🧵 Nine: It's a Chapter of the Times
Lunch isn't the same without you. I tried telling Sloane and Bri a joke, and it fell as flat as that note Sloane tried to hit while singing that High School Musical song she loves so much. Ugh, and can I make a note that Sloane has TERRIBLE taste in musicals? Sure, High School Musical is good, but she has musical geniuses like Andrew Loyd Webber or Stephen Sondheim at her fingertips, and she chooses THAT as her favorite musical?? It's a crime against humanity or at least Broadway. Come eat lunch with us again. PLEASE. I'm on my knees, begging. -Georgie aka Alexx
PS. Here's the joke because I know you'll ask: Tried acting on a farm once. It went terribly; I got mooed off the stage. ;)
Alex's head jerked back as her best friend suddenly stood and dragged her into her room. Shutting the door, Alexx whipped around and put her hands on her hips, her brightly painted nails tapping against the waistband of her pajamas. "I think you have some explaining to do. Since when did you start liking my brother?"
She cupped her cheeks which felt like they'd been under a heat lamp. "Is it that obvious?" Alex knew there'd been a possibility of seeing Hugo tonight, but when she walked up the driveway and saw his car gone, she felt a mixture of disappointment and relief. Of course, she wanted to see him, but she'd been nervous enough to talk to Alexx. She didn't need him there, adding to the pile.
"Not to most people, but I'm not most people." Alexx marched straight to her and covered Alex's hands with her own. Squeezing her cheeks, she forced Alex's lips to pucker like a fish. "Tell me the truth. Do you really like him?"
An undistinguishable noise left her lip as she nodded. Alex had passed Hugo a few times in the halls this past week. He'd sent her questioning looks, most likely wondering why she hadn't talked to his sister yet but hadn't done more than that. She liked that he hadn't rushed her or forced the issue. A lot of guys would have taken it into their own hands and asked Alexx, but he let her be in charge.
It made her feel fierce and womanly and independent, which made her decision to say yes that much easier. She still thought about Ravi though, it was hard not to when she saw him every day in class, but he hadn't stopped by at lunch since that one time which told her all she needed to know.
Alexx dropped her hands to Alex's shoulders and shook her. "Freddy, this is my brother."
Worry rained down on her. "I know. Do you think it's weird?" What if this thing with Hugo imploded? Would her friendship with Alexx implode with it?
Alexx's eyes narrowed, her face stripped of makeup except for the dark smudge of mascara rimming her bottom lashes. "Why? Do you think it's weird?"
"Kind of. I mean, it's Hugo. I've known him for years and all of a sudden..." She thought about the summer barbecue and the brief moment of flirtation. "I don't know. It just kind of happened."
Alexx bounced on the balls of her feet, a smile lighting up her face. "Which is why you two should be together. My best friend and my favorite brother; a couple. Although don't let Lance and Seth know that."
"I'm pretty sure they're aware. You don't exactly keep it a secret." Subtlety wasn't Alexx's forte.
"It's like a dream come true." Her best friend clapped her hands and twirled. "Oh my god, just think. We could officially be sisters!" Her eyes widened and her mouth rounded into an O. "If you guys marry, we'd have the same name! Alexandria Lorde!"
Alex's knees grew weak. She stumbled back until her legs hit Alexx's bed and collapsed on it, disturbing the perfectly tucked covers and mound of pillows. "Okay, whoa. Don't get ahead of yourself. We haven't even been on our first date yet." And the thought of having the same name as Alexx didn't make her squeal in delight.
"Well, what's the hold-up? Do you want me to kick his ass into gear?" Alexx's chest puffed up as she marched to the door. "I can't believe he hasn't—"
Alex ran to the door and blocked the door with her arms. "He did, he did. Calm down. He wants to go out Friday night."
"This Friday?" Alexx slapped a hand to her forehead and paced. "Okay, we have so much to do! We need to start a list." She sat at her desk and pulled out her stationary. Pen poised over paper, she asked, "First of all, where's he taking you? And when is he picking you up?"
"Um, I don't really know." A text popped up on Alex's phone. "I haven't exactly confirmed the date yet."
Hugo: Everything okay with you and my sis? She's not giving you a hard time, is she?
Any reservation Alex held, fled the minute she read his text. Hugo was so much more than she initially thought. She saw a slice of that after he opened up to her about wanting to get into gaming, but this proved she had miles to go before she got to know the real Hugo Lorde. She couldn't wait.
"You haven't said yes? Why not?" her best friend asked. Well, demanded.
Alex was no fool and kept mum about Ravi. Alexx loved her, but she would knife anyone who dared to hurt her brothers. "I told him I had to talk to you first. Make sure you were okay with it."
Her best friend hopped off her chair and tackled Alex into a bear hug. "This is why we're best friends."
"Because I consult you first before going on a date?" she teased.
"Duh," Alexx replied. Her wry amusement faded as she added, "And because you care."
Alex pushed away the niggling guilt and responded to Hugo.
Alex: Everything is good. And Friday night is a go.
Hugo: Told you ;)
Alexx peered over her arm. "Is that him now?"
"How could you tell?"
"You have a goofy grin on your face."
She quickly wiped it off. "I do not."
Her best friend went back to her desk and began making her list. "Ask him the details so we can plan the logistics of it all. I mean should I come over to your house to get you ready or should you come over here? It would be easier if you're here, but then he can't pick you up all proper like—"
Alex tuned her out as another text popped up.
Hugo: I bet she's harassing you for the details. Tell her I'll pick you up at your place at seven. Wear whatever you want. You always look great :)
She showed Alexx the text.
"Wear whatever?" Alexx scrunched her nose. "Boys. They'll never understand the importance of accessorizing. Do you want to borrow something from me? I just bought this super cute dress. Never worn."
"It's okay. I don't think it'll fit me." Plus, she wanted to wear an outfit that screamed Alex Canterbury. Not Alexx Lorde. She was already picturing these cute paper-bag linen shorts in terra-cotta. Not only did the color compliment her olive skin, but it made her waist look tiny, and her legs look twice as long. She'd pair it with a plain black tank and some sort of colorful bangles. Maybe add a hat for fun.
"It'll fit," Alexx replied. "It's a little short on me, I planned on wearing it when my dad wasn't around, but it would probably look just right on you."
As her best friend rummaged through her closet, Alex sat on the bed and silently sighed. It was easier to go along with whatever Alexx wanted and then do her own thing when she left.
"You're so lucky," Alexx sighed from inside the closet. "I want someone to take me out."
"What about that guy at Playhouse?" Alexx still refused to tell her his name but went on and on about him in the notebook. She wouldn't be surprised if he walked on water and could turn water into wine.
Alexx let out a frustrated groan. "I've tried talking to him, but both times we were interrupted. He wasn't at auditions, but I overheard one of the stagehands say he's volunteering to work behind the scenes. I wish I knew more about him."
Alex scrolled through her phone, checking Instagram and Twitter. "I bet Hugo would know."
Alexx poked her head out. "Would you ask for me?"
"Me? Why don't you ask him yourself? He's your brother."
"Because I can't talk to Hugo about boys. It's weird. Plus, he and my dad still see me as that little girl who dressed up and danced around the living room."
"You still do that," she said dryly.
Alexx crawled out of her closet. On her knees, she clasped her hands together and started begging. "Please, please, please, please, please—"
"Fine. Fine." Her best friend could go on for hours without stopping. Alex almost felt bad for this guy because it was clear Alexx was crushing hard, and once she set her eyes on something, she was relentless until she got it. "What's this mystery guy's name?"
"Ravi. Ravi Malik. His name alone is enough to make me drool."
Alex froze, every nerve in shock. "He's a volunteer? At Playhouse?"
"Yup. I think he's new because I've never seen him around. He must have picked up one of our flyers asking for help. I bet he wants to make friends and thought this would be a good way to do it." Alexx grinned slyly. "And boy, am I happy to be of service."
Her stomach twisted into a knot. It wasn't surprising Alexx was drawn to him, but what was Ravi doing at Playhouse? If he wanted to get involved in drama, why not join Keya's club?
"You'll ask Hugo, right?" Alexx pushed.
"Yeah," she said offhandedly. She felt restless like her whole body had been zapped with a thousand volts.
Alexx and Ravi.
Ravi and Alexx.
Both were tall and gorgeous, and his deep coloring would look striking against her blonde hair and blue eyes. He could write plays while she performed them. A perfect pair.
A strange and uncomfortable sensation hit Alex, and suddenly, she was desperate to switch topics. Reaching into her bag, Alex pulled out a pack of new highlighters with a giant bow tied around it. "This is for you. Congratulations on getting Maria. I knew you would."
A grin broke out on Alexx's face. "I've been eyeing these. Thank you! You're the best-est friend ever, you know that?"
She certainly didn't feel like it. Not when she had this sickening feeling in her chest.
By all accounts, the next day should have been great. Alex made up with her best friend, had a date with a hot senior on Friday, and was heading to her first drama club meeting. However, when she felt a tap on her shoulder as she was rifling through her locker, a deep sense of foreboding set in.
"Sloane," Alex acknowledged. She rose to her feet. "Hi."
Sloane's face was pinched more than usual, which wasn't a good look for her. She already had a long and thin face with a sharp nose and close-set eyes. "You're a pretty horrible friend, you know that?"
Alex's head snapped back. "Excuse me?"
Sloane's eyes flickered to the friendship notebook. A flash of resentment crossed her face before she masked it. "Alexx told me about you joining the high school drama club. How could you do that to someone you supposedly are best friends with?"
"Listen, I don't know what you heard but—"
"It's clear she's hurt and feeling betrayed. After everything, she's done for you—"
Alex interrupted. "What do you mean everything she's done for me?"
Outrage lit her green eyes. "She befriended you. She brought you into our group, and you pay her back by stabbing her in the back with Keya of all people?"
Okay, wow. Any sympathy Alex carried for leaving the group fled like a flock of seagulls. "I think if you talk to Alexx, you'll realize everything is cool between us not that it's any of your business."
"Right," Sloane snorted. "Because you two have your notebook and your little nicknames."
She half expected to see steam rising out of Sloane's ears. She was that pissed off.
Sloane went on, "We were friends with Alexx since elementary school. We were there when her mom left, and things went crazy. We were there when Alexx's supposed best friend ditched her. Bri and I have been there since day one, and then you come, and act like you're better than us."
Alex blinked, disbelief pouring over her. "When did I ever do that?" And best friend? What best friend? She thought it'd always been Alexx, Sloane, and Bri. There'd been another girl?
Sloane's hands fisted into tight balls. "You never wanted to join us when we did things, and even when you came, you either sat out or hung around Alexx."
Her temper flared to life. "You guys only wanted to go camping or hiking. I don't like that type of stuff, so of course, I wouldn't join in. And it's not like you guys were all gung-ho to join Playhouse until this year."
Sloane didn't have an answer to that. She pressed her mouth into a thin line, nostril's flaring. "And what about Bri?"
Confused, Alex shifted her books to her side and cocked her head. "What about Bri?" Sloane opened her mouth, but Alex had had enough. "You know what? Believe what you want. I don't care. I talked it over with Alexx, and she's fine with it. That's all that matters to me." She shut her locker with her foot and started to walk away.
Sloane called after her, "We tried, you know. To get to know you, but without Alexx, you're so closed off its impossible to be friends with you."
Alex stumbled as Sloane's words struck the deepest, most vulnerable part of her heart.
You're so closed off...
A raw ache formed. She didn't know how to be more open or outgoing. Could she even make friends without Alexx? Was this whole drama club thing a stupid idea?
Alex spent the rest of the day in a fog. When the last bell rang, she slowly gathered her things and made her way to the drama club.
Halfway there, Alex changed her mind and turned around. A couple of steps later, she changed her mind again. It went on for fifteen minutes until finally, she clutched her books to her chest and just walked.
Head down.
Not thinking.
Just walking.
And kept walking until she got to the drama club room.
Looking over her shoulder, Alex puffed out her cheeks and slowly let it out.
I can do this. Just go in.
But instead of entering the room, she paced the length of the school building. Back and forth. Back and forth.
The door opened, and Keya's head popped out. "If you don't come in soon people are going to think you're some weirdo stalking the drama club."
"I'm just..." Alex wiped her clammy palms on her jeans. "I'm coming."
Keya's heart-shaped face twisted into an unreadable expression. She looked stunning as usual with her pert nose, brown cat eyes that were framed by thick lashes, and bee-stung lips that made Alex's full lips look tiny in comparison. "But when? The meeting started ten minutes ago."
Sloane's words had gotten to her, eating away at her resolve until she was a puddle of indecision. If she stepped into that room, there was no going back.
Sighing, Keya glanced back, murmured something, then stepped out and shut the door behind her. "You know, I thought it was a long shot when I asked you to join, but color me surprised, you actually stood against Alexx and said yes."
Her stomach churned. She made it sound like Alexx was her owner. "Your point?" Maybe she should have stayed at the Playhouse. So what if she didn't get to be a part of the costumes? At least, she would have Alexx.
But a secret part of her heart, whispered, Don't you want more than that?
"Long shots aren't so bad." Keya propped a foot against the wall and leaned back. "We're not Playhouse. We don't have a huge stage or even a decent sound system, but we're people who live for the theater, and I think you're one of those people too. Don't shut the door on us out of some misguided loyalty. Give us long shots a chance."
Keya pulled the door wide open, leveling Alex with a challenging look.
Ball in her court.
Alex was used to someone pushing her into an activity. Her parents had forced her to play soccer until they realized she had two left feet, and Alexx had signed her up for Playhouse without even asking. How long would she let others dictate her life? Wasn't it time she started doing something for herself?
Determination poured into her. She could do this. Head held high, Alex marched into the drama club, ready to start a new chapter, but she faltered as her brown eyes took in the room.
What the...?
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