Fun Chapter About The Boyz
Original story, created by- Dakotahstacy3. ONLY on Wattpad.
Anywhere else, it has been stolen, without permission. Support real artists and writers!
(Written back in July 2024)
[This is a meant to be a funny, light hearted chapter. Before the Keith/Spencer drama. But it will be... uh, kinda awkward and spicy?] 🎇👀
Just a heads up *** (it's gonna be sus 😳🤨📸)
"Keith!" Cole yelled.
"Wha?" He mumbled back with his mouth full.
"Can you stop eating all my food!" Cole shouted, grabbing the bag of chips, then some of the other junk food he had taken.
"Hey! I was eating that!" Keith complained.
Cole groaned, annoyed at him.
"Will you two stop. Jeez." Peter said annoyed.
"Yeah. You two don't have to fight every time you see each other." Spencer added.
"Hey. This isn't fight." Cole said.
"Yeah. But it could be..." Keith said.
"Uh, no." Spencer said sternly, point at them.
"Don't get any ideas!"
Keith smirked at Cole. "No, never..." He said suspiciously.
"What should we play now?" Peter asked.
"You can choose, I'm hiding all this from him." Cole said, motioning towards all the junk food then at Keith.
"Hey! I'm hungry!" Keith complained, standing up from the couch.
"Uh, uh. Sit down! I'm hiding this. No more for you. Get your own!" Cole said sternly, walking away.
Keith huffed, sitting back down on the couch.
"Maybe we should just play something. Leave them to be- them." Spencer said.
"Ha, maybe." Peter smiled.
"Whoever loses has to do ten pushups!" Keith said proudly, sure he'd win.
"Easy." Cole challenged.
"Oh, really? Let's make it twenty then!" Keith said confidently.
Then immediately lost in the video game.
His face dropped. So did his ego.
Cole looked back at him with a smirk.
"Oh, shut up!" Keith yelled.
"Didn't say anything." Cole shrugged.
"Mm, see. This is what happens when guys make bets." Spencer said judgingly.
"Go on. You said twenty." Cole motioned towards Keith, waiting for him.
Keith huffed, getting up, taking off his jacket. Then getting on the floor to do twenty push ups.
While Cole counted them. "Eh, that wasn't good enough. It only counts if it's proper form."
"I bet twenty, didn't say... they had to be proper." Keith said out of breathe, struggling.
"If it's not proper technique, then it's not an actual push-up." Cole argued.
Keith groaned, slowly doing the push ups. Barely making twenty. Out of breathe he rolled onto his back.
"Wow. Impressive." Coke said sarcastically.
"Shut up." Keith said firmly.
Coke grinned, shaking his head.
"Alright, we get it guys. Can we just go back to playing games? Not a measuring contest every time you see each other." Peter complained.
Cole and Keith looked over at him, with the same idea.
"We know who's bigger." They said in sync. Staring at each other.
"No, it's obviously me!"
"No way!"
"Yes way!"
They argued back and forth.
Peter sighed, looking at Spencer.
"Wanna run away together?" He asked, making Spencer laugh.
"Maybe..." Spencer said, glancing between them.
"You really think that your bigger!?" Cole argued.
"I know I am!" Keith said matter of factly.
Everyone paused, looking at him confused.
"You... know?" Cole asked confused and concerned.
"How?" He asked worriedly, with a disgusted face.
Keith glanced around. "I-I wh-what...I- uh..." He gulped.
Peter looked away, embarrassed and grossed out.
"Ummm..." Spencer groaned.
"Wait a minute." Cole thought.
"During the camping trip we found a pond and got in it... did you- were you staring at me!?" Cole asked with concern.
"What! No! Ew." Keith said offended.
"Then how do you know!?" Cole challenged, stepping closer.
"Well- I- I was just playin... damn." Keith said shyly.
"Mm, right." Cole said suspiciously, looking him up and down.
"Can we just get back to the games? I wanna play something." Peter said quietly.
"Yeah. It's not like it even matters who's bigger. Ugh, toxic masculinity, insecure men, mph." Spencer complained.
Cole sat down next to Peter. "Sorry about that, baby. What do you wanna do?" He asked, tilting his head.
Peter smiled, leaning onto Cole.
"Can we play something that's not competitive? Or at least not a lot?" Peter asked.
"Yeah, baby." Cole said, kissing his head.
Spencer looked at them, with a gentle smile.
Keith huffed, sitting down on the floor with everyone.
"You definitely got a big attitude." Cole muttered.
Keith sneered, side eyeing him.
"Do you think I could lift you?" Keith asked Cole.
"What?" He asked confused and surprised.
"I'm just curious." He shrugged.
"Wh- i- what's with you and these random thoughts? Ever heard of inside thoughts?" He asked.
Keith sighed, rolling his eyes.
Cole looked back at the cards Spencer was shuffling. Peter was trying to learn how to shuffle them, but kept messing up and got annoyed.
While Cole was admiring Peter, he was suddenly picked up.
"Ah! Wtf!" He shouted.
Realizing what just happened as he was facing the ground.
"Keith!" He shouted, shocked at how fast he was picked up.
"Ha. I can pick you up!" Keith said proudly, holding Cole on his shoulder.
"Ah-ugh. This really hurts. Please put me down." Cole begged.
"Eh, your fine." Keith said keeping ahold of him.
"Please put me down... p-please?" Cole whined.
"Your shoulder is sticking into my abdomen." He groaned in pain.
"Alright, fine." Keith sighed.
"Wait! Carefully, don't drop me on my head or something!" Cole shouted.
"Yeah, yeah." Keith walked over to the couch, dropping Cole onto it.
"Hmm. That was easier than I thought." He said proudly, hands on his hips.
"Ow." Cole winced, grabbing his bruised abdomen.
"You okay?" Peter asked worriedly.
"Yeah, that's why I said ow." Cole said sarcastically, sitting up on the couch.
"You don't have to be rude." Peter frowned.
"Sorry, baby." Cole apologized, his voice softened. Peter got up and went over to him.
Sitting next to him, gently rubbing his stomach. They looked into each others eyes, leaning in for a kiss.
"Now you know how I feel every time you pick me up." Peter said.
"I-" Cole sighed. "But its fun to pick you up." He pouted.
"And I love to sweep you off your feet." He whispered teasingly. Kissing on Peter's neck.
Keith rolled his eyes, facing away. While Spencer admired them, glancing at Keith, making him blush.
"Anyways. How much do you think I could lift? It's been awhile since I've lifted weights or anything, but I'm a big guy, y'a know." Keith interrupted.
Cole and Peter sighed, annoyed that he ruined their moment. While Spencer shook his head.
"Does it even matter? Since when do you care about that, being a 'manly man' or anything like that?" Spencer asked.
Keith shrugged. "I just wanna know. Why not?"
"Do you need another boost to your ego? Cause I think it's big enough." Cole said.
Keith looked at him offended, his tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek. Taking a moment to think.
"I got something else that's big."
"Oh, will you shut up!" Spencer complained.
Keith laughed. "I'm just havin' fun!"
"I'm going to leave if you keep acting like this." Spencer said, rubbing his head.
"I just wanna know." Keith shrugged. "It's a- guy thing."
"Yeah. I know. We're all guys." Spencer said annoyed.
"And gay-" He laughed, covering his mouth and turning away.
"Okay. Now that was funny." Cole said. "Maybe only Spencer should talk from now on." He laughed.
"Hey..." Keith said sadly, offended.
"Do we need to just settle this so you will shut up?" Peter asked, sighing.
Keith nodded.
"Ugh, fine." Peter mumbled annoyed.
"Eh, I'm sure there's a ruler around here somewhere. Probably in Cole's room." Spencer laughed, standing up.
"Uh, h-hey!" Cole said surprised. "Wh-what do you mean by that?" He asked.
Spencer stared at him, tilting his head and raising his eyebrows. "You know why..."
Cole shut his mouth, looking away.
Spencer went upstairs to Cole's room then came back quickly. Holding a ruler.
"Told you." He said, staring at Cole.
Cole tapped his foot, fiddling his hands together.
"I wonder if there's a mark on here." Spencer said jokingly, observing the ruler.
"Oh, maybe..."
"No! No there's not! I use that for school. And so does Peter! He used it last!" Cole offended.
"I'm kidding... damn." Spencer said.
"Someone's... nah I won't say that."
Spencer looked at Peter. "Soooo..."
Peters jaw dropped. "No! I am not getting involved in this!"
"Mmm. Fine. It's not fair to drag you into this." Spencer said, looking back at the ruler.
"Buuuuut... could you just give us a hint...? Hmm?
It would make this go over a lot quicker."
Peter took a deep breath, sighing. "Mmph, fine."
Glancing at Cole then at the floor.
"He's only a little bit bigger than me... but it's not like we've measured it before..." He said quietly.
"Mm. Okay... but why don't we measure, so these- so they will stop fighting?" Spencer said, staring back and forth at them.
"Hey. I'm not the one fighting about it. He's the insecure one." Cole said, motioning towards Keith.
"You don't have to point it out." Keith said quietly, crossing his arms.
"Here. Let's just settle this." Spencer said, handing the ruler to Cole. "Get it over with."
"I- uh. Wh- you can't force me to..." He sighed.
"But fine. I'll prove I'm the bigger one." He said confidently, standing up.
He walked over to the bathroom, closing the door for privacy.
"Wait. What if he lies!" Keith pointed out, gesturing towards him.
Spencer sighed, getting a headache.
"Uh... Peter knows. So he can confirm."
"He can lie too!" Keith argued.
"Dude! Your the one so obsessed with this." Spencer said, stepping closer to Keith.
"Also- how dare you call me a liar... rude. I wouldn't lie... well- maybe about somethings, but-" Peter said.
"Anyways, this whole thing is weird and gross. It's personal, none of your business!"
Cole walked back in, handing Keith the ruler.
"Your turn." He motioned.
"Well. Your not gonna say?" Keith asked.
"Yeah. Wasn't that the whole point?" Spencer asked.
"I just wanna say it at the same time." Cole shrugged.
"Go on now. And make sure you use the side with inches! We're America's, we don't use centimeters." Cole said as Keith walked away.
Keith huffed then closed the bathroom door, mumbling to himself.
Cole's probably embarrassed and doesn't want to say. I'm definitely bigger. And stronger. I'm better than him in multiple ways.
A few minutes later he walked back into the room.
"Alright. I definitely know I'm bigger. So just fess up now." Keith said, crossing his arms.
"Mm, hmm." Cole mumbled, standing up with his arms crossed. "We'll see about that."
"Alright. You first then." Keith said, nodding his head towards Cole.
Cole stared at him, clenching his jaw.
"Almost 5."
"Almost!? Ha." Keith laughed. "No, no. Pease. Give us the exact measurement."
Cole looked away. "Around 4. something..." He mumbled shyly.
"Ohhh. So 4 inches?" Keith grinned.
"No. It's between 4 and 5!" Cole argued. "But it's pretty close to 5!"
Keith laughed, shaking his head and staring at his feet. "Alright, alright. Well..." He smirked.
"I'm 6 inches." He winked.
Cole scoffed. "Yeah... right. Sure thing. And I'm the liar." He rolled his eyes, walking away.
"I am!" Keith yelled. "It's pretty obvious." He said, grabbing himself.
"I mean, I'm six food and about 170 pounds. So of course I'm bigger. We just proved it." He smiled.
"Eh. Is it proof?" Cole asked, tilting his head.
"What? You want to just whip them out now and compare? Cause I know for sure that I'm bigger!" Keith shouted.
"Hey, hey, hey. Guys... quiet down, okay?" Spencer said.
Peter was still sitting on the couch, deeply embarrassed and hiding in his shirt.
Cole put his hand up to his head, rubbing his temples. "Ugh. I think it's time you leave."
"Fine. I'll leave. I'll leave as the bigger person." He smirked, walking away.
"You know-" Cole started.
"What?" Keith asked, stopping to face him.
"Being bigger doesn't mean better. At least I have a boyfriend. You don't have anyone." He said, making Keith clench his jaw.
"And besides, just because I'm gay for Peter, doesn't mean I wanna see all that." He motioned at Keith's body, with a disgusted expression.
Keith rolled his eyes, connecting with Spencer's eyes.
Yeah... I don't have anyone...
Spencer looked away.
"I uh- we- uh... I should get going." Spencer mumbled, shuffling towards the door.
Keith looked over at him, gently smiling. Maybe he should go too, right now... with him.
"Well... I know at least one person who knows how big I am." Keith joked.
"Oh and also, Cole, you were the one who was staring at me at the pond!" He pointed his finger.
"I did not! Your not even my type! I'm loyal to Peter! Always will be!" Cole expressed, standing against the accusation.
Everyone paused.
"Awww. That's so sweet." Spencer said, his hand to his chest.
"Oh, really? That's- mmm." Peter mumbled, blushing.
Cole looked down at him, sitting on the couch. He reached his hand out, gently holding each other.
"Yes, really, baby. I love you. So, so much." Cole leaned down, kissing Peter's hand.
"Okay, okay, we get it. Your adorable." Keith gestured.
"Hmmm..." He mumbled, thinking about something.
"What now?" Cole asked.
"Just before I go. One last question..." Keith said.
Cole sighed annoyed "What is it?"
"Who's the top and who's the bottom?" Keith smirked, crossing his arms and raising his brow.
Cole's face dropped, stunned, while Peter's eyes widened, looking away.
"Keith! You can't ask someone that!" Spencer yelled, hit Keith on the back of his head.
"Ow! Hey!" Keith said in pain.
"You deserved it." Spencer argued, crossing his arms.
"Alright, alright. I'm going home." Keith said, backing away.
"Tonight was fun. We learned who was bigger." Keith winked.
"But hey- good on you. Your happy and got a boyfriend." Keith smiled, shrugging.
"No, but seriously. Who's th-"
Spencer covered Keith's mouth, staring at him intensely.
Peter suddenly stood. "It's funny that everyone thinks that Cole is the top." He said in a monotone voice, laughing slightly, shaking his head then walking away.
Keith's eye widened and Spencer watched as he walked away. Both shocked.
While Cole... was kinda impressed. Then embarrassed.
"I- uh- um, ahem. I'm really tired, so I'm gonna head home." Keith stuttered, backing away.
Spencer followed him, repressing a laugh.
"Uh, goodnight." Spencer said awkwardly.
They headed out, while Cole stood there confused.
"What just happened?" He mumbled to himself.
Authors note:
So... that happened. See you in the next chapter.
You better be there. I'm watching.
And if your thinking this chapter was weird, the reason I made it was...
Keith energy 🤌
Since a certain 'someone' has been wanting more about him.
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