The Wedding
Kazrans POV
My dad and I walked out of the TARDIS and closed the doors. Mum was walking around, holding her hands out as if to say "back off" and pushing them out and then pulling them in. She was doing something that looked like what Adrian Monk did in that tv show Monk.
"Doctor, can you go into the TARDIS and get seven chairs?" Mum asked dad.
"Yes, I can, and I will." Dad replied. He gave mum a short kiss and went into the TARDIS.
"So you're having the wedding tomorrow?" I asked mum.
"Yeah. I mean, he's not really supposed to see me on the wedding day. Except for when we get married, of course." Mum claimed.
"Cool. So who all is coming to the wedding?" I asked
"Gran, Gramps, Mickey, Tony, Amy, Rory, Jack, you, and your father and I." Mum said to me. Dad popped out of the TARDIS.
"Hey Rose, Kazran, can you two come help me with something?" He asked.
"Sure." I told him. Mum and I walked into the TARDIS. We followed dad into a room of the TARDIS. It had really pretty chairs, with some flower decorations. They were real flowers, and the T.A.R.D.I.S. somehow kept them alive and beautiful.
"Oh my god, Doctor. This is beautiful!!" Mum exclaimed.
"Yeah, it is dad." I told him, with a look of awe. I'd seen photos of the most beautiful garden on earth, but that garden wasn't NEARLY as pretty as my dads.
"Well thanks, you two. But it's the TARDIS that does all the work. Now, let's get to why I sent you in here. There's a set of 10 chairs over here, but there's another set of 10 and I wanted to see which you liked best." Said dad, mostly talking to mum.
"Now, to pick out the chairs. Which do you want, the ones with blue and green, or the ones with blue and gold?" Dad asked mum. She thought for a minute.
"Blue and gold." She said.
"Okey-doke, then let's fold 'em up and take them out!" Dad said in a cheery tone. I almost smiled, but something was tugging at my mind, like someone was coming for me. I shuddered. I decided it was nothing. I then realized that my parents were looking at me.
"Kazran, are you ok?" My dad asks me, face full with concern. I've only known him for a short while, but I already know so much about him. We telepathically communicate all the time, even when we're sitting right next to each other.
"Yeah, fine." I lied.
"Kazran, what's wrong?" Mum asked.
"Nothing, really!!" I demanded. Mum and dad looked at me, looked at each other, looked at me again, and started to walk out.
"Kazran, grab the rest of the chairs, please!" Dad yelled as he walked out. They had gotten five, so I got the last two. They were gold up chairs, with cushioning that was all swirled like the Vincent Van Goh painting Starry Night. The only colors were blue and gold, but the chairs were still really pretty. I set the chairs down next to where mum and dad had put theirs.
"Kazran." Mum said as she walked up to me.
"Yes, mum?"
"Something's wrong with you, I can tell."
"Mum, it nothing! I'm fine."
"Kazran, I have seen you when you are fine and you are not fine. What's wrong?" I knew that no matter how many times I told her, that she wouldn't give up trying to get me to spill the truth. So I told her.
"Well, when we were in that hospital getting ready to leave, I went to the loo and on my way back, someone grabbed my stomach and put their hand over my mouth. I was pulled into a dark room with a light right above a chair. I was placed in the chair and tied. A few minutes later, I heard dad running down the hall, shouting my name. I shouted at him as best as I could, but with the gag over my mouth it was a bit difficult. Fortunately he heard. He soniced the door and got me out. We went back into the TARDIS and before we went out again, we decided that we wouldn't tell you because it was already taken care of. But when we were in the garden, I felt a tugging in the back of my mind, like someone was coming for me. In fact, I still feel it. I think it might be the same person or thing that took me in the hospital." I told her, afraid of what she would say.
"I appreciate the gesture, but next time tell me, ok?" She said to me, shooting an angry glance at my dad. He looked away quickly, like a rejected puppy.
"Well, all is forgiven, but if this EVER happened again, to either of you, tell me." She told dad and I.
"We will." Dad and I said in union.
"Now, let's get to setting this up, shall we?" Dad asked, clapping his hands and rubbing them together.
"Yeah, we should." Mum agreed.
"Kazran, get the chairs and set them up at an angle to where the Suns won't be on the guests eyes. And so that they can see, too." He said with a bunch of hand motions. I quickly obeyed. Mum vanished into the TARDIS and came out with some sort of arch thing with vines and white roses all along it, from top to bottom. She went back into the TARDIS to get something else, and while she was gone dad set the arch up. She returned a moment later with two slabs of painted wood, each 3feet by 4feet. She set them up next to each other neatly. Dad helped. Then they put the arch on top, and they looked at each other and smiled. They started kissing, and I left to give them some privacy.
Roses POV:
I couldn't believe it. I was actually marrying the love of my life, and I couldn't be more exited. We set up the area where we would get married, and when we were finished we kissed for a moment. Okay, a lot of moments. But it was worth it. He's quite the kisser, really. I saw my son smile and walk into the TARDIS when he saw us kissing. We had to stop kissing after a moment or two after he left because we were both smiling too much.
"I love you Rose, you know that, don't you?" The Doctor said, holding me in a hug, stroking my hair.
"Of course I do! You came back for me, saved me multiple times, what makes you think that u wouldn't know?" I asked him, wanting the silly reason.
"No reason, I'm just making sure." He told me. I smiled, inhaling his fragrance, which ironically smelled like time. To me, time smelled like old books. Don't ask, that's what I associate with time. We broke the hug, to my disappointment.
"You need to pick out a dress, I need to pick out a formal suit, and formal Converse. Kazran also needs a formal suit and formal Converse, and I need to get the preacher to wed us!!! That's a bit on the important side!!!!" He told me. I nodded my head in agreement.
"Yeah, we should probably do all that. Allons-y, Doctor." I gave him my tounge in tooth smile. He grinned. We both walked into the TARDIS, going separate ways. He stayed in the console room while I chose my wedding dress. I decided on a strapless white dress, with beads in blue swirls. It was a gourgous dress. I put it on and go to the console room to show the Doctor. He sees me and starts gawking at me.
"Blimey, you look like a goddess." He told me, walking over to me.
"Why thank you! I'm going to go show Kazran." I told him, giving him a smile. He nodded. I left the room and went to Kazrans room. I knocked.
"Come in!" He shouted. I walked in.
"Well, what do you think?" I asked him.
"It's beautiful, mum. You should wear that one!" He told me. I was overjoyed.
"You need to pick out a nice suit too, mister. Can't be going to your parents wedding in shorts and a t-shirt!"
"Do I have to wear a suit?" He groaned.
"Yes. Come into the wardrobe when I call you and choose one."
"Okay." He said, with a look of disappointment on his face. The TARDIS started to fly, and we were shook around a bit.
"Where are we going?!" Kazran yelped.
"Your fathers getting the preacher, no worries." I told him. I walked to the wardrobe and took off my dress. I put my clothes back again and took my dress to my room. Soon the Doctor and I would be sharing a room. Maybe we would even try for....... no, nevermind. He wouldn't be for it. I heard him walking down the hallway. I walked out into the hall.
"The preacher will be ready tomorrow.
Tomorrow for him, and today for you Kazran, me, and all the guests. Confusing thing, time travel is. I'm going to go choose my suit."
"Okay." He started to walk off. "Hey!" I shouted at him. He stopped and looked at me.
"Yes?" He asked.
"Can you pick out a few suits that are Kazrans size?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I'll have the TARDIS do that for me to save time." He told me.
"Okay, that'll work fine." He walked off to the wardrobe. I went into the kitchen to get a cup of tea. As I was drinking it. The Doctor walked in wearing a tuxedo.
"I decided on a tuxedo instead. Does it look okay?" He asked me.
"Have you seen yourself? You look marvelous!!!" I told him. "Except...." I walked up to him and straightened his Bow Tie. "There!"
"Thanks! I'm going to go put this somewhere clean so that it doesn't get dirty."
"That's a grand idea. While your gone I'll make you a cuppa!" He thanked me and left. I got up immediately and made him a cup of tea. I sat it down on the table and got a banana for him too. I sat down just in time for him to walk in. He sat down.
"Thank you, Rose. This is quite nice of you." He said peeling the banana.
"You're welcome." I said as he took a bite out of the banana. When we had finished up in there, Kazran decide to wear a tuxedo just like his fathers, but a few sizes smaller. We got in our formal clothes and got the guests and preacher. My dad walked me down the aisle, while my mum cried a bit. Amy was my bridesmaid, and her little girl River threw the petals for me. When I got up to the alter, everything went past in a blur.
"I do." I said when I was asked THE question.
"I certainly do." Said the Doctor. We then proceeded to kiss. Then, the Doctor picked me up bridal style, and carried me into the TARDIS.
"Come along, everyone!!!!" He said. Everyone followed us into the TARDIS, and into the dance floor where we all danced and danced and danced, and had good fun for hours on end.
---------------------------------------------- So how did you guys like the chapter? Was it too long? If it was I'm sorry! Next chapter will be shorter, I can promise you that. The next chapter might not come for a while because even though I do have an idea for it, I haven't exactly worked out the details of it all. So comment, and vote! I will see you next time ( so to speak )!
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