Chapter 32

Chapter 32

            After managing to carry Baz up the stairs, Toby and Derek were in and helped Charlie; we placed him on his bed and I thanked Charlie about fifteen times before he eventually went to bed.

            Placing my attention back on my top priority, I went and sat by Baz’s side on his bed. Stroking his hair as gently as I could, I cried heavily and felt my tears hit my leg as they dripped down my cheeks.

            ‘Oh, Baz. I’m so sorry this had to happen. And I know you probably don’t want to see me right now, but I want you to know that I won’t leave you.’ It was hard to talk knowing that he couldn’t talk back, but I refused to transform as it wouldn’t help. ‘I don’t understand why you’re angry with me, or why you shouted, but I don’t want to lose you and I want to put this right. If you don’t want me to be a wolf, then I won’t. I won’t change anymore from tonight.’ He pushed his muzzle under my hand and then slid his head along my palm. ‘Hmmm, please get better soon. I’ll stay with you until you are.’ I stopped talking and lay down beside him on the bed with my arm over his chest which was still heaving randomly.


            It took about two weeks for Baz to heal, but his muscles still ached whenever he stretched too much. Hardly letting him out of my sight, though trying not to seem too clingy or protective, I allowed myself to try and relax knowing that he was safe once again.

            In the two weeks I had spent watching over him, Baz, Charlie and I didn’t go to school; we had a lot to catch up on. After the talking and worrying, we did eventually go back. We were now sat together in the back of one of our English classes; Baz and I were in each other’s arms, trying to make things seem normal.

            The bell rang, which made me jump, Baz chuckled as we stood up and walked out of the room towards our next classes. ‘I’ll catch you later. Be good,’ Baz said as he kissed my cheek and then wandered off with a wave.

            I made my way to History, hoping I might bump into someone I knew. Just as I rounded the corner, my head hit someone else’s. Once the pain had subsided, I looked up. ‘Ethan!’ I exclaimed. ‘Oops. We really need to stop bumping into each other like this.’

            We both giggled. ‘Yeh,’ he agreed. ‘Where are you heading?’

            ‘History. What about you?’

            ‘History too, I guess we’re in the same class this term.’

            ‘Well you do know you’re going the wrong way? Follow me.’

            He followed. ‘Thanks, I’m still not totally used to where all my classes are. I’ve never been good with finding my way round things. This school is so big. How was your holiday?’

            I admired his attempt to keep the conversation flowing. ‘It was... eventful. Baz took me on a very interesting camping trip with some friends of ours. Somewhere in the hills up north-ish,’ I went on to explain. ‘How was yours?’ I asked.

            ‘It was average. Nothing much happened in mine. How was camping with a load of werewolves then? I imagine you didn’t get much sleep.’

            Opening the classroom door, I let him walk in first. ‘No, they howled nearly every night, and there was a bit of arguing between two of them. But long story about it all and I won’t bore you.’ We sat down and let the next two hours go by slowly.

            ‘What have you got next?’ Ethan asked.

            ‘Erm... let me check.’ I looked at my diary. ‘Oh, I’m free. Which might mean Baz is free too. What about you?’

            ‘Free too. Do you mind if I tag along? I won’t get in the way, much.’

            I didn’t answer; I just smiled and bobbed my head for him to follow again.

            Running into Baz’s arms, I was happy he was still smiling. Quick kisses on the lips and I was smiling wider than before. He spun me round a bit and then released me. ‘I missed you.’

            ‘I missed you too.’ I blushed a bit when I remembered Ethan was around. ‘Baz, you remember Ethan?’ His eyes darkened, but he nodded nonetheless. ‘Ethan, this is my boyfriend, Barry. Baz for short. And that’s Derek, Kev and Toby.’ I pointed out each of the other’s that had stuck around Baz all day; Charlie had wandered off with Ashley earlier in the morning.

            ‘Nice to meet you all.’ He sat down with us and engaged in conversation with Toby.

            ‘Can I speak with you for a minute?’ Baz whispered.

            I looked at him, worried he was hurting again. ‘Of course.’ He pulled us to the side. ‘What is it? Have you hurt yourself?’

            ‘What is he doing here?’ he asked, his eyes shifted so I knew who he was on about.

            ‘Ethan? He’s a friend, I met up with him outside History and he tagged along. He’s not doing any harm, Baz. Remember when I was human? And how hard I found it to fit in?’ I reminded him. ‘Well, I’m trying to show him the friendship that I was given by you.’

            ‘Hmm, well you know how wary I get. Alright, he can stick around. But I’ll be keeping an eye on him, whether you like it or not.’ His word seemed final and that he had already made up his mind.

            We walked back over to the others, hand in hand. He sat down first and I perched myself in his lap. For the rest of the day, we sat talking about everyday things and gossip.

            I could tell that Baz seemed a little guarded with Ethan being around, but I knew Ethan wouldn’t be any trouble. He was too nice and polite to try and do anything stupid, especially with four large male werewolves sat around him. All in all, nothing happened and nothing was ever going to happen. Bidding us goodbye, Ethan got up and headed off to his Geography lesson. Baz’s arms relaxed around me and he slunk his shoulders back.

            ‘You really don’t need to be like that, Baz. He’s human, he wouldn’t dream of picking a fight with any of you. He’s nice and I think it’s a good idea having another human in our midst, now that I’m no longer one.’

            ‘But he’s a guy. Look, I don’t quite like him being here but if it keeps you happy then I’ll go along with it. I don’t want to upset you again.’ He nuzzled my neck with his nose. ‘I almost lost you once, getting that close realised what you meant to me. And then you changed, from human to werewolf, and I thought I had lost the person I fell in love with. But I didn’t, I was just being over-protective and even obsessive of you.’

            Wrapping my arms around him, I chuckled and rested my head on his chest and fell into his embrace.


            Even though I was now a werewolf, as my dreams had apparently been telling me, I was still very cautious about things I said, how I acted and what I got up to around school and town. In any matter of days or weeks, I knew deep down that Sharon would be watching on, as her or by means of friends, and wanting to make any excuse to pick a fight with me or try to humiliate me. But I now had the upper hand, as she didn’t know I could take her on in a fair fight, and hurt her in the same way as she wanted to injure me. These violent, aggressive thoughts roamed around my head often now I was back in school; though I kept them clear of what I said to Baz and our pack mates, I didn’t want him to think that I wanted a fight. It was the complete opposite. I really, really wanted to avoid even the slightest hint of violence if it were possible.

            After seeing the many injuries that Baz, Charlie and co had obtained over their years as wolves, I was more pushed towards self-preservation than I had ever been when I was merely human. It was certain to me that no matter what happened through the rest of my life that the boys would have more fights and disputes than me but I would also get in a few scraps with my own pack if I needed to assert some order. That was one thing I wasn’t looking forward to; as Baz’s mate I had to prove that he and I were as equally capable of taking charge of about twenty mischievous teenage wolves.

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