quickly slipped off as soon as it'd came as my ears perked up at the soft padding of Splinter's silent steps. Like Blue did, I remained calm, a serious expression clouding over my face as the long staff was raised above my head, mere inches away from smacking me upside the skull as I heard the quiet whoosh. A familiar tingle spiraled down my spine and buzzed at my head and ears, a warning of what was about to come. Automatically, my hands flew up above my head, palms and fingers touching the cold and hard surface of the staff. With a harsh tug, I pulled it away from Sensei's clawed hands and threw it across the dojo. A smirk curved my lips and a peck on my cheek from Blue, gave a hint to my smirk and become a smile. Sensei walked pass me and stood in front of us, hands folded behind his back, a soft but sure smile on his lips.

"What is the point of this anyway?" Raph snapped, still gingerly rubbing the back of his head, a slight morph of pain twisting his scowl.

"Evading a sword you cannot see demonstrates an ability to sense your enemy's intention." Sensei cryptically replied.

"I already know my enemy's intention, Sensei. To take me down." Raph retorted, punching his fists together. My eyes rolled skyward. Well, yeah, Raph was right about one thing; the fact that we all know our enemies intentions.

But, we gotta (at least) predict every move of his or hers so that we can defend ourselves fast enough, on time, and strike back. Splinter tries to teach us to be swift and flexible in our every move and as long as we can, to always sense what your enemy's planning during a fight. However, when I was in the Foot, Shredder demanded us to be dangerous and ready to kill our enemies at any cost only he'd be satisfied with like the ass-wipe bastard he is. He taught us to show no mercy and don't let every chance fly away like a bird. And just because he has the wealth and power, it attracts people easily, like a moth to a flame.

But just because it worked for some people didn't mean Jewel and I fell for it.

"Knowing that your enemy will strike is a given. But sensing when he will strike can mean the difference between victory and defeat." Sensei replied and like he always did, he walked away from us, moving to his calm and silent room. "Hai sensei." Raph replied and nodded in respect. Then, we all stood up, watching for a couple of seconds Sensei's retreating form before the turtles walked out of the dojo, talking fiercely about something that didn't catch my ears. My mind was focused on the fact that I wanted to talk to Splinter about my hidden past. Even if I knew that this would get him mad since he doesn't like to talk about it as much but I think it was worthwhile.

"Rowny? You coming?"

I made a full turn of my body and my eyes stared at Blue who was standing beside the door, a look full of worry imprinted on his face and blue eyes. A gentle smile pulled my lips and my head nodded to Splinter's room. "I want to talk to Sensei about something real quick. I'll catch up with you guys in a sec." I replied, Blue nodding once and he smiled in relief.

"We'll be waiting." he said, exiting the dojo as I turned back to the close, paper-thin door that acted as a barrier between me and Sensei. An uncomfortable, anxious surge of heat crept into me as my chest ached. My heart beat raced up to a high level and I felt some wrinkles of anxiety crinkle my forehead and eyes. A deep breath puffed passed my mouth, trembled as my feet moved on their own accord, my mind blank for the shortest moment. I didn't know why I was so anxious about a simple talk with Sensei but I guess my instinct made my whole system to act like that just in case my master and father figure got mad.

I hesitated for the briefest moment, the flat of my palm resting on the thin rice-paper door, and when I slide the door open, I saw Sensei medicating, a sweet scent of cinnamon wafting through my nose and I guessed that he lit up some aromatic sticks I gave him a few years ago as a birthday present. A ghostly smile of relief stretched across my lips and with more confidence, I walked in the room, casted in a fiery orange hue. I shut the door and knelt in front of him. "I see that you liked the gift." I said, confused with myself that my voice came out normally, without showing my emotions clearly as daylight from above.

Sensei opened his eyes, one eye at a time, and a slow smile brightened up his features and he glanced over a small vase with sticks billowing puffs of smoke. "I did. And I am extremely grateful for the gift, Rowan. Thoughtful, but I can sense that you are here for something else, beside the aromatic sticks." he guessed, earning a shy smile of mine. He always knows what we want to tell him. It made me felt like I was back in my father's strong and protective arms, and clutching my mother's larger hand, her beautiful eyes staring down at me with love and affection.

The thought of them pierced my heart, and stung like hell.

"You aren't wrong, Sensei." I replied, my throat feeling like it's been burned, "There's something that's been bothering me for the last month." A nod of his indicated that I was free to go, and ,with a deep inhale of air, praying that I wouldn't lose my temper as I needed to be calm. "I know that you don't like talking about Shredder and his ass—" a sharp glare from him and I redacted, "—actions, have to remember that I was in the Foot for five years until I left. I've met a lot of people there, including Karai. She's his daughter and she used to be my best friend. We had a huge fight two days my parents died and..." I gulped audibly and used all of my self-control to not break down and cry at the mention or the mere memory of my deceased loved ones, and bit down on my bottom lip instead. "B-But...after all these years of hunting me down, she came to New York only to apologize to me and beg for my forgiveness, but...I don't know what to do."

My chest felt tight, but my shoulders felt lighter. I just needed to get this off my chest, and I needed to tell someone who could try and understand. I love Blue with everything I have, but he couldn't possibly know the burdens I held long ago. I felt like Splinter could understand on some level. Because there could've always been a 'what-if' between him and the Shredder, had Shredder not let their rivalry go out of hand.

A clawed hand softly landed on my shoulder, and I look up and my gaze settled onto Sensei's reddish brown ones, similar to Donnie's, and from the candlelight, they're gleaming with trust and some kind of soft and gentle happiness.

"There was this phrase my mother had once told me when I was nearing your age; your mind is merely a machine: it is only telling you what you want to hear. But your heart shines brighter than all of the suns the universe can conjure up. It tells you what the right answer is." he wisely recited, and my face contorted with confusion. "Listen to my heart? And what do you think it'll tell me? Kill her?" I asked, being sarcastic with the last question but Sensei didn't consider it as a joke. "I do not know what it will tell you but you should listen to it. Our heart is the only thing that tells us wisely what to do." he replied before hugging me tight. "Thanks for nothing sensei." I rolled my eyes, surprised they haven't popped out of my sockets yet, not being satisfied with what he told me.

A good-natured chuckle of his rumbled his chest. "You are welcome, my daughter." he then said.

We were sprinting across the rooftops, eyes skimming along the gaps of the dark alleyways, our usual routine for patrol. Bars with loud music, people laughing or even insulting a football player while they're watching TV, and some dogs barking were the only sounds in the certain neighbourhood. My mind was focused on other things though; about what Splinter told me back to the lair. He was right, I couldn't disagree with him but there was a huge problem with that. I couldn't just listen to my heart. It's not like I was so stupid or anything, it's just it was cold and closed for options in a certain issue. I couldn't forgive Karai right off the bat and pretend nothing ever happened, not after what she had done after period my parents and little brother passed. And I'm not sure if I'll ever find it in myself to forgive her. She hurt my feelings, like she did to Jewel's—as much as the brat won't admit it—and she acted as if she didn't give a fuck with the fact that my parents were gone. The ones who treated her like she was their own daughter and managed to be by her side as long as Shredder was minding his own business. And she just ignored their death. Like it was something normal for her. She just ignored them.

And I can't forgive her for that.

"I got eyes on one giant dog, fish and vampires, 6:00."

I halted in my running, eyeing over to the place Donnie showed us. When I realized that he meant the four stupid henchmen of Shredder, I rolled my eyes with a scoff, a clear signal of how bored and done with everything right in this moment. Couldn't these losers give it a rest? Besides, what the hell were they hoping to accomplish? Kiss Shredder's ass when they were out on a successful or mission, as Blue liked to call it.

"Where?" Mikey beamed all happiness but groaned when he saw the four jerks. "Aw, man. It's just Fishface and Dogpound." he droned, clearly bored and unhappy for seeing them. Once again, my eyes rolled skyward and I crossed my arms over my chest, and I kept glaring down at those four with a piercing eyes. "What are they doing out in the open like this?" Don questioned and we all seemed to wonder why they actually allowing themselves being seen by humans. "Guess they don't care if humans see them at this point." I replied with a grin and all of the turtles gave me a look of confusion. "I think we should proceed with caution, guys." Blue ordered and his order replaced with absolute silence up there and fight grunts down us.


Another grin crossed my lips as I watched the other three fighting the four. I felt my boyfriend's hand, wrapping around my wrist and immediately, my head made a sharp turn to him. So sharp that shocked him a lot, so as my question. "What?" His sapphire blue eyes blinked several times before he obtained a total control of himself. "Are you okay?" he asked, total worried about me. An eyebrow of mine raised upwards, and a confused look spread all over my face. "I'm fine as you can see." I replied, confusion becoming the only emotion that moment. "You sure Rowny? 'Cause I don't." he said, eyes staring my own like he expected something important from me. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" now it was my own time to ask my boyfriend some questions.

"You've been, I don't know, but you haven't been acting okay for the last month. And I'm worried." he replied, his look of worry piercing my soul badly. I shoved away his hand and stepped a respectable distance away from him. "There's nothing to worry 'bout Blue." I snapped and leapt down from the roof, pulling myself into the fight. I didn't like lying to my boyfriend but this time, I had to. I didn't want to involve him into my own problems and, I didn't want him to know anything about my secret past. I want him safe because, I know that if he becomes involved, it'll hunt him down too.

And I can't let that happen.

My high kick found Browny's face and kicked him back while I crouched, avoiding a punch of Blacky's. "Ya really think you're clever little bird, eh?" his voice echoed in my ears as I flipped away. "I am." I replied with a rough edge, throwing a couple of shruikens at them. Both dodged them, a grin edging at their lips, brightening up their features in a hideous, awful way. "Little bird, little're stubborn but not stubborn enough to win a battle…" both sang much to my irritation and both gave a powerful kick to my stomach. "Thanks to Shredder." I said sort of breathless and knelt down to the concrete floor. A foot pushed me back and my back fell on the floor with a splat! My stomach hurt like hell and weird thing is that my healing powers weren't working. Probably because I wasn't bloomed so that I could be okay. "Pathetic. You're pathetic, little bird." Browny said as I grunted. "I'm not pathetic." I grumbled and flipped myself up. My eyes narrowed at the two as I tried to ignore the pain on my stomach and not hiss in pain.

"Stay. Good dog."

The vampires gave a look to each other and a glance to D-pound's retreating form. Then, they super sped away, much to my own relief since I wanted to relax and get over the pain. Fishface followed them suit too, confusing us. Usually, the Foot soldiers stay and fight 'till the end and they don't give up easily and so fast. That's what that stupid master demanded us to do during a fight; Never give up.

What the fuck are they up to? The question popped up in my mind automatically and it stuck on there like stickers do on a piece of paper. And, no, there wasn't no way that they planned something bad for us. After all, it's a typical move of every bad guy. And going after them is a typical move of the good guys. Like the turtles are.

Whatever they planned though, I hated it.

"Look! We got 'em on the run!" Donnie exclaimed, earning a roll of my eyes. Still, my instinct screamed in my head that there was a trap. A sure trap. "Oh, they aren't getting off that easy." Raph retorted and ran after the four jerks, his Sais moving along with his body. My jiggling rang in my head, loud and clear but not causing me a headache. Instead, it woke my whole system up like I drank lots of cups of coffee. "Raph, wait! Something's not right!" Blue yelled at Raph's running form, worry filling his tone. "Yeah, youtalking while they're getting away!" Raph retorted and kept running behind the villains. The other two ran behind him, leaving Blue and I to sigh heavily. My hand touched his and he turned to me, an unseen eyebrow had been raised upwards. "Blue, it's a trap. I can sense it." I said, earning a nod of his. "I know. Come on, let's move." he replied and we ran away, hands still linked, and we were running at the same speed, always behind our brothers.

We were led to an abandoned warehouse, the lights filtering through the garage door, outlining the crates, caked in dust. We stood there, gawking, and I felt like an idiot already. Our muscles were taut with alarm reflected in our eyes. I could sense them near, and we all knew that we had to be prepared for whatever attack they planned for us. My jiggling and instinct yelled in my ears and head that we were inside a trap but...what the hell was the trap?


A sharp turn of my head and my eyes narrowed at the sight of the four jerks coming out from their hiding spots, an evil smirk curving their lips. "You got us." Blacky jeered, an evil glint in his eyes. My muscles tensed and my blood ran in my veins faster than ever and a cold sweat ran down my spine. Blue's hand tightened around mine, my hand tiny compared to his and I could feel his intention. "This is way too easy." he said by the time our four enemies reached our side, a knowing evil smirk on their faces. My brows connected in one and adrenaline ran through my veins. "It's funny." I muttered under my trembled breath. "Why are you guys always worrying?" Raph protested when a red circle surrounded all of us with black and white large stripes lifted above us. My hand dropped from Blue's as I gaped at the new surrounding with, partially impressed. This was something new.

"Oh, I see." Raph droned, earning a pout of mine. "No kiddin' smart guy." I retorted, crossing my arms on my chest. "Careful, guys. This may be a trap." Mikey warned and I rolled my eyes to the heavens as a reply. Wasn't that obvious Mikes? Ugh, forget it. Mikey tried to cheer us up or he just said it out of blue like he always does just because he's a doofus.

"Welcome, contestants! I'm so glad you could join us tonight." Stockman's voice heard over a hidden speaker. Okay, that was weird. "Blister Stockboy?" Blue blanched, and I grinded my teeth. They'll never learn his actual name. And, to be honest, I felt kinda bad for him. He was just a normal guy who had been bullied by almost everyone just because they underestimated his talent at science. He was an emotionally tormented person.

"It's Baxter Stockman! I'm your arch-nemesis!" he shrieked and I scoffed in reply. Okay, that guy couldn't be one of our—no, the turtles'—archenemy since he couldn't do something so freakin' bad to us and, secondly, he was just a regular douchebag with a grudge.

"I can totally think of five nemesis's way archer than him." Mikey said with a wink and I gave him a high three.

"You'll be playing for the ultimate prize... your lives! In the all new, family-friendly, incredibly deadly MAZE OF DOOM!Stockman announced and laughed manically. I heard something whistling close to my side and before I could even react, Blue pushed me away. My eyes observed some missiles flying around us, trying to blow us up into smithereens. "Finally, something new." I muttered and started to avoid the missiles and freeze some. Out of my corner of eye, I saw Shredder's henchmen watching us with pleasure, not knowing that missiles had been fired to them too.

A grin appeared across my lip area when I saw those four yelling all over the room and running for their miserable lives. "You fool! What are you doing?!" Fishface demanded while crouching in order to avoid a missile. My own feet made a back flip as my hands cooled, creating a snow ball which I threw towards a larger missile and froze it. It fell down to the ground by the time Stockman replied with anger at the mutant fish. "I'm sick of you freaks. You treat me like dirt, threaten me...Well, Baxter Stockman doesn't make threats."

My eyes rolled skyward and I crossed my arms over my chest. You pay for what you did wrong, my mother's words popped up in my mind, echoing in my ears. Couldn't say that Stockman did something wrong but I could say that we messed up his life when we first met him, months ago. We involved him into that crazy life and now, he wants pay back.

"Have you gone mad?!" Blacky bellowed as he held a missile and threw it away.

"Mad?" Stockman cackled wickedly with undisguised glee, an odd sense of nostalgia smacking me across the face. "I'm full-on mega crazy!"

My eyes rolled skyward and a grin tried to fight its way to my lips. Every villain is crazy. It kind of reminded me fondly of Jewel, and the girl loved her rebellious theatrics whenever we were on a mission. She was...a psychotic rebel. I remember one time back in March a few years ago, she once charged into the enemy's base, a high-powered, high-tech water gun loaded with real bullets and water balloons in her hands, and while everyone else, including myself and Karai, blinked dumbly at her, she called out "YOLO dudes!" But this time was different. The severe bullying drove Stockman for his need of revenge, deluding the man into a...well, a maniac. And the thought of what else he was capable of, what he could do to terrified me the slightest bit.

"And even if you make it through my maze alive, you'll still have to face my monster of—"

"Doom? Is it a monster of doom?" Blue mused flatly, face blank with mild annoyance, and I snickered behind my hand as Baxter faltered. "No! Uh, monster of, uh...uh...oh, the heck with it!" the mad scientist snapped and the floor underneath us disappeared, a huge hole of black and white stripes dived us all in. All the others screamed in fear with a hint of joy from Mikey but they didn't notice another floor meters under them. My body flopped upside down, face looking towards the floor and within a sec, I dived into my ghostly self, white like snow white hair hitting my back. Narrowing my now green eyes, I flew downwards and my gloves glowed green, an ectoplasmic net created inches above the hard surface of the floor. I landed on my feet with some tiffs of long white hair falling on my face. The turtles fell on the net with safety and I just watched them with a total emotionless expression. They sat up on the net, eyes scanning the new area.

"Where in the—"

Shredder's henchmen fell on the other side of the large net which disappeared with just a single snap of my gloved finger. They all stood up and looked around with mild interest. "Where were we?" D-Pound asked, clearly not caring about it. Our four enemies turned fully to the turtles' side, eyes shining under the light. I knew that look. And pretty well actually…

"Total turtle and Sexy Baby takedown!"

My hands clenched into tight fists, rage running through my blood and boiling it to a simmering heat. My fangs popped out once more and I felt like I had erupted into a raging fire, blazing across my whole body, like Jewel's fire powers.. And don't ask me how I know that. She just up and told me 'bout that fact her powers involved fire, weird and cool as it sounds. "I'm. NOT. A fucking. SEXY BABY!" I bellowed in rage, close to screaming the last words. But Fishface seemed to ignore my irritation and along with the other three, attacked us. My white boot swung at D-Pound's leg as I threw a ball of ectoplasm straight to the vampires. A flip away from the fight gave me the chance to see some red laser axes hanging from the roof above us, swinging at an alarming pace. "Yay...more surprises." I droned with a deep frown as the others kept fighting each other.

"This can't be good."

The fight stopped as soon as all of then realized that saving their asses from the laser axes was more important than fighting. One of the axes almost sliced Blacky in half, and I kicked him away. Call it whatever ya want but I just done what I done. He gave me a glare, raising a fist. "You honestly thought I needed your help?" he snapped much to my irritation. "I wasn't gonna let Stockman have the pleasure." I shot back and looked away.

"Everyone! I suggest a fight rain check! This is not time to be fighting!" Blue called over the roaring wind of swinging axes while we all glared at each other. In your dreams, honey. D-Pound frowned and clenched both of his big fists. "Never!" he snapped, "We do this now!" His fists met dented floor with Mikey and Donnie jumping away. He didn't notice an axe coming closer to his side and Blue threw a shuriken on the axe, changing its direction, only slicing off a spike of D-pound's shoulder. His ears lowered as he whined like the sad mutt he is.

"If we keep fighting, we are never going to get out of here alive!" Blue said to all of us, earning a roll of my eyes. Did he really expect us to stop fighting with our enemies? How stupid could he be? Plus, their orders are to kill us at any cost, so...what, we just let them tear our heads open?

"The exit! There!"

I stared at a bright white hole opened at the end of the room and a feeling of relief bloomed in my chest. Blacky shoved me away and followed his mates in crime towards the so called exit, and I growled at his retreating back in frustration. Swallowing an upcoming mad willing to shoot each one plenty of times towards their head, I ran behind the turtles, carefully avoiding the laser axes of doom.

"Leo, you don't think we can trust them, do you?" Raph asked Blue as both ran some meters in front of me at an absolute synchronization.

"It's our only option." my boyfriend simply replied, and I scoffed, bitter and calloused with disbelief. "I'd rather die than trusting those jackasses." I grumbled and flipped above an axe. Raph seemed to agree with me as he asked again, "Well, what do we do when they turn on us? Because they will turn on us."

Blue glanced over to his side, crouching under an axe. "We'll just have to trust that we'll see it coming first." he said again and kept running as Raph stopped and shook his head. "I wonder why he's our leader." he told me as soon as I reached his side. A glare of mine was a cause of his mouth to shut and kept running. I knew that Blue didn't trust Shredder's henchmen too but it was our only way to get out of this stupid Maze of Doom. And Raph was just spewing out his usual, whiny-ass bullshit. Like always.

After some minutes of running to the end of the room, we finally made it to the exit. Dpound started to sniff the atmosphere, probably trying to find any trouble that Stockman would put us in again. Instead, he said, "Fresh air. Coming from that direction." much to my surprise. Cold sweat ran down to my spine once again and I sensed that the 'fresh air' the mutant dog said was another trap of Stockman's. Fishface turned to us, a disgusting smile added to his ugly face and it looked so theatrical that it reminded me strongly of those famous personalities whenever a fan waves at them or even ask them to sign a poster of theirs or take a selfie with 'em.

His freaky webbed hands gestured the exit that D-pound found moments ago, a wink to my side caused me to clench my hands. "Uh, please, after you." he faux politely offered in his thick Spanish accent and I rolled my eyes when he took a step closer to me. "De ninguna manera." I said in Spanish, reminding myself to thank Jewel for teaching me this amazing language, and the fact that I actually remembered that. "No, no, you go ahead. I insist." Blue replied with a fake smile and the mutant fish frowned but came closer to my side. "What's the matter? You don't trust me?" he asked, evil shining on his eyes and I forced down the urge to kick him in the nuts, if he even has any nuts.

Raph rolled his eyes. "If you think we're going to turn our backs to you, you're nuts." he retorted, and Fishface's frown deepened.

"I know! We go like this! Turtle, girl, jerk, turtle, turtle, jerk, girl. Wait, no. Jerk, turtle, girl, jerk, jerk…"

I turned to Mikey with a raised eyebrow as he still attempted to find a possible solution for his current problem. But, he couldn't. "Ugh, too many jerks." he concluded with a pout and I rolled my eyes. Four jerks and five of us. If you can let one of us out, you can easily put the remaining four in a row with the other four. It's not that big of a deal. My ears caught another whistling, this time above us and I lifted my head up, gaze met with flying metallic balls. Some red razors around them caused all the others to scream in fear and run away from an impending death. "Balls! Of doom..." Blue droned and I snickered, back flipping away from those balls of doom. "What are those?" Raph asked out of blue by the time I froze two balls. "Not good." Blue replied, "Let's move it!"

We all ran away and ended up in another room in which Dpound started to sniff once again. A frown on his doggy face appeared giving us the sense that something was not right here. "We've been here before." he announced after a while. "Every room's looks the same dork." I retorted with an eyeroll. However, Donnie seemed to agree with the dog as he looked around. " He's right. We've been going in circles!" he explained much to Raph's annoyance. "Donnie, are you sure—"

A huge wall fell in front of us, separating us. "Hey!" Raph and I yelled so as Fishface and the two vampires who stuck with us.

"Time to split you guys up!" Stockman said over his hidden speaker. "You dumbass! How insane can you be?!" Blacky exclaimed in frustration but it seemed that the mad scientist didn't hear him, and if he did, he most definitely ignored him.

"Looks like it's just you and us." Fishface said and nodded his head to the long hallway. I gave a glance at the huge wall and made my mind to forget about Blue for a while. After all, I would see 'im later. I followed the others, always keeping a safe distance from them but also from Raph a bit. I knew how he could be under certain situations and tense circumstances, and if I had anything to react to, it'll end with the both of us clawing each other's throats out. So, I walked behind of all the guys.

Once again, I let myself drift into my deeper thoughts and centered around the problems I've been facing, worrying me as I trailed after the boys mindlessly. And since I had the proper time, I said, why not? Sensei, seemed reasonable with what he told me back in the lair. But...I couldn't just listen to my heart. I know that I'm acting like a bitch when the issue of 'Karai' comes up and I knew that I had to give her a second chance. My old self could do that easily since I was so naive, stupid and mindless. I always gave the people who hurt me a second chance without even noticing it. Now times have changed, and I couldn't just let things slide so easily anymore. Not to the people who hurt me and broke me down until I was in pieces. I'm clever enough to see what happens around me so that I can recognize people's character and who should I trust. Who's worth that second chance.

And Karai—not on the list.

She hunted me down, she hurt my feelings and she ignored that the people who treated her like their own kid were dead and gone. She just kept doing what her papa commanded her to do, like a puppy in training lessons. I dunno about her, but I know that I've changed into a better version of myself and that version will improve into a better one in the near future. People always improve themselves. I can't be an exception.

"We're trapped!"

Jostled out of my self-evaluation, my gaze fell at the end of the room, where another large wall with black and white stripes, blocked our way. I crossed my arms when that wall started to turn around like a huge fan. Great, I thought bitterly, What else?

"No! You were supposed to destroy each other, not work together!"

After hours of being stuck in this stupid maze of Doom, we managed to team up and escape from this wretched hole and we ended up in Stockman's lab. The man himself was hovering above us and accidentally smacked his foot on his flying disc.

"Ya so stupid." I snorted under my breath as he seemed to calm down a bit.

"No matter. You may have made it to the end of my maze, but now it's time for—" he said before Mikey interrupted him with a "The bonus round?" An evil smile crossed his lips, brightening in an awful way on his black features. "Yes, the bonus round...of doom!" he replied, earning a roll of my eyes. "Kneel before the awesome power of my monster—"

"Of Doom."

His eyes filled with hate and anger as his lanky arms crossed over his chest. "You all think you're so clever. Let's see how clever you are when you're hit by my missiles of d—...when you're hit by my missiles!" he exclaimed and a big robotic monster fired us with some missiles and we all ran around to avoid them. An electronic meowing added to that craziness and I realized that the Mousers were out. A roll of my eyes and an almost unseen frown drawn on my face as I sliced Mousers here and there with my tanto. Blue tried to harm or even shut down the monster of doom with his katanas but he ended up flying on a wall.

"Seriously? Was that your best plan?" I asked in disbelief, earning a shy smile of his. "How do we stop this thing?" both Mikey and Browny questioned and we all looked at the monster of doom, confused and out of ideas. Except Blue, who looked at D-pound and Mikes, glancing over at the huge monster. "Mikey, Dogpound. Draw it under Baxter." he ordered and the two sprinted over to Stockman's disc. However, he flew higher and a smile of satisfaction crossed his lips. "Yeah, like I wanted." Blue said and glanced to me and the two wumpirs. "You know what to do, right?" he asked and we three nodded. "We do."

With a super speed to the monster of doom, our claws came out and we leapt on the screen, hardly causing a scratch on it, more like white streaks across its futuristic silver armor. Then, we ducked out of its way and stood on a wall, watching Blue ordering Raph and Fishface to finish with that once and for all. Fishface helped Raph to leap up and slice with his sais the floating disc of Baxter's. The mad scientist widened his eyes, growling to us, "No! Stop helping each other!"

The disc fell on the monster and an explosion came next with me creating a big ectoplasmic shield around all of us. Ashes spread all over the lab and I made the shield disappear. Shutting our eyes, we all tried to search for Stockman but he was nowhere in sight. "Where's Dexter?" Mikey asked, almost cutting short as an irritatingly familiar voice cracked into the air.


Our heads snapped up and met with Baxter's flying figure. Once again, his black eyes were filled with hate and his mouth was set in a snarl. "You haven't seen the last of Dexter...Baxter Stockman!" he yelled and flew away, earning an amused grin of mine. "Come on, let's get out." Blue ordered and we all ran out, ending out of the lab-warehouse. With a pant, we stood on a wall and tried to reclaim our breaths and recover from all that craziness Stockman got us in. My back laid on the wall and my eyes glued shut. The technique Sensei taught me when I was younger, worked for a while before D-pound announced, breathlessly; "The truce is...over." My eyes opened and glared at the mutant dog. He couldn't give it a rest, could he? "Let's finish...this." Fishface added, panting and the turtles drew out their weapons wearily. Blacky, Browny and I stood next to them and prepared ourselves to watch the upcoming fight.


Mikey knelt down with a yawn, his nunchucks falling on his sides wearily. D-pound's ears flattened on his head and both mutants gave a tired look. "Ah, forget it. Next time." D-pound said and walked away without the vampires following them. Instead, they looked at me with a teasing look and a grin spread on both lips. "Whadd'ya two idiots want now?" I snapped and their grins grew. "Oh, nothing special." Browny said with an innocent. "You'll see." Blacky added ominously. A curious eyebrow raised upwards, and a confused frown spread all over my face and—

"Have you forgotten something, little bird?"

My face slammed onto the hot concrete floor and my body caved in pain. I turned my head to the left and groaned in pain. A foot stomped on my back, forcing me to stay down. Another groan strained from my lips and my eyes shut closed in pain. "And I thought that you would do something besides staying down." Browny said above me with boredom, giving me the idea to turn invisible and fell down to an empty apartment. My eyes scanned the empty area cynically and my feet moved around, soft and quiet. My claws scratched some walls and the terrible noise my tanto made with every move of my hip, annoyed and worried me if the vampires would come in.


The sound heard so close to me, so close to my taste and automatically, I crouched down, avoiding every piece of glass it was flying here and there. One sliced my right arm, and bark of pain wheezed from me. "You can't hide from us." Blacky teased humorlessly and a hand grabbed my neck, lifting me in the air, like Shredder did couple of days ago.

But I was ready this time.

My nails pierced into his skin and my legs gave him a kick straight to his nuts. Blacky's face twisted in pain and he dropped me instantly, Browny running to him. I turned into my ghost form and flew out of the broken window. My arm stung like hell and I wondered why my healing powers weren't curing the injury. Still, I remembered what Donnie told me sometime ago; my ghostly healing ability and vampire healing are one and since I wasn't fully bloomed, they were slower than death itself. Weird, I know but I had to wait the day I would bloom. And then, everything would be alright.

I landed on a roof, panting before my ghost form replaced with my normal self. I took a look at the next rooftops, calming down a bit. But then, without even noticing it, electricity showered down on my body hard and shocked me. A female scream of pain pierced my ears as I fell on the ground feeling numb. A dark chuckle loomed above me and then a male voice talking fast, like when a bullet comes out from a gun. Electricity hit again my numb body and the female scream pierced once again my ears, and I realize that this terrible scream belonged to me. Another chuckle; another laugh; a crack; my eyes shut closed.

"Sweet dreams, little bird..."

And then...


The vampires left by the time I blanked out of I had? Was that a real vision? And what the hell did that mean? A scoff replaced all my thoughts and I followed the others back to the lair. It was a vision, nothing special. And it wouldn't happen in the near future.

Or will it?

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