What He'd Been Missing
Author's Note:
This particular short is a non-canon spin-off of sorts of What She'd Been Missing. Let me stress: NON-CANON. It's simply an idea that came to me one day and I just had to write it. If you don't read What She'd Been Missing, this one may be a bit hard to understand, but to clarify: the Bobby in this story is the son of Lincoln and Ronnie Anne, named after his late uncle. Or, as he's come to be known within the sin kids fandom, "Bobby Jr." or "BJ".
It was a gloomy day in Hazeltucky, Michigan. Dark clouds hung over the sky, and yet it wasn't raining... at least, not yet. Sooner or later, Lincoln assumed, the sky would make good on its threat.
Lincoln looked over at his son, Robert... or Bobby, as he preferred to be called. The seventeen-year-old sat silently, staring out the window with a morose expression... though Lincoln knew that it had nothing to do with the dreary weather. It was the same expression he always wore, at least since that horrible day a year ago. Lincoln sighed, focusing his attention back on the road.
"Where are we going?" Bobby asked quietly, the first words his father had heard him say since they got in the car.
"...It's a surprise." Lincoln said. Bobby just gave a small grunt of acknowledgement. Quite frankly, he didn't really care... whatever his father had planned would surely do nothing to improve his mood.
It had been just over a year since the boy's life went to hell. He and Loan had managed to keep their relationship secret for quite some time... but that had all changed once she became pregnant with his child. They'd tried to bluff their way out of it, to claim that Loan had simply hooked up with some guy online, but it was no use; eventually, the truth came out. Unsurprisingly, his mother Ronnie had not taken it well. Bobby considered it a small miracle that she didn't kill Loan right then and there... instead, she had given the girl an ultimatum. Either get out of her house and never speak to them again, or she would call the police. Bobby, meanwhile, found himself confined to his room for months, stripped of his phone, computer, consoles, anything that could possibly be used to contact his sister. He hadn't even been able to say goodbye.
They came to a red light, and Lincoln glanced over at his son again. He'd never truly understood what it meant to be heartbroken, but there was no doubt in his mind that Bobby did. He'd always been a quiet and withdrawn boy, but ever since Loan had been taken from him he'd been a shell of his former self. He rarely spoke. He never left his room unless he had to. Lincoln no longer heard the familiar sounds of his sci-fi films or video games from his room. He was simply... numb. Only Lincoln kept in contact with Loan; his wife didn't approve, but he had laid down the law on the matter. He was not going to abandon his daughter, no matter what she had done. For her part, she was barely faring better than her brother. Still, she forced herself to be strong for the sake of her child, and despite the situation Lincoln couldn't help but feel proud of her for that.
"Is it going to be a long drive?" Bobby asked.
"...I'm going to sleep, then." Bobby muttered, shifting into a comfortable position and shutting his eyes. Lincoln frowned. It seemed like Bobby didn't do much besides sleep these days. The boy was a wreck; he had grown gaunt and pale, his grades were slipping... it went without saying that both his parents were worried about him. Ronnie had wanted to get him counseling, but he wouldn't , however, things would be different. Admittedly, Lincoln wasn't completely comfortable with what he was about to do... if Ronnie found out, she'd no doubt be beyond furious with him. But Bobby needed this. Loan needed this. And perhaps, at some level... Lincoln needed this too.
"Bobby. Bobby, we're here." Lincoln said, shaking his son's shoulder. Bobby shifted and grumbled under his breath.
"Bobby." His father repeated in a stern tone. "Get up." Bobby sighed and opened his eyes; he rubbed at them, then blinked a few times as he re-adjusted to the light. He glanced around, finding that they had parked in an unfamiliar area... an apartment complex he had never seen before.
"Where are we...?"
"You'll see," Lincoln said as he unbuckled his seatbelt. "Come on." Bobby huffed and did the same.
The boy felt a bit unsteady on his feet as he got out of the car. They must have been driving for a while, and the clear skies above told him that wherever they were, it sure as hell wasn't Hazeltucky.
"This way."
"...Sure. Whatever." Bobby muttered, following his father towards one of the apartment buildings. He had no idea what they could possibly be doing here of all places, but he thought it best not to question it... it wasn't like it mattered, anyway. Nothing did. They made their way past the apartments before stopping at number 105.
"We're here." Lincoln said. Bobby couldn't help but notice that the man seemed slightly hesitant. He couldn't imagine why, nor did he particularly care. Quite frankly, he just wanted to go back home and sleep. "Lincoln took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
"C-coming...!" A feminine voice cried from the other side. Bobby's brow furrowed. It was a familiar voice... very familiar. But there was no way it was possible... right? A moment later, Bobby heard the telltale sound of a door being unlocked. It opened slightly, only to catch on the latch. "S-sorry, hang on..." The voice said sheepishly, shutting the door again to unlatch it. Then, the door swung open, and Bobby's heart stopped in an instant. There she was... slightly more worn and haggard than when he'd seen her last, yet just as beautiful as he remembered. His sister... the love of his life.
She looked at him with an expression he couldn't quite describe... she didn't seem surprised to see him, and Bobby realized that his father must have set this up with her ahead of time. She did, however, look completely overwhelmed at seeing him again. Bobby felt no different.
"H-h-hey, Bobby..." Loan stammered, a nervous smile plastered across her face.
"...Loan." Bobby managed to gasp out in disbelief.
"It's, um..." Loan fidgeted awkwardly, averting her eyes from her little brother. "...It's been a while..." Bobby swallowed and gave a small nod. She looked up again, her blue eyes meeting his. They were beginning to brim with tears; so were his.
The two lovers dove into each other's arms. Bobby threaded his fingers through his big sister's hair, pulling her as tightly against him as he could; she returned in kind, clutching him hard enough that her nails were digging into him. He didn't care. He could finally feel her against him again. He could finally feel that warmth that had been missing from his life for over a year.
"Oh God, Bobby..." Loan sobbed. "I-it's you... it's really you..." Her brother silently nodded. Part of him still couldn't believe it, but he could feel her. He could smell her. This was real.
The two broke away from their embrace for just a moment before leaning into a passionate kiss. Lincoln couldn't help but grimace and turn away from the sight... quite frankly, he wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel about this. Part of him was disgusted, and yet underneath that he felt... happy for them.
"D-dad..." His son stammered as the two broke their kiss. "You..."
"I'm... not going to pretend I approve of this." Lincoln sighed. "But I know this is... it is what it is. It's not like what happened with Lori. You really do love each other, don't you?" Bobby sniffled and nodded.
"We do."
Lincoln frowned, giving a small nod of acknowledgement. "...You're not a child anymore, Bobby. If this is really what you want, there's nothing I can do to stop it." Lincoln glanced over at his daughter; tears of joy were still streaming from her eyes, and she tried in vain to stem the flow with her sleeve. "It's not right to force you apart. Ronnie may not agree, but the way I see it... you're going to be a man in a year's time, and whether we like it or not you're going to do what you're going to do. So I guess... I dunno." Lincoln huffed, scratching the back of his head. "You don't have my blessings, but I want you to be happy however you see fit." A shaky smile crossed Bobby's face, and he wrapped his father in a tight hug.
"Thank you..." He muttered under his breath. Lincoln smirked and returned his son's embrace. Noticing Loan shuffling awkwardly, he let out a small chuckle and motioned her over.
"Okay... you too. C'mere." Loan smiled and joined the hug. Whatever doubts Lincoln may have had about the situation were immediately pushed to the side; for the first time in over a year, his kids were happy again. Even if he didn't understand it, he would accept it and love them all the same. "Alright, alright... " Lincoln said as he pulled away from the group hug. "I'll be back in three hours. You... enjoy yourselves, okay?" Loan nodded, taking hold of her brother's hand.
"...Thank you, dad..." Loan sniffled, before glancing over at her brother. "Um... come inside?"
"Yeah..." Bobby said as Loan led him into her apartment. Lincoln sighed softly and began walking back to his car. He wasn't sure how he was going to keep these visits secret from Ronnie, but he'd figure something out.
Well... he'd try, at least.
"U-um... how have you been...?" Loan asked. It was almost a silly thing to ask, given the situation... but there was so much she wanted to say that she wasn't sure where to begin.
"Not, ah... not great..." Bobby admitted. Loan frowned.
"...Me either." She muttered. "B-but... I think I'll be okay now." The two siblings shared a smile before leaning in for another embrace. "I... I missed you so much..."
"I missed you too," He said.
"You... you got taller again." Loan noted. "...I like it." She added as faint blush crossed her face. Bobby's face heated up as well, and he gave a small, bashful laugh.
"I, uh... I am becoming a man, after all." He said. Loan giggled, throwing her arms around the boy's neck.
"You always were." The woman said, giving him another kiss on the lips. Bobby would have returned it in kind, but she let go. "Oh, um... w-wait here. There's... someone you need to meet." She quickly scurried off down the hall, and Bobby had to force himself not to stop her... as though she may simply disappear the moment she was out of sight.
Then, he remembered: there was more to this than just Loan. The faint cries coming from deeper in the apartment confirmed his suspicion; as his lover came back with a small bundle nestled in her arms, Bobby felt his stomach twisting into knots.
"Shh, shh..." Loan gently shushed the fussy child before glancing up at her brother with an apologetic look in her eyes. "S-sorry... I just woke her up from her nap. I would have let her sleep, but... you know..." She gave a nervous laugh. Bobby swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded. He'd never so much as laid eyes on his child before... hell, he'd never even been told whether she were a boy or girl. And now, here she was. The tightness in his chest grew with every step Loan took towards him. "Shh... it's okay, sweetie... it's your daddy. See?" Loan cooed, gently pushing aside the infant's swaddle so she could see.
Time seemed to stop as the seventeen-year-old laid eyes on his daughter for the first time. She was fair-skinned, with faint black hair just starting to come in; he could also make out the faintest hint of freckles dotting her cheeks, which would no doubt darken as she got older. And then, as the child's cries faded into whimpers and her eyelids fluttered open, he saw them: the most beautiful blue eyes he'd ever seen.
"Would you like to hold her...?" Loan asked, snapping her brother from his daze.
"U-u-uh... I, um..." Bobby sputtered. "I-I don't... really know how." Loan giggled.
It's easy... here." She handed off the child to him. "There... use your elbow to support the head, and then put your other arm... there, see? You've got it." Loan smiled brightly at the sight of her nervous boyfriend cradling his child. For his part, Bobby wasn't sure exactly how he should feel. Nothing could have prepared him for this... hell, even if he'd known this was going to happen he wouldn't have been ready. As he looked down at his daughter he saw her face scrunch up again, and she began whining.
"O-oh geeze... c'mon, don't do that..." Bobby winced as the infant started to cry, and looked up at his sister for help. Loan, however, just snickered into her palm.
"It's alright. Come... sit down." Loan led him to the couch and he carefully sat down, not wanting to upset the child any further. "Just rock her a bit. She likes it."
"Er... rock her. Right..." Bobby began slowly rocking the girl back and forth, trying his best to imitate what he'd seen aunt Lily do with her own newborn a few years back. Once again, the child's cries began to subside.
"See? You're a natural." Loan smiled warmly.
"Okay... this isn't too hard," He said, an uneasy grin crossing his face. "What'd, uh... what'd you name her...?"
"Oh!" Loan gasped. "That's right... um... R-Roberta." Bobby's eyebrows rose slightly, and Loan looked downcast. "S-sorry... I guess you didn't have any say in it, huh..."
"No... no, that's fine. Roberta Loud. Little... little Robbie..." Bobby chuckled. He looked down at his daughter, finding her staring up at him curiously. "It's perfect. She's... she's perfect." He gave the girl a gentle tickle on her stomach, earning him a giggle and the most heart-melting smile he'd ever seen.
"I... I think she likes you." Loan whispered. Bobby nodded, and as Robbie's tiny hand grasped his finger he realized something: he loved this child more than he'd loved anything before.
"I, um..." Bobby sniffled, trying in vain to fight back tears for the second time that day. "...I-I like her too."
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