Chapter 1: "Bruh I died, but got something cool out of my death"
"Let me tell you boys and girls a tale of a boy who later becomes a man because of an accident that caused him his life even though he shouldn't have died that day but blessing of God literally gave him a second chance to go to another world a world of his preference and he did choose that world and who would he be in that world which was non other than Sephiroth! and Sephiroth in this world he will find love, adventure, danger, enemies, friends and a new family so let's watch as this man called Daniel Jacobs goes on in the Bleach world"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Things open up showing two individuals sitting on two chairs with a nice carpet under them but around them were beautiful blue sky and clouds
But the atmosphere wasn't as nice or as bad as the confused and awkward atmosphere the two individuals had
Because the one on the right was confused and shocked while looking at the old man that was in front of him
Said old man had his eyes closed while sweat dropping and for some reason he looked like the actor Morgan freeman
As for the other guy
He was a 6 feet tall person who had brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, small mustache and a body that look to be in between strong, skinny and chubby
And this person was well Daniel Jacobs
Daniel: 😐
God: 😅
Daniel: 😐
God: 😅
Daniel: 😐
God: 😅
Daniel: 😐😶
God: 😅
Daniel: 😶
God: 😅
Daniel: 😶
God: 😅 Um is everything alright my son?
Daniel: Eeeeehh yeah well hmmmmm let's just say I'm still trying to process everything
God: Would you like to have a momentarily flashback to see what happened to you that got you to be here
Daniel: Yes. . . . .I would appreciate that
God snaps his fingers the surrounding area of this place and the screen began to get covered by the clouds taking everyone's view on what's happening
But they soon disappear as they present a nice sunny morning that shines down at the city where the sounds of tragic, people, machines, construction and all sorts of different things
But down on the sidewalk we see a familiar person wearing a hoodie jacket, some blue jeans and some black choose
This was non other than Daniel Jacobs himself still alive but reaching his death just right ahead of him where there he stands on a light street walk while looking at his phone
Daniel: Hmmm I'm actually surprised that Vegitto won the fight in honestly thought Gogeta had it in the bag but I guess when you add the time limits everything makes sense *turns off his phone and puts it on his pocket* alright day what do you have for me today?
Woman: Lucy!? Lucy! Lucy where are you!?
Daniel: Hmm?
Daniel now confused look on ahead him and sees that on the other side of the street there's an adult woman freaking out and looking around for someone named Lucy
So he decides to look around seeing that if this Lucy is walking down the corner of the side walk on the other side but no she wasn't there
So he look at the street in front him and finds a little girls holding a pink balloon just standing there on the street
Daniel: *mind* What the!?
Daniel looks at the people that where on his side of the street and notices that they have not seen the girl, have realized she's there and are ignoring that she's there
Daniel: *mind* What is wrong with this people!!?
Daniel: *mind* You've gotta be kidding me
Turning to the left Daniel sees every isekai's worse enemy
The one who's mostly responsible for them to be isekaid in the first place
The big motor vehicles itself
Daniel: *mind* Truck-kun!!
Truck-Kun: Oooooohh~who shall be my victim for today *notices the little girl* oh~ hello there little girl~
Daniel: No!
The little girl was still so oblivious of what was happening but not just here literally everyone that was around Daniel and on the other side of the street was not paying attention to what was happening
So that leaves Daniel to be the one to save the little girl as he's the only one who's paying attention to what's happening so after much thinking he decides to do the right thing
Daniel: *sighs* See you guys on the other side I guess
Truck-kun was close to run over the little girl but she was saved last second as Truck-kun hits Daniel Jacobs instead
Daniel had pushed the little girl out of the way but he was still in the air which meant that the impact was going to be much stronger and much
As we see a body get send flying and crash on the ground rolling and when the body stops we see Daniel bleeding and slowly dying
Daniel: Scre—Screw you *closes his eyes* truck-kun
Said truck drives pass the now dead Daniel meeting out a satisfied laugh while driving away
Truck-kun: I always get the kill kid always
And with that it drove away towards wherever it finds a new victim to isakai them
The surroundings began to get clouded again
And the clouds then leave as we are brought back to where Daniel and God are
Daniel: Hmmm I-I don't think that's how it happened
God: Really? And how do you remember it?
Daniel: I remember pushing a girl out the way from a moving truck that had a drunk driver and well the people were actually trying to tell the girl to get out of the way buuuuuuuuu
People were shouting at the girl to move out the way but it would seem that the girl was deef or something because she didn't hear anyone
But she did see the truck that was about to crash into her but was pushed by Daniel who was send flying back after the impact and landed on top of a car with the glass pier big his back
Dying in the process
Short flash back end
God: Ah I see, but my version was more anime like now was it?
Daniel: *chuckles* Yes it brings a more hilarious version of what I remember which fair point there
God: *chuckles* Yes well I had wished you didn't die exactly *looks calmly at Daniel* you were fated for great things and it's sad that you had to die at a young age
Daniel: *sigh* It's fine don't worry death is something we can't control and it happens in both obvious and mysterious ways that just make us wonder if we are ready for it
God: Well said young man
Daniel: I do have my wise moments but! back to what we were going to talk about before the flash back
God: Then let us recap
Daniel: Okay so! first things first you *points at God* are God the being who created all, loves all and cares for all
God: Hello
Daniel: Hi *waves at him* And you've taken the form of one of my favorite actors Morgan Freeman because you can change the way you look to that of someone the person trust or knows that they could trust them
God: Yes
Daniel: Now the second part of this would be the fact that my death wasn't exactly supposed to happen and you say that it was an accident that you did
God: That I'm truly sorry that it had to happen to you my young friend
Daniel: It's fine God with what you've done for me and my family you are immediately forgiven because there is no reason to be mad at you
God: *smiles* I'm glad to hear that
Daniel: *nods* Yeah now onto the third part of all of this which is the fact that you want to reincarnate me in another world of my choosing
God: Right
Daniel: Okay then are there any specific worlds I can choose from or is it really any and I mean any world like I could say "One piece" or "The Boys" and I'll get transported there
God: Yep at any world with the addition of five wishes of what you want to bring
Daniel: Really five wishes?
God: It is my early Christmas present for you my son
Daniel: That sounds cool so what's the first thing I gotta choose? the world or the wishes
God: The world first as I want an understanding on why you want to live in this world exactly
Daniel: Hmmmm *rest back on the chair* that's a hard one there God there just so many worlds I can choose from and they all hold many possibilities that could potential lead me to something nice or something chaotic which I'm in it for both of them
God: It's fine take as much time as you need *motions to everything around them* you got absolutely all the time in the world
Daniel: *chuckles* True
Time passes after that and after the minutes pass Daniel was still thinking about the world as through his head he thought of many options that would make his second life worth living like he could pick Pokémon and go on adventure with his group of Pokémon, dragon ball and make a wish to be reborn as a non cannon character, maybe even video games likes Overwatch and wish for things that will help him in saving the world and maybe even in Naruto but after much thinking he had gotten all his answers ready as he quickly turns his attention towards God who stared as he thought about his new life
Daniel: I got my answer
God: Is that's so? and what is it?
Daniel: I would like to go to the anime Bleach universe
God: *a bit surprised* Really? are you sure your ready to face the dangers of that world?
Daniel: Once I get the things that I want from the wishes I know I'll be fine
God: *mind* Hmmm smart *out loud* then what will be your first wish?
Daniel: My first wish would be that I wish to be reborn as Sephiroth from Final Fantasy with all his abilities maxed out and all his forms at my disposal plus his sword Masamune
God: *snaps his fingers* Done
A light surrounded Daniel as it started to change his shape into something that looks like Sephiroth m
When the light diminishes we see a man with long grey hair, white skin, emerald dragon eyes, a strong muscular body, holding a 16 feet long sword/Katana and wearing battle like combat suit with metal shoulder pads
Daniel had done it he has just transformed into one of his favorite video game characters
After the light had finished Daniel had a surprised look as he saw long grey hair over his shoulder and then he brings up the very long katana and sees it closely and lastly he looks at his right hand and clenches and de clenches his fist
Daniel: *surprised* It worked *eyes widen* my voice it's. . . .changed into. . .his *looks at God in shock* incredibly
God: *chuckles* You'll feel a bit different for a few seconds but you'll be fine
Daniel: *nods* I wonder if *dematerializes Masamune* whoa it's only been a few seconds and I'm already doing stuff
God:Quick learner as always
Daniel: Heheheh yeah now! onto the second wish
God:And that would be?
Daniel: A phone that acts like a normal phone with all its apps and information on my world and the world fiction but it has features that allows me into a digital world where I can fight any other character from fiction so that way I can train with strong opponents
God: Oooh? that's an interspersing one *appears a light in the palms of his hands and throws it into the portal* when you get to the Bleach world you will find it there
Daniel: *nods* Okay now onto the third wish that would be that I would like to have an anime fate heroic spirit to go along on my journey
God: Any specific type of servant?
Daniel: I would like you better judgment if you don't mind
God: Hmmmmm ah! I know just the servant to help you on your journey *his right palm begins to glow*
From his palm a dark red/crimson scarf was seen summoned by God
It was a bit shredded at the bottoms and it seems like it was much longer than it was supposed to be
Daniel looked at it curiously wondering what kind of heroic spirit artifact did God just gave him as he respectfully took the scarf
God: Now the fourth wish
Daniel: I would like to be able to age slowly
God: Slow aging? not immortality?
Daniel: I think I've seen to much Doctor Who to know that while immortality is good there's always a limit on how much you want to live your life and then it would just get tiring to see the many things that happen around change while you remain the same so I thought that Slow aging would be a better option
God: *nods* Nicely said
Daniel could then feel something happening ti his body but it wasn't anything visible as after a few seconds the feeling disappeared and he stands where he was as Sephiroth
God: And now the final wish what would it be?
Daniel: *places his hand on his shin* Hmmmmm is it okay if could actually keep that wish until it's absolutely necessary to ask for it
God: Hmmmm that's an interesting request but I'll granted
After he said that God stood up onto his feet and everything else disappeared as a portal then appears beside the two
God: This will take you straight towards the Bleach universe
Daniel:Thank you God *hugs him* thank you so much for given me this second chance at life
God: *hugs back* It is alright my son *separates from the hug* now go, your new life is waiting for you Daniel, live it well and live it long
Daniel nodded his head and began to slowly walk toward the portal but stops in front of it and looks back at God
Daniel: I forgot to ask but. . . . . . . .will my family be okay?
God: Do not worry my son your family is safe and are mourning for your death but will move on through time as they know that you wouldn't want them to fall behind
Daniel: *looks away with a smile and a single tear falling* Good *waves back at God* talk to you soon
And with that Daniel goes into the portal leaving God in his realm as he kept waving and with a smile on his face
God: Be ready my son because while you may have an advantage the question would be, will you proceed with this advantage without changing anything?
God disappears as well from this area he's created and to wherever he is most of the time
And now we go back to Daniel as we see his feet land on some sandy grounds and the portal behind him closes
Daniel: *looks at where he is* Oh you've gotta be kidding me
The sky were black with a single moon lightening this place that had dead crystallized trees and saved that could be seen everywhere
Daniel is now welcomed to one of bleach's well known places
Daniel looks around the area obviously seeing that there's nothing around him or anyone nearby
Daniel: Of all the places *sighs* no you wanted this Daniel so I'll accept this
Just then another small portal opens up and drops a bag beside Daniel
Daniel had turned toward the bag and sees that the portal pops out three more things that surprise Daniel
One of the things was a note, the second thing was a key and the last thing was his second wish
A futuristic phone that hold things that are going to be very useful for him
Daniel: *smiles* Excellent *picks up the phone*
He quickly picks up the phone and once the phone saw his face it turned on and quickly went to ten apps screen as he saw many apps on it some being familiar because those were apps that he used in his previous life
But his attention is quickly taken when he sees an app called "BATTLE ARENA" so he nodded his head and dematerialize the phone for later use
Daniel: Now let's look at the message *picks up the note* my son—
"I'm sure that you know where you are, hueco mundo the world of the hollows and I know what your asking yourself 'why am I here of all places' my answer to that is ^_^ you never gave me a specific location so that's is why you are in hueco mundo—
Daniel: *mind* Okay he has a point there
—but onto more important things which would be the phone and the other two things I've sent you. The phone has what you wished for and even as your old apps plus my number if you ever need to talk but in addition to this so you don't stay in hueco mundo the phone as the ability to teleport you to all of the worlds of this place (human world, soul society, hueco mundo, hell, soul kings palace, heaven and locations) but to successfully do this you must take a picture of the location or place to go there but right now you need to let the phone calibrate at least Soul Society and the human world as it's still downloading everything—
Daniel:Alright *flips the page* what's next?
—And that I'm finished explaining the phone let me tell you of the other two things. First you have the keys which are the keys to your home in the human world and the second thing the bag holds enough money for you live. That is all I have provided for you my son good luck and stay safe"
Daniel: *smiles* Thank you father of all *opens the bag and sees a lot and I mean a lot of money in it* yes this will do nicely
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Daniel: Oh frick
Daniel quickly appears his sword and turns around to see a group of hollows charging at him
They were a group of eight hollows that have different masks and different looks which makes Daniel a bit nervous actually
Daniel: Just arrived here and I'm already facing hollows just what the heck is wrong with my luck
One the hollows lunges at Daniel aiming down to slash him
Daniel reacts fast with his eyes closed and blocks the hollows attack with masamune
Daniel: Huh? *opens his eyes and sees that he had successfully blocked the attack* what the?—wait *mind* heheheh why I'm I so oblivious to the things that happen to me *looks up at the hollow while still thinking* I shouldn't fear this mindless animal he should fear me after all *starts to raise his power and says out loud* I'm the stronger one here
The atmosphere had started to become tense as the hollows who where a few feet away had started to get smashed on the ground by an un familiar force
And the Hollow that Daniel was blocking wax now stunned there in the air by this unfamiliar force
Daniel:Well Hollow it would seems that you have chosen the wrong enemy for this battle
The hollow couldn't say anything only look at Daniel who's smile turned into a smirk as his eyes pierced the hollow itself
Daniel: This enemy is a very deadly one
Daniel smiles as he swung his sword to send the hollow back towards his friends but before he could land on the ground the hollow had disappeared like smoke like if it was actually destroyed by Daniel first attack
Daniel: One down seven to go
Daniel lowers his rise of power allowing the hollows to get up as they roar at Daniel before charging straight at him
Daniel: You all are truly stupid if you want to face me but I'll indulge you in battle if that is what you all want *starts to get on his stance*
Daniel: Let's go!
He charges forward with his sword ready and ready to start his long and great journey
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