The Lost Angel

Doctor's POV:

I actually married her. I married ROSE TY- wait a minute! She's not a Tyler anymore, she's a Sigma. I'll have to tell her this later. Right now, I have enough to deal with. I'm trying to slowdance with her on the dancefloor, and at the same time trying not to step on her toes. She wore heels when we got married, but she didn't want to wear them when we were at the little reception the TARDIS made for us. The old girl made up punch,chocolate cake, brownies, cookies(YUM!!), and, BANANA CUPCAKES!!!!! She had somehow blown up balloons, (the non helium type of course) and trapped them in a net, covering the entire room. When I had finished dancing with Rose, everyone else and their partner danced. Except for Tony and Kazran, they went into Kazran's room. Kazran showed Tony one of the cool gadgets he had made. The gadget could make bubble gum out of thin air. I thought it was pretty cool myself. I'd asked him if he could make me one that would create bananas when he showed it to me. He said he'd work on it. Rose and I went to go sit when we had finished dancing. I sat down with a cupcake, inhaled it, and I think I accidentally ate the wrapper too. Oh well, I didn't die, so, no harm no foul! Rose sat down on my lap, and she started to play with my hair.

"You're so beautiful, Rose. I'm very, very, very lucky to have you as my wife." I told her.

"I think you're the best person to ever exist and I'm EXTREMELY lucky to have you, and our son. It feels so good to say that."

"Feels good to say what?"

"Our. Our son. It just feels... right."

"Ya know, I feel the same, Rose Sigma."

"Wha? Wha do ya mean by 'Sigma'?"

"That's me, Rose. Theta Sigma." I whispered in her ear so that nobody else would hear. She smiled at me.

"I really love you, you know that?" She said to me.

"Of course I know." I said before I kissed her. It was a great kiss, her fingers going through my hair, my hands on her hip and on her back, tounges battling, the whole nine yards of the kiss was great. Then the TARDIS decided to play a joke. While we were still kissing, she turned off all the lights and put a spot light on us. Nobody else could see, so naturally they looked to where the light was, seeing Rose and I. We heard stiffled laughs, and we broke the kiss. We both looked, and we both turned a light shade of pink. I wiped the lipstick off of my lips, and Rose and I got up. We left the room, and as we did the music switched to a fun type and the lights turned back on.

"That was rude!!!" I said to the TARDIS.

"I agree with him, and no it WASNT funny!! Stop laughing!!!" Rose piped.

"How can you hear her in you're head?" I asked her.

"Well, I'm a Time Lady and I married you, a Time Lord. You have a telepathic link with the TARDIS, and when I married you, we made our own telepathic link. So basically, I hear the TARDIS in my head through your head. It's a bit complicated, I know."

"Actually, it makes perfect sense to me!"Rose stopped walking.

"Doctor, there's something I need to tell you." She said, looking guilty.

"What is it, Rose? You can tell me anything." I told her, putting my hands on her shoulders.But before she could reply, Jack came barreling down the hallway.

"Doctor!!!" He said when he caught up to us.

"What, Jack?"

"Can you fix my vortex manipulator? Pleaaaaaaaaase?" He asked, well, more like begged.

"Okay, how many trips do you need it for?"

"One to get there, and another to get back here." He told me. I soniced the manipulator and gave it to him.

"Now don't get off track, because I have it only enough power to get you there and back, wherever there is." I instructed him. He tensed up and saluted me.

"Yes, sir!"

"Jack, don't salute me! You know I hate it whe-" Jack disappeared. A moment later, he appeared again. This time, he had a girl with him.

"Ello Doctor, I'm Tia!! Jacks girl. He came n found me, told me that has two best friends had finally gotten married. Or, to quote him ' the Doctor finally grew a pair and asked her to marry him.' I just came to dance and say congratulations! So, congratulations!" Tia rambled.

"Tia, ask him!!!" Jack urged her. Tia's face turned serious all of a sudden.

"I know I just met you, Doctor. But I need to ask a favor." She said.

"Always glad to help." I replied.

"Well, you see, there's this boy named Nico Di'Angelo, and he's in a pit of depression, and he's been through so much, just like you, from what I've heard from Jack. He needs a strong person like you. He has friends, but he's the ninth-wheel. Like I said, he needs someone like you. What I'm asking is this; help him. Or at least try to. The weight of living has nearly crushed him. I tried to help but I failed. He might fade away unless you help him. This is a life, and that life needs to be saved. Please help him, Doctor, or he'll die." Tia told me, nearly crying. I walked up to her, and put my hands on her shoulders.

"Of course I will help him, Tia. Tell me where and when he is, and I will help him." I told her. She smiled.

"He's on the Argo 2, in the 21 century,2014." She said, smiling.

"Thank you." I walked over to the console and punched in all the info. The TARDIS materialized and then I walked out.

"Nico! " I shouted. Soon, a young boy with dark black hair wearing an oversized aviator jacket walked up to me with his head down. He had a black sword at his side and had his hand at the handle.

"Who are you and what do you want?" He said in a harsh tone.

"The Doctor, here to help." I replied. With one swift movement, the sword was out of its sheath and pointed at my throat.

"WHAT KIND IF MONSTER ARE YOU?!" He yelled at me, pushing the sword into my throat, just enough to where it would start to bleed. Rose burst out of the TARDIS.

"YOU GET THAT BLOODY SWORD OFF OF IM RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR I WILL-" I interrupted her before she could finish.

"Rose, calm down, I'm fine. He's just a bit upset is all." I told her in a soothing tone.

"Who is she?" Asked Nico, gouging the tip of the sword deeper into my throat. It bled even more.

"She's my wife. Now if you don't mind, I'd like you to stop poking me with this toothpick of yours. It stings a little." I told him, giving him a death glare. He put it back in its sheath.

"Now, if you would kindly tell me where Nico Di'Angelo is ill be on my way." I told him.

"I'm Nico Di'Angelo, what do you want?" He asked.

"Well, Nico, I'd like to help you. I want to bring the real you back to life." I told him this, hoping he would understand.

"I don't need anyone, okay?! I'm fine!" He claimed. He then nearly turned into a shadow.
I grabbed at him when he started to fade away, and pulled him back just in time. When he was back to solid form, he had gone unconscious. I lifted him up took him into the infirmary. I put him down on the examination table and soniced him. I went to a cupboard and got a liquid out and lured it into a cup. I mixed water in. Rose caught up to me.

"Doctor, your throat is bleeding!!! That's a lot of blood!" She said, rushing about getting the proper things.

"Here, let me-"

"Rose, please let me take care of this dying child before you start to take care of me. I love you and yes it hurts but he's dying, and if I don't give him this drink he'll surely die." I told her, not even looking.

"Okay, Doctor. But as soon as you're finished I'm fixing you up!!!" She told me.

"Alright." I said, resuming my work. I was trying to force the drink down his throat, but it wasn't working. I shook him. I tapped him. I shouted at him. I even smacked him on the arm, al lot no luck. Then Kazran came rushing through,screaming.

"OWWWWWWW DAD ITS EATING MY FINGER!!!! GET IT OFF!!! GET IT OFF!!!!!" He had a small creature stuck on his finger, with bits of blood pouring out. I rushed over to him and looked at the situation.

"It's okay, Kazran!!! Stop shouting, it a Rambaluosikarinkimalifor, they get scared with loud noises. It's gonna hurt getting it off too, they have teeth that go in instead of out." I told him, trying to soothe him. I felt so bad, my son was hurt and I didn't stop it. It took minutes of prying, soothing, and holding back tears to get the Rambaluosikarinkimalifor off of Kazrans finger. I put it in a plastic jar. I rushed over to Kazran, whom was in his mothers arms. He was fighting back tears of pain.

"Kazran, come here." I said, nearly bursting into tears myself. He came over to me and I scooped him into my arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry Kazran. I didn't know that you were near that thing. If I had known, I would've prevented you from getting hurt. We need to clean that now. It's really gonna hurt, again I'm sorry. Wish I could dull the pain but I can't." I tell him.

"You ready?" I asked him.

"No." Was all he said.

"I know." We then proceeded to clean the wound, which was bleeding, with teeth mark like razor cuts on his finger, leading out to the tip. I finally finished bandaging it, much to everyone's releif.

"What the hell was that thing?" Asked an angry voice. I presumed it to be Nico. I was correct.

"Well, Nico, that was a Rambaluosikarinkimalifor, a carnivorous plant alien, really likes the flesh of humans and Time Lords. Kazran here found that out the hard way."

"Okay then. So is it some sort of space monster?" He inquired.

"More or less, yeah." I replied.

"Can we talk alone?" Nico asked.

"Sure. Rose, can you take Kazran? I'll be right out with Nico. After this we'll take our guests home." I told her. She nodded and left with our boy.

"So I'm guessing that's your kid, huh?"

"Yes. Now, let's talk about you." I told him, pulling up a chair. He was swinging his legs on the examination table. I sat down.

"There's not much to talk about." He said, looking away.

"Everyone has a story, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to them. A persons story is always interesting to someone, no matter how small. So, what your story?" I asked him. He finally gave in.

"Well, I'm Nico Di'Angelo, son of the Greek god Hades, Lord of the Dead. My mother was a mortal, Maria(A/N: Sorry if I got the name wrong!!!!). She was killed by Zues, Lord of the Sky. My dad broke one of his rules and since you can't kill a god, he killed the person he held dearest, that being my mom. Then my dad put my sister Bianca and I in The Lotus Hotel. We lived there for I don't know how long, it seemed like days that we were there. When we left, times had changed. All this electronic stuff was out. Bianca and I found a camp for demigods, Camp Half-Blood. She joined the Hunters of Artemis, and this guy called Percy Jackson got her killed. The worst part, he promised he would protect her. Since my sister died, I feel like I'm not far behind. I really have nothing to live for, and everyone would be best off if I weren't alive." Nico told me, tears welling up in his eyes whenever he spoke of Bianca. I could tell that it pained him deeply to speak of her.

"I knew how you feel, Nico."

"I seriously doubt it." He mumbled.

"Nico, I lost my entire civilization, my family, my friends, my home planet. I was the last of my kind, until Rose absorbed the time vortex. Then we had our son, Kazran. Nico, I understand you more than you understand yourself. You're angry, you want to know why it had to be you that's had such a hard life, you want answers. I was angry when my home planet burned, I wanted to know why I had to suffer, I still want answers. But I don't need them. Sometimes things happen, and we can't control them. Or, other times, you have to choose the lesser of the two evils. Nico, pain and sadness, the only things that they are, are the absence of love and joy. I was just as sad as you are when I met Rose, but she gave me those back, and I'll love her forever. You just have to hold on, while everything falls down around you. You have to believe in all the possibilities." I told him, hoping to make him better.

"I don't have anything to hold on to. I have nothing to live for. I'm just a problem that doesn't wanna be solved. Life always lands on me like a sucker punch. I am my own worst nightmare."

"Nico, please, try to see the light at the end of the road? Please, let me help you. Stay with us in the TARDIS for a while. If you want, you are more than welcome to stay, but if you don't want to, I guess I can't stop you. But please, just give us a chance." I pleaded with him. He thought for a moment.

"Ok, fine. You have two days to help me. I'll make up my mind within that time. If I don't like this place, I'll leave. If I do like it, I might stay. But if I'm to stay here, I want a room." He told me. I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Oh of course, you'll have a room. Just ion your mind, and the TARDIS will decorate your room using things you like." I told him, following direction to his room from the TARDIS.

"Here we are!" I said, guesturing to his door. He opened it and walked in. I followed him in, and looked at his room. Skulls were dangling off of the ceiling from wire strings, with dirt and parts of the skulls gone. The walls were black, the carpet and ceiling were black too. There was a black dresser with black clothes in it. The bed was black, with a big, fluffy black comforter with a white skull on it.

"I love it." Said Nico, hitting one of the skulls with his sword.

"Glad you do!" I attempted to tell him in a cherry tone. I think he saw right through it though.

"Well, I'll leave you to do whatever it is you want to do in here. I gotta go he'd rid of some people. See you later Nico!" I said, eager to leave the room. I walked out and went into the infirmary to clean up my throat. Then I went to drop off all the visitors. After I dropped of the Ponds, I went to go get Rose.

"Hiyah, Doctor. How's it go with Nico?" She asked.

"I can say this much. We're really gonna have to cheer him up. I mean, the kids lost. Nico Di'Angelo. What does that name mean? It's right on the tip of my tounge!" I said, getting a bit flustered.

"It means Nico the Angel. Nico is the The Lost Angel." Rose said, smiling. I smiled back at her. I couldn't agree more.

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