Chapter 8

~Whip's P.O.V.~

I felt Slash snuggle next to me and I looked down to him. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slowing down. I slouched my shoulders, "Humph," I complained, "How come the other apprentices get to fight but not us? We know most of the moves!" Slash shrugged sleepily. Shell was asleep with her two newborns and Scar was taking on another cat. An idea popped in my mind. 'If I could sneak away, I could fight! And then they would know how good I am!' 

I slowly let Slash's head fall into the nest and I stalked to the entrance. Scar was kicking at a cats belly while the cat tried to get a hold of his neck. Perfect opportunity for me to get out of here. I looked at Slash and Shell, they were still asleep. Scar was at the entrance to the nursery fighting a cat.

I quietly stalked around their feet and dashed into the battle. They all seemed tired and weaken, the tang of blood sickening my stomach and making me recoil. I took a deep breath in and stalked through the paws that dance around in a rhythm. I stepped in a sticky puddle of blood and I shook my paw, it was still warm. I smelt my paw that had the sticky blood on it and it smelt of our Tribe. My eyes widened. I knew that scent.


I looked up and followed the small trail of blood; it seemed to be as if someone or Blood himself had drug him to a different place... I stalked up to the brown body and lifted my head up highed to see what his face looked like, if he died in agony or in peace... 'Or is he alive?' A spark of hope flared in my chest as I looked at the bloody body of my father.

"Blood?" I whispered. I podded her stomach with my tiny paw. "Blood, wake up. This isn't funny, father," His fur was caked in his own blood, fur spiked at the nech and stomach of where is worst wounds laid open. Blood was pooled under his gashes and his body was growing colder. His claws extended, eyes wide open in horror and fur missing almost in every place. I looked into his once deep blue eyes and the sight of how milky blue they were, how they seemed to be looking past me, somewhere no eye could ever see.

Grief sat at the pit of my stomach and I forced my screech down. I clenched my teeth until my jaw hurt. My breathing came in short gasps and I backed up, bewildered. The pool of blood that had been around his body trickled to the edge of the territory, where Skull looked over the territory and most of WindClan. I slowly stalked away from him and looked at the edge, the blood dripping down. I looked back to his body. 'He isn't dead... This battle isn't occuring... I'm just having a terrible nightmare...'

I ran back to him and nudged his front leg up so I could cuddle in his cold legs forever. Looking up at his face, noticing his jaw was open wide. So I stood up and closed his eyes and closed his mouth. Making myself comfortable under his leg, I closed my eyes and sobbed myself to sleep. 

Lonliness made itself at home. My back and neck began to get covered in Blood's cold blood as the last of it oozed from the wound and onto my white fur. 

All I could think of was how blue they were the night before when he watched us become apprentices, how proud they were for me and Slash. I yearned for that look again.

* * * * * 

~Venom's P.O.V.~

Grabbing Cow and Jumper and telling them to run off in the next battle, I ran into a huge tom. I plowed into his side and began slashing at his face and letting him win quickly. Chomping down on my ear, I wriggled out of his way and ran off, pelting into the direction of WindClan territory where the others would be waiting. I slowed my pace as the sight of the battle disappeared.  

The cats that were waiting were licking there wounds and making themselves useful in the next battle. "Clean your wounds and wait for the rest of the cats to come." I meowed to them. My wounds stung and it hurt to move, so much words couldn't explain. But I didn't show pain.

I licked my paws and cleaned myself up; every time I went to turn my head, the small gash there hurt and bled more. "Venom, are you sure you're okay? Everytime you move your head that small gash opens when it tries to heal," I shook my head to Cow and Beetle scrunched up his nose, "I'll get Feather. He'll help us." Beetle insisted, running off before I could say anything more.

I sighed but didn't look up, licking my wounds more. "Get some rest, when Beetle comes back with or without Feather, we'll head off and start attacking camps." I ordered and the small group of cats nodded.

Being scared and in pain, it took me a while to even start to fall asleep. I closed my eyes and tried to think that Sunny was okay and that we were okay and that the wounds didn't hurt all that bad. 

* * * * *  

I had just started to dose off by the time all the cats were here and ready to leave. Just before I dosed off, Feather came and put herbs on my wounds, along with all the others as well. All I wanted to do right now was sleep, but Jumped shoved me as my eyes started to close. I opened my eyes and shook my head, hopping on my feet to stay awake.

"Save your energy." I instructed them. "Now, what we will do is keep out of site of the Clan cats. Do not go out of Lurker and I's lead. We will lead you into the camps." I explained. "And once there, if there isn't any cats to kill, don't go there. Just go to the next camp. Most likely, they will leave cats behind to guard. Attack anything in our way, no mercy." They all nodded.  

"Lurker, take Gorge, Mini, Jumper and Stomp." I looked at the others, "Bella, Cow, Beetle, Dark, you're coming with me. Meet back here when your done." I announced. "Lurker, take you patrol down to ShadowClan's camp and to ThunderClan's camp. We will take WindClan's and RiverClan's. Good luck." Without further chatting they obeyed and ran off.  

"Lets go, and remember, stick to the bushes and let me lead." I reminded them, leading them away.

The territory was very unfamiliar and we got lost once, but now we were sneaking around the camp. Once at the back, we dug a hole in the camp wall and I lead the way in. Our paws were so stealthily that I could barely hear them myself. Looking at the camp, I saw that only a few cats remained. Which is good since we only have 6 warriors. Two guards sat at the entrance, listening and watching. Their tails whipped across the camp floor occationally and I stalked forward.

Once every cat was squeezed through the hole, I took them in behind a den. I pointed to Beetle and Cow with my paw and pointed to the first den I saw. They stalked off quietly. I pointed to Dark and Bella and flicked my tail to the other den, the bigger one. Dark nodded and took the lead.

The camp was pitch black as we went to attack, so most of them would be asleep. I stalked toward the two quards and let out a deep and silent breath, taking in the moment. My wounds had stopped stinging from the leaves and I was beginning to worry if the herbs would be ruined and my wounds would reopen. 'Too late now.'

My heart lurched and I almost jumped out of my skin as screams came from the dens I sent the warriors to. The guards whipped around, alarmed and I lunged at the first one. He yelped in surprise and I rolled over so I was pinning him. Hovering over him I grabbed his neck as quick as a snake and shook my head. I felt the blood glisten my teeth and coat my tongue. I gaged as his blood flooded my mouth; I'd have WindClan stench as my scent for moons! Which wasn't completely a bad thing.

He wriggled but I held on and he gurgled, blood staining my legs. My teeth were ripped from his throat as the other guard plowed into my side. I rolled harshly across the grassy camp ground and stopped at a small boulder. I groaned in pain from the uneven ground and how I rolled. I clued into her voice and I stood up, listening, "-die, get up! Come on we have to fight!" When the tom just heaved in a raspy breath without a real reply, she glared at me and yowled, leaping at me. She gripped my shoulders with unsheathed claws as she tried to pierce into my muscle. Pain surged through my upper back as the blood began to ooze out. I bit down on her tensed leg and she yowled.  

She kicked let go of my shoulders and kicked my side and I was sent backwards. In the corner of my eye, I saw old looking cats peer out of their den. Focusing on the cat again, I leaped at her again. But she was ready. Standing on her fore paws, she hit my side with a huge blow and I was flung sideways. Stumbling to my paws I let him come to me. I acted as if I were beaten and waited for him. He stood over me and I waited for him to bunch up his muscles and then I attacked.  

I slashed him backwards, her eyes wild with surprise. She tumbled over just about everything in her path. And as soon as she fell onto her back, I gripped her neck in my teeth and clamped down until she spluttered in mercy. Her legs flailed and her front paws were stuck in my shoulders, just missing a wound. I growled and bit down harder until I heard a loud crunch and the body under me went limp.

I shook out my fur, the nights air stinging my wounds. I forced myself to focus and I stalked my way to the medicine den. At least it looked like it. I heard a yowl of come from the entrance and I knew what was happening. I whipped my head to the side, calling to my Tribe-mates, "Everyone! Leave them! We have more trouble to cause!"

As we all ran off to cross the river to RiverClan territory, I looked back to see they were chasing us. "Leave and never come back!" The last warrior hissed. As we slowed down at the current we exchanged glances. "I am not swimming!" Dark complained. "I can't swim," Bella warned. "Okay, okay, there has to be a way to get across without swimming." I groaned, looking around. "Well, if there isn't, it's a way to clean out our fur." Beetle shrugged.

I looked around, searching for a way across. The sun was beginning to rise and soon the battles would be over. I then spotted rocks to jump over, "Lets go!" I meowed, leading them onto them. Hopping one by one until we got to the other side. I waited for the cats to leap onto the rocky shore and then we made our way up. It was almost impossible to be quiet with the rocks clinging and clanging every time we set foot on the shore. But we managed to get to the camp. I flicked my tail for them to halt.  

I pricked my ears as I crept forward, hiding right beside the entrance. I raised my tail for everyone to stop. 'Voices. . .'  "I swear I heard cats coming," A frightened cat insisted. "I didn't hear anything. Stop fidgeting about it, it was nothing." Another cat reassured. "We should at least check." My eyes widened. Turning my head and quickly stalking away to the patrol.  

"Hurry!" I whispered in a rush, "Hide, they're coming! When I attack, you guys attack!" They scrambled away into the back and I went back to my spot. As soon as I hid, a few heartbeats went by and they appeared.  

"I can smell a scent that isn't our Clan's scent," The she-cat warned. The other cat nodded in agreement. "They must be coming for us!" The she-cat gasped. I growled and their heads slowly spun to the reed I was behind. I hissed and jumped out at the she-cat. She squealed in surprise and the tom acted quickly, batting at my back harshly with unsheathed claws.

Grabbing the scruff of the she-cat and dragging her upwards, the tom struck her stomach by mistake. As blood slowly oozed out of the scratch I yowled, "Hurry up you guys! I can't do this on my own!" Soon after, I saw Dark slash at the two cats and I ran into the camp ground, looking behind me to see the rest following.  

"Bella, Cow, go to the apprentices den. Beetle come with me a den." We trotted off and surprisingly, there was no cat there. I glanced over at Beetle. "Huh. That must've all they left because of the river," Beetle whispered. "Mouse-brains." I muttered, turning and leaving out of the reed den.

Hurrying over to what seemed to be the medicine den, I ordered Beetle to help with the apprentices. Squeezing in, I saw the medicine cat sleeping peacefully. I decided not to wake her and instead, stole all her herbs.

Carefully taking as many leaves as I could, I made them into a ball and took two balls of herbs out, one under my chin and the other in my mouth. "Lets go!" I yowled after setting down one. "We need no more from these mange-pelts," I waited for everyone to come before leaving. As I did the RiverClan cats hissed at us and chased us to the stones.  

Dark took one ball across and I took the other. Jumping across as they spit and hissed, we crossed safely. We only slipped our paws off a few times. And after I finished the crossing, I ran until I got to the edge of their terriotory. I then gathered all them up.

"Dark? Bella?" I called. They lifted their heads up from panting, "Here!" They called simultaneously. "Beetle? Cow?" "Here!" Cow called. I looked for Beetle, "Beetle?" But he wasn't in the group.  

I grunted, "Stay here. Don't move." Running off and back to the river, I slid to a stop at the shore. Rocks and pebbles slid in between my pads and I shook them, trying to get the weird feeling away.

I looked around for Beetle but he was no where to be seen. I ran to the stones and hopped to the middle. I looked both ways but he still wasn't there. The water swirled and foamed around my paws as it churned down to the lake.  

I started to get worried. I saw an ear appear for a heartbeat and then disappear. And without thought, I leaped into the water and fought my way over to him. I narrowed my eyes as I searched for his black body. The water was so dark I could barely see anything. But piercing green eyes made me swim harder. Swimming had nothing to it really. You just had to keep your head high and move your legs as if you were running.  

I felt something smack into my chest and all of the air in my lungs was knocked out of them, causing my head to be thrust under water. Lungs screaming, heart pumping, chest burning, I kciked my hind paws off of the river bed and gasped, taking in all the air I could. I got myself up to the surface and took a few deep breaths before I dove for the young tom again.  

I could see his midnight black pelt, almost a tail-length away. Slicing my legs through the water I swam at him and grabbed his scruff. Diving at the ground I pushed myself up again and gasped in air through the toms soaked fur.

Trying to stay afloat as I got to the shore I pulled Beetle's head above water. And as soon as I felt the rocky bottom underneath my paws, I swung the tom onto the shore and my body was lifted out of the rivers deadly waves and in beside him.  

I heard a splutter and I turned my head to see him cough up water. I shook my head and stood up, heaving up water that I had sucked in. It felt good to breathe in air and not water again.

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