The Fatal Disease

Doctors POV:

"So, Rose, what were you going to tell me earlier when we were going down the hallway?" I asked Rose.

"Well, I was gonna say that-" Rose paused for a moment."that your fly was down." She said. I had a feeling that that wasn't what she wanted to tell me. But just to be sure, I checked.

"My god, you're right!!" I said under my breath. I zipped up my trousers, a bit embarrassed.

"But really Rose. What did you need to tell me?" Again, she was interrupted. This time, by Nico. He was in his room, screaming. I darted over to his room and barged in. He was in the bed, sweating. He must have been having a nightmare. I shook him.

"Nico! Wake up!!!" I said, still shaking him.

"GET OFF OF ME!!!!!" Nico shouted at me while he was panting,drawing his sword and pointing it at me. I swatted it aside with my hand.

"Are you alright?" I asked him.

"I'm fine. Now let me go back to sleep." Nico panted, putting his sword back in its holster. Kazran ran in.

"You ok, Nico?" He asked.

"I'm fine, you little runt. Let me sleep!" Nico yelled at my son, anger swelling him up like a poisoned seal.

"No need to talk to my son like that Nico. He's just trying to help." I remained calm, even though I was getting a bit irritated. I asked Kazran to leave telepathically for a moment while Nico and I talked. We made eye contact and he nodded, walking out.

"What was the nightmare about, Nico?" I asked him.

"I wasn't having a nightmare!" He snapped.

"I have nightmares too. I know a victim of nightmares when I see one. Now, what was that nightmare about?" I asked again.

"Tartarus." He replied. I was shocked. How could a boy so young be able to survive there?

"I have no clue how I survived down there, either." He said to me.

"Do you want to tell me about that dream?"I asked him.

"No, not really." He said to me in a tone that the grinch would be proud of.

"You don't have to tell me for me to know." I told him.

"WHAT?! YOU CAN READ MY MIND?!" He shouted at me, looking horrified.

"I can, but only if you let me. I can't see anything you don't want me to." I told him, keeping my cool.

"How?" He asked.

"Just imagine a door, and put all of the memories that you want me to see in the room behind that door. Close your eyes." He did as instructed, to my shock. I placed my fingers on his temples and closed my eyes. Oh, this boy was a soldier. He drank fire to keep himself alive. Stealing scraps of food from alters to keep the strength to take another step. Fighting monsters without a shred of sleep, surviving gods and their tricks. Making it through extreme conditions, sometimes freezing cold and sometimes boiling hot. This was a boy I was proud to know. I finished looking through his memories. I took my hands off of his temples. I looked at him.

"You are a very strong boy, Nico. I'm proud to know you. If you would like to, you're more than welcome to stay aboard the TARDIS." I told him, really hoping he'd say yes.

"I'll think about it, if you're lucky." He said, trying to hide his smile. He failed. He smiled, just a little bit. He looked at me.

"Do you know how long it's been since I last smiled? It's been years." He said. "I haven't smiled since Bianca died, not a real smile." He said under his breath. I knew how he felt, only much worse. I stood up.

"Well, I'll let you get back to sleep. You'll need it if we go get rid of Charata." I said, walking out. I closed the black door with a skull on it that looked just like the one on the comforter. I walked over to Kazrans room. I knocked.

"Come on in, dad." He said. I smiled. He knew it was me because he sensed my time energy. It was wonderful to have other Time Lords around. My head didn't feel so empty. I walked in. He was sitting at a desk, with tools and viles on it. I picked up a vile with yellow liquid in it.

"What's this?" I asked him.

"Extract of banana. For your banana maker." He said, not looking up from his work.

"Hey, um, Kazran? I hope you're not too mad about earlier. I had to talk to Nico alone. Just give him time, and he'll warm up to you. You'll be friends soon enough, you'll see." I told him, putting my hand on his shoulder. He spun his chair around and stood up. He looked at me, and then he hugged me. I hugged him back, patting his black hair. He wore a trench coat, like me. He broke the hug.

"I love you, dad." He said to me.

"I love you too, Kazran. Finish your work, I'll go see your mother." I told him. He smiled at me and nodded. I walked out of the room and closed the door. I walked over to my room, which Rose and I currently shared. I heard the water running, and I figured thy a she was in the shower. I walked into the bathroom.

"Rose?" I ask.

"Yeah?" I heard her say from the shower.

"Just checking to see where you are! You wanna go on a little trip when yours done in the shower?" I asked her.

"Yeah, that'd be brilliant!! I'm just rinsing my hair, could you get me a towel?" She said to me.

"Definitely!" I replied. I grabbed a towel from the shelf for her. I heard the water turn off. I had the towel in my hand, and I popped it into the shower, not looking. The towel was grabbed from my hands.

"Thanks!" She said as she walked out, wrapped in the towel. I couldn't help but look at her in the towel, remembering what she looked like with it off.

"Doctor?" Are you all right?" She asked me, getting closer.

"Hmm? Yeah, great. Listen Rose, I need to know what you've been trying to tell me. You seem very concerned about whatever it is, and every time you try to tell me, something stops you in the middle of your sentence. I need to know Rose." I was starting to get worried. She cried out, bending over.

"Rose!" I rushed to her side. She had tears squeezing out of her eyes, which were screwed up with pain. I held her in my arms, trying to comfort her. I even SANG to her, and I'm horrid at singing. It was an old song from Gallifrey, one that I had heard when I was young. She moved.

"I'll get dressed, and then I'll tell you what's wrong." She choked, still in severe pain. Oh, Rose, what was wrong?

Roses POV:

I HAD to tell him what was wrong. I got dressed and walked into our room, just in time to see him finish buttoning his shirt of his pinstripe suit. He put on the jacket, buttoning it as well. I sat down on the bed.

"Can-can we cuddle?" I asked him. He looked at me and grinned.

"Absolutely." We got under the covers, and I put my head on his clothed chest, which I wanted to be unclothed but this was ok for the time being.

"Well, I've need getting these pains that make me want to scream all over my body. It feels like someone's pouring lava on that area. It hurts so much, and the it's forming a rash where I got it in the bathroom. I had hoped that the cold shower would help, but it's seemed to only make it worse. Doctor, what is this and how can we get rid of it." I noticed a drop of something hit my head. The Doctor was shaking lightly. I looked up at him to see that he was crying.

"Doctor, what's wrong? I asked him, hardly able to breathe because he was holding me so tightly.

"Rose, it's a fatal disease, it'll kill you. There's no cure, not even on New Earth. I jut got you back, I can't lose you again." He said, shaking violently.

"Well, I can regenerate, right?" I asked, only wanting him to stop crying. I hated seeing him like that. It broke my hearts.

"The chances of you being able to do that are very slim. The disease eats away at the regenerating organ, making you feel the pains of regeneration on spots of your body. It harms the part of the organ that's responsible for that part of your body, making you feel like you're regenerating. Rose, there's nothing I can do. You're going to die." He said, his tears coming like a river. He was shaking so much it was like he was in an earthquake. I had tears going down my face too, not because I was afraid to die, but because of the people that I would leave behind. My mum, dad, Mickey, my friends, Nico, The Doctor, and my baby boy Kazran. He was going to miss me the most. After all, I was the only parent that he had for 8 years.

"Doctor, it's okay. We'll manage." I said, attempting to reassure him. I failed.

"I can't live without you, Rose. Kazran will have a hard time too. I'm sure Nico will. What about your parents and Mickey? What about your friends?" He sobbed.

"There's nothing we can do, Doctor. It's just best that we use our time that's left wisely." I told him, starting to sob myself. We lay there for hours, holding each other in our arms, not daring to let go.

Hello my lovilies!!! Shoutout to RoseRiverPond for being such a good friend and for helping write the next big plot.(hehehehe were terrible human beings for doing this!!) So all is well with the plot. We've got a big surprise coming in for the story. And some exiting news. THE STORY GOT OVER 2 K READS!!! WOW! I never even expected it to get ONE read, let alone 2 K!! Well, be sure to comment, vote and share the story. I really need feedback here, because I feel as if I'm Turing into rubbish at writing tis recently and I need reassurance that I'm not. Plus, I love comments so much and I haven't been getting many of them recently so that's a tad bit of an issue. Well, I best be off. Ta!

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