
Rose's POV:

I woke up in the Doctor's arms, with his breath tickling my neck. I decided to get up. Once I had left his arms, I heard him whimper.

"Rose!" He whimpered, tossing and turning as if he was having a nightmare. I gave him a pillow, which he mistook to be me. I sat on the side of the bed until he calmed down, watching his facial expression go from one of fear to one of a deep sleep. After he was calmed, I got up and went into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and noticed that we only had a few eggs left. Knowing how much all of us loved eggs, there wouldn't be any left in an hour. I checked my pocket to see if I had any money. I had £10, so I decided to go to the market. I closed the refrigerator door and went to the console room. I heard the TARDIS humming in my head. Should I wake up the Doctor, so he doesn't worry about you when he wakes? She asked me.

"No, I'll be back before he wakes up. If he comes out here looking for me, don't tell him where I went. Will you do that for me?" I asked her out loud. She hummed approvingly. I smiled and walked out the door. As I was closing it, I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Hi Rose! What're you doing?" He asked me, walking over with a grin from ear to ear.

"Hi Mickey! I'm just getting some eggs. I noticed that we only had a few left."

"Can I come with you?" He asked, looking like a puppy begging for a toy.

"Of course you can!" I smiled at him. We started walking in the direction of the market. I'm so happy that he's not mad at me for having the Doctor's son, becoming a Time Lady, and leaving Earth for most of the time. We've got so much going on in the TARDIS that we barley have time for fighting the evil aliens that spew out of every crevice in the universe.

"Rose, do you remember that time when we were in kindergarden and you and all the other girls decided to wear your uniforms inside out and the teacher didn't even notice?" He said, glee filling his voice. I laughed.

"Yes! And the day she noticed, she was hilarious!" By this time, we were both dying from laughter. We continued walking though. Mickey piped up all of a sudden.

"Let's go get chips, eat 'em at the London Eye. That sound good?"

"Of course it does! I bloody love chips." I saw him smile.

"After that, I've got a surprise for you!" He said, sheer excitement in his voice. I smiled even bigger.

"Well, I'm exited to see what the surprise is." I said, leaning over to him and bumping his shoulder. We arrived at the store and bought the eggs, still shattering. I quickly went back to the TARDIS to put the eggs in the refrigerator and then dashed back out for chips and a surprise from Mickey. He was still there, patiently waiting.

"Shall we be off, then?" He asked me. I grinned.

"We shall." I said in a goofy voice. We busted out in laughter. A few minutes later if mindless chatter, we were at the chip shop. Mickey and I went in and ordered two baskets of chips. We got our order and went over to the London Eye. Soon we were finished eating. Mickey stood up,

"Rose, I want this surprise to be a complete surprise, I I don't want you to see where we're going. Is it okay with you if I put this blindfold over your eyes and just lead you there?" Understand his logic, I nodded.

"I don't see why not." I saw him smile. For a moment his eyes looked.............. different. I cast it aside though, thinking that it was only my imagination. A blind fold was put over my eyes. Two extremely freaky things happened the moment it was tied.
1) My Time Sense went out.
2) My ability to Track where I was went out. I decided to ignore it, but a little voice in my head told me not to. I ignored the voice, continuing to ignore it. Mickey grabbed my hand and started to lead me to the surprise. His so-called surprise wasn't a surprise. It was a shock, and not a good one.

Hey guys I'm sorry I took so long to update. I've been really busy with stuff irl and with Stuck With A Superstar. I've thought out an evil plan that I'm going to use, so don't even think about changing my mind, because it will not be changed. And 6. 48 FREAKING K READS?! THANK YOU PEEPSLES SO MUCH!! I LOVE YOU PEEPSLES SO MUCH!!! If I could hug each one of you a thousand times, I would do it. In a heartbeat. But alas, I cannot. (Lol Shakespeare mode) I'm really sorry I haven't updated sooner I've just been really busy and lazy. Love you peepsles so much I will update SWAS soon. (Stuck With A Superstar) Love you, and have a fantastic time!

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